happysangmin · 7 years
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Heren magazine August 2017. Balenciaga.
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happysangmin · 7 years
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mango 2017 (except for last one)
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happysangmin · 8 years
101 Other Study Tips
Link to 101 Study Tips
Some of these tips contradict the past 101 tips, be willing to change your study routine, it might be more successful for you
If you have to live through an all nighter then play music that keeps you awake, house music is good at this
Only use other peoples notes as a reference for yours, make your own notes
Making flashcards for your entire course at the end of the year, trust me it helps
Or a word document
If you make a word document don’t send any to your classmates until you have finished them all, because they definitely will ask you for notes
Coming up to exams set a number of hours you are studying so there’s a concrete goal
Or if you revise subject by subject make sure these goals are concrete
Actively focus on each word as you read
Don’t lose this focus
When all else fails with remembering statistics, just write them out on a whiteboard until you remember them
This goes for sequences as well, I don’t know how else you could remember the Ornithine Cycle
Organise your notes by class, keep them clearly separate
The same goes for subjects, if it’s a large amount of notes for your subject, have a notebook for each topic area or module
If it’s a shorter subject, separate your book with bookmarks
When revising at the end of the year, go through your notebook and put tabs on the pages of things you don’t understand as much
Go through these tabs first, or focus on them more heavily, whilst covering everything else
If you can’t keep up an aesthetic bullet journal have a cute one you do at the end of the day and then your schedule journal that’s more plain or on your phone
Go back and do your highlighting or decoration of notes the day after
Set up some general goals at the start of each term of month
Write out things that will make you feel better and motivate you in your folder or somewhere you can get them
Look for failures by ‘perfect’ students, don’t judge them for it, just remember everyone fails sometimes
Try and keep your study space bright
A lot of people find it encouraging to have a pretty study space
Exercise a little in your study breaks
Or socialise, it helps
Read a bit of a book or long publication every day to keep your reading skills sharp
Learn to appreciate subjects that are not yours
Think of what you’re learning outside of your subject, say you’re studying Climate Change, look at things other than what’s specified in your course
Print out articles or journals you need to read
Or otherwise store them in a folder on your phone or computer
Bring your food with you when you’re studying
But don’t eat it straight away as you’ll have no food
Clear your study space before every studying session
The night before you go into school or college, plan what studying you’ll do with your library or free time
Put things that need resources in college first
Reducing the amount of books you need to bring in is also a factor, there’s no point bringing in your massive English Lit folder when you could do your Maths that you have a lesson for anyway
If you don’t work well at home, search for library spaces for as many hours of the day and days of the week as possible
Don’t starve yourself of things you like or want to do. If you just want to stalk Instagram then plan this to be in your break
Put your phone on silent and turn it upside down if you don’t want to turn it off
Set yourself a goal to take studyblr pictures, the pressure of getting a picture has made me study every day last year, even though I always got too embarrassed to take any
Studying outside is refreshing if you can put up with the bugs
It’s also usually quieter than inside spaces if you’re struggling
If comfort helps you wear something comfy
If looking good gives you confidence, then do that. Also, winged eyeliner has a magical ability to make something casual or weird into ‘a look’
Always have tissues in your bag
If carrying several binders is too much, have one binder that you take out and keep the others at home
Power naps are possible and great if you have the willpower
If you can, scan relevant articles to your subject and put them into your folder with your notes
Look for cheap notebooks for your lecture notes, you’ll probably bin them anyway
Aim to have all the work that was set that week done by the weekend
Or alternatively, by the Friday night so you can go out and get hammered without regrets
If you catch yourself procrastinating stop whatever you’re doing, even if it was unfinished. A few minutes to finish will become hours
Use textbooks from different exam boards to yours to get a fuller picture
Buy one of those large bags of pens, somehow they all disappear during the year
Work out how many hours you should and could be doing a week. 
Treat studying like your job, do as many hours you would do if you were working
Work out if breaks for several hours a day or a whole day off is a better type of rest for you
For group projects take the lead straight away if no one else does
Have a group discussion or document, put things onto it often, keep bugging people until they do something. 
Try to understand where everyone else is coming from on the group projects
And don’t do everything. If you ask someone to do something, don’t go and do it for them after they’ve done it.
Group chats for your classes can also be good. Sometimes it is just banter but a lot of good resources can also be shared
Honestly use your student support services as much as possible
Ignore that they are sometimes patronising, if you stop asking for their help then it might be harder to get when you really need it. 
Start studying as soon as you get home. 
When scheduling, schedule in the stuff you like doing and do for a rest as well
Do as few hours at work as you can. Get enough money to live comfortably, but be willing to turn down overtime if you’re busy studying
Don’t get so drunk that you can’t work the next day if you really need to. 
Be realistic about how much you’re doing. Don’t underestimate it, it only stresses you out more. 
Sign up to sites that are there to help students with studying, money, jobs, the next step, etc. 
Ask for student discount everywhere. Most places just need a photo and expiry dates for it to be valid. 
Ask people on tumblr for advice. 
Scratch that, ask lots of people on tumblr for advice, as they will all give you different options and advice, so you can try out several things
Learn touch-typing. Or at least learn part of it. Even if you don’t learn everything, you’ll probably incorporate into your typing and be faster. 
Do the assigned reading, but not the extra reading. Unless you have a lot of time to do so. 
Don’t study too much on the day of your exam. Save your energy. 
Always look for the less time consuming and efficient method
Learn from your failures and identify what went wrong
But also remember what you learnt from your failures, how you were improved by it
If you get rejected by your dream university, don’t let this stop you studying, get on with it and get the best thing possible for you
Do your referencing as you go, it saves a lot of time
Check if your resources are reliable, credible publishers, medical organisations and universities often are most reliable
Use sticky notes to highlight the most important facts in your notes
Sticky notes are also good for taking notes inside of a textbook
Keep all your flashcards in one place so they don’t get everywhere
If you’re not sure of an answer in a test then go for your gut feeling
Read everything in your test through twice
When choosing essay questions, write a short plan for each and decide which one is best
Exercise in the mornings to wake you up, even if this is just walking to somewhere
Change up your study space if you’ve been studying in the same spot in the library for 7 hours, go to a different desk
Space out when you schedule your working enough that you don’t get burnt out from doing 4 essays in two days
When you schedule to do something, finish it. Don’t leave that unfinished
Do your work before you do your leisure, if you can
Don’t listen too much to what people who aren’t studying your subject are saying. Often they are just making it up from their presumptions
But do listen to people who would know, your tutors, lecturers, teachers, older students. 
Keep your revision notes from exams and look over them before term starts again in holidays
Start doing this a few weeks before, you can’t do it all the night before
Drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated. Have a bottle so you don’t have to pay for it while you’re out
Always keep the next step in mind when you’re working, what will be happening in a year, two years?
Don’t focus on boys or girls too much. No matter how much you care now, you won’t care so much later. 
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happysangmin · 9 years
Me at lunch 🍇
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happysangmin · 9 years
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꽁냥 😌❤️
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happysangmin · 9 years
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happysangmin · 9 years
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My lovely new trainers, Nike Air Force 1 :)
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happysangmin · 9 years
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happysangmin · 9 years
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happysangmin · 9 years
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happysangmin · 9 years
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Fucks given: 0
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happysangmin · 9 years
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happysangmin · 9 years
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It's getting soooo autumn-ish.
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happysangmin · 9 years
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good morning!
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happysangmin · 10 years
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happysangmin · 10 years
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Happy World Nutella Day: 15+ Nutella Recipes!
1. How to Eat Nutella: 4 Ways.
2. Make Vegan Nutella.
1. Make Nutella Hot Chocolate. Or try Nutella Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate. 
2. Make a Nutella and Banana Smoothie.
3. Make Nutella Milk.
Wrap It Up
1. Make Nutella Ravioli.
2. Deep fry: Make Nutella and Banana Wontons.
3. Make Nutella and Banana Crescents.
4. Make S’more Egg Rolls.
1. Microwave for 1 Minute: Make Nutella Mug Cake.
2. Make Nutella Shortcake.
3. Make Nutella Frosted Cupcakes.
& More
1. Make Nutella Popsicles.
2. Make Nutella Shots.
3. Make Nutella Balls.
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happysangmin · 10 years
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