haru81992 · 3 years
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Loving Vincent (2017) dir. Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
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haru81992 · 3 years
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Day 3/63
Tongue twister
Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien.
Di-moi gros gras grand grain d'orge,       quand te dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgeriseras-tu?       Je me dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgeriserai       quand tous les gros gras grands grains d'orge       se seront dé-gros-gras-grand-grain-d'orgerisés.
Trois gros rats gris dans trois gros trous ronds rongent trois gros croûtons ronds.
Six cent cinq saints sont sans scie ; si six cent cinq saints avaient une scie, six cent cinq saints scieraient sans soucis.
Quarante carottes crues croient que croquer crée des crampes.
Je suis ce que je suis, et si je suis ce que je suis, qu’est-ce que je suis?
#brickbybrickchallenge #language #twistertongues
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haru81992 · 3 years
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Day 2/63 French
Letter : A
abeille: bee
absurde : absurd
accablé : overload
aperçu : overview
âpre = acre
apparaître : appear
ashtme : asthma
atermoyer : gain time
anse : wing
anodin : anodyne
anton : once
annuité : annuity
arc - bouté : braced
arçon : tree
ardeur : ardor
antérieuriment : previously
#brickbybrickchallenge #language #letterA
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haru81992 · 4 years
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Day 1/63 French
Vocab time : Crime
steling = vol
murder = meurtre
investigator =investigateur
pepper spray = spray au poivre
handcuff = menottes
police car = voitures de police
police officer = commissaire de police
arrest = arrêté
bail = caution
blackmail = chantage
bomb = bombe
bulletproof = blindé
jail = prison
hostage = otage
jury = jury
lawyer = avocat
patrol = patruille
rape = viol
soldier = soldat
sue = poursuivre
warrant = mandat d’arrêt
witness = témoin
#brickbybrickchallenge #language #vocabtimefrench
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haru81992 · 4 years
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Hey guys!
I’m so excited to share this language learning challenge that I created with you!
It’s called Brick-By-Brick Language Learning Challenge and it’s made for anyone who already knows the basics of their target language and wants to improve their knowledge :)
If you participate in this challenge, make sure to use the hashtag #brickbybricklearning and to tag me here on tumblr (@mylinguisticadventures) and on instagram (@mylinguisticadventures). 
That’s it for now. Happy language learning!
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haru81992 · 4 years
#starting #frombeginnertointermediate
From Beginner to Intermediate: an intense plan for advancing in language
I've studied Spanish at school for 3 years and now I'm at a low B1 level. I can actually understand pretty well while listening or reading but I can't communicate fluently.
This plan will include vocabulary build up, some grammar revision, a lot of listening, reading and writing. And could be used for the most languages, not only Spanish.
Every day:
Conjugate one verb in present, past and future tenses
Make a list about 10 - 30 words long
Create flashcards with them and start learning them (I use Quizlet for flashcards)
Revise yesterday's set of flashcards
2-3 times a week:
Read an article or a few pages from a book
Write a few sentences about anything in your target language
Listen to one episode of podcast (at least one)
Once a week or every two weeks:
Watch a movie in your target language, preferably animated movie as the language used there is easier. You can watch with subtitles
Grammar exercises
Translate some short text
Once a month:
Write something longer, like an essay or report, on chosen topic
Talk to yourself, to your friends, to your pets
Text with someone
Look at the transcription while listening to the podcast for second time
Repeat what you hear (in podcast or movie)
Check words you don't know from the listening and reading
Read out loud
Listen to music in your target language - you can even learn the text and sing along
Watch YouTube in your target language
Change your phone language to the one you're learning
Think in you target language!!!
***This is very intense plan for self-learners, you don't have to do all of these things in the given time. Adjust it to your own pace. I'll try to stick to this, if I have enough time.***
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haru81992 · 4 years
This hit me hard 
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“Lan Zhan, look at me, look at me now!”  Just like before, Wei WuXian called his name with a grin, and he looked over as well.  From then on, he could never move his eyes away again. [x]
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haru81992 · 4 years
All I wish
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i wish i never met you
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haru81992 · 5 years
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haru81992 · 5 years
So beautiful!
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Autumn - Kyoto
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haru81992 · 5 years
I need a break...
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haru81992 · 5 years
Well, that’s exactly how a feel....
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haru81992 · 5 years
Hi! Do you maybe have some masterposts or helpful websites for learning the radicals to chinese characters? Also do you think learning them is important?
(sorry I forgot to add this to my ask about chinese radicals!!) Do you know if there’s a source where it shows the radical and an example of the radical in a character?
so i actually made a post a couple months ago that briefly discusses what you’re asking about so i’ll link to it here. 
it is important to learn radicals?
answer: kinda, but it’s not the most important thing to learn about characters. if you’re a beginner who is just starting out with learning mandarin, i’d say you don’t need to focus too much energy on learning radicals. i’d suggest perhaps familiarizing yourself with some of the most common radicals (e.g., 月、氵、口、扌,etc.) but not necessarily hardcore studying them. imo, when you’re just starting out you should focus more on getting used to the characters. so if you’re a beginner i’d suggest maybe just glancing over a list of the most common radicals but i don’t think it’s necessary for you to actually study them yet. 
as you learn more characters, you will slowly become more familiar with radicals/components. this will make learning them become much easier later on. (here’s an older post i made that talks more in-depth about 汉字, particularly how they’re made and structured. it might be useful)
once you’ve built a solid foundation and have become more comfortable with characters, then i think that’s the perfect time to look deeper into learning about radicals and character components. 
all of this advice is just my opinion, though, so if you’re a beginner and think it would benefit you to study the radicals now then go for it. 
100 most common radicals (w/ examples): if you scroll down towards the bottom of this article you’ll find some links to pdfs of a chart that details the 100 most common radicals with variants, their pronunciation and meaning, examples of characters that use these radicals, comments, and finally how they’re referred to in chinese
here’s a list of the 214 radicals that you’ll see when using 
i wasn’t able to find one webpage that lists all of the radicals with examples, but i found something close: the 部首 wikipedia page has the unicode for all 214 radicals that links to separate pages that include examples of characters that use certain radicals. the examples are mostly in traditional characters, though, but some are also given in simplified. 
here’s a great article that breaks the idea of radicals(部首) vs. functional components(部件)
this might be something to save for when you’re a bit more advanced, but it’s interesting all the same: phonetic components (part 1 and part 2) are very helpful when it comes to determining a character’s meaning and pronunciation. 
hopefully this answered your questions! let me know if there’s anything else i can help you with
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haru81992 · 5 years
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haru81992 · 5 years
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after the super typhoon
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haru81992 · 5 years
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Sometimes u may want to isolate yourself from the world, cause people can be horribly cruel. There are 2 things to remember when this happens:
1. Some of the stuff u love and use everyday are made with contributions from huge assholes.
2. We're all assholes.
Do the divine, reach out and establish harmony instead with estranged family members or frenemies. You won't ever regret this decision.
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haru81992 · 5 years
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