harmfulharmony · 2 years
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I made another comic
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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Spider-Man: MENACE
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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horse people are weird
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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‘Hecate’ by Fernanda Suarez.
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
If the shoe fits 🤷‍♀️
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
To the narcissist Scott ,
Recently your sad little bio was shared to me and thought you could use some help in editing it.
You missed some major details that lead to the development of your situation. Such as the time you tried to date rape a girl, or when you tried to abandon your daughter with your abusive ex... the daughter you also claimed was not yours. The time you tried to get one of your closest friends gfs to marry you behind there back. The files of pictures of underage highschool girls you have on flash drives. The many times where you ruined your own relationships by cheating with exs and other random girls on your social accounts. And those are just the tip of the iceberg. You weren't there for your friends when they needed you and ultimately it was your actions and lack of effort to ever do better that lead to one of your "oldest friends" removing you from the group chat.
And even though I may have severed my connection to you did not mean they did. Ultimately that rested on your shoulders again. But given the lies and gaslighting they witnessed I wouldn't blame them if they refused to listen to your stories. And just because I was the one to tell you I wanted nothing to do with you didn't make things my fault. No you have just yourself to blame, to blame for the lies, the betrayal and the several times you crossed there boundaries, the times you hurt them and for all the times they went out of there way for you to have you fuck everything up. You are a toxic narcissist who likes to be the victim, you blame women for all of your problems. You never own up to anything. But you don't need me to tell you your a narc. You wrote yourself a whole bio.
You lost your friends based on your actions. Btw they would have left you sooner had I not talked them into giving you another chance when you hurt Sam. And that was my mistake. I should have let them exile you then.. maybe it would have opened your eyes if you couldn't push a your blame off on just another woman messing up your life.
Hope one day you can hold yourself accountable for your problems and move on, for your new friends sake.. No one who knew you wants anything to do with you. And that's just the sad truth of what happens to a narcissist. You always want to blame your bad luck.. well maybe it's time to take responsibility for your actions and take a good look in the mirror. You were a bad friend and caused all of them trouble. You betrayed them and lied to them even when they tried to help you. There is a reason why they don't message you back when you try to reach out. And if you really think its because I have that much control on anyone elses messages and replies you again would be mistaken. But go ahead and blame me and every other female who has had the misfortune of ever dealing with you. If it helps you sleep and helps you hopefully become a better person I will just consider it my act of good will.
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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Abandoned Stained Glass Locomotives 
by ghost owl attic
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
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"Asteroid," poem assembled from quotations from Wikipedia articles
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
To an ex friend of mine
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harmfulharmony · 2 years
Beyond ecstatic, life is not only on the right track but each day is met with excitement. I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family, and even more lucky to have my partner. Every day is met with smiles and hugs, kisses and I love you's, I was always told how love fades with time, and I'm so glad to know how false that statement is. With every day that passes we only grow stronger.... but also happier. Long gone now are all the struggles of years past. Onward to new journeys in far off places.... life is good when you are surrounded by such consistent genuine love. I look forward to the rest of forever with my best friend and love. You make every day worth waking up to.
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