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Frequently Thought Questions
October 4, 2017
What Is A Self-Confession And Why Is It Important?
Posted By: Amanpreet Singh
self confession
No one is perfect. It is quite human to commit mistakes and errors.  However, the important thing is to take the responsibility of the mistakes, take corrective measures to rectify it and make sure to never repeat it again. Interestingly, mistakes are of two types:
Which gets noticed by others.
Which gets noticed only by the individual who committed it.
In this article, I am addressing to the type two mistakes, which are committed solitarily, irrespective of whether anyone is around or not. Yes, I am referring to the errors which get unnoticed by others, the mistakes in which the person committing it is only the witness.
Well, these are the mistakes which only our inner-self is aware of, the errors which we cannot accept and admit it front of others. Thus, it becomes imperative to admit it in front of ourselves.
This confession of the mistake/error to oneself is nothing but a SELF-CONFESSION.
Few such mistakes in which self-confession is important:
Forming a negative opinion about an unknown person, taking the loved ones for granted, getting carried away by the materialistic drives, inner-self complexity, inferiority-superiority complex, avoiding compassion,  egotism, pervert thoughts, non-representation of the real self, unnecessary judgment about people, non-expression of thoughts, jealousy and comparison are some of the daily life mistakes in which only our inner-self is the witness.
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The process:
When we face a situation, a thought is infused inside our mind. Subsequently, that thought gives way to the emotions associated with that thought. Gradually, feelings respond to the emotions and the resultant feelings are expressed out in different forms.
Practically, it is easy to convert a positive thought into an emotional feeling, which is felt more, less thought, and finally expressed. However, the problem with a negative thought is that most of us don’t complete the cycle. Yes, we think about it more, feel it less, and finally, don’t express it. This non-expression of a negative thought retains inside us and acts a base to influence other negative energies.
You might have this question, “Why should we feel more when feelings evoked out of thoughts are negative?” Well, here’s the answer.
Feelings are of two types:
Whenever we face an adverse situation, it is extremely difficult to control a negative thought that pops out instantly. Subsequently, negative emotions respond to that thought immediately. It is quite difficult to regulate the process till now. However, we can certainly control the following actions.
Hereon, a slight check is required where the emotional feel responding to the negative thought needs to be replaced by physical feel(sensing). Confused? Don’t worry, we will get down to the core of it.
Let us try to understand the concept by relating it to the instances involving a failure.We are relating it to failures as most of the times, it is the failure which infuses a negative thought instantly.
Failure in an exam, failure in any competitive field, failure in rising early from bed, failure in keeping a promise, failure in proving a point, be it anything. In any of these instances, a negative thought is infused immediately which gives way to the negative emotions. As I said, It is extremely difficult to control the process till now but we can regulate the following actions. Yes, we need to cut the cord now.
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In a World Where Everything Flows And Nothing Stays Still,The Greatest Thing Is To Discover Oneself.... And That Is HAPPY REALIZATION.
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My dear friend, you need to see the bright side of things no matter what. The desired outcome will occur only when you believe it to happen. Creating a shadow of doubt means questioning your ability.
Never waste your time counting the possibility of the chances. Just do it. If it is possible, it will happen. Even if it’s not, surely, it will make you experienced. Rest assured, you never lose in any of the conditions.
Summon into minds; You cannot turn into a pessimist overnight. A single situation is not mighty enough to convert you into a pessimist unless you reciprocate the same feeling for that particular situation. I shall explain to you how…
A few instances…
Say, you failed in an exam or lost a sports match or suffered a business loss. Other instances, you did not qualify a job interview, or you did not get the desired appreciation, or maybe a decision proving wrong, and much such life hitches.
The subsequent process:
These life-situations infuse a negative thought inside your mind. In due course, one negative thought triggers your over-thinking mode, wherein you keep on thinking of that loss/failure. Suddenly, it starts reflecting in your attitude. By and by, you begin to criticize people and blame your destiny for anything unfavorable to you.
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Time for some Happy Realizations:
Friends, Meditation is a beautiful technique, which surely makes us responsive in the NOW. Everyone must practice it to feel the essence of the awareness in the present moment.
There is no denial of the fact that we are surrounded by negativity all around. But, at the same time, it is also a fact that we are surrounded by positivity in the form of nature. It is quite strange that most of us are not able to feel the nature.
Friends, let us try to give some alone time to ourselves daily wherein we shut our minds for some time restricting thoughts, fully activate our sense organs and feel the environmental surrounding, try to feel the inner peace and calmness it is bestowed with,  and appreciate the beauty of it. Be aware of it and appreciate it, which in turn shall make us happy. It will enable us to enjoy solitude.
Whatmore, we shall become the sole reason for our real happiness. Our happiness will be independent of anyone and anything.
Always remember that Delaying Happiness denies happiness. Besides, most of us confuse quite often between the two words; Fun and Happiness. More often than not, most of us use it interchangeably.
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In a World Where Everything Flows And Nothing Stays Still,The Greatest Thing Is To Discover Oneself.... And That Is HAPPY REALIZATION.
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In a World Where Everything Flows And Nothing Stays Still,The Greatest Thing Is To Discover Oneself.... And That Is HAPPY REALIZATION.
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In a World Where Everything Flows And Nothing Stays Still,The Greatest Thing Is To Discover Oneself.... And That Is HAPPY REALIZATION.
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Convert The Feeling Of Loneliness Into Solitude
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