harrisella · 6 years
They could feel her imagination running wild on its own, see the image she had in her mind clearly, of their hand moving upward along her leg, slipping into her ready wetness, and giving her the pleasure that she had come to know from them. And that only made them hungrier, to feel her energy pulsing, wanting them. They shifted closer to her, just slightly, enough so that they could catch a better whiff of her desire, the heavy, sweet smell of her pheromones practically asking for them to take her. Not yet, though. They would need to build up slowly, to prevent her from coming to any harm before they were finished.   
“No, my little doll. It will be the most intense ecstasy you have ever experienced. A beautiful, mind-numbing bliss that will let you drift off into the sweet abyss satisfied. When I’ve had my fill, you will simply cease to be as you are now,” they explained, fingers caressing her leg gently, comforting, back and forth, slowly upward, ever so slightly. Perhaps that wasn’t all the truth. There could be a moment of anguish, if the source became aware during the final act––it was meant to happen in sleep, after all––and they knew from experience that repeated intense activity led to a slow deterioration, which was one of the many reasons they preferred to prepare and then take their feeding all at once, to escape notice. But there were ways to prevent that, they would just need to control themself. It would be worth it, in the end, to train her energy, and to taste that explosion of power when the time came.
“I’ll need to leave, every once in a while; the longer I linger, the easier for the authorities to detect it in one place. You’ll need sage, perhaps a cleansing spell, to make certain it does not linger on you either,” Nero nodded. Her deal, as strange as it was, was easy enough to agree to. “You will have my gifts whether you need them or not. And I suppose if you show me how to help, I can do so. Deal, indeed,” they hummed, a slight smile crossing their lips, before taking her hand in theirs, and leaning forward to kiss the back of her hand.
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Their voice was low, velvety, the kind of voice coming from someone (something?) that knew they were going to get what they wanted in the end. How could they not? She was powerless against them. For a second she contemplated her other options. There was no way she could call the authorities right now, but maybe tomorrow. However, the deal had been made, and she doubted anyone was going to catch them at this point. If they got away, it was obvious that they were going to come back and take revenge for her betrayal, and probably murder EZ as well. She couldn’t let that happen. No - this was the way things were now and she needed to get used to it and move on. As Nero slowly fed off her, she needed to start saying her goodbyes and preparing her brother. 
“A-all right.”, Ella breathed out, the feeling of their hand up her leg sending her mind to a strange kind of frenzy. It was ridiculous, the effect they had on her; but there was a reason they were so good at what they did evidently. She closed her eyes for a second, trying to focus on their words, and not the images that were going through her mind at the moment. They were going to drive her crazy, it seemed, but she was going to try not to make it that easy. Perhaps if she managed to find a way to humanise them, to teach them other emotions besides desire; she was going to be able to buy a bit more time. 
“Sage, a cleansing spell, I can do that. There’s a friend of my mother’s, she’s a witch. She won’t ask any questions.” Their next words were definite. The gifts they offered weren’t a suggestion at all, it looked like. “Fine. Suit yourself. I’m the one borrowing time.”, she sighed. When their lips touched the back of her hand, it was like a shock of electricity shook her entire body. If she had been turned one before, now she felt like she was on fire. Ella let out a sharp breath, trying to calm herself down. “I’ll show you, yes. Have you ever lived like a human before? You know, eaten normal meals, going to the bathroom, that stuff? Wait-”, her eyebrows lifted, an idea coming to mind. “Have you ever slept with someone before? Not in a sexual way, but next to someone, just sharing the bed.”
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harrisella · 6 years
As soon as their hand moved over her leg, they could feel the way she relaxed, mind suddenly full again of the pleasure they had given her before, the ecstasy that they gifted her with night and night again, unlike anything she had had before now. It was a reminder, that they had never hurt her. She was a sweet little thing, a little embarrassed and bashful over that pleasure, they could see that in the way she looked down as she repeated their names, even as they could smell the pheromones of arousal rising from her again. It made them hungry, made them want to roll over on top of her, and finally take what they had been preparing her for for months. 
It was no surprise that she was unaware of what an incubus was. Most humans were blissfully ignorant when it came to the darker of supernaturals, only whispered fear, and warning tales given as they grew up. And if explaining perhaps gained more of her trust, then all the better. “An incubus is a demon who feeds off of the sexual energies of sleeping humans. Hence, the dreams you’ve been having for months. I’ve taste you, but I have not yet been satisfied fully. That was what tonight was for,” Nero explained, with a little nod.
They were taken aback, though, when she insisted that they could still have what they wanted, still take her energy from her. She spoke so boldly, so logically for someone who was facing their apparent death, it intrigued them just as much as her energy did. And they had to admit that it was an appealing deal, to linger a bit longer, to take from her slowly, to satisfy their hunger with her, without being done with it so quickly. “It would be dangerous, for me to linger in one place for so long; I’m hunted. But…perhaps that would be for the best. I don’t want to hurt you, my little doll. As I’ve said, I’m fond of you. And I can give you many gifts before your time comes, in return.”
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Ella wasn’t thoroughly experienced when it came to sexual encounters. She had had a couple of partners, yes, but most of her life had been about her career, and taking care of her brother and herself after the accident. She didn’t imagine herself to have a powerful sexual energy at all; and yet they had chosen her to feed themself. She wanted to ask why, what was it that she had that others didn’t; but she couldn’t bring herself to. Maybe it was a random thing, perhaps she it had been bad luck. It wasn’t surprising, really - chance wasn’t often on her side. They were offering a better option, though; a possibility for more time, an opportunity to sort everything out before they were done with her. She couldn’t waste that. 
There was a familiar heat in the pit of her stomach at the mention of her dreams. All of a sudden she was painfully aware of her own body, of the wetness between her legs that refused to disappear despite her initial terror, of the way their hand still lingered on her leg. For a moment she imagined that hand moving up, brushing her inner thigh, teasing her, fingers slipping inside of her. Her own thoughts brought colour to her cheeks, and she shook the images off. She wasn’t sure whether this was the effect they were causing by being near her, or if her own mind was the one playing tricks on her. 
“I understand.”, she finally said. “What happens when you decide to get fully satisfied?” Ella bit down her bottom lip, her boldness returning slowly. “I mean, does it hurt?” If what had been happening during the last couple of months was any indication, she was sure whatever they did was going to be mindblowing while they did it - it was the after she was worried about. “I can help you, if there’s any way. I don’t want any trouble with the authorities, and I don’t want my brother to be involved in this.” A sigh escaped her lips. She was signing her own death sentence, she knew; but she didn’t have any other choice. Dying instantly didn’t sound very appealing. “I don’t need gifts, I just need time. And maybe a little help around the house. Deal?”, she concluded, holding out her hand. 
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harrisella · 6 years
It was rare for them to appear in this way to a victim. Often times, to avoid detection, they would feed in one night, prepare the victim in their dreams and then take them in the same night, so that there would be no choice of the brigade finding them. But she had become a special case, and now it felt like they owed her at least some explanation, before finally having what they had been preparing her for for months. Still, that didn’t feel quite right; over the course of the months they had grown attached to her, to her pure and unbridled energy, what she gave to them during their nighttime visits. And perhaps a little bit to who she was as a human, but that was not important to them.
“Sh, sh, sh, fear not,” they said quietly, moving to gently sit down at the foot of her bed, their hand moving to smooth over her leg over the covers, in an attempt to calm her. Terror wouldn’t do for a feeding, after all, they wanted her excited. “Have I done a thing to you that could be considered anything but pleasurable? Have I hurt you? I have awakened you, my little doll. You may call me Nero, if having a name helps. I’m the shadow you’ve been experiencing for months. Some humans would call me an incubus.”
They hummed, disapprovingly, as she asked if they were going to kill her. It was an interesting question, all things considered. To them, what they did was not kill, but sustain their own life by feeding off the energy of others. Yes, it left those others as shells of beings, no real life left for them, but to lie back and expire, but they gave so much before ending a life. “Tonight should be the end, I’m afraid, yes. But I’m not convinced it will be. You see, I’ve grown quite fond of you, my little doll. Your energy is unlike any I’ve had before,” Nero explained, looking at her curiously.
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Her initial reaction when they came closer was even more fear. From what she knew about this creature, this was only their human form, but not their true one. The shadows following them, clinging to them, only confirmed that suspicion. Any moment now they could change, terrorise her, making a living hell out of her last moments. Wasn’t that what this kind of beings did? Put on an alluring mask only to torture their prey? And yet, there was something strange about it all. Why had they stayed? Why not killing her sooner? The shadow in the corner had remained still for months, quietly lurking, waiting for the nighttime, to completely take over as soon as she went to sleep. They were right, though, they had never hurt her so far. 
Their touch should have scared her, and she wanted to flinch, but she wasn’t able to. Instead, as soon as their fingers smoothed over her leg, her mind was filled with thoughts of moments ago, of their body on top of hers, their hands touching her, her loud moans as she came for the third time since the strange dream had started. It made her heart beat faster and she could feel the terror giving way to something more. “Nero.”, she mumbled to herself, looking down for a second so they couldn’t see the colour appearing on her already warm cheeks. “What is an incubus?” She wasn’t as interested in supernaturals as her brother was. Yes, she knew about vampires, werewolves, even a bit about witches, warlock, or the occasional ghost. Beyond that? That was the scary part. Those were the ones adults had warned them about as children. This was serious. 
“You could still have it.”, she replied almost immediately, half surprised by her own boldness. “Let us speak frankly. If I call the authorities, you’re going to kill me before they get here. You’re powerful, whatever you do. That must be why you’re still here and you haven’t been caught. So I have no choice. But if you give me some time, if you-”, the word half choked in her throat. “if you kill me gradually, I can say goodbye to my brother, and prepare him for what’s going to come. Please. I’m all he’s got.”
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harrisella · 6 years
This was just what they did. Or it was what they did, at first, the sort of night terrors as preparation, sexual awakenings in sleep paralysis brought on by nothing but shadows and darkness, preparing them for the real thing, and then soon after draining the victims’ energy through the best sex they had ever felt and ever would feel in their short lives. This was what it had been with her, until it wasn’t. Because she was different; her energy so raw and pure and intense, unlike anything they’d felt before. More than that, though, she had a strange acceptances of it, not even trying to rid her home of the obvious presence as they visited more and more. But it had gotten too intense, too real, too close to what they really wanted to take from her, and they had shown themself for a split second, long enough to know that she had seen their more humanoid form, the form they took when feeding on humans after the preparation they provided in the form of nothing but a whisper of a shadow. And that meant they would have to finally reveal themself lest she use that glimpse against them, finally take the feeding they had been preparing for for months now.
It was almost sad, in a way, that this would mean it would have to be over, that after tonight they would lose this plaything they had become so fond of over the months, enough so that they had prolonged the preparation for months so that they might enjoy her intense and passionate energy even more, feed off of even what she gave from the dreams they provided with their phantom touches. But they had been aware the moment they started visiting her regularly that one day it would have to come to this. After all, what they were doing to her was beyond illegal, and lingering meant more chance of getting caught, something they had avoided for years up until now.
So as her loud, pleasurable moans filled their ears, before turning into deep, heavy, terrified breaths, Nero allowed their human form to take over. They stepped out of the corner of her room slowly, coming towards her bed, mind already full of what it would be like to take her, to finally have the energy they had been craving from her for months. Oddly enough, though, that didn’t feel quite right, somewhere along the way they had begun to want more for her than just her energy, and sapping that away from her, leaving her an empty shell of nothingness felt cruel, even for them. They had grown attached.
“My little doll,” they hummed, stopping at the end of her bed, a vague dark shadow surrounding them as if their other form was not far off even now. “Consider this my apology for the dozens of times I’ve left your greetings in silence.”
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A voice. 
That was definitely new. Even though she had talked to the presence before, she had never heard a proper reply. A noise, something falling, a window opening, perhaps - but never a word. Not even during her dreams, when she definitely moaned both coherent and incomprehensible sounds. She remembered begging for more, asking whatever was inside her to go harder, faster - and she also remembered the presence obeying; and still, there had never been a voice responding, not even inside her head. 
Now there was though - and there was a body in front of her as well. 
The creature standing at the end of her bed looked a lot like a man, a gorgeous and sexy man; but Stella knew better than to believe what her eyes were seeing. She wasn’t obsessed with the supernatural like her brother was, but she had heard Ez talking about presences like this one before, and she wasn’t stupid. Suddenly she realised she was playing a game that was way out of her league. Fright finally took over and she began shaking, covering her body with her blanket as if that was going to give her any extra layers of protection. 
“Who are you?”, she asked, her voice now weak, the pleasure that she had experimented only moments earlier completely forgotten now. “What are you?”, Ella repeated, and even though she was trying to sound more confident, she was aware that she was failing. It was becoming clearer and clearer by the second that there was a strong possibility she wasn’t going to survive this encounter. Her thoughts went, once again, to his brother. She was his only family; how on Earth was he going to deal with everything on his own? She wondered how he was going to react when he found out she had been killed by one of the creatures he seemed to love so much. “Are you going to kill me? Please, if I’m going to die, let me at least say goodbye to my brother.”
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harrisella · 6 years
( stella’s apartment, before dawn )
Her own moan, loud and strangled, woke her up once again. This wasn’t the first time she had had the dream, but this time something had been different. The whole thing had started around four months ago, when a strange presence had settled inside her home. It wasn’t the first time that had happened, and she wasn’t the first person to have been visited by a supernatural being. Hell, one of her best friends had almost gotten involved with a vampire last summer if she hadn’t been warned in time. It was just the world she had known since she was a child - humans and supernaturals coexisting. 
These cases were usually pretty simple to solve. You could either call an specialist, an exterminator, or if the presence became too persistent, the authorities. Nonetheless, this particular creature, whatever it was, seemed to be more intelligent than the rest. They were able to completely disappear whenever someone came to visit, or to inspect, and they didn’t seem to want to leave. So in time Stella had gotten used to its comings and goings, and she even sometimes said hello when she arrived to her apartment at night, exhausted from work. 
Soon enough, the dreams had started; and that had changed the game completely. The most vivid, real, and erotic dreams she had had in her entire life. It wasn’t as if she had been in too many relationships, but she truly couldn’t recall experiencing such pleasure before. She woke up every night, a bit before sunrise - agitated, wet, satisfied, and oddly hungry for more. At first the whole sequence hadn’t been clear. She just knew that whenever she fell asleep, there was a strong possibility she was going to experience it. However, as time had gone by, and the dreams started happening more often, her mind had started connecting the dots. Something, or someone was definitely there - kissing her, touching her, tasting her, even inside her.
Now that was obviously an extremely grave conduct code violation, even a human like her was aware of that. Nonetheless, she had grown so used to the presence, to the dreams, to the pleasure; that she always found an excuse to postpone the call she knew she had to make. 
Tonight, however, things had gotten out of control. Stella wasn’t sure how she knew that, but she did. In the middle of her dream-like state, between the moans, the pleasure, the sweat, and the climax sending electric waves all over her body, she had distinguished a form. She couldn’t really understand, or recognise it, but it was something - a humanoid something. As she laid in her bed breathing heavily still, the pleasure of her orgasm washing away but still there; she looked towards the darkest corner of her room, terror starting to take over. Whatever had been haunting her for months was right there, more present than ever, and she could feel them. 
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harrisella · 6 years
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harrisella · 6 years
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Golden Exits (2017) dir. Alex Ross Perry
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harrisella · 6 years
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harrisella · 6 years
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