Hello love! Could you perhaps write a preference where you go Christmas shopping and you accidentally see him looking at a gift for you? xx - Sarah
Of course babe!
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Can you do an imagine where you are best friends with one of the members of 5sos and he gets jealous? Thank you!!
You're welcome!
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Could you write a preference where it's Christmas and you meet for the first time in his hometown and you start liking eachother? Hope it's okey and thank you :)
Sure thing babe!
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HI! Can you do a pref where it's Christmas and you spend it with his family? Other than that you can write it how you want to :) xx
Yeah sure can!
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Hey! Could u do a preference where you're grown up and u have a family together and it's christmas and he's Santa for the kids? Merry Christmas x :)
Yeah sure thing! :)
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Come on!
Send in requests. A lot. Imagines, preferences, one shots. You name it.
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can you do an imagine where you're an actress and 1D guest star on your show (like on iCarly) and then Niall asks you out afterwards?
Yeah! I sure can! Do you me to use your name or is y/n okay?
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Please send in requests! Anything!
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Sooo since I have a ton to write, and I want more. You guys should send in more ideas. Imagines, one shots, preferences, you name it. Bahaha
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I know I've said this before, but the only way I can get onto this account is through my iPod, so if you want to follow my new blog its iloveonedirection23445.
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I'm sorry :(
I know I haven't been on for the longest time but I just recently got a job and I've been working my little butt off! But I've got tomorrow off and I work the night shift so during the day I'm off :) so send in requests! Any of them!
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I'm probably gonna be up late..
Soo since I'm gonna be up hella late for some reason, because I can't sleep, and I decided that I'm gonna write all night, you guys should send in some ideas, so I have something to write. And to let you all know, I write everything from, preferences, song preferences, imagines, one shots.. Sooo send in the ideas!
-Kaylea :)
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If you get this in your ask box, you have to say 5 good things about yourself and pass it on to 10 of your favourite followers :)
1)i love zayn(that's always a good thing :p)
2) i think i'm quite patient
3)good friend
4)good listener
5lways trying to help others
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Your blog is perfect! Wish I could blog like you 😏😏
hey you can do whatever you want beautiful...Cheer up you are an amazing person and you need to have faith and hope okay?
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Reblog this if you’re a directioner
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Send them innn! :)
Sooo you guys should send in ideas for preferences, imgaines, and one shots :)
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