harishjagtani123 · 2 years
3 Key Lessons Every Entrepreneur Can Learn From Failure In Business – Mr. Harish Jagtani
 Failure is almost synonymous with businesses. A report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics says about one in five businesses in the US fail within a year. In fact, there are many entrepreneurs who think failure as the normal way forward to succeed. They celebrate failure because they think learning from mistakes firsthand is their greatest source of knowledge. Here are some important lessons one can learn from failing in a business…
Failure Helps Build Resilience
Failure teaches entrepreneurs the power to recover quickly, which builds resilience. Every failure teaches entrepreneurs to learn tenacity and perseverance, the major characteristics of resilience that are vital to steer them through wrong moves and fight the urge to give up.
Research reveals how building resilience helps businesses succeed. Another study found that resilient entrepreneurs view business setbacks as puzzles they were capable of solving and dealing with fully. The researchers also saw that entrepreneurs who were ready to face these challenges were more motivated and proactive in identifying ways to improve business processes and adjust the results on the go. The reports even found that resilience was an important skill that helped business owners respond to unforeseen challenges and businesses owned by such entrepreneurs were more likely to survive.
Failure Helps Instil Fearlessness
Every one of us reacts to failure in a different way. Entrepreneurship is risky, as well as full of challenges and this adds to the fear of failure, along with rejection. These fears can prevent aspiring entrepreneurs from taking risks and following their dreams. A survey found about three in five Americans had ideas for starting a business. It showed that 92% did not convert their ideas into business. For 33% of the survey respondents, the fear of failure kept them from following their dream into business. But we should remember that failure teaches us some of the most significant lessons in life.
Over the past decade, we have seen many instances where venture capitalists invested in businesses that failed. Successful entrepreneurs do not allow fear to stop them. Instead, they see failure as an opportunity to learn and use that information to move forward. Moreover, it also helps them explore the changes they have to implement to succeed. Through failure, one discovers the shortcomings in one’s business and team. It teaches an aspiring entrepreneur where his/her weaknesses lie and what needs to be improved. The knowledge and practical experience that come from failure instil a fearlessness and confidence in entrepreneurs that drives them to keep trying.
Failure Helps One Adapt to Change
Failure also teaches adaptability. When an idea or approach fails, entrepreneurs have to adjust to new situations and be open to experiments and new ideas. Being open to change and keep agile are part of adaptability that allows entrepreneurs to overcome barriers, learn and innovate. When industry, market and customer preferences change, this adaptability helps entrepreneurs navigate these new situations and work an idea into problem-solving or come up with new ones.
One example of huge success is Netflix. Founded in 1997, it focused on allowing consumers to buy and rent DVDs. Two years down the line, it included a subscription model that helped people rent as many DVDs as they wanted to by paying the rent on mail. Then, taking advantage of new-age technology and streaming content over the Internet, the company re-optimized its business model in 2007.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
9 Ways Personality Tests Can Help During Hiring Process – Mr. Harish Jagtani
 Nowadays, the hiring process has become different and more complex than it has been traditionally. Earlier, employers only had a small window to assess and know a candidate. An hour was just about time to ask questions about a candidate’s work experience and instances of past behavior at work. But it was not sufficient to learn about things like an individual’s communication style and so on at the workplace
It is important for candidates to have job-specific personality to handle an organization’s pressures and customer line. Hiring a candidate with the wrong personality type may have a disastrous outcome for your organization. But how does one know a candidate’s personality? This is where personality tests become crucial. This is a series of questions that often help leaders assess their current teams and even provide vital information on prospective employees. A rise in the use of personality tests in the hiring process has led to the development of methodologies that businesses can choose from, depending upon their requirements.
Personality Tests for Hiring
These are assessments that measure a candidate’s non-behavioral characteristics and are given to candidates prior to the job interview to inform them about the interview process. These are given in a multiple-choice format for self-assessment where candidates choose traits or statements that match their personality the most. Based on the results, employers can get a better understanding of a candidate’s underlying characteristics, like motivation, communication style, temperament, character, personal identity and much more. For instance, a personality test can reveal how an individual prefers to interact with others, ways of handling a stressful situation, or how open they are to change. A couple of popular ones are Disc Assessment and Myers-Briggs, The Caliper Profile, Predictive Index (PI) Behavioral Assessment and Situational Judgment Test (SJT), among others.
Why Are the Tests Important?
Since it is quite expensive for companies to recruit and train new hires, attracting the right candidates for specific opportunities is important for an organization’s productivity, as well as the bottom line. Personality tests serve as valuable tools for recruiting and retaining great talent. These also help evaluate job performance. So, assessing a candidate’s behavioral tendencies at work helps hiring managers and headhunters decide whether a candidate fits into an open position, along with the company’s culture.
They Help Get the Right Match
Nowadays, employees are leaving companies in hordes and a key reason is that they do not fit in with the company’s culture. Personality tests or pre-employment tests make it easier to match the right person with the right job. It presents a picture of the real person which, at times, is much more important than work experience or education qualifications. Moreover, the resume of a person does not tell you how well he/she will perform in future.
Help Spot Leadership Skills
Although one cannot rely on these tests entirely, they can help you to learn certain things about your employees. You can use such a test to figure out whether a person is suitable for a particular leadership role or not. These tests can tell you if an individual is hostile or timid by nature. It can also give an idea about whether a person works better in a team or otherwise.
Identify Strengths, Weaknesses
The tests also help you find the strengths and weaknesses of applicants. It is not possible to simply inquire about such information. Many are not even aware of their true strengths and weaknesses. Even if they are, it is quite unlikely that they would want to disclose this information to a recruiter. But these tests are developed to help you explore such information.
These Tests Promote Diversity
A report revealed that, sometimes, candidates face discrimination. Companies that use these personality tests can promote greater diversity at the workplace. By taking all the candidates through a standardized hiring process, employers can eliminate prejudice and offer all applicants who meet the requirements equal conditions regardless of their background.
These Are Flexible for Applicants
These pre-employment tests can be taken by candidates when it suits them and be considered for the position remotely. For instance, they do not have to take time off to appear for a job interview to a distant location physically.
Saves Recruiter a Lot of Time
These tests are quick to take and get results, too, which, in turn, save plenty of time for everyone involved.
Lays Ground for Growth Plan
The information from these tests can be used to lay the basis for a development plan that will help employees do their job the best they can.
They Lead to More Well-being
These tests lower the chances of hiring errors, which promotes greater well-being and lower absenteeism at work, thereby helping in improved production.
Good Addition to Interviews
These tests are a good addition to job interviews. Information about past behavior added with a candidate’s personality can offer hiring managers a fairly good idea of how the person would behave in similar situations in future.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
4 Functions Business Leaders Use To Manage A Remote Workforce
 The Covid-19 outbreak changed our lives in many ways. Forever! People started wearing masks, maintaining distance, shopping online and working remotely, among others. Covid-19 cases have gone down considerably now, but many of the practices continue to be a part of our lives. The most prominent was the fast adoption of the remote work mode. So, operating from anywhere, any time will be the future of the work environment. Reports show how the remote work culture will grow in the future. A recent study says more than 68% people around the world work remotely at least one day a week. And studies forecast that about 50% of employees will be working fully remotely by 2024.
Most companies are moving away from physical, brick-and-mortar offices as the remote work pattern continues to create a momentum. Teams that are embracing remote work are winning by broadening their talent pool and offering smarter work arrangements. But remote work requires a different set of guiding principles, tools for collaboration and systems of accountability. Here are some important tips to effectively manage your remote workforce…
Single Vision for the Whole Team
In a remote environment, it is very important for leaders to explain the bigger picture to the team. It may seem simple to appoint an individual and hand out assignments. This will work in the short term. But, in the long-term, employees would want to know more about their assignments. To work together effectively as a team, an organization has to excel at clarifying the big picture. From top managers to entry-level employees—everyone should share one mission, language and value set to work together as a team.
Context is Important in Communication
Communication is the lifeline of remote work. It is not just about sending text messages and making calls. Effective communication requires proper context. Discussing work can be difficult when the critical details are not clear in your mind. Every time you try to interact outside the context of a project, it needs detailed explanation time and again. So, it is better to have one system that can be a single source of information which lets conversations take place in the context of the job and you don’t have to add the context repeatedly. It is where your team needs it.
Tracking Work and Productivity
In a physical workplace, managers keep tabs on their employees—whether they are performing well, or facing any issues—during short conversations over coffee. But it is not so simple when your employees work from home. Managers need to have periodic performance checks and regular status checks with their remote workers and, at the same time, remember not overbear and micro-manage employees, which may lead to frustration.
Make the Most of Meetings
For remote work to succeed, meetings must be regularized. Make sure that meetings have a purpose and help the team work together. You should have purpose before setting up meetings and provide an agenda with bullets, expected time-frame and goals for the meeting. You can have quick, daily meetings to cover what you did yesterday and what you’re working on today. These will help everyone be in sync, prevent confusion, and help you track goals and progress. Projects take time and, as a manager, you have to make sure that progress is done properly. Besides, you should also have face-to-face interactions—sometimes.
Final Word
Your team can prosper in remote work mode. There won’t be wasteful commutes, but it will give your people flexibility to work from anywhere and anytime and open up a bigger talent pool. Adopting these principles will make sure your remote team is in sync and the most important work gets done in the best possible way.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
4 Ways In Which Effective Managers Stand Out In Competitive Workplace By Mr. Harish Jagtani
 A manager is responsible for controlling, or administering, an organization, or a group of employees, or a team of workers. It may seem that anyone can become a manager. But whom can we call a ‘good manager’? Well, they are individuals who can inspire any team, nurture or cultivate growth and productivity among team members, and regularly ask for feedback about their management approach. One does not become a good manager just by managing a team. It takes a lot of effort and leadership skills to manage a team successfully
ACCORDING TO FREDERICK W. SMITH, a good manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men; he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can. A Harvard Business Review report highlights a quality that most great managers possess: the ability to see what is unique in every team member. He helps each team member improve and grow his or her skills and adopt essential ones that are lacking. But don’t be upset if you think you are a bad manager. If you are passionate about your role and serious about your team’s success, you can become a good manager with only a little effort. Here are some tips to help you stand out as a good manager…
You must gain your team’s trust. Managers often say one thing to please their team and do something completely different and this leads to mistrust from the team. But good managers never do that and always keep their promises to their team and explain (not excuse) when a change of plan does take place. Earning trust is good for leadership just as earning respect is.
It may be easy to side with your team members during one-on-one meetings, but you have to be consistent around your boss, as well. Good managers do not shy away from defending his team’s ideas and efforts in front of their directors. But good managers do not always support their teams. They are very straightforward and honest with their team when it comes to facing pushbacks from other managers or junior executives.
A good manager always remembers that his or her team comprises individuals who try hard to reach their personal goals and also the team’s goals. Good managers make it a priority to meet each individual in their team to discover strengths and find ways to work on weaknesses.
While making important decisions and vital changes within the organization, good managers always inform their team beforehand. They believe that honesty and transparency build trust and show one’s integrity. Except confidential company decisions, a good manager always communicates with his or her team and is open to answering questions or addressing concerns.
Trying to play safe may be the easy way out, but meeting your goals will not always be easy. At times, you will have to take risks and you should also encourage experimenting. As a manager, you must set an example and be the first to test the waters. Failures may happen, but being agile and making mistakes is an important part of learning and progressing as a team. But you cannot be busy and alert all the time to be a successful leader. You must take time out for fun, too. Setting aside happy hours, lunch outings and outdoor games can keep things fun/light and entertaining. Remember the old adage, ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
It can never be too late to begin adopting some of the features of great managers. You may get an A+ feedback from your employees, or may not be as good, but there will be areas where you know you can improve. For good managers, the success and happiness of their team are top priorities and they always try to evolve over time, too!
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
Five strategies to prevent violence in the workplace - Mr. Harish Jagtani
Violence in the workplace is nothing new in the world. A report revealed that more than 22% of about 75,000 workers in 121 countries surveyed recently reported having experienced at least one type of violence or harassment. In fact, workplace violence has been increasing over the past few years and has affected innumerable employees and employers, too
When we come to know about a case of violence, it not only affects the victim, but also has wider consequences it affects the victim, the victim’s manager, colleagues and even the employer. Such issues should be taken care of promptly without sweeping it under the carpet or pretending that nothing has happened however small an incident is. Or else, it will grow over time and damage the company’s reputation and cause more harm.
Violence of other kinds than shooting incidents can spread anxiety in a workplace. Therefore, it is important to be alert and identify the warning signs before things get out of hand. To lower possible workplace violence, companies should identify the risk factors and the way the workers operate. They should take stern steps and create an exemplary culture.
1. Background Check of Recruits
Workplace violence prevention begins right at the time of hiring. Carrying out thorough background checks on employees once they accept a job offer can reveal if any of them has any history of violence. If there is any, an explanation can be sought to ensure that it matches with the report. If anyone is found convicted in a recent crime, the job offer may be rescinded to avoid a repeat behavior in this organization. Steps may be considered to lower employee anxiety by installing video surveillance along with ID badges and electronic keys, among others.
2. Policy to Prevent Harassment
Harassment or bullying is a threat to people. It creates an unpleasant work environment and is often a warning sign of ensuing violence. So, a zero-tolerance policy should be created to prevent harassment leading to any kind of violence. This policy should include a set of procedures that tackles workplace complaints effectively and in private. This policy must involve every level of employees—from managers and senior executives to the junior most staff. Everyone across the organization should be informed of the policy and it should be made sure that each employee truly understands it.
3. Effective Communication Line
A powerful communication system is a key factor that can prevent workplace violence. Employees should have access to the workplace communication network. It will allow them to understand and also report early signs of potential violence, rather than simply look the other way and keep working. Besides, if they gain access to conflict resolution resources, it will make them feel responsible to report and share important information. Moreover, HR should provide an open communication line to the management and other key members of the company to create an environment where employees feel their grievances are heard and responded to.
4. Training & Awareness Creation
Each year, training sessions should be held not only for managers and supervisors, but also for each subordinate member of the staff on how to resolve conflicts, recognize behaviors and reduce stress and post-incident measures. Everyone should be trained to take decisive action quickly and each team member should get the confidence needed to responsibly respond during such an incident. Additionally, differences in opinion and working style, or personality clashes exist in every workplace. Such conflicts can be avoided by organizing activities and helping the team know each other well and acknowledge differences as positive qualities. This may help people view their individual differences as a vital role in building the team's strengths.
5. A Stringent Anti-Violence Policy
Workplace violence can be prevented by creating firm policies that will empower the team to report violent behavior, harassment and other similar incidents. Such a policy eliminates irresponsible and unwelcome employee behavior and leaves no scope for playing favorites. Managers must carry out swift and consistent punishment no matter who has violated the policy. It should also be made sure that all employees are aware of the consequences of violating this policy. This tough stand will help show the company's commitment towards preventing violence.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
Six Practical Employee Appreciation Ideas For Better Engagement And Retention - Mr. Harish Jagtani
We all love recognition and praise for what we do. All of us have an inherent desire to be recognized. We may find recognition in different spheres of our lives, but many seek appreciation at the workplace. So, if your company wants to retain talent, you must focus on employee appreciation…
Employee retention can impact your business and the cost of staff turnover is growing by the day. According to research, for businesses in the US, this has become a $1-trillion concern. With a strong economy and record-low unemployment rates, risk-taking workers are quitting jobs in hordes. But the report also reveals that more than 50% of workers who left their jobs said their employers could have prevented their exit. So, the need of the hour is to focus on employee retention strategies. Here are a few steps organizations can adopt to retain their best talent…
Retention Begins at Top Level
According to experts, everyone is an employee within the company from a frontline worker to the CEO. So, you must be concerned about engagement at all levels.
The first step in getting leaders to engage with their teams is to show them the influence they have. So, businesses should track leadership engagement metrics. For instance, tracking turnover rate by leader in order to understand how many people leave a leader’s team is vital data every human resource team should monitor.
Listen to Employee Feedback
Engaged leaders communicate and listen effectively and build trust among their employees because trust is one of the most important aspects of employee retention. You should have one-on-one meetings with your staff regularly and hold anonymous employee surveys at least twice a year. The surveys will help you understand employee satisfaction with their leaders. The results can be shared with the whole company so that proper strategies can be chalked out. You must remember it is the follow-up action that you take on the survey that is of the utmost significance.
To get honest feedback from employee engagement surveys, you must communicate your intentions with your team beforehand. It will prepare the staff and help reassure those skepticals who fear that honest feedback—even anonymous surveys—may land them in trouble.
Staff Growth Opportunities
Employee training is very important for engaging with, and maintaining, your workforce. No one wants to be assigned a job without the resources they require to perform it. If employees feel that you are setting them up for failure, they will grab the first chance to move out.
Remember that training increases employee retention. They can focus more and get a job done with better understanding along with the resources they need to do it.
Ensure that each of your managers knows about training resources available for each role in their team. When an employee expresses the need for additional tools or resources to do their job, managers should try to find the right training programs immediately.
Invest in Mentorship Programs
A company can make the biggest mistake by not investing in learning and development. Employees need to see that you are willing to invest resources into their potential. A mentorship program is the best way to develop employees and keep the entire workforce engaged.
Research has found that 13% of employees look for mobility opportunities within their current company. Providing resources for prioritizing career development conversations is a crucial aspect of a healthy employee engagement strategy. You must build an environment where everyone can succeed, irrespective of their background if you wish to retain top talent.
Prioritize Culture & Connection
Company culture is vital for your retention strategy. When employees feel welcome and integrated into the company’s culture, your retention rate will increase. However, if they feel your culture is toxic, more likely than not they will leave. A positive company culture will allow you to attract, and retain, the best talents. Employees can identify when the real culture does not match the one you promote outside and this can damage employee trust. You can ask your staff for their inputs while assessing and designing your company’s culture. Connection is an extremely important component of culture, and it is something you have to consciously cultivate, especially in hybrid environments. When employees feel connected to their leaders, to one another, and to the business, their engagement level and loyalty will grow.
Hold Employee Appreciation Day
If you set aside a day for certain activities, it shows that you give some importance to them. When it comes to employee appreciation, every company should have a day to prioritize it. It keeps employees motivated and adds to a driving work culture. There can be many gestures to facilitate employee recognition. You can make employees write gratitude notes to each other for helping them in a project or have an awards function to appreciate employees for behaviors that you want to promote among your workforce. There are many ways to make good an 'Employee Appreciation Day'.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
6 ways to create an employee-friendly workplace – by Mr. Harish Jagtani
Your employees spend their life’s essential hours at the office, so it is important for them to feel happy and comfortable at work. It is quite impossible to enjoy work always, but the environment and the surrounding workplace culture have a huge impact on how people feel about their colleagues and jobs. Let us take a look at ways to create an employee-friendly workplace to boost productivity and employee engagement.
1. Great Company Culture
Company culture is a mix of values, structure, leadership style, internal communication and so on. How a company runs internally impacts the workplace environment significantly. And it should be worked on consistently and not as a one-time agenda. To build a great company culture, all members of the organization, across all levels must participate. The leadership team should demonstrate and promote values to nurture employee growth and encourage them to deliver of their best.
Nothing can be worse than a workplace where the tapping of keyboards or a sigh here and there are the only sounds that can be heard. People feel afraid to speak when it is so quiet. So, you should encourage your employees to talk to each other. Today, more than 80% of the employees say regular conversations with their managers would make them feel more confident. This means you should keep your doors open always. The focus should be on creating a shared work environment that helps healthy communication and constructive feedback too. The company’s norms should be well-defined and well-accepted, but it should also be flexible when the need arises.
2. Embrace Diversity
The people comprising the workforce naturally have a great impact on the environment. The NextGen workforce identifies itself as global citizens. They do not just accept diversity in the workforce, but also welcome diversity. And today, with digital media, more and more businesses are becoming global entities. For your company to have a global identity, your workforce must also be inclusive and diverse. When people from different ethnicities, regions, traditions and social structures come together, they bring novel ideas to the table. They provide fresh perspectives on issues and more problem-solving measures.
Therefore, diversity at the workplace is not just a trend to follow or a number to fill, but diversity helps you to also build a strong work culture and helps your business eventually.
3. Show Appreciation
Everyone loves praises. Remember to let people know when they do some praiseworthy good work. It can also be a great motivator. Moreover, it can play a significant part in your strong workplace-building culture. And with technology, you can do wonders. You can try to integrate your communication platform with a special reward and recognition. It can help you to show appreciation without too much trouble. It will also allow you to hold onto your best talent and help you communicate organizational values. Getting everything in one platform will allow you to control costs, measure results and build companywide stability.
4. Encourage Exercise
Exercise can improve health, mood, and productivity. If your organization involves mostly sedentary work, encourage people to take breaks and walk around. You can even try to make your workplace pet-friendly. Having indoor activities for employees can be a superb way to relax. In fact, many Y-Gen employees say they would want to be associated with a company that promotes employee well-being. Moreover, pets at workplaces have helped in lowering stress levels and creating a comfortable environment.
5. Design Comfortable Workplace
Modern workspace designs are important for employee satisfaction. Colors have a significant impact on the workplace environment. Remember to add colorful elements while designing the office space. And natural daylight is believed to enhance efficiency and improve sleep. So, when you design the workstations see that your employees can enjoy enough natural light. And in case you cannot get access to natural light, install daylight bulbs to brighten up the place and cheer up people’s moods.
Moreover, offices, where people can feel physically comfortable and at ease, help enhance moods and improve the day-to-day work experience. So, ensure the furniture is not just comfortable, but also ergonomically designed. You can also place some plants since they are a great productivity booster. For non-work spaces make sure to provide plenty of spaces for your staff to take short breaks, grab a cup of tea or coffee and catch up with co-workers.
6. Healthy Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is the most important criterion for any job-seeker today and significant for employee engagement practitioners. Work-life balance can come in the form of flexible office timings, work-from-home options, more vacation time and so on. You should follow a work environment that helps employees achieve a healthy work-life balance even during office hours. People become unproductive with overwork, so ensure some fun time. Organize activities for your teams and offer them a chance to let off steam and bond too. Weekend get-togethers can be an easy way to do it. This will help your people to interact and socialize and help in building a better workplace environment.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
Decoding Thought Leadership – with Mr. Harish Jagtani
 Some are born leaders; others learn the right tactics to influence people!
Thought leadership is important because powerful thoughts contribute to powerful results
Nowadays, the term, ‘Thought Leader’, is used quite often and one might tend to think it is one of those new words doing the rounds. In reality, a thought leader is very important to both people and businesses. An effective thought leader is someone who has in-depth knowledge of topics and subjects that no one else has and offers guidance to, or influences, people around them. As an expert in a company, or society, a thought leader with his/her reputation can help others enormously with his/her insights.
Some people are born leaders. But business leaders who strive to become ‘Thought Leaders’ can try to adopt the right tactics to successfully influence others irrespective of their field and become a trustworthy source of acuity and information.
Experts say thought leaders possess an inherent ability to contribute to conversations taking place now and, at the same time, are able to foretell what is about to happen in the near future. They also set the pace for the industry they belong to and provide in-depth understanding and views. This special quality allows thought leaders to bring opinions to the table no one else can provide.
What approach to follow…
If you wish to establish yourself as a reliable person in any field, you have to put in hard work, dedication and time. Thought leaders keep growing their experience and credibility. You can try to learn the key leadership principles and follow the best practices of successful thought leaders, like Steve Jobs, Tim Ferris or for that matter Deepak Chopra, to build a leadership career for yourself.
Define your area of expertise: First, clearly define your area of expertise that will help you build your brand, establish credibility in your field and build your profile. For instance, a fitness expert focuses on what she knows best, exercises. This helps her grow within that space and she is invited to speak at fitness events or asked to write for newspapers and magazines, among others.
Continue the learning process: In the age of digital technology, every industry is changing. As a thought leader, you should stay updated on what is happening in your field, so that you can add valuable inputs and share ideas. You have to keep learning about your industry and understand the larger picture of the economy too. You have thought fast and study market dynamics to find patterns, be able to analyze those and offer solutions to the issues you face.
Listen to what the others say: Thought leaders do not always have all the answers. But it is important to admit what you do not know and listen to what others have to say. Learning from others in your field is a great way to stay connected with peers and expand your knowledge in the subject. It is important to draw your ideas from multiple sources to increase the chances of getting fresh ones.Focus on only a few subjects: It is absolutely fine if you share opinions on various subjects to show you are a well-rounded professional. But, as a successful thought leader, you should focus on a particular line or specialty. Covering too many topics can be difficult to manage and create an impression that you are unfocused. Athought leader’s success is comes from a sharp focus in a particular field.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
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harishjagtani123 · 2 years
3 ways to build a better ecosystem and contribute to humanity – by Mr. Harish Jagtani
Every day, we get to read reports on climate change and global warming and how humans are contributing more towards that and adding to the rising natural disasters. We keep reading these, but do we really take any steps to change that and improve the situation? In fact, reading these reports, one may feel like throwing up one’s hands and saying nothing can be done to fix this bleak situation. But that kind of an attitude will lead us nowhere…
We have to understand that humanity is totally dependent on the Earth’s ecosystems and the things that we get from there, such as, clean drinking water, food and climate regulation, among others.
There are many people who are aware of the alarming situation, but only a handful take initiatives towards making any improvements. Governments and big corporate houses announce steps they want to take to save the planet and improve the ecosystem. But a time has come when every individual should come forward to save our beautiful Earth along with nature and animals and humanity in the process. In fact, we can do things on a daily basis to reduce our carbon footprints and make more eco-friendly routines.
If we try to follow a healthy lifestyle and are eco-conscious, we can go a long way. Moreover, being eco-friendly can be easier on the pocket too. We can start with conserving energy and using less water. If we consider ourselves green-friendly, we are sure to come up with many earth-friendly habits.
Here are a few simple strategies to follow on a daily basis to help the environment and humans. It may be surprising to realize how much that can add up to in the long run.
Saying ‘No’ to plastic
By this time, we all know how harmful plastic is. A huge amount of plastic can be seen floating over water bodies of every size making up nearly 40% of the world’s ocean surfaces. And thousands of birds, underwater creatures and marine mammals get killed every year because of this plastic waste. We surely can cut down on our plastic waste by following some simple steps. We can use reusable cotton or jute bags when shopping and say, ‘No’, to single-use bags, water bottles and similar products whenever we can. For instance, we can choose unbranded products from our local grocery stores and cut down on online shopping.
Make your home green
It is known to everyone that your car’s fuel efficiency improves if you maintain your vehicle well. The same is true for your home. You should have proper insulation and energy-saving windows and use a thermostat for better heating and cooling. You should also use energy-saving light bulbs for more improved lighting. You could even use solar energy for your home to further reduce your carbon footprint.
Think before going on shopping binges
The phrase, ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’, may seem overused, but it is still very important today. Additionally, the products we buy have an environmental footprint from start to finish. The materials used to create them to the pollution released during manufacturing and packaging finally end up in landfills. So, before buying a certain product, we should ask if we really need it. We can even consider buying used goods whenever possible.
There are many more ways we can save the planet and help ourselves. One of them can be commuting on scooters and motorbikes instead of cars, or share commutes with colleagues and friends. Experts say that, this way, we can lower greenhouse gas emissions by over 10% in less than 30 years. Another study says that half of all our car travels is for short distances. And, if we can cycle or walk these steps, we can save fuel for as much as 41% of these trips and save about 5% carbon emissions.
You, obviously, cannot walk while visiting family or friends living far away. But, if you take a trip to a local shop, or while looking into a nearby friend, you can easily go on foot and lower some of the carbon emissions, as well.
About the Author
Mr. Harish Jagtani, a philanthropist, visionary, businessman of Indian origin, currently based in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 20 years now, is one of the most reputed business owners in the Indian diaspora as well as the entire expat business community in DRC. The business house caters to multiple domains, including but not limited to Domestic as well as International Air Cargo, real Estate and infrastructure development, healthcare, hospitality as well as CSR.
Coming from humble beginnings from Jaipur, Rajasthan, Mr. Harish Jagtani has come a long way in building this conglomerate with a strong and clear vision, sheer dedication and grit. Starting with a small job in sales, Mr. Harish Jagtani today is a proud and righteous owner of a fleet of airplanes and multiple businesses that cater to the basic and advanced needs of the people of Dem. Rep. of Congo in different sectors.
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