harrywee · 3 years
12.Jakes Jguar
Jake and Al were sitting in Jakes new Jaguar when a beautiful blonde walked by.Your car is sexy she said to Jake with a wink of an eye.Did You Hear That? Did You Hear That?
she said my car is sexy squealed Jake.I heard what she said, she said your CAR is sexy. 😊
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harrywee · 3 years
11.Mark's Mask
Mark was drunk as a skunk when he got on the NYC pat bus and he was'nt wearing a mask,You gotta put a mask on said the bus dtiver.WHAT! screamed Mark, how dare you and I'll have you know that I could have been a famous model once upon a time. 😁
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harrywee · 3 years
10.Jakes Covid-19 Test
Jake went to the clinic for a covid-19 test and when the nurse aimed the thermometer at his forehead he threw both hands in the air.Please don't he yelled, I have a wife, two kids and a pet squirrel. 😊
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harrywee · 3 years
8.Eyes Don't Listen.
Fred's psychiatrist was talking to him as he lay on the couch staring quietly up at the ceiling and he thought Fred was ignoring him Look at me when I'm talking to you he yelled at Fred.Why ask Fred, I listen with my ears not with my eyes. 😁
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harrywee · 3 years
1.Ear Circling Finger
Many are quick to call someone crazy by circling their ear with a forefinger but none of them seem quick enough to realize that they point at their own head when they do it.
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