hardwireds-blog · 5 years
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gonna restart all my threads ‘cause this guy went back home for a lil family emergency so ! that means.... please like for a starter / thread / a morsel of love 🥺 
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ emma ]
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EMMA: i didn’t even kno hentai heaven is a thing EMMA: who’s ur hentai obsessed friend EMMA: it’s…it’s…about bleaching my hair….. EMMA: crazy, i kno…it’s a horrible intrusive thought…
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AUGUST: me neither but apparently i’m paying for it now AUGUST: not for me just to make that clear. for max. who is surprised AUGUST: oh really? i think that’d be cool AUGUST: as the kids say... beauty is pain....
✧.° — snapchat › everyone.
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
❝ ☆ *. imsg → troy barnes
MAX: now you've rlly done it. i hope ur ready for the good morning babe i love u texts ur gnna get every single day until u die
MAX: every time my final boss looks at me my mental health takes a critical hit
MAX: that's right u need to learn ur place in this relationship
MAX: bro u know i would never unadd u there's no point in decorating my campsite if ur not the one visiting :/
AUGGIE: akekeke (my plan worked perfectly)..... 😏😂
AUGGIE: man. you gotta get that power up bro u cant face the boss battle alone
AUGGIE: excuse me? almost broke my heart right there
AUGGIE: bro.... i give you kudos everyday i water your plants for you and give you my event creatures you think i'd be okay without your campsite in my life? :/
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
msg ↺ lion cub
RORY: hey so i was thinking
RORY: i want to move out of my parents place when we go home... i'm 20 now thats grown
RORY: we should get an apartment together
RORY: besties... taking on the world
AUGGIE: she says she's grown but she still can't reach my shoulder 😂
AUGGIE: oh word wait really?
AUGGIE: don't play
AUGGIE: i said quit playing
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ soojin ]
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soojin’s awoken by a freakishly high-pitched yell and even intoxicated, she’s fully ready to scold whoever’s child just snuck into her room. she sits up immediately, using the comforter to cover her chest, when she realizes it’s not a child but august. this prompts her to let out a scream of her own, holding the comforter to her chest much tighter than before. soojin knew august found her attractive, everyone did, but she never expected him to be the kind of man to just invite himself into her bedroom in hopes that something would happen. “ excuse me ? your bed ? ” she replies, looking at him as if he’s ridiculous for trying to fool her into thinking that she’s the one at fault here. “ i was ready to get some sleep and you just tried to crawl into my bed ! how did you even get in my room ?! i have a key code on my … ” her words trail off once it hits her. she didn’t enter her key code lock, meaning this isn’t her room, and if this is august’s bedroom, she’s not even at the right estate. “ oh my god, ” she groans to herself, letting herself drop back onto the side that she’s now claimed. the room’s almost completely dark, the only light coming from the window and it works in soojin’s favor, hiding the bright red tint that’s now across her cheeks as she’s managed to be humiliated by her driver.
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               it’s not that he particularly despised soojin, in fact it was the opposite — it felt like she was never really fond of the boy, never been on friendly terms with august. she wasn’t exactly the most welcoming welcome party, and that was fine with him. he knew his place in the pack; that is to say, far away from the dangers of being spiritually clawed alive by jung soojin. he was more than okay with that. so why did fate have to play a cruel hand on him and practically amazon prime deliver the wicked witch of the west herself to his doorstep, let alone in his bed, wrapped up in the sheets he was so ready to throw himself under and hide in? was this some sort of sick joke? was she going to pull out a camera and yell, gotcha punk! the thought made him shake. “ w-what are you doing here? ” he gulps, mustering up whatever was left of his wits, brown bear eyes wide as saucers looking at anything, anything at all besides her. “ is this some sort of prank? ‘cause if it is i want out. what’s the safety word? watermelon? ”
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ rory ]
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           “ i know, i was hurt. i love you and the idea just  —- i was jealous.” her confession is followed by a long pause, hands feeling around in the dark to find his. there isn’t one part of her that doesn’t love the boy, not a single shred of doubt about the relationship the pair share ; the fact she even suggested space was out of pure desperation, the need to stop hurting ( though shes sure a line or two would have fixed that, anyway ). inhaling deeply, the brunette uses her grip on her hands to direct them towards the floor of the closet ; waiting for him to find a comfortable position before making another move. “ i don’t ever want to be away from you, august. ” she speaks as she moves with difficulty, clambering her way onto his lap and wrapping her legs around his waist ; hands moving to cup his face, forehead resting against his. “ listen to me. ” she shifts on his lap slightly, yearning to be closer than possible. “ you and i, we’re confusing. you’re my best friend and i’m in love with you. i don’t know what that means, we don’t even talk about it most of the time —— we both know you deserve better than whatever i’m offering. but i’d rather give up coke than have space. ” god, please don’t make her give up coke. 
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           five simple words is all it takes for august’s exterior walls to disassemble, the factory line of his braincells to erupt into emotion-induced chaos, the rest of his body to simmer with static electricity flowing in his veins raising the tips of his tiny hairs. did he hear that right? must be an glitch in the system. a delusion. though deep in his core he knew it was anything but — it was more than likely that these feeling things he was constantly plagued with lately, well, maybe they weren’t so one-sided after all. but he would never admit that. not because the male was ashamed of it, oh no, far from it. the mere thought of it was foreign and coated in an alabaster shield his mind couldn’t quite break into; he knew even a single look from the girl could jumpstart his heart better than any defibrillator can. he just couldn’t understand it, wrap his head around it all. so instead, he lets his arms wrap around her instead, tugging her tiny body as close to his as humanly possible. eyes flutter shut as a million thought atoms zip through his grey matter, and for once he wills them shut so he could enjoy the moment, enjoy this, enjoy her. noses brush against each other, breaths hitched as if time itself had stopped. instinctively, his lips find their familiar counterpart, transmitting the one message he willed for her to grasp the most, even if he was incapable of deciphering it himself. it only lasts a few seconds, yet goes on for a lifetime — being here with her, just being with her was more than he ever thought he’d deserved. all he wanted to do was hold her face in his hands, hold her close. gingerly, he runs the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip, his chocolate eyes searching hers for any sign of a lie. there was none. “ i never want to be away from you, rory. i hope you get that in your stubborn little head. ” it hurt him to see rory like this. his rory. he’d do anything to bring the smile he so loved back on her face, even if it meant hiding away in a closet far from the dangers of the real world like some dirty little secret. “ as vast and infinite as space can be, i’d give up all parts of it if it meant i get to have you for even a little bit longer. and i mean that. ”
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
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          “ so what you’re saying is you really just stole a pair of shoes from a random guy. i’m guessing that guy needs it now... ” the laugh that follows his statement is light and airy, the male seeming to be in a pleasant mood despite questioning his friend’s moral character. “ you could go and return them? use the money to get your good friend august a little treat... i could use a new hard drive. ”
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          “oh, my god,” vera begins her story, “so today i went shopping at this mall and i was literally minding my business which is rare,” she shrugs, “and this guy was having a hard time grabbing a shoe because he was short, so i grabbed them for him and then he snatches them from my hand as i was giving it to him, because he thought i was taking them for myself or something, so i snatched them back from him and bought them.” she rolled her eyes,��“so the moral of the story is, do you know anybody who needs shoes?”
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ rory ]
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                gaze drops almost instantly when the question is sent her way, brain working against the intoxicants to form a logical response. “ i didn’t say that. fuck that question. ” she’d be more hurt about him questioning her feelings if she wasn’t so focused on the heated discussion at hand, eyes becoming wet with every single word the other spoke. she doesn’t have time to react to the declaration of loyalty she’d wanted to hear for some time now before hes pulling her heart from her chest ; tears holding in her eyes as she lets out a slow gasp, backing away from him and crossing her arms over her chest. “ why would you say that ? ” her biggest fault was being able to give but not take ; not when it came to him, anyway. “ fine. lets just take some space, august. clearly neither of us are happy. ”
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              it’s nearly pitch black in their own little orbit, the atmosphere around them tense and heated, but the second his senses pick up the first sign of wetness that forms in her tear ducts, his rigid demeanor instinctively dismantles — as if the mere thought of her breaking, especially by his own doing, was enough to snap him out of the smog of anger that had engulfed him prior. sure, he was hurt. her words hurt him more than he let on, but he’d be damned if he let her walk away with things between them hanging on by a thread. that wasn’t them. they were rory and august. this wasn’t them. “ stop it, rory. stop it. ” her words ring in his head like a siren blaring; he can feel his systems shifting into overdrive with every emotional dagger she throws at his chest. “ i love you. i’m sorry. i love you, i just — it doesn’t make sense to me why you’d corner me like a rat in a cage, hounding me about some devastating thing you’d clearly made up in your mind, and you won’t even hear me out when i try to explain things to you. ” he lifts his gaze to meet hers, his usual warm brown eyes now tinted with a shade of hurt. “ is that what you want? do you really want space? i want you to be honest. and don’t just tell me what you think i need to hear. we both know that never works out. ”
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
❝ ☆ *. imsg → troy barnes
MAX: i tell u like twice a week how dare u
MAX: honestly ,,, that adds up maybe we are living in a simulation its time for god to make my sim rich
MAX: i've never seen the movie but that better be a compliment or i'll unfriend u on animal crossing pocket camp right this second
AUGGIE: is it too much to ask for 3 of 7 days? that's not even half. look at me. i'm malnourished with lack of max. i'm min.
AUGGIE: my big boss seems to have lost the plot all he does is make me up my programming skill and thats it
AUGGIE: holy shit
AUGGIE: don't do this to me man you know pocket camp is sacred.
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ emma ]
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EMMA: omg help me please EMMA: it’s urgent EMMA: it’s about these thoughts i’ve been having…. EMMA: they’re such bad, bad thoughts….
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AUGUST: what is it? AUGUST: its not a subscription to hentai heaven is it AUGUST: i cant cover for another hentai obsessed friend i just cant
✧.° — snapchat › everyone.
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ billie ‌]
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BILLIE: actually no she has no idea KDHGLJKDHGKJD BILLIE: i would die if she found out 😕 BILLIE: i told her it was a quote from a movie so operation: hetero child is still in effect
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AUGUST: well your secret is safe with me AUGUST: wouldn’t like to get on her bad side either AUGUST: i can remember the last time someone dropped a plate in her presence AUGUST: i think i had an out of body experience that day
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ rory‌ ]
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                “ stop. ” its almost impossible for her to keep the eye contact, gaze lowering as he spoke. theres a part of her, extremely deep down, that knows he’d never do anything to hurt her —– but her overwhelming insecurity brought from the multitude of relationships SHE’D cheated in overlapped all sensible judgement. “ you lie to me all the time, august. every time we’re together, we’re playing some sick game of who can say ‘i love you’ and make it sound the most real. ” of course, she’s meant the phrase every time she spoke it ; but her combined embarrassment and intoxication can only lead her to one conclusion ; EVERYTHING was a lie. “ i didn’t misread the situation. she’s hot, i’d fuck her too. ”
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            “ wait — so you don’t? is that what this is about? ” it’s hard for him to really wrap his head around what she was feeding to him in this state. is she saying she never loved him? love. word’s a bit obscure to his area of expertise — he was more used to lines of code and equations. something as abstract and fleeting as silly little feelings was far from his comfort zone. still, it didn’t help with the now growing lump in his throat, the dead weight building in his empty chest. “ i didn’t fuck her. or anyone. it’s only been you. it’s only ever been you... ” that last part comes out more like a ghost of a whisper, but given the minuscule space between their bodies, he’s positive she could catch it. though he wasn’t sure if he wanted her to. “ but since you’re so deadset on the idea of me with someone else, ” he continues, tone growing colder, figure stiff. “ maybe i should just do you the favor. ” 
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ gwen ]
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GWEN: yes. GWEN: you come right after april, may and june, already checked them off my hit list. GWEN: ( friendly agent reading this it’s not what it sounds like ) GWEN: also speaking of kicking your ass, are you up for another round of mk ?
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AUGUST: is she slowly killing off all the months of the year......... AUGUST: should i call the police? AUGUST: why is that even a question you know i’m up for it AUGUST: ready to get floored? literally. Haha
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ rory ]
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                  “ you’re lying. ” head shakes with both disgust and heartbreak, extensive intoxication making her actions slower than intended. she stumbles forward slightly, small form resting on the others chest for a second before regaining herself and pushing him away. “ you had sex with her —— but because i’m rory, and i don’t care about anything, you think you can LIE to me. you can’t ! ”
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               he feels the impact of her fists and lets her take her misplaced anger on him, knowing fully well her actions were fueled by liquid fire. “ hey... ” his tone is hushed and soothing — he was never one to raise his voice. especially not with her. “ rors, look at me, ” warm brown eyes scan her face, analyzing every dimly lit detail he could; through the dark he could see  irtually nothing, but he’d memorized every pixel of her face ages ago. “ when have i ever lied to you? i’m telling you, i think you misread the situation. ”
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
[ gwen ]
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GWEN: alright mr. dummy. GWEN: aren’t twitch gamers just high on energy drinks like every other gamer ? GWEN: keep telling yourself that and maybe it will ! GWEN: don’t read this but ( it won’t ) 🤫
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AUGUST: and? whats your point AUGUST: do you live to tear down my hopes and dreams AUGUST: do you feed off the misery of the poor augusts of the world AUGUST: she absolutely hates me..
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
— ✘ ⧽ imssg ➮ ian.
IAN: that's a lie august i know for a FACT this whole earth revolves around me
IAN: and sea lions are cute so i'll take it as a compliment
AUGUST: oh you get that off wikipedia or something?
AUGUST: sea lions are so cool did you know they can grow up to 800 pounds in the wild
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hardwireds-blog · 5 years
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BILLE: of course i support lesbians’ rights BILLE: lesbians’ rights to ri― BILLE: wait i forgot i had my mom added on here BILLE: *cough* hey 😁
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AUGUST: so i take it your mom is used to these kinds of psas? AUGUST: will i be seeing her at pride parade AUGUST: i can bring her a rainbow hat
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