hart1bk · 5 years
Implementation Challenges
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With the information I have provided thus far for the Legal Clinic here at Central, there are some potential challenges for implementing some of those suggestions. It is critical that the Legal Clinic truly becomes a social organization. Specifically, the LC should become active on social media and post content that is appealing to their audience. As of now, they are not very active on social media, nor do their posts attract customers. I could foresee the posts attempting to appeal to their target audience, but falling short due to lack of research. Their clientele, or target audience, is primarily college students. Getting college students to engage or share information regarding the LC is not a simple task. That challenge will force the directors to add some creativity to their posts. 
The Legal Clinic must connect to their audience and discover the persona of their brand, through mass collaboration. The LC needs to connect and respond to potential customers via their social media platforms, which they have not truly accomplished yet. They also must encourage participation of their potential customers by creating engaging content with questions or polls, for example. I believe the intentions of the Legal Clinic are sincere, but the biggest challenge I foresee is continuing to create and post meaningful content for their audience. If the directors take the time to incorporate the suggestions that I have provided, the business could truly thrive. It is also challenging because the LC provides a service, rather than a product. They know their audience, so now the challenge is to attract or engage that audience through their social media platforms. They will have a few trial-and-error moments to see what works and what does not, but they must remain persistent. 
Another challenge is growing their clientele and their brand. It is a wonderful service, but many students are simply not aware of their organization. Engaging customers via social media is the first challenge, but getting those followers to spread the word of the company is another challenge. It is not as easy as spreading information via word of mouth. It is important for the directors to include the spread of their company within their marketing strategy.  
Hootsuite has been the source of all of my suggestions, but they also have tips in creating a social media marketing strategy that I believe would continue to guide the directors in the right direction!
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hart1bk · 5 years
Engage Your Readers!
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Engaging customers online can be a challenging task with how often everyone searches the internet. In order to effectively engage your audience, you must first create an effective content strategy. This strategy acts as a game plan in which you have scheduled posting times and how you will present your post. Before you create this strategy, it is imperative that you know your target audience. This is important because you need to know what will attract your audience most between polls, questions, pictures, etc. It is also important yo tailor your posts specifically to which social media platform you are on. Your target audience on each platform may vary, so checking the analytics for each one would benefit you greatly. While you tailor to each platform, it is critical to maintain your brand persona. 
It may benefit you to search your competitor’s online presence and observe what they are posting or not posting about and how their audience is engaging those posts. This would be effective because then you know your target audience and have an idea of what is most engaging to your audience. Changing up different types of posts will also engage your audience! Below are some tips for the different types of content you could post: 
Being a social organization goes along with the principles of effective content strategy because both involve a vision, strategy, and adapt the organization. For both, it is important to know your organization’s culture and goals. The culture, or brand, should be evident with each and every post. Overall, knowing your audience and being aware of how to engage them is a priority in being a social organization and in the content strategy, while still maintaining the brand of your company! 
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hart1bk · 5 years
The Truth About Big Data
This past week I watched “The Legal Side Of Big Data” by Doug LaLone. This video was informative from the stance of a consumer, but I imagine it being extremely beneficial to suppliers as well. LaLone defines Big Data as, “volumes of collected data,” though there is no exact definition in the dictionary. 
Businesses need to be well-aware of the aspects of Big Data to ensure privacy and trust for their customers. They also need to ensure they are following all legal steps when writing and utilizing algorithms for customer data. Businesses need to constantly play defense against potential hackers, knowing the expense of the loss of data. Also, they need to be aware that the government is not ahead of the game in the big data category, so it would not be intelligent to rely on the regulations or moves of the government. Lastly, businesses should go over the precautionary measures to confirm how the collected data is being protected. 
As a consumer, it is critical to be mindful what information you are providing to particular businesses, in case of a data hack. If there is sensitive information being given to businesses, it may be beneficial to read that business’ privacy policies. Also, it is important to understand why particular companies are asking for the data that they are. 
The balance between opportunities and threats posed by big data would be to stay up-to-date with privacy policies and regulations. Businesses need to confirm their ownership of the data that they are collecting. There needs to be clarity between business and customers as to what customer’s information is being utilized for. As big data continues to grow, technology and precautionary measures to protect private data needs to also improve. 
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hart1bk · 5 years
Social Media Consultant
As technology continues to emerge quickly, it is imperative that social media consultants are constantly adapting to changes within social media platforms. With that being said, social media consultants must truly get to know the company they are consulting for, along with their competition and whatever industry that company may be in. Due to the fact that not everyone may take the advice a consultant may give, consultants should be creative and not possess a fear of being denied. Lastly, a social media consultant needs to be consistent with their suggestions and new trends. A consultant for social media should be competent in how to advertise, publish, and post on various social media platforms.
If I was in need of a consultant, I would want someone that utilizes varying platforms multiple times a day. I would also need to maintain the trends and observe what is happening throughout the social media realm. I would also advise to keep the posts frequent. I would remind my customers that people are looking for their presence on social media and for them to be civil when responding to any complaints.
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hart1bk · 5 years
Get the Junk News Out!
inIn a recent article I have read, the authors have dove into three reasons as to why junk news spreads so rapidly across social media. In this blog, I plan to share my personal opinions for each of the reasons. 
The first reason that junk news spreads so quickly is with the assistance of powerful algorithms. Websites have created algorithms for each user based off of their clicks, interests, or geographic location. With that being said, people are reading and interested in articles or news that fits their stance or feelings. I believe that these algorithms make consumers more close-minded and, in turn, our nation more polarized. These algorithms may be intended for users to only see what they want, but that then prevents them to read what is actually occurring in the world or in the area around them. For example, there is typically negative content that consumes news outlets because that is what is most interesting to people. I have seen videos go viral on Twitter of people being interviewed, but the well-educated portion of the interview is completely deleted from what was posted. There is no escaping these algorithms because we are constantly searching things that interest us or discovering articles that align with our beliefs. 
Advertising has emerged and allowed users to be on social media for “free.” Companies pay to appear on user’s timelines and they do this by posting things that will appeal to a particular user’s feelings. Whether that be rage, excitement, or curiosity, people are still clicking on those posts. It is so sneaky how companies are watching user’s every move, or every click. With those clicks, companies are being paid and will then provide user’s with similar information. I will randomly come across “sponsored” posts on Instagram that show shoes or clothing items that suit my interest. One click to that website, grows the number of “sponsored” posts I observe as I scroll through my feed. 
This reason points to the users for the reduction of variation between articles and viewpoints. As consumers and humans, we tend to favor things that align with our beliefs and opinions. With that being said, we do not typically search or click on things that go against our core beliefs. Therefore, our exposure to what is occurring in the world around us has been minimized because we do not like to be challenged with new information our have our beliefs questioned. I often find myself hesitant to read articles about things that anger me or go against what I believe in. After taking a class in polarization, I have attempted to be more open to other opinions and positions, especially in the political realm. 
Businesses and individuals should be aware of what they are clicking on, viewing, or engaging in on the internet. Because social media platforms are typically free, we are paying with our personal information. All users need to be cautious in what personal information they are posting online, even if they think they are the only ones viewing it. My advice would be to be open to other opinions!
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hart1bk · 5 years
Big Data
Big Data is extremely large data sets that can analyze particular trends. With that being said, big data is directly correlated to information privacy. According to 60 Minutes, data brokers analyze people’s personal information on an everyday basis. Companies have been garnering information about people for decades such as, name, address, credit card purchases, and even more today. It is a dangerous tool because companies are trafficking our internet usage and are selling our personal information. People could expose themselves more than they would ever want to and not even be aware of it. Data brokers are essentially stalking people, trying to persuade them to act a certain way via discounts and advertisements.
My views in how to limit harm from big data would be to regulate what information data brokers are able to collect. Also, people being able to have a say in where our personal information can be posted. From a personal level, it would be beneficial to be well-aware of the terms we are agreeing to, rather than having the privacy agreements at the bottom of a vast agreement.
As I mentioned above, most companies do state the privacy terms within their products or services, but they are in tiny print at the bottom of an extensive agreement. I personally do not read those terms and I am unsure of who has the time to go through them. Therefore, businesses are almost taking advantage of users in regards to what information they are collecting, almost knowing that the user will not read the terms and agreement. Per the article, there is “no apparent escape from escalating surveillance to create more attractive business propositions.” Overall, business models influence surveillance on the internet by engaging advertisements, but also encouraging a business model where privacy begins being paid for.
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hart1bk · 5 years
Social Media Experiment
Spending a day to track my technology use, it was quite concerning how often I utilized my time, simply scrolling through feeds or sending messages. Starting from the moment I woke up, I spent 15 minutes checking all my social media platforms. I did not even give myself a full chance to wake up before I checked my phone. What shocked me the most was that the only time I was completely technology free was the three-hour time block that I spent at practice. It was relieving to truly escape the screen and live in the moment, and made me want to spend more of my time without my face in front of a screen. 
After watching the interview with Sherry Turkle, I enhanced my awareness of friends using their phones when we are all together. It blew my mind how frequently all of us would be in a room or around the table with all of us constantly checking our phones, attempting to communicate with other people, even though our best friends were already there. With that being said, my experiment would be more friend focused. I would challenge myself and my friends to put away our phones whenever we are out to eat, watching a show or movie together, or in the car. If any of us spend more than five minutes on our phones during those times, we would have to put a dollar in a jar. I think this experiment would help us all to enjoy our time together more and there is some incentive to not check our phones. During my log, one of my friends harped on me for going on my phone right after we would begin a new show. The interview also made me realize during my log, how much I want to grab my phone and check it all the time. There truly is an obsession. Therefore, my experiment would also include physically putting my phone out of my reach, so it would not tempt me to even touch it. 
Logging my screen time made me aware of the loss of quality time I am spending with the people I care about most. It is typically a waste of my time to check what people are doing at most times of the day. I believe my experiment would be beneficial for us because we would be more genuine in our conversations and not as concerned with what people are doing. 
What do you think? 
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hart1bk · 5 years
Social Media’s Influence
From the interview and the article, it is evident that the Internet and social media continue to consume our everyday lives. What once was a world where we all made our own fun, utilized creative minds and original thoughts, and played outside in the summer air with our friends, has now become a world where our eyes are fixated on a screen for the majority of the day.
Every day is a new opportunity to portray ourselves in the way we want people to envision us. Throughout the day, our phones are a constant temptation to check our messages, Twitter, or Instagram. As the interview states, there is a feeling that consumes our minds to check our phones, to feel wanted by someone, to have that constant communication with people. It is getting more challenging to resist the urge to check our phones, which can be distracting in school or meetings.
It affects my life because it is so difficult to have a dinner or conversation with friends without some of them constantly checking their phones. It is difficult to know that people are genuinely listening to what you have to say when you know that they are simply waiting for a notification on their phone. Though, there are not all negatives that come with social media. It is positive to have the Internet readily available to search any questions we may have, or let people know how I feel in that exact moment, or if there was an emergency. The Internet affects our everyday lives every day in what we do, think, and act upon.
I personally enjoy the moments that I am unable to have my phone and can truly disconnect from the Internet and social media for a bit. This past holiday season, I was fortunate enough to enjoy a lot of family time. This allowed me to disconnect, but I still felt the urge to maintain contact with friends that were not with me at the moment. I like leaving my phone and having genuine conversations with people and living in the moment. Though, as Sherry Turkle says, there is always this thought about utilizing one’s phone and truly living in the moment. I believe people would learn much more if they looked up.
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hart1bk · 5 years
Hi, my name is Brianna Hart and I am from South Bend, Indiana. I am the youngest of four siblings and enjoy spending my time playing sports, spending time with family and friends, and drinking coffee. I am currently a junior at Central Michigan University, majoring in Law in Economics with a minor in Information Systems. I plan to graduate in May of 2020. While attending CMU, I also participate on the women’s lacrosse team. Though school and lacrosse take up a significant chunk of my time, I am also the Legal Clinic Director for the Student Government Association and the Social and Community Outreach Chair for the pre-law fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta.
After my undergrad, I plan to attend graduate school in hopes to attain my JD/MBA degree. I am unsure if I want to pursue law or business, but I am interested in a corporate setting. Last summer, I was fortunate to have an internship with Costco Wholesale in Seattle, Washington. This summer, I plan to have an internship in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I enjoy traveling and meeting new people!
I hope this blog allows me to expand my business network and learn more in regards to emerging technologies in the workplace and I hope I can assist others in doing the same!
A company I believe has a strong social media presence is Yelp. Though the business is primarily online, they are always adapting and keeping their information up-to-date. They are a positive social organization because the offices encourage employees to be creative and innovative. Their offices include games, food, and numerous team meetings to keep everyone on the same page. Also, participation and independence are high for Yelp. People are able to post wherever and whenever they please. Users are also able to post their opinions to assist others in finding the best of the best in any area. Through their Twitter platform, people are able to provide feedback and Yelp employees respond.
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