harami-mami · 10 months
To this day people will cry over the knowledge and works destroyed when the library of Alexandria was burned down.
And yet no tears are shed as Palestinian archives and libraries are bombed.
Saint Porphyrius Church, built in 1150 and the 3rd oldest church in the world has been bombed.
It's not an accident.
Israel aren't simply killing Palestinians, they are trying to erase that there ever were Palestinians in the first place.
Destroying their livelihoods, trying to to destroy their culture and history and pretend this land was never there's.
It's easy to deny someone's existence when there's no record of them.
Which is why it's so important to look at the atrocities and bear witness to what's happening.
But to also recognise that Palestine is more than it's suffering.
There is a living breathing culture, of art, history, literacy which all come from the Palestinians.
Traditions they've carried for centuries.
So while we mourn the dead, we shall fight for the living. Fight for the preservation of their crafts, amplify their voices as they speak on their culture.
Palestinian history and culture is alive. And no matter how much the world wants to erase that, they cannot and will not.
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harami-mami · 2 years
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stop normalizing the grind and start normalizing whatever this is
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harami-mami · 2 years
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snoopy as things i did in january
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harami-mami · 3 years
I want to live by myself when I move out of my parent's place but I'm really afraid of money problems? I'm afraid that the only place I can afford will be in the ghetto and it'll all be torn apart and I'll only be allowed to eat one granola bar a week. I'm really stressing out about this. I don't know anything about after school life. I don't know anything about paying bills or how to buy an apartment and it's really scaring me. is there anything you know that can help me?
HI darling,
I’ve actually got a super wonderful masterpost for you to check out:
what the hell is a mortgage?
first apartment essentials checklist
how to care for cacti and succulents
the care and keeping of plants
Getting an apartment
earn rewards by taking polls
how to coupon
what to do when you can’t pay your bills
see if you’re paying too much for your cell phone bill
how to save money
How to Balance a Check Book
How to do Your Own Taxes
how to take care of yourself when you’re sick
things to bring to a doctor’s appointment
how to get free therapy
what to expect from your first gynecologist appointment
how to make a doctor’s appointment
how to pick a health insurance plan
how to avoid a hangover
a list of stress relievers
how to remove a splinter
what to do if you get pulled over by a cop
a list of hotlines in a crisis
things to keep in your car in case of an emergency
how to do the heimlich maneuver
time management
create a resume
find the right career
how to pick a major
how to avoid a hangover
how to interview for a job
how to stop procrastinating
How to write cover letters
Traveling for Cheap
Travel Accessories
The Best Way to Pack a Suitcase
How To Read A Map
How to Apply For A Passport
How to Make A Travel Budget
Better You
read the news
leave your childhood traumas behind
how to quit smoking
how to knit
how to stop biting your nails
how to stop procrastinating
how to stop skipping breakfast
how to stop micromanaging
how to stop avoiding asking for help
how to stop swearing constantly
how to stop being a pushover
learn another language
how to improve your self-esteem
how to sew
learn how to embroider
how to love yourself
100 tips for life
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 1: Are You Sure? (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 2: Finding the Damn Apartment (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 3: Questions to Ask about the Damn Apartment (The Responsible One)
Moving Out and Getting an Apartment, Part 4: Packing and Moving All of Your Shit (The Responsible One)
How to Protect Your Home Against Break-Ins (The Responsible One)
How to Find a Fucking College (The Sudden Adult)
How to Find Some Fucking Money for College (The Sudden Adult)
What to Do When You Can’t Afford Your #1 Post-Secondary School (The Sudden Adult)
Stop Shitting on Community College Kids (Why Community College is Fucking Awesome) (The Responsible One)
How to Ask for a Recommendation Letter (The Responsible One)
How to Choose a College Major (The Sudden Adult)
How to Write a Goddamn Check (The Responsible One)
How to Convince Credit Companies You’re Not a Worthless Bag of Shit (The Responsible One)
Debit vs Credit (The Responsible One)
What to Do if Your Wallet is Stolen/Lost (The Sudden Adult)
Budgeting 101 (The Responsible One)
Important Tax Links to Know (The Responsible One)
How to Choose a Bank Without Screwing Yourself (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting
How to Write a Resume Like a Boss (The Responsible One)
How to Write a Cover Letter Someone Will Actually Read (The Responsible One)
How to Handle a Phone Interview without Fucking Up (The Responsible One)
10 Sites to Start Your Job Search (The Responsible One)
Life Skills
Staying in Touch with Friends/Family (The Sudden Adult)
Bar Etiquette (The Sudden Adult)
What to Do After a Car Accident (The Sudden Adult)
Grow Up and Buy Your Own Groceries (The Responsible One)
How to Survive Plane Trips (The Sudden Adult)
How to Make a List of Goals (The Responsible One)
How to Stop Whining and Make a Damn Appointment (The Responsible One)
What to Expect from the Hell that is Jury Duty (The Responsible One)
Marriage: What the Fuck Does It Mean and How the Hell Do I Know When I’m Ready? (Guest post - The Northwest Adult)
How Fucked Are You for Moving In with Your Significant Other: An Interview with an Actual Real-Life Couple Living Together™ (mintypineapple  and catastrofries)
Travel & Vehicles
How to Winterize Your Piece of Shit Vehicle (The Responsible One)
How to Make Public Transportation Your Bitch (The Responsible One)
Other Blog Features
Apps for Asshats
Harsh Truths & Bitter Reminders
Asks I’ll Probably Need to Refer People to Later
Apartments (or Life Skills) - How Not to Live in Filth (The Sudden Adult)
Finances - Tax Basics (The Responsible One)
Important Documents - How to Get a Copy of Your Birth Certificate (The Responsible One)
Important Documents - How to Get a Replacement ID (The Responsible One)
Health - How to Deal with a Chemical Burn (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting - List of Jobs Based on Social Interaction Levels (The Sudden Adult)
Job Hunting - How to Avoid Falling into a Pit of Despair While Job Hunting (The Responsible One)
Job Hunting - Questions to Ask in an Interview (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - First-Time Flying Tips (The Sudden Adult)
Life Skills - How to Ask a Good Question (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - Reasons to Take a Foreign Language (The Responsible One)
Life Skills - Opening a Bar Tab (The Sudden Adult)
Relationships - Long Distance Relationships: How to Stay in Contact (The Responsible One)
Adult Cheat Sheet:
what to do if your pet gets lost
removing stains from your carpet
how to know if you’re eligible for food stamps
throwing a dinner party
i’m pregnant, now what?
first aid tools to keep in your house
how to keep a clean kitchen
learning how to become independent from your parents
job interview tips
opening your first bank account
what to do if you lose your wallet
tips for cheap furniture
easy ways to cut your spending
selecting the right tires for your car
taking out your first loan
picking out the right credit card
how to get out of parking tickets
how to fix a leaky faucet
get all of your news in one place
getting rid of mice & rats in your house
when to go to the e.r.
buying your first home
how to buy your first stocks
guide to brewing coffee
first apartment essentials checklist
coping with a job you hate
30 books to read before you’re 30
what’s the deal with retirement?
difference between insurances
Once you’ve looked over all those cool links, I have some general advice for you on how you can have some sort of support system going for you:
Reasons to move out of home
You may decide to leave home for many different reasons, including:
wishing to live independently
location difficulties – for example, the need to move closer to university
conflict with your parents
being asked to leave by your parents.
Issues to consider when moving out of home
It’s common to be a little unsure when you make a decision like leaving home. You may choose to move, but find that you face problems you didn’t anticipate, such as:
Unreadiness – you may find you are not quite ready to handle all the responsibilities.
Money worries – bills including rent, utilities like gas and electricity and the cost of groceries may catch you by surprise, especially if you are used to your parents providing for everything. Debt may become an issue.
Flatmate problems – issues such as paying bills on time, sharing housework equally, friends who never pay board, but stay anyway, and lifestyle incompatibilities (such as a non-drug-user flatting with a drug user) may result in hostilities and arguments.
Your parents may be worried
Think about how your parents may be feeling and talk with them if they are worried about you. Most parents want their children to be happy and independent, but they might be concerned about a lot of different things. For example:
They may worry that you are not ready.
They may be sad because they will miss you.
They may think you shouldn’t leave home until you are married or have bought a house.
They may be concerned about the people you have chosen to live with.
Reassure your parents that you will keep in touch and visit regularly. Try to leave on a positive note. Hopefully, they are happy about your plans and support your decision.
Tips for a successful move
Tips include:
Don’t make a rash decision – consider the situation carefully. Are you ready to live independently? Do you make enough money to support yourself? Are you moving out for the right reasons?
Draw up a realistic budget – don’t forget to include ‘hidden’ expenses such as the property’s security deposit or bond (usually four weeks’ rent), connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
Communicate – avoid misunderstandings, hostilities and arguments by talking openly and respectfully about your concerns with flatmates and parents. Make sure you’re open to their point of view too – getting along is a two-way street.
Keep in touch – talk to your parents about regular home visits: for example, having Sunday night dinner together every week.
Work out acceptable behaviour – if your parents don’t like your flatmate(s), find out why. It is usually the behaviour rather than the person that causes offence (for example, swearing or smoking). Out of respect for your parents, ask your flatmate(s) to be on their best behaviour when your parents visit and do the same for them.
Ask for help – if things are becoming difficult, don’t be too proud to ask your parents for help. They have a lot of life experience.
If your family home does not provide support
Not everyone who leaves home can return home or ask their parents for help in times of trouble. If you have been thrown out of home or left home to escape abuse or conflict, you may be too young or unprepared to cope.
If you are a fostered child, you will have to leave the state-care system when you turn 18, but you may not be ready to make the sudden transition to independence.
If you need support, help is available from a range of community and government organisations. Assistance includes emergency accommodation and food vouchers. If you can’t call your parents or foster parents, call one of the associations below for information, advice and assistance.
Where to get help
Your doctor
Kids Helpline Tel. 1800 55 1800
Lifeline Tel. 13 11 44
Home Ground Services Tel. 1800 048 325
Relationships Australia Tel. 1300 364 277
Centrelink Crisis or Special Help Tel. 13 28 50
Tenants Union of Victoria Tel. (03) 9416 2577
Things to remember
Try to solve any problems before you leave home. Don’t leave because of a fight or other family difficulty if you can possibly avoid it.
Draw up a realistic budget that includes ‘hidden’ expenses, such as bond, connection fees for utilities, and home and contents insurance.
Remember that you can get help from a range of community and government organizations. 
Keep me updated? xx
152K notes · View notes
harami-mami · 3 years
yall need to stop emotionally depending on celebrities and draw the line between admiration and obsession bc at this point, it’s very blurred for most of you.
they’re literally as much as a stranger to you as you are to them. don’t let how accessible they are bc of social media fool you.
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harami-mami · 4 years
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this belongs in a museum
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harami-mami · 4 years
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harami-mami · 4 years
Civil War should NOT have been Captain America 3. yes im still mad
Context (1:04) Hydra (2:14) Age of Ultron (3:16)
Opening Scene of Steve Rogers (5:34) vs Tony Stark (7:40). Miriam Sharpe (10:23) The Accords (11:07) Hydra Was Never Defeated (13:32) The Debate (14:45) Back to Civil War 😔 (19:34) Intro to Spiderman (20:54) ugliest fight ive Ever seen (20:54) i Hate vision (24:03) The Prison (25:28) Finale (27:13) End Credits Scene (29:52)
Lack of Found Family in the Avengers (30:09) The Accords (31:52) The “Villain” (32:54) character arcs of: T’Challa (35:00) Tony Stark (35:59) Steve Rogers (37:07) Bucky Barnes (38:13) The Placement of THE Video (39:14)
Impact (40:37) Team Iron Man (41:19) in CONCLUSION (42:07) In Comparison to Iron Man 3 and Thor Ragnarok (42:45) “Civil War” as a Captain America Movie (43:42) the end (44:56)
please like/comment!
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harami-mami · 4 years
How do you fall back in love with life?
clean your room.  clean space, uncluttered space, space that doesn’t have miasma clinging to it can work wonders.  clean the dishes.  sweep.  take out the trash.  peel the clothes off the floor and wash them, and then actually fold/hang them.  take a long shower.  scrub behind your knees.  brush your teeth.  (this can be utterly exhausting, but try to get it done in a day, if you can.  the end result is worth it.)
pull out your notebook.  it doesn’t need to be a new notebook, but preferably one that you don’t usually write in, or that you haven’t touched in a while.  fuck moleskins.  the yellow legal pad will work fine.  sit in your room, or in the park, or in the library, and write a list.  count clouds.  describe all the colors that you see, and note patterns that arise.  sketch the cracks in the walls.  note the shape light makes when it enters a space.  talk about what the air tastes like, smells like.  what sounds are there?  even the white nose, break that down: air planes, fans, cicadas, anything.  remind yourself that you are sitting in the middle of a space brimming with detail.  remind yourself that you are not in nothingness and emptiness.  your world is fathomless.  it has potential.
drink cold water and try to eat something that isn’t processed.  it does not need to be fancy.  buy yourself an apple with the change between your couch cushions.  eat it outside.  if you’re someone who walks, walk somewhere afterwards, just to stretch your legs.  take your fucking meds.  remember that its a good thing that you are inside your body.  your body is a fantastic and endlessly intricate machine, and even though society has smacked a bunch of poisonous ideas on it, that doesn’t change its inherent worth and splendor.  take care of it.
read a novel.  underline your favorite lines, and write phrases that twist your heart inside your chest on the back of your hand with an ink pen.  read a novel like it’s poetry.  read poetry, something decadent but unpretentious.  watch a movie you haven’t seen before.  if there are free art galleries near you, walk through one.  take your time.  let yourself bask.  if there are patterns in what makes your soul ache, write those patterns down – marbles arches or soot crumbling bricks or dandelions or descriptions of dresses or whatever it is, write them down.
your chosen family is important.  remember, they picked you as much as you picked them.  the love has no obligation.  it is given freely and it is given from a place of compassion.  you are not a burden.  if you need to breathe, take a minute by yourself and just exist, but remember to go back to your people.  when they need you, listen and be gracious.  always be gracious.  the universe sometimes remembers things like that.
listen to new music.  link jump on youtube or related artist jump on spotify or ask the chap beside you in the cafe what their favorite band is, and listen to that.  listen to something that you don’t usually listen to.  we tend to tie up a lot of memory with music.  we are falling in love again.  the soundtrack needs to be specific to that.  
allow yourself to indulge in romantics.  press flowers in old books.  play movies with subtitles and mouth the words.  dance in your room.  wear something that makes you feel good, even if you wouldn’t wear it in public.  write your chosen family letters, even if you hand deliver them.  write poetry, even awful poetry.  revel in its awfulness.  eat dark chocolate and when your chosen family want to go out, try to go out with them sometimes, even if its just to the market.  
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harami-mami · 4 years
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I believe in free education, one that’s available to everyone; no matter their race, gender, age, wealth, etc… This masterpost was created for every knowledge hungry individual out there. I hope it will serve you well. Enjoy!
FREE ONLINE COURSES (here are listed websites that provide huge variety of courses)
Khan Academy
Academic Earth
Stanford Online
MIT Open Courseware
Open Yale Courses
BBC Learning
Carnegie Mellon University OLI
University of Reddit
IDEAS, INSPIRATION & NEWS (websites which deliver educational content meant to entertain you and stimulate your brain)
Big Think 
BBC Future
Seriously Amazing
How Stuff Works
Discovery News
National Geographic
Science News
Popular Science
YouTube Edu
DIY & HOW-TO’S (Don’t know how to do that? Want to learn how to do it yourself? Here are some great websites.)
Wonder How To
Do it yourself
OpenStax CNX
Open Textbooks
Textbook Revolution
E-books Directory
Books Should Be Free
Classic Reader
Read Print
Project Gutenberg
AudioBooks For Free
Poem Hunter
MIT Classics
Many Books
Open Textbooks BCcampus
Open Textbook Library
Directory of Open Access Journals
Wiley Open Access
Springer Open
Oxford Open
Elsevier Open Access
Open Access Library
BBC Languages
Learn A Language
Foreign Services Institute
My Languages
Surface Languages
OpenCulture’s Language links
GA Dash
Code Avengers
The Code Player
Code School
Programming Motherf*?$%#
Bucky’s room
Learn Code the Hard Way
Mozilla Developer Network
Microsoft Virtual Academy
Learning Yoga
Learn Meditation
Free Meditation
Online Meditation
Do Yoga With Me
Yoga Learning Center
Exposure Guide
The Bastards Book of Photography
Cambridge in Color
Best Photo Lessons
Photography Course
Production Now
Learn About Film
Film School Online
Google Cultural Institute
Music Theory
Music Theory Videos
Furmanczyk Academy of Music
Dave Conservatoire
Petrucci Music Library
Justin Guitar
Guitar Lessons
Piano Lessons
Zebra Keys
Play Bass Now
The Chess Website
First Aid for Free
First Aid Web
NHS Choices
Wolfram Demonstrations Project
Please feel free to add more learning focused websites. 
*There are a lot more learning websites out there, but I picked the ones that are, as far as I’m aware, completely free and in my opinion the best/ most useful.
532K notes · View notes
harami-mami · 4 years
i went to the store ; h.s
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so last night i was writing up some blurbs and i was listening to father john misty (as one does), and thought of this bad boy. it basically qualifies as a song fic bc it is based on “I Went To The Store One Day” by FJM (highly recommend listening to that entire album I Love You, Honeybear if you havent) but i got some requests for something fluffy. so this is my take on that song while applying ur requests !! let me know if you like it and talk to me about it here! i hope i did it justice!!
word count: 2.5k
Keep reading
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harami-mami · 4 years
every episode of cm: take 3
i am so sorry for this
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*someone knocks on the door of a house*
*no answer*
*person pushes the door open*
*four dead bodies on the ground*
person: oh fuck that’s not good *screams*
~fancy cut to bau~
emily: come on jj you can cheat on will just this once
jj: no i’d rather be with spencer i’m in love with him
spencer: do you kiss your kids with that mouth jennifer
derek: yall got a shut up and be more like me and my baby girl *smirks at penelope*
penelope: oh that’s hot anyways we have a case
~in the roundtable room~
hotch: go ahead garcia *silently glares at the rest of the team*
penelope: i cant look at the board or else i will Cry but there was a dead family of four found in the middle of nowhere in a midwestern state
rossi: *looks at file* it says here they were all missing a finger that’s weird
spencer: oh maybe the unsub has a finger fetish you know-
emily: gross
derek: wait why where there two murder weapons it’s says a gun and a knife were used
emily: u idiot we wouldn’t be called in if they knew why
hotch: wheels up in 30 😡
~powerpoint of cast members~
~bau sitting around the plane like a bunch of gays~
jj voiceover: “i ain’t never seen two pretty best friends. it’s always one of them gotta be ugly.” - that guy on tik tok
penelope: alright my pussy eaters the m.e. is expecting you and i’m already working on finding background info on the family
derek: thank you tit monster 😼
penelope: your voice makes me orgasm instantly *hangs up*
hotch: ok dave and i will set up at the precinct. morgan you and emily go to the m.e. and bring back the autopsy report. jj and spencer go to the crime scene. we need to find who’s doing this.
spencer: hotch i don’t wanna be with jj 🥺🥺
jj: suck it up twink have my third child
cop: thanks for coming you guys can set up in here
hotch: give us all your files acab
rossi: what he means is “it’s no problem we’re glad to help”
~medical examiners office~
doctor: yeah the parents were stabbed and the kids were shot. tragic.
morgan: i wonder why there was a different method of killing
emily: wait i think i know
~crime scene~
jj: hey spence 🥰 did you find anything
spencer: no bitch give me a minute *crouches on the ground and stares into the void for approximately 7.2 seconds* WAIT I FOUND SOMETHING
jj: omg what is it
spencer: *points at something but the camera only shows their faces*
jj: 😮
spencer: when looking at the footprints left by the unsub i noticed that there were two sets, but one was slightly smaller than the other, however both were too big to be a female-
jj: short version it’s a partnership between two males
spencer: jj please don’t cut me off it makes me sad :(
emily: that also explains the two different kill methods which is what derek and i thought two
rossi: yeah and based on the victimology i think we can assume who the unsubs are
hotch: good work let’s deliver the profile
~all the cops have entered the room~
hotch: we’re looking for two white males in their 30s
cop: why
emily: shut up and listen pea brain
cop: 🧍🏻‍♂️
spencer: based on the victimology, we think that the unsubs are definitely related. they are either two brothers or cousins or something
jj: the unsubs are killing white families, so we can assume that they are surrogates for the family they really want to kill
derek: and we think they’re taking fingers as a souvenir
rossi: time is of the essence thanks for listening
~commercial break and then a cut to them sitting around a conference table drinking coffee~
penelope on the phone: good news my favorite homos i have information
derek: you got that wap?
penelope: of course i do but right now this information is more important
emily: what is it
penelope: i’m glad you asked daddy
hotch: emily i thought i was the only one who called you that 😔
penelope: you are wrong sir anyways i found two brothers who grew up in this middle of nowhere town who were abused by their parents, their names are joe and mark smith
jj: what happened to them *cries in mom*
penelope: their parents would break their fingers when they were bad
spencer: that explains taking the fingers as a souvenir
hotch: was their a trigger
penelope: yeah their parents died in a car crash the same night of the first kill
*the team all looks at each other and stands up*
rossi: do you have an address for them
penelope: already sent italian stallion *hangs up*
~unsubs’ house~
derek: i’m coming in motherfuckers *kicks down door*
hotch: *sighs* *yells* fbi!
unsubs: *standing in their kitchen* hey back off we’re armed! *points butter knife*
jj: *puts gun down* guys you don’t have to do this. ws know what happened to you as kids. your parents can’t hurt you anymore.
emily: we know you started killing other families because you couldn’t kill them yourselves it’s over
unsubs: *looks at each other* no lmao *charges towards hotch and emily*
spencer: *runs in like a nerd and shoots them in the face*
~slow motion clips of the bau walking out of the house as some sad song plays~
~more shitty jet footage~
derek voiceover: “HONDO body💪🏾... HONDO face😡... HONDO beard (no grays)😉... “Momma here com dat Maaaan” 😜🤩 ..... SWAT SEASON 4 starts shooting this coming Tuesday 8/4!!! 🔥🔥🔥” - shemar moore
jj: spencer please forgive me
spencer: okay 🥺 you are my sister figure please keep some stability in my life 🥺
emily: dude that’s so sad but like trauma gang
hotch: emily your only trauma is your mommy issues and that you died and came back a raging bisexual
emily: no i was always like that
rossi: does anyone wanna come over and smoke cigars and eat pasta
everyone: yes father figure we love you
~the end~
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harami-mami · 4 years
@white feminists: stop telling brown girls they’re “harming” feminism when they shave their body hair and conform to beauty standards. It’s much harder for brown women to pull off not conforming than white women. There’s a very harsh double standard when it comes to body hair and beauty standards in general on brown girls. (if ur white maybe reblog this to support ur brown sisters)
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harami-mami · 4 years
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Harry Styles for The Face, 2019.
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harami-mami · 4 years
Books Harry has read (updated regularly).
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harami-mami · 4 years
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harami-mami · 4 years
do i ask myself 'would harry want to borrow this from me' when shopping for clothes? maybe so. none of your business
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