The Hargreeves Siblings on Their Birthday!
luther stopped caring about their birthday as they all got older. you’re probably like ChArLoTtE tHaT’s WhAt HaPpEnS wItH mOsT aDuLtS, which is true, but luther stopped caring bc he had no one to celebrate with (very sad very sad) as the siblings started leaving, there were fewer and fewer people for luther to celebrate with
when they were kids though, luther LOVED to celebrate their birthday. he liked the idea of growing up and becoming more mature and responsible. he and klaus hyped up their birthday the most, but no one really cared about THE HYPE. only allison seemed to care about luther’s excitement, so he usually spent their birthday (and every. other. single. day) with allison
while he was on the (drum roll, please 🥁) MOON, luther completely ignored the fact that it was his birthday. it was just another day
the last birthday luther remembers celebrating was his 20th birthday, and it wasn’t even much of a celebration. it was legit just luther and allison with a quick drop in by klaus. like grace made a batch of cupcakes (we stan a good mom) and klaus stopped by to say BONSOIR. he stole 3 cupcakes, duh. allison ate one and luther ate half of one so it was a pretty pathetic part ngl
so like diego pretends not to care about their birthday but like... we all know diego loves spending the day with his siblings and seeing (most of them) get all happy and excited about being oLd PeOpLe
tbh tho diego genuinely didn’t like their birthday growing up- he expected reggie to eat least give them SOME attention on that day and he was always ALWAYS disappointed when he just kept working. and that’s part of the reason he’s so close with grace bc she actually cared about the kids and their birthday
and on diego’s 13th birthday grace gave diego a very fancy schmancy new knife that he TREASURES. like when i say treasure i MEAN treasures. he couldn’t live without that knife. lil momma’s boy 🥰
but now that sIr ReGiNaLd is d e c e a s e d and can’t cause the siblings anymore ✨trauma✨ diego secretly enjoys their birthday bc it just hits different ya know. everyone seems happier
NuMbEr ThReE (read that in klaus’ reggie impression) aight now allison has never been a big birthday person. she just likes the ~ e x p e r i e n c e ~ and all. she’d be chill with just hanging out with the fam. BUT she does like to decorate with klaus and grace bc that’s always fun. there have been many MANY incidents with klaus and decorating
yeah so allison really just enjoys the simple things especially after being famous bc she’s tired of the celebrity life. she likes a chill, quiet afternoon with her brothers and sister (and claire too)
but like allison isn’t the type of person to completely ignore the fact that it’s their birthday (*cough* luther and diego *cough*) she still wants to do SOMETHING a little special. so BOOM that’s how a tradition was started. on the siblings’ 11th birthday allison was like “Y’ALL lets get some doughnuts at griddy’s” and then they were like “aight bet” and they literally stayed there from 9am-11pm. and so that kinda became a tradition for them and it was really the one day a year where they all felt like a family
and then that tradition became no más when they all left the academy. but then when they reunited allison was like “Y’ALL lets get come doughnuts at griddy’s” and then they were like “aight bet” and boom that’s that
y’all’re (yes i knowi’m very american i just said y’all’re yikes) anywho y’all’re TRIPPIN if you don’t think klaus is the whole birthday planner soccer mom type of dude. like don’t be a fool come one you KNOW he’s that type of dude. klaus will go ALL OUT. but like obviously he can’t do it alone bc then it would probably be a mess. so then grace comes in and helps klaus and most of the time allison does too. they decorate the whole house and bake a bajillion cakes and cupcakes
grace has taught him how to make the best desserts and he also knows all his siblings’ favorite desserts bc he makes their favorites on their birthday
but there was one time on their 16th birthday where klaus was messing around and may or may not have put drugs in some of the cupcakes.................... yeah so that happened............... and diego, allison, klaus, and ben may or may not have been high the entire day................ but that’s not important
all i’m saying here is that klaus is wholesome and cares about his siblings with his whole heart and must be protected at all costs 🙂🔪
alright y’all time to get in your feels. so when the siblings’ birthday comes around, five honestly gets so sad but he doesn’t show it OBVIOUSLY bc he’s not that type of dude. but he reminisces and thinks of all the birthdays he missed with his family and all the birthdays he spent alone. he imagines what it might’ve been like to celebrate their 16th birthday together or their 21st, whatever. so then he gets really quiet and isn’t really himself (and it’s obvious) bc five loves his family and just hates that he couldn’t be there
aight imma head out- i gotta go cry in a corner real quick 🤧
ok ok i’m done crying- so yeah in the apocalpyse five would just drink a lot of wine with dolores and eventually just get drunk bc it was the only way for him not to cry bc YES FIVE WOULD CRY IF HE THOUGHT TOO MUCH ABOUT IT BC HE HAS FEELINGS TOO AND JUST LOVES HIS FAMILY A LOT MAN
but now in the present on their birthday he’ll just keep reminding himself that he’s not in the apocalpyse anymore. he’s with them now and that’s all that matters. so then sometimes his eyes will water a little bit or a tear will fall bc he’s just thinking about how thankful he is to be back with his family
and all i’m saying here is that five is also wholesome but not really bc he’s kinda scary ya know he goes chop chop with an axe and pew pew with a gun. so he can protect himself BUT WE’LL BE THERE FOR HIM TOO 😤🔪
so ben’s dead :)
he’s still dead
still a ghost (SpOoKy)
can’t do much when you’re a ghost
but he does like to just watch his siblings get all happy and spread love and just ahh be cute and wholesome and loving and actually like a family for once even if it’s not as cute and wholesome and loving as i’m making it sound but hey it looks cute and wholesome and loving to ben
ben is definitely that kind of guy tho- he’ll stare at his siblings adoringly just embracing the fact that he’s there with them even if they don’t know
growing up tho ben would always get gifts for each of his siblings bc he’s just a sweet little dude. he was the only one that gave them presents and did he get anything in return? no. ok well that’s not true. klaus did give him half a pack of cigarettes and a roll of toilet paper on their 15th birthday
let’s be sad again YAY!
so obviously vanya was kinda excluded even when they all went to griddy’s together as kids. like yeah she was THERE but no one really ACKNOWLEDGED her. most of the time she would just end up by herself. so most birthdays vanya would sneak a cupcake from the kitchen bc she didn’t get one earlier. and bc she has no clue where the candles are lighter are vanya would just use a little flashlight as her candle. if you looked in one vanya it would look really sad and lonely like- just imagine a little girl sitting at the foot of her bed with a single cupcake and flashlight in the dark and then “blowing out” the flashlight and then crying bc she’s so lonely.... you’re welcome :)
there was one year vanya found a match box tho and thought it was a good idea to use those as a candle. it ends with part of her bedsheet on fire... at least she put it out but you can still see where the sheets were burned
so now sometimes vanya will just see the sheets and be reminded of her childhood and what it was like growing up in a family of special, praised people that completely ignored you. and when that happens she’ll go to sleep in one of the guest rooms instead
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