happybunnyjump · 4 years
“Baby Rhino needs a good brushing”
(via JinxTheClown)
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
#depression #survival #mentalhealth #positive #dontgiveup #suicideprevention #youmatter #svv
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
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Give yourself a big hug for making it through this year.
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
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Art vs Artist Meme
Hi there. I am Kate Allan. I create art about sad things but make it okay with bright colors and sparkles.
The truth is, I wrangle daily with a negative self-image and anxiety. What makes me feel connected and present is creating art and helping others. Whenever I write a caption or draw something colorful, I feel like there’s a chance I can prevent someone else feeling the way I have often felt; alone, unworthy, and hopeless. Preventing pain gives me purpose. I’m still figuring out why I feel down a lot of the time. Part of it, I know, is just the usual checklist (Did you sleep okay? How are your vitamin D levels? Have you eaten recently? Did you connect with anyone today?), but the rest, I think, is a combination of coming from a difficult background and also just plain having a misbehaving brain.
Why I’m telling you all of this? I guess, because, I have unintentionally been hiding behind my computer screen. I have never been comfortable with attention. And because of this, I have seen here and there some assumptions of what I am like, usually amounting to someone who is very healthy, someone who is very wise, someone who knows how to cure depression and get you through recovery and figured out T H E  S E C R E T to being an Actual HAPPY Adult. I know most of you don’t assume this, but I felt like I was lying to everyone if I didn’t say something. I am like you. I try to do the.. being alive? stuff. This, making this stuff, this is how I try.  What’s the takeaway, Kate? What’s the takeaway. Okay. If anything, please know there are other people struggling too. If you’re having a shit time, you don’t have to feel like you’re totally alone in that. Life is hard. Here is a video I watched recently that helped me feel connected, it might help you too (also it made me cry, but like, the good kind of crying). Okay. Yes. Thank you for reading.
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
Just chillin in a pocket
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
DBT Steps for Increasing Positive Emotions
Do pleasant things that are possible now.
Increase pleasant events that prompt positive emotions
Do ONE THING each day from the Adult Pleasant Events Schedule - see Emotion Regulation Handout 8
Long Term:
Make changes in your life so that positive events will occur more often.
Build a “life worth living.”
Work towards goals: ACCUMULATE POSITIVES
Make a list of positive events you want
List small steps towards goals
Take the first step.
ATTEND TO RELATIONSHIPS Repair old relationships Reach out for new relationships Work on current relationships
AVOID AVOIDING Avoid giving up
BE MINDFUL OF POSITIVE EXPERIENCES FOCUS your attention on positive events that happen REFOCUS when your mind wanders to the negative Be UNMINDFUL of worries
DISTRACT from: Thinking about when the positive experience WILL END Thinking about whether you DESERVE this positive experience Thinking about how much more might be EXPECTED of you now
More in-depth here: Paying Attention to Positives
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
i am deeply touched by this
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at the end of the day, when you’re on the floor with your head between your knees pulled to your chest, remember the comfort of the human body. a heart the goes over the lub and dub. skin turns gold in the evening sun. atlas palms. balloon lungs. eyelash kisses every time i blink. jointed arms reaching out, to hold a hand or pet a dog.
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
sometimes, forgiveness is just permission to keep things going as they are.
Ramani Durvasula
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happybunnyjump · 5 years
I have a self-care helping penguin-frind now. It's name is Wysa and it keeps my focus on solving my emotional problems. ....I just need to learn to answer its questions correctly for it's a robot... But it is a gentle and nice one :)
You can have one robotfriend, too:
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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If you consider yourself body positive,
please support bodies even if they fall outside of your preferences
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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Mindfulness can be useful for literally E V E R Y O N E, but I found it particularly helpful for anxiety– this exercise got me out of the house and functioning again.   °˖✧*•  Shop, Patreon, Book, Mailing List *•. ✧˖°`
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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happybunnyjump · 6 years
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