Poster Portfolio
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Examples of a creative CV-
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Digital portfolios-
Instagram – tumblr – facebook – flickr – personal website – PDF (made from word)
Sub headings – contemporary modern art – easy to navigate -  specific audience – clean (not busy – clean structured – modern) – creative images (similar genre)
World wide audience – videos (new dimension to portfolio – good quality) – total control – easily updated – cheaper to run/update – quality on screen
quality on screen – not everyone is online!! – quick – you can easily overlook them
Creative CV’s-
What to include-
-roles and experience
-portfolio images
-date of birth
-contact details
-soft skills
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Portfolio task-
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a body of work that represents you as a photographer, it is a highlight of your best work. It is important is has a range of images that show off your best skill set in order to impress those who view it. It is a way to prove yourself as a photographer and show your skill. It also acts as a good talking point in interviews, all images have a story behind them about how they were created and what you did to get to your outcome. Explaining this also helps to show off your work ethic and the way your thought process works in the creative industry.
What are the different types of portfolios?-
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Zines are a great way to showcase your photography. They are easy and very affordable making it realistic to create more and more as your portfolio expands. Essentially it is a piece of paper that you can fold up in a leaflet style, so viewers can open them up to view the images. You can make them very professional and have many for each series or body of work. With them being so affordable you can make multiple copies of these, therefore you can hand them out to many people as a sort of advertisement strategy for your business. They would be able to keep them and you wouldn’t need to worry about the cost. Also by adding your contact details on the zine means the potential Client always has your point of contact.
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Posters, like zines are also easy and affordable, they could be a piece of A4 paper with multiple images on the front. You can be as creative as you want with these in terms of the layout and structure. Again with their price margin it enables you to print many of these off to hand out like flyers, with cost in the bottom half of the portfolio price mark, it means you don’t need to worry about expense when it comes to making these.
-photo books
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Photo books tend to range from anything between £30 and £200. There are many websites that you can make a photo book on, in some cases you have to stick to their guidelines which restrict creativity, however these are in the lower end of the price range, and quality isn’t always the best. You can also get professionally printed photo books, these are made with love and personality between you and the company. The way these are made is by using metal printers, these would be unique to your very photo book which make it so expensive. One of these may cost £50 however if you wanted many then you are looking at prices around the £200 mark. When paying these prices all the creativity is in your hands, you would be able to make the whole book in photoshop and saving the document as a pdf. Any problems or questions are solved by the company through personal phone calls to yourself. The downside to this Is that in most cases you would only buy one copy of the book, this means you need to look after that one copy so giving it out is not an option. However using both a photo book and zines for your portfolio could be very successful you could show the client your top quality photo book and then give them a zine to keep, therefore they can keep your images but in more of a  practical sense.
-photo folder
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Photo folders are similar to the photo books, these prints can be larger then what may appear in a photo book. They are also in the same price range as the photo book, all depending on your affordability. On the cheaper end of the photo folders, you could pick up a cheap A4 folder and get your images printed off at home to slide in. On the other hand you could spend £80 on a leather A3 folder and get professionally printed A3 images on a thick grain paper or card. Again this portfolio could work very well with zines or posters so that you can give your Client a smaller, more affordable reminder of your work.
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Online portfolios are the cheapest way to create a portfolio. Using a platform like Behance is free of charge, they are easy to create. You have some creativity over your page however not complete, you still have to follow their lay out out and what you can and cant change. These are always a good idea as you don’t need to see your client face to face for them to see your work, you can simply send a link to your page over to them via email for them to view. You can then add other contact details on your page for them to get in touch with you. Also through using an online portfolio it gives the option for clients to find you, they can see your work, like what they see and then message you, all without you going out and       finding your Client yourself.
With a printed portfolio you have the problem of having to met the client face to face to show them your body of work. With a lot of media related contact happening online now it is a lot easier and less time consuming for both you and your client to contact via email and for them to see your portfolio digitally too. With a digital portfolio you can update your work at any moment, it would take minutes to do and not cost anything. The disadvantage of this is you are unable to see your clients reaction, it is easy for them to view and ignore this without talking about compromising with you to get somewhere you both are happy with. In a portfolio it is sometimes needed to add some text to your work, it gives an insight into your work in the same way you may find some text next to art work in a gallery. This is easily done with an online portfolio, it gives some context for the viewer to read as you are not their personally to talk to them about your work.
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Online identity task-
What is the difference between private and public information?
Private information is information that you don’t want to show off online, it is information that may make you look a certain way or make you be perceived as someone you may not be. Whereas public information is something you would like to represent you online, something you want the public to see, maybe it makes you look good or it shines you in a positive light. You make be proud of it and want the public to see that.
Why is it important to keep your private life private?
It is important to keep your private life private because some things could have a negative representation of you, this could prevent you from doing things you want to do, like being part of a certain friend group, getting a job or in some cases trailing abroad.
Why is it important to keep a public profile?
It is important to keep a public profile in order to connect you to the public for two reasons, to see their profiles and for them to see yours. Having a public profile allows other users to see your post, you decide what to post to the public. You may want them to see a great achievement of yours or even for them to see your views on a topic. It is good to get your views out to the public however you have to be extremely careful about what you post online as it could back to represent you negatively years later.
What measures can you take to keep your private life private?
Online you can do multiple things to keep your own private life private, the main way to do this is by choosing what to post online, If you don’t want the public to see or hear about something that could represent you negatively then you wouldn’t post it publicly. Another way to keep your private life private is by choosing who you have to see your public profiles, if you have close family and friends online only then posting semi-private posts online shouldn’t be an issue. When having control over who can see your feed, allows you to feel more safe posting private information, however is anything private once its online?
Why is it important to be selective with your portfolio images when applying for jobs / university?
Your portfolio needs to be an accurate as it can be representation of you and your skill set, this needs to be a creative mirror to who you are and what you can produce. You need to make it as impressive as you can from everything between what images you select to the layout and sequence of the portfolio. The first image needs to hook in the reader, they need to see the first image and want to turn the first page. It needs to be something that they remember after looking through hundreds of portfolios.
You portfolio or portfolios need to reflect the job role, for example for a job being a sports photographer, a portfolio filled with the majority of nature photography would not let the employer see your sports photography skill set well. Therefore this could prevent you from getting that job. Just in the same way a national geographic freelancer job would not use a fashion based portfolio to apply for the job. To get over this you could create multiple folder within your online portfolio that best show off each topic, you could name them ‘sports photography’ and ‘nature photography’. Grouping your images makes it much easier for an employee to navigate around your portfolio and look at only the images that they would be interested in. They do not want to look through hundreds of images in search for the couple they are only looking for.
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Past attempts to get work experience-
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Someone that works for the BBC came into my college to speak to the FDA students, I took this opportunity to go to this talk and even stayed behind to talk to her, I had a conversation with her about my situation with the BBC after not getting into their apprenticeship scheme and she said she would be happy to help me get some work experience. She gave me her email and followed up providing me with an email address to someone who could help me further with work experience.
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I then emailed Kevin Hill at the BBC, unfortunately he did not get back to me after a further follow up message as a kind reminder of my initial email.
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Further attempts for work experience-
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Work experience arrangements-
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Currently I am not positively sure about going to university this year. I need to make sure that I have found the right course for me before  I decide to go or not. One way I have decided to decide is by experiencing the world of media as this is the field I would like to go into. I messaged someone I know who works for a company called wireless, at NewsUk in London. This place is the home to the sun and times newspapers, talkSPORT and virgin radio. I was lucky enough to be offered some work experience at talkSPORT on the Jim White show. This would give me a very beneficial feel to the world of radio within media. I was able to take notes and photographs of my experience here.
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Personal Statement Draft-
My energy and roots have always developed from the art practice of photography, documenting family holidays to social events with friends was how it started for me. I have keen interests and excitement for learning about the world and everything involved within in. I am passionate about story telling through moving image and wish to advance my photographic eye into television and film. I am easily inspired by experience which is why I have such a devoted spark to take in as much of the world as I can. This transfers to everything from traveling and documenting the world for what it is.  As a very hands on and practical student I am very dedicated and motivated to learning and experiencing everything I can. I am driven by the news of the world and the effect that it has. This was shown through the newspaper that I ran during my school years, this was a way that news could spread to pupils, this involved me carrying out interviews with the head teacher to get news around. I made this a more lighthearted approach as my target audience of pupils needed to be fitting. In order to widen my knowledge about the news and the way that is given out, I keep up with a range of news platforms such as newspapers both local and national, magazines based on particular subjects, live mobile news updates through the internet and documentary series on the television.
My hobbies are also something I am greatly passionate about, I enjoy going out and experiencing and absorbing life. I love to travel and explore from my local environment to other countries. I followed this up when I decided to do a foreign exchange in Germany, I wanted to do this in order to experience life abroad as if I lived there, I wanted to see the changes in lifestyle from what I am used to. Stepping outside of my comfort zone is somewhere I love to place myself because of what you learn and take back from those experiences.
Currently I am studying photography as a BTEC extended diploma level 3, this has helped me to find my own path in the media world. This has been developed from the projects I have undertaken in both college work and personal work. Evidence has been provided for through projects such as documentary, studio, street life, film photography and experimental photography, projects that have shown my commitment to exploring and learning new things thoroughly.  Documentary photography helped me to understand the way that we can use media platforms to documents storylines and lifestyles. I found this fascinating and inspiring and made me realise the power that photographs and media can hold. Working on documentary taught me a lot about how the media can be used to perceive a point of interest to a reader, it showed me how news stories aren’t all about whats written, it’s about how facts and stories can be shown through still images and videography. These various media platforms can be used to tell the same story however in more of an interesting light to an audience. Outside of college work, I have explored travel documentary, for example exploring mass settlement in New York in the way large populated areas effect environment, to exposing the environmental resourcing in Iceland through their use of geothermal energy and how this is widely relied upon in such an unpopulated country.
I believe that your course is the right course for me in order to allow myself to be professionally guided into the journalism world. The undergraduate degree is designed for me because it will give me the right resources to learn a wide range of journalism platforms in which I can take on and advance within in the future. I feel like this course will widen my knowledge within the journalism world and help advance me to a point where I can excess after University.
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Harvey Pownall-Brown
62 Digby Street
NG16 2HP
07818704434 • 01159197419 • [email protected]
D.O.B. 28/12/00
Personal statement
I am a mature 17 year old who has a passion for being the best person I can be. Being caring, kind and considerate is something I have been recognised for throughout my education. I’ve got a great interest in most sports and keeping fit. I completed my bronze Duke of Edinburgh award in 2016. I’m a creative person who wants to learn more about media and it’s interaction with the world. In my personal time I like to adventure and explore, capturing these moments through my love of photography and film.
Key Skills
Qualified first-aider
Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal
Hard working and dedicated
Approachable and friendly
Leadership skills
Strong initiative skills
Team Player
AQA-GCSE-MATHS                                                           5
AQA-GCSE-ENG LANG                                                     6
AQA-GCSE-ENG LIT                                                         9
WJEC-GCSE-MEDIA                                                         B
AQA-GCSE-GERMAN                                                       B
OCR-GCSE-SCIENCE                                                       B
OCR-GCSE-ADDITIONAL SCIENCE                                B
OCR-GCSE-GRAPHICS                                                    B
OCR-GCSE-GEOGRAPHY                                                B
The Kimberley School:
(September 2012 – June 2017)
Nottingham College- Level 3 Photography BTEC Extended Diploma:
(September 2017-  June 2019)
Hobbies & Interests
I am an active teenager who takes part in multiple sports, especially cycling and swimming. I have a keen interest in photography and film. I love to socialise and meet new people.
The Kimberley School (Tutor: Mr. Wharmby) 0115 9387000
Nottingham College (Head Of Year: Kayne Clarke) [email protected]
Starbucks Giltbrook Store (Supervisor Charlotte Hawley) 0115 9386479
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Media covering letter-
“As a devoted photographer, I have a skilled eye for creativity, visual impact and the exposure of the smaller details to make a photograph become an experience. I believe my style truly captures the raw emotion and sense of a scene.
As a current college student, managing my time efficiently allows me to ensure my assignments are completed before or on the due date. Multitasking is also a valuable skill I have been able to perfect, this is exampled through my opportunities; completing my Duke of Edinburgh Award, my job at ‘Starbucks’ or leading my School House newsletter. I was a journalist, editor and publisher creating this, making sure weekly deadlines were met.
For me the DofE experience was all about learning to be logical by having to plan, listen, respect others and be a team player with confidence. Being a dependable and caring character was shown when a team mate was struggling overnight with homesickness and heavy rain coming into his tent. I decided to put up another tent for him and sat and reassured him. This was then acknowledged by team leaders who praised me on my initiative instinct.
Earlier this year I had major surgery on my leg which resulted in having an external frame fixated for 6 months. This resulted in a sudden change in my ability, having to rely on a wheel chair and crutches until I pushed through physio to walk independently with the frame. I had to adapt my social and working life as everything became a difficult task, even getting on public transport to get to college. Being awarded ‘Most Dedicated Student’ made me feel proud, being able to turn a challenging time into a success. Now fully recovered I learnt a lot about myself, knowing I can respond to pressure well and take on stress and strains.
In my role as a college student representative, communication is essential. I have had to become a strong voice for my peers, this has involved me communicating news and opinions from pupils and peers to college leaders. Collaborating in this brings me great responsibility which I am exceedingly proud of. This is also shown through my passionate customer service and connecting with clients as part of my freelance work, using media platforms to my professional advantage.
Having a connection with the outside world is something I have a strong desire for, keeping up to date with current news and exploring modern life. I am very passionate about my career and feel my skill set is transferrable into this scheme. Having a strong work ethic and a mindset of being a great team player, would make me a reliable and dedicated member of any team, working right in the centre of the action.”
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Independant applications-
Application for BBC apprenticeship scheme-
“When packing my bag for any adventure, my camera is always the first thing I choose to take. As a devoted photographer, I have a skilled eye for creativity, visual impact and the exposure of the smaller details to make a photograph become an experience. I believe my style truly captures the raw emotion and sense of a scene.
As a current college student, managing my time efficiently allows me to ensure my assignments are completed before or on the due date. Multitasking is also a valuable skill I have been able to perfect, this is exampled through my opportunities; completing my Duke of Edinburgh Award, my job at ‘Starbucks’ or leading my School House newsletter. I was a journalist, editor and publisher creating this, making sure weekly deadlines were met.
For me the DofE experience was all about learning to be logical by having to plan, listen, respect others and be a team player with confidence. Being a dependable and caring character was shown when a team mate was struggling overnight with homesickness and heavy rain coming into his tent. I decided to put up another tent for him and sat and reassured him. This was then acknowledged by team leaders who praised me on my initiative instinct.
Earlier this year I had major surgery on my leg which resulted in having an external frame fixated for 6 months. This resulted in a sudden change in my ability, having to rely on a wheel chair and crutches until I pushed through physio to walk independently with the frame. I had to adapt my social and working life as everything became a difficult task, even getting on public transport to get to college. Being awarded ‘Most Dedicated Student’ made me feel proud, being able to turn a challenging time into a success. Now fully recovered I learnt a lot about myself, knowing I can respond to pressure well and take on stress and strains.
In my role as a college student representative, communication is essential. I have had to become a strong voice for my peers, this has involved me communicating news and opinions from pupils and peers to college leaders. Collaborating in this brings me great responsibility which I am exceedingly proud of. This is also shown through my passionate customer service and connecting with clients as part of my freelance work, using media platforms to my professional advantage.
Having a connection with the outside world is something I have a strong desire for, keeping up to date with current news and exploring modern life. I am very passionate about my career and feel my skill set is transferrable into this scheme. Having a strong work ethic and a mindset of being a great team player, would make me a reliable and dedicated member of any team, working right in the centre of the action.”
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Professional social media pages, online presence-
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Personal statement-
What to include-
-your career aspirations
-how you came interested in the subject you want to study
-any work experience you have done that is involved in the subject
-what attracted you to that particular university
-other relevant academic interests and passions which display positive character and personality
Work experience and relevant interests will make your application stand out from the rest while admissions officers e also looking for positive evidence of your character which will make you a productive member of the university.
How long should my personal statement be?-
The length of a personal statement varies on the university but generally the average length for an undergraduate student would be between 400-600 words long, around one side of a4 paper and no more then 47 lines.
Try not to go over the advisory word count as admissions officers have many applications to go through and anything written after the cut off point will most likely be discarded. Try and keep a personal statement clear and concise as this is more likely to stand out.
Common errors of a personal statement-
-a personal statement being too short or too long
-one that does not include important information or negative information
-a personal statement that has a confusing structure
It is important not to lie about anything involved in your personal statement to do with your personal life or educational history or even to exaggerate. Admissions officers will question you about various aspects of your personal statement and will be able to see through any lies.
Personal statement tips-
-express a passion towards your subject
-start the statement strong to grab attention
-link outside passions and interests to your course
-be honest, don’t include any negative information
-don’t attempt to sound too clever
-don’t leave it till the last minute, prepare ahead of the deadline
-have friends and family proof read it
-don’t duplicate material from your CV
-try and keep it to 5 clear paragraphs in a clear fount with text no larger then 12
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Behance Update-
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Creating a portfolio-
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when creating my portfolio I had to go through many folders to collect all my best images into one folder, from here I then separated  all my images into new folders based on their theme or content. 
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How social media promotes your photography-
Social media is the first step that is taken when building your online presence for your photography business, typically these platforms are instagram and facebook, another platform that is more focused on the photography and art world is a platform called Behance. This is an online space where independent creators can go and create an online portfolio and account, people looking for photographers, artists and designers can use this site to find the creators they are after. The way you get your portfolio out there is by using hashtags, this means when people search for certain topics and ‘buzz’ words your work associated to that topic will show in the results, therefore enabling you work to appear to anyone who searches. The whole idea of hashtags is also used in the platform Instagram, this platform is less creative based and more social based. Although it is still a platform used for more of a younger age range it can still be used to get your photography work out online for people to see. Again hashtags are used to get your ‘posts’ on the screens of people that want to see them. Finally the last well known platform used to get your photography online is facebook, facebook started off as a way for people to communicate and to keep up with each others lives, as facebook has advanced it brought out a function to create business pages for businesses to create a profile to again get themselves out there online, any business can have an account, from small independent businesses to high end fully functional companies. This side to facebook helps local people connect with local business and is a great way yo showcase your work quickly to the local public.
Positives of social media-
building an online presence is useful when trying to show off your work
It allows people that wouldn’t normally see your work, see your work
You can use hashtags to widen your online audience
People are able to message you via the platforms to talk business
Other people can like your work to show how successful or unsuccessful it is
People can also comment on your feeds to give you feedback, tag their friends to show them, and speak to you about your work
Your feed and posts can be shared by others to spread it onto their friends, this widens your target audience
You have a lot of creative controls of how you want to display your profile, you may choose to have a profile picture, a profile colour and in some cases how you want your images to be organised and displayed, creating series of work in folders and tabs.
Negatives of social media-
having an online presence opens you up to online hate and abuse
At first its easy to feel like your page and profile isn’t being successful due to your followers and likes
Having to update your platforms regularly is now something you will need to do
Competition may feel high against other businesses
You could become addicted to you social media site and allow it to take up too much time
Your page may witness a mass off success, something you done know how to deal with, this could cause you to feel pressured and stressed out
You can get the most out of social media by being aware of the dangers of the internet, how to deal with hate and how to have a thick skin. You also need to use social media to its positive advantages, for example using multiple hashtags on one post, doing something different by creating competitions for your audience, posting regularly and not being afraid to show off what you can do.
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What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a piece of work that at its simplicity is a collection of someone’s best work. The point of a portfolio is to represent your work and show off your skills to an employer or customer. It shows what sort of person and worker you are and helps people know what you can do and achieve.
What are the different printed portfolios?
Potentially cheap
Sometimes poor quality
Lots of control over aesthetics
-Newspaper style
Super expensive
Poor papers print quality
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Stands out
Easily portable
Digitieses easily
Can lose it easily
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-Leather bound folder
Professional look
Large scale
Protects and preserves
Two images at a time. Not overcrowded
Super expensive
Physically have to transport it
Not easy transported
One copy
Very heavy
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-Zines/ booklets
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-Box portfolios
Fairly expensive
Have to make contact with the images and connect with each photograph
Can be made to look very high end and sentimental
Hard to transport
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Advantages of printed portfolios:
Physical contact
Can be sent off in some cases
Old school
Disadvantages of printed portfolios:
Can be large and not easily transported
Can be expensive
Take time
Limited to copies
Physical not digital
Disadvantages of a digital portfolio:
Limited to connection with photographs
Too easily be sent off
Not personal
Doesn’t show effort. Anyone can make these
Advantages of digital portfolios:
Can be sent off in mass
Never lose them
Can be updated regularly
Everyone can keep a copy
Quick and easy to achieve
When is it relevant to include text or a contextualising statement with your portfolio?
It is relevant to use text in your portfolio when you need to add information that the image doesn’t deliver, for example a back story and meaning behind the image. Another use of text in a portfolio would be to tell the reader a bit about you or a bit about the portfolio as a whole. This could be anything from a covering letter about you to an explanation about the images in the portfolio and how they all might link and connect
-Facebook pages
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pages can be rated by customers and clients
a large platform that many people you worldly 
can be commented on, liked and shared
easily updated
need to be different and creative to stand out
could come across as irritating 
limited on how original you can be (restrictions on what you can and cant do)
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can be creative and unique 
updatable easily 
have the ability to create everything yourself with your own brand and identity
hard to reach out to people
have to be careful of what to put on there
you don’t know how many people are viewing you website and how successful it is being to your business
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easily updatable
very largely used platform 
new and modern
target audience might not be the audience you are looking for
could come across as amateur and unprofessional in the way you present your images on there 
-Digital Advertising
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will reach many people depending on how much you spent on the advertisement
it is a successful method to reach out to clients
seen as irritating which doesn’t provide a positive reputation for your business
very costly 
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