harbcrarbcr · 1 year
Arbor wasn't the biggest fan of crowds. It wasn't social anxiety, not quite, they enjoyed people watching, but after a certain amount of time it became downright overwhelming. ❝ You had me at fairy lights, ❞ they agreed, not caring about a photoshoot, but happy to have an exit plan.
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          "this ... normally happens during these events?"   she's brought out by a friend,  some begging,  and juliette's not that into it,  in all honesty.  turns to  [ YOUR MUSE ],  tugging on their sleeve.   "how about we head back to my shop? the fairy lights are really pretty with the flower scene in the window, it's perfect for a photoshoot or something."   anything to get her out of here. ( @nepofmstarters )
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
❝ Genre? ❞ Arbor questioned. They knew their music taste was probably not what she was looking for, but they would try to be as much help as possible. ❝ I assume something that isn't Run For Your Life by The Beatles? ❞
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          "kind of niche, but i'm looking for contemporary songs that sound like they're anywhere out of the 40's-70's. besides until i found you - love the girl, but i cannot keep using co-stars songs in our films."   // @nepofmstarters.
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
A small laugh fell from Arbor's lips as the man was quick to confirm his belief in witches. ❝ Oh, Arlo, ❞ they spoke softly ❝ do you always take warnings as threats? ❞ They felt a little bad watching him whip around like that ; just a little. Maybe they should dial it back, give him at least one day of peace. They had the rest of time to frighten him, after all. ❝ Sit with me? I promise I won't bite. ❞
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"You believe in them, don't you?" He tilted his head, a curious look on his face as he watched Arlo look around. They had no plans on pranking him. Just a casual conversation. But he was so jumpy, it was hard to help himself. "She may not be happy to know you don't believe in her, you know. You'd much rather have a witch on your good side. Trust me."
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
It was a bit unusual for people to approach them. They seemed to give off an air of... disinterest? Intimidation? Perhaps both. Turning to see their book of podcast notes in his hand, Arbor's eyebrows lifted. ❝ I would have missed that later, ❞ he hummed, especially if they didn't notice until they were ready to record. ❝ Looks like I owe you one. Consider myself indebted. ❞
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𝐖𝐇𝐎 :  ej + anyone // @nepofmstarters 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 :  central park
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       it was a gorgeous day, ej took a walk around the park, a coffee in one hand, && a book in another. he enjoyed days like these, where he could relax, && let his mind W A N D E R . others were doing the same, listening to music, writing, reading some book. after sometime, he ended up spotting someone get up && a journal falling out of their bag. he ran up to them && grabbed it. " hey–– you dropped this, " ej said.
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
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Quintessa Swindell
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"You believe in them, don't you?" He tilted his head, a curious look on his face as he watched Arlo look around. They had no plans on pranking him. Just a casual conversation. But he was so jumpy, it was hard to help himself. "She may not be happy to know you don't believe in her, you know. You'd much rather have a witch on your good side. Trust me."
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               the   admissions   gives   arlo   pause.   if   this   was   anyone   else,   talks   of   daylight   rings   and   witches   would   be   nothing   more   than   lighthearted   teasing,   but   when   it   came   to   arbor   ?   he   could   never   be   sure.   ❝   are   you   being   serious   ?   ❞   he   questioned,   his   head   whipping   around   as   if   something   was   gonna   jump   out   to   scare   him   right   then   and   there.   ❝   you   really   know   a   witch   ?   ❞
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"Must run in the family," Arbor replied, dryly, unbothered. They weren't unwilling to talk about their trauma, if they could even call it that; he didn't remember enough about the loss of their parents or their existence in the first place to consider himself traumatized. He stared back at the couple, not truly believing there was anything off about them. But you could never know. "Not my kink, surprisingly -- I prefer the blood outside of the bedroom."
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dylan  wasn't  picky  about  who  she  associated  with  ,  anyone  in  the  vicinity  simply  becoming  a  target  for  chaos  .  mainly  harmless  and  simply  unable  to  filter  a  word  that  came  out  of  her  mouth  ,  vulgar  to  the  very  core  and  enjoying  too  much  seeing  the  reactions  of  others  in  the  world  she  perceived  around  her  .  "  yeah  ,  that  would  be  something  .  hopefully  they're  not  staring  at  you  because  you  have  the  perfect  limbs  for  dismembering  ,  "  she  takes  a  sip  of  her  drink  ,  gaze  flittering  to  the  couple  and  then  back  .  "  unless  you're  into  that  .  i'm  not  kink  shaming  or  anything  .  i  guess  some  people  like  bdsm  …  some  people  like  their  body  chopped  into  pieces  .  what  a  way  to  go  .  "
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"It doesn't make you look like a wimp," he reassured her, fear was a normal thing. While not a common emotion for them, it wasn't completely unexperienced. They didn't love hearing strange noises when they were walking home in the dark. As interesting as murder mysteries were, Arbor would rather talk about them than be the center of one. After a moment, his smile softened. "I was actually trying to tell you that I liked your outfit."
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        while  she  felt  no  fear  when  stepping out on stage no matter how packed the audience was, yujin couldn't say the same about other frights. particularly ones she couldn't foresee. it made her quite amusing company when watching a new horror movie - unless her companion found jumping at every scare, accompanied by the occasional, tiny scream, annoying. cheeks flushed under arbor's gaze. denial would save her skin, but instead she shrugged sheepishly.   ❝ even though it makes me look like a wimp . . . it did. a little. ❞
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"Don't know," Arbor admitted, they couldn't say they were a frequent customer, or a frequent drinker at that. It wasn't that they were against it, being drunk just wasn't a feeling they enjoyed, or the hangovers that came after... And for someone that wasn't extremely social, bars were a little pointless. "Ghosts," they repeated with a small grin, "wouldn't that be sick?" If there were ghosts he'd be there all the time.
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Looking around the almost empty bar, Seamus couldn't help but tune out what the promoter was telling him about it usually being more busy, its great cliental, etc. THe stage was fine and that's all he cared about to try out some new music in a space to hear it in a real space. Finally when they walked away, they looked to the person nearest to them. "So, Is this place always this dead then, or is there something I should know about the place? Ghosts or something maybe?"
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"You gonna try to meet him?" He asked, not planning on going out of his way to do so, but if the opportunity presented himself... that'd be sort of cool, he guessed. His aunt would be thrilled. A grin on their lips, Arbor wasn't bothered by the teasing; out of everyone in this crowd, he was sure he was the least likely to get noticed, and fine with that. "It's better that you don't know," they joked, though at times they thought it would be better if no one did. He wasn't cut out for fame.
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❝   Nope   ,   cross   my   heart   .   ❞   As   long   as   what   she   was   crossing   on   was   that   the   picture   looked   enough   like   Obama   for   people   to   start   saying   it   was   .   Isa   could   have   done   some   fact   checking   ,   could   have   texted   a   few   reliable   sources   but   she   didn't   mind   buying   into   the   delusion   for   a   little   while   if   it   turned   out   to   be   fake   .   ❝   That   must   be   it   ,   you   and   your…what   was   it   you   do   again   ?   ❞   Isa   sked   with   a   smirk,   teasing   lilt   to   her   words   .
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"Shit, that bad, huh?" Arbor tried, for what it was worth. They really did try to understand. Read self-help books, researched tutorials, but somehow it always got muddled in their mind. They weren't meant to be a warlock, but they sure did like to pretend. He didn't say anything for a moment, thinking her question over. He wasn't sure what exactly he was going for... but it was safe to say he hadn't achieved it, whatever it was. "So, then --- what do I do with these?" Plucking the opal from the small stack in front of them, they held it carefully between their forefinger and thumb. "Would it bring hellfire to throw it out? Should I give it to someone?"
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status : closed / ( @harbcrarbcr ) location : under a tree... at the festival somewhere... yeah... OUDFIJSKOFJIDFK
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               ❝   this   is   the   crystal   equivalent   of   a   nightmare   blunt   rotation.   ❞   luna   was   horrified   by   the   array   of   crystals   they'd   just   emptied   from   the   pouch   arbor   brought   with   them.   after   spending   the   time   to   give   him   the   basics   of   crystals   and   creating   care   pouches,   it   was   something   of   a   homework   assignment   to   have   arbor   make   his   own   pouch   and   bring   it   to   the   festival   for   her   to   look   at.   after   looking   at   what   they   put   together,   luna   wished   she   hadn't.   ❝   you   can't   put   a   stabilizing   crystal   with   a   playmate   crystal,   and   why   are   you   paring   pink   opal   with   a   smoky   quartz   ?   are   you   looking   to   be   more   selfish   or   selfless   ?   you're   actually   going   to   short   circuit   your   chakras.   ❞
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
Taking the drink with a nod of appreciation, Arbor let out a small laugh at Nicolaus' blatant distaste for the performance he'd mostly tuned out. "Ass isn't necessarily the description I'd use," they informed him, rolling the of their straw between their teeth. What they'd heard wasn't good, but, to be fair, it wasn't bad enough to leave a lasting impression either. "Are you suggesting I am also a drunkard? I assure you I am probably one of the most sober people here."
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open! starter -> @nepofmstarters location -> any show at citi field
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"alright," nicolaus said, coming back from the miraculously short line for slushies. he dropped down beside the other on the brightly patterned picnic blanket he had set up and handed the other one of the slushies while sipping on his own blue one. "so—three things you would change from that last performance, because it was ass. and don't feel bad for admitting it either, because me, you, and the rest of the drunkards here know that it was absolute ass."
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
Arbor wasn't a mean person... well, maybe a little mean. It was all in jest when he spooked others, but he recognized they didn't find it quite as amusing as he did. Did that stop them? Not at all. A little fear was good. Kept people young. Watching Arlo approach, he smiled slyly, though he didn't have any scares up his sleeve. Yet. "A few, actually," they stated, sitting back in their seat as they studied his outfit. "Didn't you know? One of my very best friends is a witch."
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status : closed / ( @harbcrarbcr ) location : festival field vibing
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               ❝   it's   so   strange   to   see   you   in   the   daylight.   ❞   arlo   commented   as   he   approached   his   friend,   though   still   cautiously.   after   being   friends   with   arbor   for   awhile,   arlo   knew   better   than   to   let   his   guard   down   around   the   other.   as   someone   who   scared   easily   (   very   easily   ),   he   knew   better   than   to   think   the   sun   would   stop   arbor   from   getting   a   spook   in.   ❝   i   thought   you   only   came   out   at   night.   do   you   have   one   of   those   daylight   rings   ?   make   a   deal   with   a   witch   ?   ❞
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
"You're kidding." Out of all the celebrities they thought they had a chance of bumping into, an ex-president had never crossed his mind. Of course, even if they did bump into him, they doubted they'd be starstruck; now, Joseph James DeAngelo Jr., that'd be a different story. "Oh, you think he's here 'cause he heard I was going to be attending?" A joke, though Arbor was making a name for himself he was nowhere near the level of fame others at the festival were. Thankfully.
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OPEN ‣ ‣ ‣ @nepofmstarters LOCATION ‣ ‣ ‣ VIP festival area
❝ Did you see who was supposed to be here? ❞ Isa asked the person lounging closest to her in the VIP area - truly the only area worth being in at any music festival . Crescent Fest had always been one of her favorite ones , she'd been to them all multiple times considering her father would randomly make appearances but she used them as an excuse to get high and get an incredible amount of content . ❝ Obama . That's random , right ? I wonder if I could find him ... ❞
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
Arbor didn't reply for a moment, their eyes drifting away from Dylan to study the people she was referring to, making no attempt to hide from them the fact they wer staring. They had no interest in mingling unless they were first approached. It wasn't that he couldn't be social --- it was simply that he didn't care. He was fine with making new friends, and he was fine with being alone. Though if she was suggesting a threesome, they weren't really in the mood. The mention of Jack Valmount was completely ignored, along with the comment about how loyal she was, they looked back at Dylan. "They could be the next Fred and Rosemary West," stated in a casual tone, "wouldn't that be something?"
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open starter @nepofmstarters
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dylan  ,  in  her  normal  upbeat  spirit  ,  devil  may  care  attitude  obvious  to  anyone  she  interacted  with  ,  was  having  a  great  time  drinking  and  being  merry  .  there  were  no  lingering  doubts  ,  no  dark  clouds  ,  no  signs  of  impending  doom  and  turning  to  the  person  beside  her  .  "  that  couple  keeps  looking  over  here  .  maybe  they  want  to  talk  to  you  .  you  should  go  over  and  ask  ,  "  she  encourages  although  she  may  or  may  not  be  telling  the  truth  ,  often  doing  things  for  no  real  reason  other  than  out  of  boredom  …  some  deep  dissatisfaction  with  her  own  life  .  "  i  couldn't  possibly  go  over  there  .  i'm  actually  jack  valmounts  girlfriend  …  very  loyal  …  no  way  i'd  talk  to  a  couple  of  randos  who  were  giving  us  the  sexy  eyes  but  you  …  don't  miss  out  on  my  account  ,  "  speaking  for  the  sake  of  it  rather  than  for  any  reason  ,  a  grin  lighting  up  her  dark  features  .
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harbcrarbcr · 1 year
open ‣ ‣ ‣ @nepofmstarters location ‣ ‣ ‣ festival grounds
Viv   felt   incredible .   Everything   about   music   spoke   to   her ,   no   surprise   considering   her   whole   life   had   revolved   around   writing   and   performing   but   she   was   the   kind   of   person   who   fell   in   love   with   every   note   she   heard  (   and   every  person   ) .   There   was   something   beautiful   and   magical   about   it   …   or   maybe   that   was   the   drugs .   Either   way   -   she   was   thoroughly   enjoying   herself   and   wasn't   worried   about   making   it   on   time   to   the   stage .   When   you   could   hear   the   beat   from   wherever   you   were ,   it   didn't   matter   if   you   were   in   the   right   place .   Weaving   through   bodies ,   she   accidentally   made   contact   with   one,   pausing   before   grabbing   their   hand   and   starting   to   dance   again.   ❝   Come   on ,   dance   with   me .   ❞
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