harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
Final Evaluation
This project has been the largest and most ambitious I have taken on this far. From the get-go I took on the roles of Team Leader and Animator. I knew immediately that I would need to approach this project differently to ones prior, not just because it would be a team effort, but because I had accepted a position to try and keep communication and team members moving forward. When it comes to my ‘Team Leader’ position, I felt very comfortable. I found being the one to bring up questions and get conversations flowing came very naturally to me. Although my team faced some issues at times with members being unresponsive, we all managed to pull through, solve and work around these cases. I found there were scenarios early on where I felt somewhat apprehensive to speak up in situations where team members weren’t showing contribution, but quickly learned that I had a responsibility to say something and try and engage the whole team. This is knowledge I can take forth and use in future situations should I need to. Even with some unexpected set-backs I’ve really enjoyed working in a team throughout this time and feel very pleased with our collaboration within this project and have little negatives to report. Regarding my own work, I’m extremely pleased with how much I pushed myself and my personal progression throughout this unit. I have increased my time management skills greatly and learnt how to work quicker whilst retaining the same quality. This project has resulted in a large body of work I can include in my portfolio and helped me to gain skills I didn’t have prior, such as the ability to 2D animate, navigate InDesign and import flipbooks into UE4. Though I faced several occasions where technical difficulties arose I feel confident with how I made up for lost time. Overall, this project has left me feeling more confident as an artist, allowing me to experiment independently and learn new things, and also a team member, since I found a hidden passion for collaboration. 
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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Final game screenshots
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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As we went to package our game today, we realised the lighting was broken and wasn’t allowing the level to show up. Our blueprinter wasn’t in to help so myself and the other two team members took it upon ourselves to try and find a solution. This resulted in us placing numerous spotlights in the game which allowed for the game to be visible once packaged. This did result in inconsistent lighting, but taking into consideration that it is the evening before hand-in, there was not much time to delve into the root cause. Luckily our recorded play through was made in the verion of the game where the lighting worked as intended, so there is still reference for what the game should like like before we had to make these unexpected changes.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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Today we planned to have a penultimate team meeting to assess that the game was at it’s finished point and ready for us to take screen recordings of and compile for submission. Although our blueprinter had some issues with making it in to class and adding all of the final touches. As we couldn't get in contact with them right away, myself and another team member started to look into how to implement some of the missing features ourselves. With some help from YouTube tutorials and another blueprinter we figured out how to get automatic text to appear upon collision and how to get it to disappear again. Once we established the situation with our blueprinter they begun work on the final missing pieces such as a final enemy camera pan and the implementing of a second riddle. Unfortunately due to these circumstances and little remaining time, we needed to cut out a feature in the game, this feature was intended to be a locked room where the player needs to uncover a key to get out. Although it is unfortunate to have achieved all of our goals apart from this, it is unrealistic for us to try and add this feature into the game with only one full day left until our final submission.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
Week 9 Self Summary
As the penultimate week I knew I had to use this time to complete anything game related and be sure the final week was left to do some final work on my proposal, put together my submission documents and do some concept art with any free time. Luckily the final tasks for this week were fairly straightforward and I completed them in all due time. Some final dialogue was also written this week between a team-mate and myself which will be posted on our Trello board. Although I have unluckily ran into some more technical issues, possibly holding me back from finishing my concept art, I am happy with my contributions to the game and their completion. I plan to spend the majority of the final week going over all of my work and finishing up anything that needs doing so, and doing final research and write ups for my proposal.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
Week 9 Group Summary
For the penultimate week we gathered as a team to implement anything we hadn't yet done so over the Easter break and assessed all of the last minute additions. There wasn't much art left to do aside from a logo and a start screen which was completed in due time. We got to work on implementing the sounds which went smoothly and addressed and began adding in final gameplay elements such as the final 'boss' mechanic of timed hits, automatic text boxes and final camera adjustments. The team has been working hard to make sure we get the final touches in and we are confident we will complete everything left.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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I planned to create some detailed concept/promotional/poster art of my character for any left over time before hand in. These are some start up sketches and base colour. If I have time I would like to do a full insitu concept piece.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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For the text box, I originally went with a more complicated design featuring limbs encasing the box but felt it was too heavy and took up too much of the screen and I didn’t want it to be too much of a distraction. This led me to go with a much simpler design with a repeat pattern around the edge. I’m really pleased with this final design and I think if fits in to the game nicely without causing too much of a distraction from any text inside.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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The final design for the logo was a collaboration between me and team-mate, using my logo text and her concept and wallpaper design as a back-drop.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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Today was spent finalising the game logo. I made some changes to my favourite iteration and moved forward from there. I chose this font combination because I liked the juxtaposition of the words along with the contrasting lettering, one being sleek and golden and the other quite scratchy and erratic. The messier font was inspired by the temporary font my team-mate implemented int he game whilst I was designing the final (first image being my team-mates temporary design).
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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Today was spent implementing final assets and addressing final to-dos. I realised the issue with my animations looking over-exposed was due to not selecting the correct material in unreal, and made sure to correct this. I’ve also made some rough iterations for a logo and a custom text box which I will expand on and complete in the coming days. Since time is of the essence in this final week, I’m not going to worry about creating tens of options so I can get a finished result ready to implement as soon as possible.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
Week 8 Self Summary
By the end of this week I am feeling confident in what I have done and my time management. Due to previous set-backs I was concerned I wouldn’t complete all of my tasks in time for our first team meeting after the Easter break. But I scheduled myself accurately and set aside time to have room for any unexpected situations. The crow animation did take much longer to complete than I anticipated but I am pleased with its completed state. Next week we will be gathering together as a team and I can assess any last tasks I need to complete before our hand-in, in just under 2 weeks time.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
Week 8 Group Summary
This week was largely for finishing and implementing all of the assets. All of the furniture, wallpaper, characters and animations are now in-game and fully finished. With the gameplay the riddle logic was fully implemented and finished as well as the floating sprite mechanic. Sound and music has been complete and is ready to be implemented the following week. We will be resuming team meetings for the following week and brainstorming any and all final steps that need to be taken.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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To conclude this week, I implemented the final versions (until further notice) of the sprites and animations. I noticed the sprites were discolouring and looking rather over-exposed which I will have to mention to out blueprinter in our team meeting tomorrow. I also noticed a second playthrough doesn’t allow you to progress. I’ll keep these events documented so we can work on fixing them.
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harleyjonesart-blog · 5 years
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I also decided to make some final changes to the bug-doll and teeth-doll, adding a little more detail to the teeth-doll with some thread and sewn eyes as I felt it was too plain. Additionally I created a front view of the bug-doll as I thought it was the creepiest perspective, I didn’t do this originally because it didn’t make sense anatomically for it to be standing this way against a wall, but I think it’s a small facet that will be overlooked by players and wouldn’t become distracting.
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