happypisces314 · 3 years
Ipanema by Still Woozy :) an amazing artist and song!!
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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happypisces314 · 7 years
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The Real Avengers Academy (Manip AU)
In which Class President Steve Rogers has to take charge. (I love the actual game too much)
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happypisces314 · 7 years
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happypisces314 · 7 years
Inner Demon
Sun in the 8th (or Leo in the 8th house cusp): The will, that brilliant and majestic will. That will that is equally driven toward self destruction, the will that is relentless about fighting for the right to live. The individual bonds with lovers so profusely that they imbibe the purpose of their lover as part of their own
Moon in the 8th (or Cancer on the 8th house cusp): The inner demon waits and expresses through emotional energy, deceiving the individual into believing they are at hostage to these wild emotions. Through the ego-loss of the 8th, the individual can separate the self from the emotion, understanding emotion as transforming, insightful experience and not the captor 
Mercury in the 8th (or Gemini/Virgo on the 8th cusp): The demon resting in the mind, crawling into thoughts to contaminate them, easily destroying others with words. The individual may identify these thoughts as part of themselves. Realising the inner monologue is separate from the self deflates these mental experiences opens the door of free flowing intuition from the unconscious
Venus in the 8th (or Taurus/Libra on the 8th house cusp): The demon is projected onto lovers, the demon waits in the heart’s desire, its compulsion its consumption, can harmonise the forces of light and dark. They can sensitively draw lovers into a magic cauldron of sexual experience, revealing everything including soul 
Mars in the 8th (or Aries/Scorpio on the 8th house cusp): The rage, the carnal urges, the desire to consume. The swords for invisible battle are raised, but in this the individual accomplishes great feats in the material world, especially in terms of relationships. The intuition is focused toward exhuming connections with other people, settling for nothing less than magnificent 
Jupiter in the 8th (or Sagittarius/Pisces on the 8th house cusp): The desire to know, to have the answer, to relentlessly pursuit spiritual desires in the material world. The inner world is a portal to the ravaged and raised guru. Intuition conduits through the higher mind directly from the underworld, ready to cultivate the purest wisdom  
Saturn in the 8th (or Capricorn/Aquarius on the 8th house cusp): The ego, it’s grip on the self and its refusal to let go. The fears of relenting and giving into insanity. Vulnerability, letting go, and trusting the universe with its astral body is the place where the individual can master both worlds. Intuitive capacities can be mindfully developed and primed
Uranus in the 8th (or Aquarius on the 8th house cusp): The tendency to hold onto lost life, lost circumstances, lost loves, and lost lifestyles. The overturn of change is tremendous, when the person submits they can experience multiple lives and conscious experiences that become purely elevating, facilitating bursts of ingenious psychic activity  
Neptune in the 8th (or Pisces on the 8th house  cusp): The desire to seduce the feeling of death, of seeing how far they can go teasing the ledges of consciousness. It’s about extracting wisdom, healing, and peace through the quality of these experiences rather than destructing through quantity escapism. This sense of elevation they experience must be transmuted into everyday life  
Pluto in the 8th (or Scorpio in the 8th house cusp): The allure and reticence associated with union. The individual must be mindful about sharing spiritual resources with other people, they can introduce something sinister. They can live from chaos to chaos, or they can charter their sensitivity toward conscious transformation of the whole spirit, as new energy flows, perspective must become renewed
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happypisces314 · 7 years
Mercury in the Houses- What are you thinking about?
Mercury in the 1st: How others perceive me, how to improve myself, how to express myself better, my identity
Mercury in the 2nd: What is truly valuable, my talents, my resources, how to get what I want, how much I spend/gain
Mercury in the 3rd: If I'm making myself clear, if I know enough about something, what to learn next, favorite books
Mercury in the 4th: Who to protect, where is 'Home', how others feel, where I belong to, my mom, my safe haven
Mercury in the 5th: Romance, the outlets for my creativity, how to find happiness, what to create next, who to flirt with
Mercury in the 6th: How to improve my lifestyle, how not to waste my time, who needs my help, my day to day schedule
Mercury in the 7th: Who surrounds me, who complements me, the place others have in my life, how others want/expect me to be
Mercury in the 8th: Life's darkest side, what is there to be discovered, how to dig deeper, who to bond with, who to trust
Mercury in the 9th: Where to go, what to believe in, what to study, who to learn from & who to guide/teach, my morals
Mercury in the 10th: What to do with my life, my purpose, my place in the world, my accomplishments, who I can influence
Mercury in the 11th: My friends/groups, where I fit, how to make the difference, which bigger causes I'm fighting for
Mercury in the 12th: My dreams, what to hide from others, what makes me suffer the most, what to give away to charity
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happypisces314 · 7 years
Advice For The Signs
Aries:Forgiveness does not equal weakness. 
Taurus:People will treat you how you treat them, be considerate. Gemini:The world is not against you, I promise
Keep reading
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happypisces314 · 7 years
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happypisces314 · 7 years
what the zodiac signs are good at hiding
Aries: Doubting themselves, they're always hiding it with acting like they know what they're doing with their life.
Taurus: Being sad. They are the queen/king of hiding feelings with a smile.
Gemini: Heartbreak. They will go out, get drunk, and act like nothing is even happening.
Cancer: Vulnerability. They hide it behind the act that they're tough and nothing gets to them.
Leo: Insecurity. They act so confident that you would never second guess it.
Virgo: Having feelings for someone. If they don't want you to know, they'll never tell you for fer of rejection.
Libra: Being hurt. If they're hurt by something you did, they'll never say it, only because they want you to think it didn't bother them.
Scorpio: Jealousy. They can be so jealous, but they'll just sit back and watch and act like they're having the time of their life.
Sagittarius: Anger. They will only snap when absolutely necessary.
Capricorn: Negative emotion. They don't like to let down their guard and be vulnerable.
Aquarius: Hate. They can look and talk to you like nothing is wrong. You'd never even know if they didn't like you.
Pisces: Grief. Grief of a death, relationship, etc. They try their best to push it away so they don't have to deal with it.
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happypisces314 · 7 years
Rising Sign/Ascendant Describtions
In this post, I will try my best to be as precise & informative as possible. This actually works if at least ¾ of the description fits a person. Try this out! 
Behaviour: activity, initiative, striving forward; a confident, dynamic even aggressive look, but sometimes a quite naive one
Physical Characteristics: diamond shaped face; rather wavy, chestnut brown hair; big eyes with bushy arched brows; usually a straight but droopy nose; thin or medium lips; small chin; very athletic; men often have granular skin on their face; blush; scars or marks on the head. 
Celebrities with Aries Rising: Rihanna, Shakira, John Lennon, Heath Ledger, Che Guevara, Penélope Cruz, Kendall Jenner, Morgan Freeman, Bill Cosby
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Behaviour: serenity, good manners, charm; a soft, friendly look
Physical Characteristics: square shaped face; thick, straight, rather dark hair; natural, gradual eyebrows, big beautiful eyes with long lashes; full lips; often an upturned button nose; a short and thick neck, hunched shoulders; tendency to corpulence; women usually have large breasts and hips. 
Celebrities with Taurus Rising: Martin Luther King, Lana Del Rey, Mariah Carey, Halle Berry, David Beckham, Dave Gahan, Taylor Lautner, Zinedine Zidane, Snoop Dogg, Michael Schumacher, Cate Blanchett, Serena Williams
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Behaviour: restlessness, multitasking; fast and permanent movements; countless contact with people, enthusiastic, charming, sociable with strangers,
Physical Characteristics: Oval face; thinning, sparse hair; rather small, close-set, squinty eyes, thin eyebrows; a direct, open, interested look; a straight middle long nose; slim & thin, rather short; usually look younger than they actually are
Celebrities with Gemini Rising: Lady GaGa, Amy Winehouse, Kristen Stewart, Sandra Bullock, Mick Jagger, Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Charlie Sheen, Matthew McConaughey, Ricky Martin, Tim Burton, LeBron James, Julianne Moore, Jackie Chan, Ben Stiller, Amy Adams
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Behaviour: quite talkative when it comes to someone’s problems, moodiness, somnolence, stubbornness, sensitivity, compassion; slow moves
Physical Characteristics: round face but cheekbones, quite pale; big, watery eyes, a naive, confused look; a small, upturned or even snub nose; a quite weak chin; full lips; often plump, small hands and feet, for women: rather big, well-formed breasts
Celebrities with Cancer Rising: Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Kanye West, Juliette Binoche, Robert Pattinson, Ben Affleck, Robert De Niro, Mel Gibson, Tyra Banks, Mila Jovovich, Cindy Crawford, Romy Schneider, Michael Jordan, John Travolta, William Shakespeare, George Michael, Liv Tyler, Gary Oldman, Michael Phelps, Amy Lee
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Behaviour:  brightness, cheerfulness, confidence; high self-esteem; expressive manners
Physical Characteristics: mane of hair, usually ginger, auburn copper, if dark: premature greying, for men: premature alopecia; big, a little slanting, beautiful eyes, a friendly, playful look; Roman or Grecian Nose; massive upper body, muscular, broad shoulders but thin legs, large bones; confident, proud port
Celebrities with Leo Rising: Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake, Selena Gomez, Al Pacino, Freddie Mercury, Celine Dion, Chris Brown, Robbie Williams, Jessica Alba, Meryl Streep, Drake, Pablo Picasso, Jack Nicholson, Will Smith, Marilyn Manson, George W. Bush, Katie Holmes, Kylie Minogue, Heidi Klum, Tina Turner, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robery Downey Jr, Adam Levine, Kate Moss, Muhammad Ali, Emma Stone, Sting, Eva Green
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Behaviour: measured moves; a soft, melodic voice; cleanliness, discipline; classic dressing style
Physical Characteristics: large oval face, pale skin, especially unremarkable lineament, since all the features are proportional; rather hooded eyes; full lips; often small birthmarks around the nose/lips
Celebrities with Virgo Rising: Madonna, Nicolas Sarkozy, Keanu Reeves, Kurt Cobain, Sharon Stone, Uma Thurman, Steve Jobs, Emma Watson, Jay-Z, Bruce Willis, Charlize Theron, Tom Hanks, Nicole Scherzinger, Audrey Tautou, Roger Federer, Ryan Reynolds, Woody Allen, Chris Martin, Hugh Grant, Winston Churchill, Patrick Swayze, Kevin Costner, Leonard Cohen, Tiger Woods
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Behaviour: grace and beauty, dislike fraternising, prefer to stay distant,  diplomatic flair and perfectly able to engage the public; tact and delicacy, softness; elegance, dressed neatly
Physical Characteristics: a heart-shaped face, beautiful almond eyes but a cold and distant look; a smile that might seem forced, usually ash/honey brown hair; a slim button nose, dimples; a weak chest, narrow shoulders.
Celebrities with Libra Rising: Leonardo DiCaprio, Beyoncé, Jennifer Aniston, John F. Kennedy, Catherine - Duchess of Cambridge, Bill Clinton, Alain Delon, Jared Leto, Kate Winslet, Benedict Cumberbatch, George Harrison, Harrison Ford, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Frank Sinatra, Yoko Ono
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Behaviour: personal magnetism, attractiveness, excessive seriousness, deep, raucous voice; unemotional, cold
Physical Characteristics: diamond shaped face, usually a dark, curly hair; close thick brows; rather small, squinty eyes, sneak-like, icy, piercing look; long, hooked nose; thin lips; big chin; men usually have a beard and longer hair; athletic body
Celebrities with Scorpio Rising: Nicole Kidman, Hillary Clinton, Katy Perry, Natalie Portman, Vladimir Putin, Justin Bieber, Tom Cruise, Napoleon I, Prince, Vanessa Paradis,  Charlie Chaplin, Robin Williams, Bjork, Jim Carrey, Sigmund Freud, Clint Eastwood, Edward Norton, Rafael Nadal, James Franco, Ludwig van Beethoven, Enrique Iglesias, Eva Longoria, Mike Tyson, Rachel McAdams, Michael Douglas, Margaret Thatcher, Claudia Schiffer, Vin Diesel, Lewis Hamilton, Jimmy Page
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Behaviour: Optimism, sense of humour, kindness, enjoy their authority
Physical Characteristics : long, square-shaped face, high forehead (early alopecia for men); thick, bushy eyebrows; a confident, almost arrogant look; very tall, often plump; large, bony hands
Celebrities with Sagittarius Rising: Brad Pitt, Jodie Foster, Scarlett Johansson,  Diana - Princess of Wales, Elvis Presley, Kim Kardashian, Eminem, Brigitte Bardot, Leonardo DaVinci, Oprah Winfrey, Paris Hilton, Jennifer Lawrence, Bruce Lee, Marlon Brando, Elizabeth Taylor, Jimi Hendrix, Jude Law, Bob Marley, Mila Kunis, Nelson Mandela, Sylvester Stallone, Ellen DeGeneres, Alicia Keys, Angela Merkel, Bob Dylan, Bradley Cooper, Nicolas Cage, Winona Ryder, Coco Chanel, Michael Fassbender, Elton John
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Behaviour: grouchiness, seriousness, overconcern; usually look older while they’re young and extremely young at older age; calm and restrained
Physical Characteristics: very sharp-cut features, many wrinkles; short stature; big, dark, deep-set eyes, thick but short eyebrows; high forehead, a long nose, a sharp chin; the look is direct and stubborn; earth colours: tanned skin tone, dark hair; thick bones
Celebrities with Capricorn Rising: Monica Belucci, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, Cristiano Ronaldo, Ariana Grande, Giselle Bundchen, Gwen Stefani, Sean Connery,  Prince Harry of Wales, Bono, Zac Efron, Naomi Campbell, Kylie Jenner, Sophie Loren, Zooey Deschanel, Novak Djokovic, Anthony Hopkins, Lenny Kravitz,  Lorde, Carrie Fisher, Chuck Norris
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Behaviour: friendly, open to new ideas, but intolerant of other people’s shortcomings and overly sarcastic; look & dress very unusually, like to play the clown; eccentricity and freedom in every movement; ever-young; provocative, but confused & innocent at the same time
Physical Characteristics: excessive growth, very thin; squinty, upturned, darting, blurred eyes; long fingers; thin lips
Celebrities with Aquarius Rising: Barack Obama, Cristina Aquilera, David Bowie, Jim Morrison, Russell Crowe, Nicki Minaj, Orlando Bloom, Audrey Hepburn, Adele, Matt Damon, J.K. Rowling, Abraham Lincoln, Lionel Messi, Ian Somerhalder,  Janis Joplin, Ayrton Senna, Oscar Pistorius, Yves Saint-Laurant, Whoopi Goldberg
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Behaviour: daydreaming, shows good towards others; mystic, self-oriented and tired look, kind but a little shy
Physical Characteristics : a round face; thick, shiny, dark hair; long straight nose; bright almond, extremely beautiful eyes; pale and with eye circles; small hands and feet
Celebrities with Pisces Rising: Michael Jackson, Demi Moore, George Clooney, Ryan Gosling, Whitney Houston, Paul McCartney, Zayn Malik, Gwyneth Paltrow, Adriana Lima, Demi Lovato, Antonio Banderas, Vanessa Hudgens, Johnny Cash, Kaley Cuoco, Andrew Garfield, Ellen Pompeo
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happypisces314 · 7 years
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The galaxy blob paintings turned into a Zodiac series! 😗
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happypisces314 · 7 years
A love that...
venus in Aries- you have to fight for in a never-ending war
venus in Taurus- makes you feel warm, safe, and adored
venus in Gemini- keeps you talking until the sun comes up
venus in Cancer- feels like coming home
venus in Leo- makes you feel like the most special person in the world
venus in Virgo- appreciates all the little thoughtful things you do
venus in Libra- is richer, smoother, and sweeter than swiss chocolate
venus in Scorpio- destroys and remakes you a thousand times over
venus in Sagittarius- sets you free
venus in Capricorn- you’d be happy to grow old with
venus in Aquarius- extends to everyone in the world
venus in Pisces- is too good to last, which makes it even more beautiful
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happypisces314 · 7 years
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mythology moodboards | gwyn ap nudd
king of the tylwyth teg and ruler of the otherworld in welsh mythology
requested by anon
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happypisces314 · 7 years
When I was 17 my appendix ruptured because I thought I was just having period cramps and didn’t go to the hospital so don’t tell me PMS symptoms are no big deal
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happypisces314 · 8 years
ARIES: literally doesn't care and just sits on the couch chillin
TAURUS: runs to the kitchen and fiercely guards the fridge
GEMINI: makes jokes with the killer, then the killer realises gemini is cool and they go out to maccas
CANCER: tries to hide but starts crying and gets found
LEO: pretends not to be scared but kinda is, still strategically makes it out of the house tho
VIRGO: loses their ish but defends themself well
LIBRA: attempts to put up a fight but falls down the stairs or trips up over a cat and ends up getting caught
SCORPIO: kills the killer
SAGITTARIUS: makes small talk with the killer and then ends up becoming the killers accomplice
CAPRICORN: is the killer
AQUARIUS: screams *make me a sandwich asshole* at the killer
PISCES: just stands there frozen, legit just doesnt move
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happypisces314 · 8 years
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happypisces314 · 8 years
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happypisces314 · 8 years
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“They don’t know who we are. Not really. They don’t know what we’ve done, what we’ve managed together. So let’s go show them they picked the wrong damn fight.”
@lbardugo, ― Crooked Kingdom
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