harbingcr · 8 years
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i’m not like you guys.        i don’t have claws or glowing eyes or super senses.                   i  just  have   v  o  i  c  e  s   in  my   h  e  a  d .
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harbingcr · 8 years
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I’m only trying to help my f r i e n d s.
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harbingcr · 8 years
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I’m not a  p s y c h i c , and apparently I’m not much of a   b a n s h e e   either …   but I’m trying to h e l p   my   F R I E N D S
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harbingcr · 8 years
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harbingcr · 8 years
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Let her be everything because she is everything. (inspo)
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harbingcr · 8 years
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harbingcr · 8 years
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                  he was SHOCKED when the redhead was able to pull him out of the pit he was in ( giving some help of his own of course ). panting to catch his breath, he sat beside lydia’s feet with his hand over his chest. ❝ —– i don’t need a babysitter. it was an accident. an accident you’re not going to tell ANYONE about, okay??? especially not scott. ❞
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                 lydia gulped down air with some level of greed, joining liam on the ground without caring about the definite DIRT and GRASS stains that would be present on her skirt. ❛ how about you tell me how that “accident” happened before i agree to keeping a S E C R E T. ❜
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harbingcr · 8 years
       For a moment he simply stands there and waits. Stiles isn’t sure what to say because thanks to all the mess they call their life it’s hard to find the right words sometimes. But it looks like the best way to continue is to do exactly the same over and over again. A hand rests on her shoulder for a second before amber hues follow her sight. “ Wanna share what troubles you or are you only staring there, waiting for something? ”
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                 life used to seem like it was going by so FAST. but, looking back, nothing ever really happened. now, time seemed to stand still while everything around her was changing. sometimes, lydia felt like she couldn’t even move... like the air around her had gotten so HEAVY and FULL that her limbs couldn’t fight against the current. when stiles’ hand fell upon her shoulder, her lips parted, but she wasn’t quite sure if her voice could make it through the thick air. when he managed to do just that, she chuckled, mouth forced into a small smile.   ❛ i don’t know. i just feel kind of          stuck. ❜
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harbingcr · 8 years
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I survived. I don’t need to hide that. 
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harbingcr · 8 years
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“Banshees don’t predict danger. They predict death.”
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harbingcr · 8 years
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                    he doesn’t remember how long he’s been standing there, just leaning up against his jeep as he stares at all the graves that are now home to so many innocent people, so many people who shouldn’t be there but are. he’s been here so many times, he knows exactly where every one is without even having to think, his legs just take him there but today he can’t seem to move. he’s so deep in thought he didn’t even realize there was someone next to him until he’s ripped out of them by a voice, jumping out of his skin as he blinks heavily and puts his hand over his chest. “you almost gave me a heart attack.” he breathed out. “warn a guy before….speaking.” he tilts his head to the side when he realizes how stupid that sounds, he really needs to think about words before speaking.
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               sometimes, she can’t tell what noises are real and what noises are echoing off of the walls of her SKULL. whispers turn to roaring engines and upturned gravel... she can feel the d u s t settle in the crevices of her spine: every vertebrae humming as her fingertips trace along headstones. the jeep’s headlights snap her back to reality ( but that doesn’t mean the voices S  T  O  P ) and she isn’t psychic, but she knows who it is before the lights fade and the unwelcome darkness sets back in.    ❛  stiles?  ❜  her words come out as a question unintentionally, but she doesn’t have time to wonder why before his wiry frame jolts in surprise, causing her heels to shuffle back a step or two.     ❛  i’ll try to remember that.  ❜  she sighs out a breathy chuckle before coming closer and leaning against the jeep, eyes scanning the hallowed ground below.    
                               ❛  i can’t seem to stay away from this place... what’s your EXCUSE ?  ❜ 
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harbingcr · 8 years
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We’re here to save Lydia.
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harbingcr · 8 years
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                   ❛    i like     birds,     too. they can     FLY AWAY     when things get too     crazy.    ❜
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                strawberry blonde tresses waver as lydia shifted her gaze from the SKY to the blonde stranger that has materialized beside her.     ❛ they also have brains the size of PISTACHIOS. ❜
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harbingcr · 8 years
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N o b o d y ever thinks otherwise
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harbingcr · 8 years
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GET TO KNOW ME: FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTERS [1/5] → Lydia Martin Academically, Lydia’s one of the finest students I’ve ever had. Her A.P. classes push her G.P.A. above a 5.0. I’d actually like to have her I.Q. tested. And socially she displays outstanding leadership qualities. I mean, she’s a real leader.
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harbingcr · 8 years
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                     ❝ —– we can TALK about how i got here later. can you just HELP ME UP?!?!? ❞
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                 ❛ well, give me your hand ! ❜ the redhead paused, pulling the boy back up with slight difficulty. after a moment to catch her breath, she furrowed her brow. ❛ you legitimately need a B A B Y S I T T E R, you know that? ❜
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harbingcr · 8 years
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Not all monsters do monstrous things.
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