hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
People are so fucking stupid. On what planet does that seem like a good idea?
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Apparently on this one. I’m not going to deny it’s fucking hilarious to watch those challenge videos on YouTube, but parents putting their kids at risk of getting hurt because of it, that’s just wrong man. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Oh that’s not good,  I can understand that. I don’t think I would want to do that either.     Oh never saw the movie and not sure if I really want to see that anyways . I like happy stuff
It’s a good movie, but this is coming from a guy who fucking loves good horror movies. If you like the happy stuff, I think you better skip this one. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
I’m basically a ninja, Carter, it would be a perfect landing.
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That changes things drastically, cause I doubt I’d be able to trip you if you truly are basically a ninja. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
why would you do that? I think that is mean. Unless they are making fun of a blind person? Is that what it is?  They were making fun of blind person than.
Because people are not just endangering their own health by running around blindfolded but also that of those around them. And I’m sick and tired of having to check up on someone to make sure they don’t have a concussion after crashing a wall in the hallway at 2 am. 
They’re not making fun of a blind person, they’re doing this stupid Bird Box challenge. It’s based on a movie that’s on Netflix at the moment.  
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Rude. Will you at least help me up while you laugh?
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But of course. Especially if your landing was perfect.
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Because New Year is…well a new year and an excuse to actually get your shit together. With resolutions there is less pressure to keep them throughout the year, though i’m going too try and keep the ones i’ve made.
Any resolutions you have?
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To some extent I think you are correct when you say that there is less pressure to keep with a resolution when you compare it a goal one might set for themselves, but what good is making a resolution that is so damn unrealistic that you’re just setting yourself up for failure? Wishing you all the best keeping yours though. 
Aside from passing all my classes this semester and maybe cutting down on the amount of fast food I eat, not really. 
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New Year new me
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Is there a new trend happening because of that Sandra Bullock movie or something? Either that or everyone has become stupid.
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I’m going to go with it being a mixture of the two. People have become stupid and they are participating in this Bird Box challenge that seems to be the next big thing on YouTube. If an adult or teenager wants to risk landing themselves in the hospital, I say, go right ahead, it provides a lot of funny videos. But some blindfold their kids and have them run around the house, crashing into walls. That, that is just wrong! 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
I swear the next person that’s wearing a blindfold and is running around like a madman... I’m going to let them trip and laugh my fucking head of while watching them fall flat on their face. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
📲. Quinn
Quinn: It's a good thing I'm not anywhere near you and that large candy stash. When do you plan to return to Amsterdam? Derek and I are in Ohio right now. Lima to be exact.
Carter: Yup, it sure is. More for me :P I think I'll fly back tomorrow and give myself a few days to shake off the jet lag. Ah, so you're visiting family? When do you plan to return to Amsterdam?
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
I’m planning to reinvent myself so to speak and get back on track on trying not to screw things up. I need to post a regular schedule on my Instagram and get more involved with certain people in my personal life. Probably other things but for now keep it to myself.
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I never understood why people wait for the new year to change things they don’t like about themselves. But you know, best of luck with all of what you want to work on. I hope you succeed.  
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New Year new me
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
📲. Quinn
Quinn: Our Christmas was low key. The both of us needed it. How was yours?
Carter: Pretty damn good. Tons of presents, tons of candy, got to hang out with all of my annoying sisters, who I missed more then I'll ever admit in public, got to howl at the moon with them, and mom cooked up a storm so tons of food. It was fucking great! Kinda makes me don't wanna go back to Amsterdam so I'm staying here for a few more days.
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
📲. All
Carter: Greetings one and all. Miss me?
Carter: How was your Christmas?
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Hiya Kell. 
When I found out I got matched with you I had to really think what I could get you and then I remembered seeing you walking around with a whole lot of camera stuff at Derek’s and Quinn’s wedding and the rest is history... 
Hope ya like,
-secret Santa- Carter
ps; It’s just the bag!!! Not all the crap you see in it on the picture. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
Keep reading
Not so secret Santa, I fuckin’ love it! Thanks so much for this. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
We have a bit of a plan set now. The best we could come up with so last minute. That sounds really nice, Carter. It’s good to be with family.
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First of all, sorry for the late reply. Mom’s cooking had me distracted from well, pretty much everything. How was your Christmas, any good even with the last minute plans you guys had? Yeah, I kinda had no idea I missed them as much as I did, so it’s good to be home for a while. Will be hard to go back to Amsterdam in a few days, I think. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
I guess Sara and I will have to decide whether to stay here in Amsterdam, or head back to Star City for Christmas. If I’m being honest though, neither option seems that great. I’m sure we’ll figure it out. What are the rest of you doing for the holidays?
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Did you already figure out what you guys are going to do? I went home, didn’t want to spend Christmas alone so annoying the hell out of my sisters' atm. Just like old times, ha. 
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hartenstraat-carter · 6 years
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∟INSTAGRAM: @carter mcknight uploaded a new photo
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home... Fuck, I missed this place! Even the endless rows of cabs and busses :P #winterbreak2018 #nyc #homesweethome
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