hastyvirtue · 7 years
the constant changing state of us
HOSEOK / J-HOPE / HOBI | BTS 5,176 words | A TRIFECTA (comedy/drama/romance) featuring bff yoongi warnings for language
notes: this was supposed to be a short drabble. oops. I hope you enjoy this plebeian way of writing, I can’t bring myself to wax poetic.
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To everyone, Hoseok smiles and out-shines the sun, his laughter more beautiful than a choir of angels, he carries that spark within, lifting the mood of all around him.
Except me.
To me, Hoseok smiles too easily, as if everything is a comedy show, his laughter shrill and sharp, a terrible cackle akin to nails on a chalkboard. His spark is more like firecrackers–annoying, loud, and not very pretty to look at.
Yeah, fuck that guy.
I spent most of my time avoiding his company like the plague, and the most unfortunate aspect of my life–and there were many of those–had to be the fact that we shared a best friend. How Min Yoongi, all round grumpy-guss and sleepy baby, got along with the human equivalent of microphone feedback, the world may never know.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
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( ノ `Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
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Jumin han???
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Jumin Han With chest hair
Okay just imagine… •when he unbuttons his shirt, a little bit of hair peeks through OK THts allI GOT BUTTT maybe I’ll add more later
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Beach Day
May I make a request for a Mystic Messenger fanfic where Zen and Jumin fight over the MC? You have the choice to pick who the MC ends up with or simply create whatever ending you wish to write ;) It’s up to you
By the way, I really love your MM fanfics and I only just realized you were the same author who wrote ‘A Princess Heist’!! (I read it on AO3 like a few months ago) Like, oh my gosh, that fanfic is amazing! Keep up the good work and thank you so much for taking the time to write these fanfics!
Mystic Messenger “Short”, Zen and Jumin Han competing for MC, fluff, angst, all the good stuff, should not spoil any routes.
//Hey there! I’d be happy to write this for you. I kinda read the prompt and thought ‘hmm where could they fight’ and then I was like ‘wAIT what if they COMPETE for MC’s love??’ and then I was like ‘yes this is perfect’ so sorry if it’s kinda off from what you want, I can make something else if it is. Also yes that strange person over there on AO3 is me (I wish that someone would set up MM over there so that I can just push all this stuff over there) and omg it feels like I wrote that story like a week ago instead of months ago hahaha… oh how time passes
It’s a beautiful day outside, and you decide that you would like to go and have some fun outside. You invite all of the RFA members for a day at the beach, and they accept the small relief from their everyday lives. What does the sunny day have in store for you?
Sun beams warm your body as you twirl around in your living room. It is a gorgeous day in the summer, not too hot nor too cold, and you want to take advantage of it. You know that your hair has probably mussed itself up in your dancing, but you don’t really care as you wonder if you missed anything while packing for the day.
The doorbell rings and you turn your shining eyes to the door, grinning uncontrollably as you run over to the door with a skip to your step. “I’m coming!” You shout to the person on the other side before swinging the door open. You gasp in excitement and hold your arms out as you tackle the man in front of you. “Zen!”
“Whoa!” Zen cries out in surprise, laughing along with you as he wraps you in a tight embrace. “Are you that excited to see me?” He winks at you, rubbing your hair softly.
You nod enthusiastically, grabbing Zen’s hand as you retreat back into the house with excitement. “Everyone should be getting here soon, so we hopefully won’t need to wait for long!” You continue to pull him further into the house, stopping once you reach the living room. You look up at him with a wide grin, motioning for him to sit anywhere. “I cut up some fruits so that everyone’s a little less hungry and won’t need to get any snacks or anything of the sort on the way.” You mumble to yourself that you would probably eat a snack on the way anyway, but you quickly return to beaming a smile up to Zen. “Jumin and Jaehee should be the next ones here.”
“You’re really excited about this, aren’t you?” Zen asks with a soft and caring smile, patting your head as you nod vigorously. Before you could continue, Zen’s hand moves down to your cheek, which begins to burn as you stare into each other’s eyes. “Are you sure you’re doing okay?” Zen inquires with a low voice, his worry for your well-being showing through the warm feeling of his hand on your cheek.
“I-I’m fine,” you stutter, placing your hand over his in an attempt to push it away from yourself. However, Zen steps closer to you and cups both cheeks.
“I’m always here for you if you want me,” Zen mumbles to you, his face approaching yours slowly. The burning of your cheeks changes to a bright inferno as you can’t help but watch as his lips get closer to yours.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Dandelions (Jumin x MC)
You and Jumin are in a meadow when you come across a patch of dandelions.
Word Count: 471
I’m not hitting you guys with any angst rn although with the latest AU I plan on doing it might end up being that way? Don’t worry I’ll be doing the posting format a bit differently to avoid a constant flow of it. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day! Thank you! <3
You rested with Jumin the meadow ahead of the vacation home, your body curled beside flowers blooming in the springtime air. 
Jumin’s head rested upon your lap, your fingers curling through his loose hair as you both spoke softly between each other. 
“Okay darling, you told me you’ve been preparing a joke?” He peered up, giving a precious crooked smile. 
You beamed, holding back your laughter. “Right! Right! Okay, so what’s a cat’s favorite TV show?”
He thought for a moment, scrunching his nose. “…I don’t know. What is a cat’s favorite television show?”
“The Evening Mews!”
He snickered brightly, letting out a faint sigh as his lips stretched from ear to ear. 
“…That was purrfect.” He cooed, watching as you could contain your giggles, clamping a hand over your mouth.
Yet as your gaze drew about you found a small patch of dandelions near the two of you, the white dots scattering about the stem. 
“Oh hey!” You took one of the dandelions, giving it to him. “Make a wish!” 
“Wouldn’t you like to make a wish?” 
“I will after you honey.” You chimed, ruffling his hair. “Go on.” 
He chuckled softly and closed his eyes to blow the dandelion.
And in the moment you swooped down, pressing a tender kiss to his lips as a smirk was clear on your features. 
As you lifted up your head, Jumin’s eyes opened, pink sprinkling his cheeks with his response.
“Well…it seems that my wish came true.”  
“Really?” Your gaze widened to the size of saucers, a warmth spreading in your chest. “Aren’t you sweet?”
“You’re perhaps the only one to think so.” 
“Then I’m the only one that’s right.” You replied, grabbing onto another dandelion and blowing to make your wish.
Yet as you lowered it, Jumin raised a curious brow. “What did you wish for?”
You kissed his forehead fondly, cupping his face in your hands. “For everyone  to see what an absolute blessing you are.”
He laughed lightly, adoration painting his expression. “Well love, what blessing would I be without my miracle?” 
You processed his words, feeling as if the sun had blanketed you in its light.
“I guess we’re just an inseparable pair then aren’t we?” 
He nodded, grinning. 
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
sometimes I lie awake at night and think about how Jumin Han refers to cat toe beans as jellies and I simultaneously die inside and feel all my problems resolve themselves
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
i’m in love with jumin han
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Jumin Han chewing gum for the first time
So like…I was chewing 5 pieces of gum and thought about this okay And don't tell me this is gap moe okay —-- •You were chewing a piece of bubble gum one night while watching a drama •Jumin appeared from the hallway and sat next to you with a towel around his neck. •he was fresh out of the shower, his hair still wet. •Though he was focused on the tv for a few moments, he got distracted by the sound of you chewing something. •"What are you eating, MC? Why must you chew it for so long?" He asked, obviously perplexed. •You smirked and blew a bubble, watching his eyes follow the growing ball and look back at yours when the bubble popped. •"Gum. It's a 'commoner' thing" You said teasing him. You reached over to the coffee table and grabbed him a piece of gum. •He flipped the wrapped rectangle around in his hand before opening it. •"You just...chew on it? And make bubbles?" He questioned. You couldn't tell if he was interested or confused. •"Yep! Just chew on it." •He looked at the gum and back at you with a concerned look lingering on his features. •He gingerly placed the gum in his mouth and began to chew. •"Now try to blow a bubble!" You said after letting him chew it for a while •He looked back at you with determination (cute) and tried to blow one •he didn't do it •he tried may different approaches, all failing •it was the CUTEST thing every watching him concentrate so hard on trying to blow the darn bubble •"mc, how did you manage to blow the bubble?" He said, verging on begging you to teach him •"Jumin, dear, it's all about using your tongue, which you are amazing at using." You say (bhhaaa mc you dirty perv) •he smirks at your comment but brushes it of, now using his tongue to try to blow a bubble •he combines his past techniques with your new advice and BAMB •he blows a decent bubble!! •you squeal with joy and jumin is sO HAPPY he's like •yeS!!! •he has a faint blush on his cheeks and a smile on his lips, along with the popped bubble •you lean forward and kiss him despite the gum And end up with gum on your face too (mc that kinda gross) •jumin chews gum often after that and continuously blows bubbles •he was trying to show Elizabeth his skills and got gum in her fur. Yikes.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Can you draw Jumin in a maid dress?(It's doesn't matter if it's kinky or not)THANK YOU SO MUCH!
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Slave 4 Elizabeth 3rd lolololol
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Reblog only if you agree.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
things we, collectively, need more of:
1. jumin getting flustered
yea thats it
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
◎——- JUSTICE FOR JUMIN HAN ——-◎ ☞ “Jumin Han is a douche!” ☞ “Jumin Han doesn’t has a heart or human feelings!” ☞ “Eww, Jumin is very rude so I hate him.” ☞ “He only prefers his cat.” ☞"He treats others like shit, doesn’t give a fuck about others’ feelings.“ ☞ “Does Jumin Han is gay?” These may be probably almost everyone’s thoughts and opinions regarding Jumin. When I say almost everyone, except for very few amount of people, everyone else bash Jumin Han. That’s the most unbearable sight to ever see. Those who have played his route very carefully and fully concentrated, they must’ve been able to dig his actual self out. Playing his route and unveiling his true self could be only done by a player who is capable of dealing with a person who is mentally-scarred, emotionally neglected and trying not to further repress his hidden emotions. However, anyone’s first impression on Jumin is actually not a good one. His texts in some circumstances, especially in the prologue gives off the vibe that he isn’t trusting people so easily; He appears bland and uptight. But the actual thing is; he is not! Well, to be honest, I never felt that Jumin was rude to RFA except for few incidents as I remember: 1. Once when Yoosung talked about V getting rid of Rika after her death, Jumin told Yoosung that it wasn’t something for him to judge. It came out quite harshly. 2. Telling Jaehee that he is fed of hearing her voice at the office and seeing her at the chatroom. Some hate him for shoving Jaehee with loads of work but what to do. It’s her job. But it doesn’t mean that I’m taking his side. After all, he makes her work more than a limit. But instead of hating him and trashing Jumin, have you guys ever wondered why he does such things? “Yeah, the answer is simple. He is a robotic, heartless man with no any feelings.” Someone will say. Is it? Doesn’t he really has a heart? Is he a robot? He does. He is a human being with feelings. Then why not show them? There’s a reason for everything, my dear. He is repressing his emotions. Deep inside, he is scarred. He is struggling. He is going through so much, just like everyone else. He has determined himself not to deal with emotions. That’s why he appears cold to everyone. Why doesn’t he get involved with emotions? Since he was a small child, his mother had left him. There was a step mother but she was a bitch too. His father may have been very busy and buried to work to a point that he didn’t have a time to bond with his child. At a point, Jumin says that he was looked after by nannies. There was no one in his life except for servants, securities, butlers and nannies. It was some kind of a professional, business and an unemotional life Jumin lived. Not a life which was filled with love, caring and kindness. So what can you expect at first? And about the relationship between Jumin and his father, Jumin loves and respects his father despite his womanizing and obsession towards women. At some points, Jumin mentions that they’re getting along well. They also gift each other and sometimes have a lunch or a dinner together. What I have to ask, is that called a real father-son relationship? Showering each other with presents is nice but that’s rather like showing off to me. That’s not what someone expects from their parent(s). What’s more important is providing love in an emotional way. A father is supposed to teach well manners to his child. He is supposed to teach good and bad to the child. He is supposed to advise the child, wisely. Most importantly, He is supposed to love his child properly. To let him/her know that he’d be supporting them no matter what, to be with them through their thicks and thins, to guide them in the correct path and to let them know that he loves them very much. Mr.Han might not be a bad person but he also hasn’t acted like a real father to Jumin. Giving expensive gifts and dining together doesn’t mean that he is well playing his role as a father. So it’s not surprising that Jumin is spontaneously acting like a brat. Talking about the love life of Jumin, he wasn’t particularly interested in women until the player comes into his life. Since his childhood, Jumin is used to see various women with his father; one at a time. He was used to see them enjoying all kinds of luxuries and dumping Mr.Han next day. In one word; gold diggers they were. In fact, some were also interested not only in Mr.Han but also Jumin. Jumin knows that everyone is coming behind them for their enormous wealth. He also knew that no one could expect pure love from such women. I think that’s why Jumin doesn’t bend so easily and trust someone so quickly. Because he thinks that all women are same. He also has stated that he had experienced several blind dates but wasn’t successful. Maybe he rejected those women so easily. According to him, his only dearest, trustworthy companion in his life is Elizabeth the 3rd, his cat. She is actually treated as a real queen than an animal because he believes that Elizabeth the 3rd understands him well unlike the women. Jumin also hints in his route that he had a crush for Rika. There was also a Visual Novel of a scene of him and Rika in the past. There he states that he believes her and trusts her. He also admits that Rika is beautiful when she herself questions him about her beauty. But at one point, in my opinion, I believe he was quite taken aback when Rika asks him if they would’ve ended up together if she met him before V. I conclude that Rika also tried to flirt with him and she was also the same like other women. Jumin really admires Rika. That’s true. But he never went over his limit by loving her as he was loyal and sincere to his best friend, V. He started believing in love and stopped depending on his theory; all women are same , when he encounters the player. For the very first time, he starts to see a woman who is much better than Rika. A woman who truly understands him and isn’t eyeing for his wealth. That woman makes him feel special. She showers him with pure love and she is the only woman who is successful enough to help and understand Jumin. She’s the one who helps to bring out his hidden emotions and his true self out. Unlike his father and others, she is capable to stick with him during his hard times and helps him wholeheartedly. She is the woman of everything. She means very much to Jumin. Eventually he madly falls in love with MC. He states that she was the woman who helped him to untangle the so called threads of his life. He tells her that she made him and RFA to see a new side of him. His actual self, the real Jumin Han who had been hidden deep inside for a long time. And about his terms with RFA members, all I have to say is, he is the father to them. Not because he is the senior member. First of all, I’ll tell y'all something. There’s this Mystic Messenger account in Instagram (@mysticmessengerfacts). There, you can submit your Mystic Messenger confessions and the admin would post it, not stating who is the owner of the confession. There’s this recent confession: [“I don’t understand why everybody loves Jumin like he treats Jaehee horribly and mostly has no sympathy for anyone except his cat. I overall think he is a douche for treating everybody like a crap.”] Okay. First…. calm down, Jumin stans. I know how we all feel. I was like ‘Bitch what the actual fuck?’ First of all, I’ll develop some assumptions regarding the owner of the confession: 1. Maybe this person hasn’t played Jumin’s route at all. 2. Maybe (s)he has played the route but has screwed up and didn’t understand our precious boy at all. 3. If (s)he has played Jaehee’s route, they haven’t concentrated well. Because there’re moments where Jumin showed that he has a golden heart. Okay now I’m asking y'all again. Is Jumin a douche as that person has stated? Does he actually treat others like crap and only care for his cat? I’ll put it in this way. Not Jumin treats everyone like crap but everyone in RFA treats Jumin like crap. That’s the truth. He wasn’t sympathized by anyone at all. ☓ Yoosung always states that he is scared of Jumin and questions about his privilege. ☓ Zen always calls him a robot or a stuck up jerk who doesn’t care about anyone and insults him for treating a cat as a human being. ☓ Jaehee indirectly diss him together with Zen and always complains him for shoving her with work. ☓ Seven doubts about his sexual orientation and teases him and make fun of him. But did Jumin ever speak against them? Did he ever complain? Did he not care for them just because everyone collaborate and talk shit against him? NO HE DID NOT. Instead: (Forgive me if I state something wrong as I’ve only played Jumin’s route and gone through Jaehee’s route. I’ve got these information from others.) ☓ He has cared for Yoosung such as encouraging him to study well so he could offer him a job at C&R. He also has sent Yoosung’s mother to visit him because they can develop their relationship.(?) ☓ No matter how much Zen hated him, he tried his best to get along with him. When Zen felt down, he has visited him at a secret location and had comforted him not like a businessman or a cold-hearted person but as a true friend. In fact, he has offered him help to stabilize his career. He also offered him to be the model for the cat commercial. ☓ About Jaehee, everyone will think how the hell Jumin helped her. Of course he had. He gave her a vacation considering her enormous duty as his assistant. He actually cared for her. He also let Jaehee stay at his apartment during Yoosung’s route so she’ll be safe. He says that he trusts Jaehee so much. ☓ He helped at Saeran’s abduction so that could be said as a help for Seven. He has done so much. Too much for the RFA that he doesn’t deserve to be called as a douche. To be honest, he is the biggest supporter and the caretaker of RFA. Can y'all remember how worried he was when everyone was in danger because of the hacker? In fact, he immediately assigned bodyguards for everyone’s safety. He even tried several times to contact V so he could take care of MC’s safety. It says that he was the most anxious one when MC and Seven visited Mint Eye headquarters. Even V states that they have nothing to worry about since they have Jumin who could take a step when RFA is in danger. And for the player, his caring and support is immense. ☓ He concerns for her in every route. ☓ He says he supports her and her affair. (with the relevant member) ☓ He always think about her safety. ☓ He cracks jokes with her, gets advice from her and worry about her health. Just like a father. ☓ He even volunteered in sending a vehicle in Zen’s route so the player could go and visit Zen. So how can you call him a douche? How can you not love this beautiful person with a golden heart? Lastly, what I have to say is, Stop bashing Jumin Han. It’s fine to bash him if he was actually inhumane but he is not. DON’T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT’S COVER. Not only Jumin but y'all would never know what is actually happening in a person’s life so think twice before speaking a word. Some would think that I’m crazy for speaking for a fictional, 2D character who doesn’t even exist but alive or not, I don’t care. Jumin Han deserves so much of love and respect from everyone. Stop treating him like he is a shitty gay meme and a heartless brat who doesn’t give two shits about RFA. I also think that the main purpose of Cheritz to create Jumin and his storyline is to give some kind of a message to the world. Not to judge a person so easily just by their external personality without knowing their actual state. So now I believe that those who thinks about Jumin in a negative way, will change the way they’re thinking. Deep inside, he is such a sweet, adorable man.
So the rant is finally finish. I actually didn’t know how to start and how to finish. I’ve wanted to do this since a long time ago. It’s really hard to watch Jumin being dispensed of injustice instead of justice. Please support him and understand him. I didn’t intend to offend anyone and RFA. I love them anyways but I love Jumin more!!!! Thanks for reading, everyone! If you have any matter, please message me.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Chubby!707 x  Reader:Honey Bhudda Butter Ball
Okay so I’ve been reading a lot of @tohskas​ Mystic Messenger headcanons and I just couldn’t help myself. I gave it a whirl since that was on my brain at the moment. I’m a little rusty so I hope you guys like it!
   For as long as he could remember, Saeyoung “Seven” Choi had rolled with the punches thrown by the Lord Almighty, hoping that one day he’d roll into the right direction. His childhood was a near broken thread of weighty memories better left forgotten, and even his more recent years were far from what one would deem “stable” or “uplifting”. The RFA did help of course, but nothing really seemed to change until Y/N showed up, blown into the chatroom on what at the time seemed like a serendipitous whim. Though, they found out all too soon and much to his dismay that it was more like a SAERANdipitous act of revenge. Though, that was in the past now, and thanks to Y/N, his life was what one would be able to call… blissfully… normal.
   Y/N had moved in with him sometime along the lines of half a year ago, and Saeran had joined them once things had been settled, and the three of them lived there in a peaceful housemanship soon after. Well, as peaceful as things could be between a newly engaged Y/N and Seven, while him and Saeran were still testing the rocky waters of brotherhood abandoned long ago. While Seven had sustained enough money within his many upon many years of hacking jobs, he had quite a bit tucked away so that they could at least breathe comfortably for some time before considering going back to work. After the strenuous events that had taken place not even a year ago, it was clear that they all deserved a little break.
   Despite the popular belief, Seven himself didn’t change much. He still spent his days quite often behind a computer screen, though instead of hacking he often took the time to play games or sit at his desk and tinker with scrap electronics to make more of his odd little creations. Y/N supported this wholeheartedly, and let her fiance indulge in the peace of their new life and appreciated his newfound happiness. Though, it wasn’t the only thing he often indulged on; Just as he always had, he had his stash of Honey Bhudda Chips, or should it be “stashes” considering there were plenty of places throughout the house he always managed to sneak a bag or two. Honey Bhudda Chips and Dr. Pepper were still his favorite meal of choice, despite the little to zero nutritional value and the all too high sugar and fat values. Y/N did believe she was concerned for a time.. But seeing Seven so happy with their quaint life made her worries disappear just as fast as they came.
And it wasn’t until sometime later when Seven’s new worries began.
   God’s Favorite Hacker was promptly slouched over his workspace, springs and gears galore as he narrowed his eyes behind striped rims and carefully screwed another bolt into place. Tinkering was indeed his favorite of pastimes, where his brother often took up residence at his own desk (courtesy of Seven) desk, surrounded by books and papers as the boy did seem to have an appreciation for reading as well as doodling or making crafts with different techniques. The younger of the twins peered up at his brother and quirked a brow.
   Although Saeran was doing better with proper care, it was still a rarity for him to speak up, especially when not prompted to do so by someone else. The older of the two perked his head up and returned the expression.
“What’s up?”
   “Your shirt, actually, quite a lot these days.” Saeran replied, a smirk placing itself on his mouth. Seven took a moment to process this before glancing down to see exactly what his brother meant by that. It was very evident quickly that his brother was quite right, rather than suddenly developing a sense of humor comparable to his own.
   His red shirt had pushed itself up on his torso, which would have been an oddity if it weren’t for the cause of the matter which was a soft, pale mound of flesh that had taken permanent residence on his lap; his shirt pulled snugly just above his bellybutton. Quickly, the former hacker pulled it down, to see how fruitless the task considering if he even moved back or hunched in the slightest it relocate itself back above his newfound gut.
How had he not noticed earlier..?
   Most days followed a certain routine; getting up to either work on one of his babies, or tinker for a bit after getting out of bed with Y/N, making breakfast of usually some sort of microwaveable or cereal, munching on some Honey Bhudda Chips as he worked, downing a PHD. Pepper chaser, marathoning a show or two with Y/N nd Saeran, tinkering more, playing online.. Though the more he thought about it, the more he realized that around majority, if not all times he seemed to have a bag of chips in his hand or some other type of food. But why now? Why was it having an effect on him now? Regardless of the reason, he was surprised that his Y/N hadn’t said something to him by now; surely she would have noticed and was probably as repulsed as he dreaded to imagine.
   Later that night, he layed in the bed that him and Y/N shared, wearing his usual sleep attire of sweats and black man tank though with the added comfort of his not-as-baggy-as-it-used-to-be hoodie, zipped up to about his lower chest, just enough to cover the jiggly mess that his lower abdomen had become. Laying back into his pillows and twiddling with the silver cross around his neck, he glanced up just in time to watch his fiance step out of the shower. God, was she gorgeous; her H/L, H/C hair still wet and framing her face, water cascading down her body, droplets running down her soft skin. Water tracing every feature of her body, every curve and crevice… He looked up just to see her staring at him with an amused expression before he quickly looked away and made a stuttered “G-gah!” noise and turned away, face reddening to a shade almost matching his hair. Y/N laughed and quickly dried off, selecting one of his tshirts and a pair of pajama bottoms to wear so she could cuddle up with her fiance. Though, as soon as her arms wrapped around his waist, he pulled away and grabbed a pillow, pulling it in front of his torso and cuddling it.
“Saeyoung?” Y/N asked curiously, placing her hand on his shoulder, causing him to shift his gaze down with an uncomfortable face. “Saeyoung.. What’s the matter?”
“.. Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked, seemingly hurt about whatever he was going on about.
“Tell you what? Saeyoung.. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” she said flatly, honestly before he sighed and unzipped his hoodie and sat up, turning towards her.
“Why didn’t you tell me that I was getting fat?” he asked as her eyes trailed down to see his softer chest and prominent belly outlined even in such a dark, yet snug shirt.
She was quiet for a moment before looking back into his golden eyes and simply responded.
“Because you were happy.”
Seven’s eyebrows creased and he looked back and forth between her and himself. “You.. you’re not bothered? Disgusted?”
She chuckled a little and shook her head. “Saeyoung I could never be disgusted with you. After seeing all that you went through.. After all we went through together.. I just wanted to see you happy. Truly happy. If eating is what helps make you happy, then I don’t care what becomes of it. Besides..” she leaned a little closer and placed a hand on his tummy, rubbing it through the soft, cotton fabric. “I think I like it.”
Saeyoung chuckled nervously and shook his head. “You’re a weird one.. You know that?”
She rolled her eyes and ran a hand through her fiance’s soft hair. “Me? Weird? Well isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black.~”
He grinned and leaned over to kiss Y/N’s temple, cuddling up to her as he did so. “Touche, M’lady.”
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ~After Ending~✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
After returning home from a day out and about with Jaehee, selecting a present for Saeyoung and Saeran’s upcoming birthday, Y/N expected to hear the tinkering of tools or the drone of the TV.. but upon opening the door, nothing could be heard but silence. Well, mostly silence with the exception of some soft music being played. “Saeyoung? Saeran?” she called out, setting down the bag in the closet in its designated hiding spot, behind a rack of heavy coats. “NNNNggghhhh… YYYY/NNN..” she could hear her soon to be husband groaning before being followed by the sound of a very loud, wet sounding belch that even made her eyebrows raise in surprise. She quickly set her own things down and headed to the living room where she found Seven on his back on the couch while Saeran sat on a neighboring recliner with his legs crossed, promptly reading a book and ignoring the bloated mess his brother was beside him.
“What happened to him while I was gone?” Y/N asked to which Saeran lifted his eyes before flicking them to his brother momentarily and explaining. “He made a bet with Yoosung that he could down four liters of PHD. Pepper before you got home for twenty dollars and a new copy of some game.” he said rather uninterested before turning back to his book, though anyone could see that he was internally laughing at his own brother’s poor decision making in this case. Though, could one really blame him? Y/N smiled amusedly and shook her head, sighing before heading over to the couch and helping her near sugar coma’d Saeyoung up. “Alright honey, let’s get you upstairs..” he leaned on her almost drunkenly, one arm wrapped around her and the other cradling his swollen and bubbly tummy, making noises of discomfort every so often and pushing out a small hiccup or burp as they trailed up the short walk to their bedroom.
Laying on his side in bed, Y/N crawled in beside him and placed the palm of her hand on his tight belly, rubbing it ever so gently and pushing in certain places to relieve some of the gurgling and pressure. Soft whines of slight pain made their way past his lips, as well as quite a few belches of varying sizes and consistency before sighs of relief. Y/N only smiled before giving him a knowing look and saying “Admit it, the real reason you took this bet was because you love belly rubs.”
Saeyoung blushed lightly before chuckling a little “And what if i- *HIC!*.. Do?” he asked as he moved his hand down to tug at his sweats, digging into his newly softening sides a bit much for comfort.
She pulled him closer and kissed his lips, tasting sweet from all that fizzy drink he adored, hand still massaging his bloated tummy. “Whatever makes you happy..”
His hand trailed down to meet hers before taking it and giving it a gentle squeeze, thumb trailing over the engagement ring on her fourth finger. “You. You make me happy, Y/N. Happier than I’ve ever been.”
The two of you pulled each other close for a more intense kiss.. Just to have him pull away and turn to let out a very large belch, one that almost seemed to rattle his vocal chords just as much as his embarrassment, glasses sliding down his face awkwardly as his face turned red before Y/N burst out in laughter.
“Way to kill the moment, Seven.”
“I- I couldn’t help it!”
She pulled him close once more and the two cuddled in their bed, the chubby computer whiz pulling his fiance close, cuddling her towards his chest. As long as he had Y/N in his arms.. And Saeran by his side… He could handle anything God threw their way.
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hastyvirtue · 7 years
Ah, please do Just saying #3 with Mc as a caretaker
The sky outside looks like a badly done watercolour painting, splotchy and grey. Everything is grey. The skyscrapers, the roads, Jumin’s suit. To you, grey is the most soothing colour, and the flashes in the corner of the sky mean thrills and excitement. “It’s really coming our way!” You report eagerly to Jumin with a tiny smirk. “I can’t believe our luck!” Jumin doesn’t look nearly as pleased about it. “Storms are a regular occurrence. Haven’t you seen enough in your lifetime?” He inquires with a sigh. “There’s no such thing as enough storms in one’s lifetime!” You exclaim, and as if to support your point of view a soft rumble sounds in the distance. “I’m going to wash the dishes,” Jumin mutters, quickly departing the room.
He seemed very strange just then, but you can’t quite pinpoint what is wrong with him. After all, he usually is very serious. But there’s something different about this seriousness. Then you realise: Jumin owns a dishwasher. He doesn’t need to wash dishes at all! Something is definitely wrong, and you will figure out what it is.
You wander through Jumin’s house. It’s so large, yet the vastness of it makes it feel empty. Everything is dim and grey; the thick clouds outside have turned midday to dusk. When you reach the study, Jumin is is inside, leaning against a desk. His back is facing you, but you can clearly see his shoulders are heaving, as if he is breathing rapidly. “Jumin, are you okay?” You demand, rushing across the room. He turns around just as you get to him, pallid and tense. “Is something wrong?” You have never seen Jumin like this before. There is no question something is wrong. Then the problem makes itself clear when a loud crack of thunder causes Jumin to jump.
“I’m fine.” Jumin replies sternly, but his voice is the only stern thing about him. He looks like there’s a ghost in the room, but he’s the palest thing you can see. You have a sneaking suspicion that Jumin could be afraid of storms, but you don’t want to assume it or embarrass him by asking about it. Instead you focus on ways to make him happy. Jaehee once told you she cheers Jumin up by complementing Elizabeth the 3rd, so you decide to do the same. “I saw Elizabeth the 3rd curled up on the couch sleeping earlier. She’s so cute!” You tell Jumin, and he actually seems to calm down a little. “Really? I’m surprised she can—”
Outside a blinding flash lights up the city. Jumin freezes and his eyes widen. Then the thunder comes, so loud and intense that the house shakes. That’s all it takes for Jumin to slump to the floor. Luckily, you manage to dive and catch him before he hits the ground. You gently bring his limp body to the floor and lay his head in your lap.
He looks so vulnerable when he’s asleep. His face is still and calm, finally free of the thunder. You can’t help but run a hand through his soft hair. You and Jumin are dating, but he doesn’t particularly like having his hair touched. He can sometimes be shy to affection, but he is also very protective of you. This is the first time you have the chance to protect him.
Finally, Jumin’s eyes flutter open. He lays staring at the ceiling in a daze, almost as if he doesn’t know where he is. Then he comes to his senses and sits back up. Another loud crack of thunder forces a startled intake of breath from Jumin. His eyes are wide and terrified. You have fears of your own, so you know that right now every bit of his mind must be telling him to get away from the storm, which is simply impossible. If you don’t do something, his state of panic will probably worsen. “It’s okay that you’re afraid of storms!” You tell Jumin over the pouring rain. “You can trust me—”
Jumin dives at you, burying his face in your neck and hugging you tightly. You feel his body tense up against you as thunder rumbles outside. This kind of vulnerability is a level you haven’t seen before, and the desire to protect him is overwhelming. You embrace him and gently stroke his hair. “I’m sorry,” Jumin explains bashfully. You can feel his face going hot against your neck. “I’m not myself right now. The study…. it’s my favourite place to be during storms. Because it’s design absorbs a lot of loud noises.” “That’s okay, Jumin,” you assure him softly. “You’re safe with me.”
Outside, there’s another bright flash and a crack of thunder. Jumin jumps and clings tighter to you. “It’s alright, everything is going to be fine.” You soothe. At that moment, Jumin seems to relax in your arms. You feel his shoulders rise as he takes a deep breath, and then pulls away from you, only to rest his forehead on yours. His cheeks are tinged red, and you run your thumb lightly along his cheekbone and his jaw. “Thank you, y/n,” he says with a tiny smile. “You make me feel safe.” “YOU always make ME feel safe,” you reply, smiling back. The kiss that follows is technicolored compared to the grey world around you.
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