haruhikinnie · 7 months
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haruhikinnie · 8 months
happy winter solstice bro. what's that in your hands. is that the- that's the master bolt in your hands bro. bro why do you have zeus's masterbolt. the masterbolt of zeus. in your hands. give it back. bro this is gonna have consequences. bro-
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haruhikinnie · 9 months
luke castellan save me ... save me luke castellan ....
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haruhikinnie · 10 months
he was born today btw.
Happy Birthday
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Kyoya Ootori (22nd November)
Ouran High School Host Club
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haruhikinnie · 11 months
Because i feel like i might be overestimating what the average is, i shall Conduct Research
This isn't about how many languages you speak, but how many youre able to count up to at least 10 in, since basic numbers are some of the first words you learn in a foreign language and sometimes you catch them without having studied the language at all
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
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from Bisco Hatori’s notes at the end of Volume 8
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
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haha.. yeah
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
i exploded in class (like audibly shouted) because i saw this notif and i immediately went into a frenzy trying to read it in the 10 minutes i had between classes it was WELL WORTH IT...
i love this fic so much. kosuke is the love of my life and i am so so glad to see a lot of these loose ends finally tied up between the two of them. the slow burn was excruciating but we've made PROGRESS!!!!
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"Are you going to tell me why we're having to meet like this?"
Kosuke has clearly been dreading the question but knows that it's time to answer. All her tells start going off at once: she spins her toe, she chews on her cheek, she twists her ring. However, she catches herself doing the last one and stops with a glare at the silver band.
"Yes," she says. "Of course I am. I just don't know where to begin."
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13451207/59/I-Think-We-ll-Be-Okay
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21766690/chapters/126053383
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
my friend bought me a new sketchbook for my birthday because i told her that i was running out of pages on my old one like a month ago.. i didn't think she would remember lowkey sobbign rn
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
ouran high school host club became more popular that the genre it parodied and as a result it gets constantly treated as the face of harem anime. Its satirical elements are treated unironically. It’s the go-to example of the genre. head in hands
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
wait do you think kyoya's rose meaning love at first sight is because girls fall for him based on his looks and then get put off by his personality
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
kyoya says he'll kill himself after every minor inconvenience
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
sorry to be part of the elitist intelligentsia but i do think you have to read the text you have an opinion on if you expect your opinion to be taken seriously
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
just discoverd i can block people i find annoying
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
how graham's amnesia was weakened
all cards on the table, i really like amnesia tropes, especially with bad guy turned good or at least bad guy temporarily being good. i just love how amnesia can give morally gray or straight up evil characters a way to explore what they are outside being evil
so ofc my favorite character was gray from carmen sandiego (tho i did like him out of the gate for his friendship with carmen in the backstory)
so i was intrigued when he returned as an amnesiac and we get to see him actually normal and uninterested in villainy. It was interesting seeing graham's strong attatchment to morality in season 2, asking carmen after the heist if they were the "good guys". it is a bit cliche, but it shows that if graham does have a sense of right or wrong.
ofc graham def joined vile for the wrong reasons of wanting to be trained as a thief. though to know that maybe with a more stable career, graham couldve have been satisfied with his life and not turn to questionable means of making a liveliehood
it helps provide more perspective to vile agents as a whole, gesturing the notion that maybe if they didn't join vile when they were young and reckless, they wouldn't be trapped in an enviorment that forces them deeper into villainy through adulthood
until s4 came and lowkey retconned it all. now graham's mindwipe wasnt just amnesia, its also a "personality rewrite". which is to me, a cowardly move. now any moral concerns gray brings up prior is moot. instead of graham's amnesia revealing what could happen to vile agents if they were placed in a healthier enviorment, showing that the agents arent the true evil, it just becomes a pointless u-turn that reveals nothing about who gray actually is.
Gray no longer is a character impacted by circumstance, but always a morally bad character who was temporarily replaced by a good person
now that could work. it could open the debate whether gray should return to a calmer life, even if that robs him of his true autonomy, or return to vile knowing that he at least is not being controlled by another party. but i mean, carmen sandiego is a story about carmen and not gray, so such a complex moral debate would take time away from the main character.
its such a sad decision to know that whatever graham says during s1 and s2 isnt at all true to his character. It seems to me the story just isnt willing to give any vile agent any complexity because that could cause carmen to question who she should be really fighting, other agents or the vile faculty.
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
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Hobie Brown themed life drawings
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haruhikinnie · 1 year
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Rewatching ouran and I forgot how unnecessarily huge Tamaki's room is. You could play a game of football in that room and for what. Parties with the friends he's never allowed to have over? Also why is it so empty? A family of 4 could live in his bedroom and it has like 3 pieces of furniture. So cursed
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