hatcri-blog · 9 years
[MSG:] I understand why animals eat their young in the wild after watching your kid this afternoon. [ imagine future!au where yuu's not so much of a lil shit anymore and he babysits hatori's and chiaki's kid sometimes. imagine.
meme // status: not accepting
[ ✉ yuu ] and now you understand why we took the day for ourselves.
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
“ tell me i have nothing to worry about ”
meme // status: not accepting
      The tension between them is unsettling, to say the least, but it isn’t as if they haven’t been here before. They’re both at fault for allowing jealousy and the anxiety it warrants to cloud their minds; so that’s why Yoshiyuki isn’t upset, even if he appears to be while he stares relentlessly at his lover with a sullen expression. He’s more worried than anything ─ worried that Chiaki is hurting because of something he has done.
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      “You have nothing to worry about,” Yoshiyuki assured him quietly, taking a gentle approach to the situation as opposed to his usually stern nature. “Nobu is a friend from college, nothing more.”
      And it was true. Back when they were still in college, if Yoshiyuki wasn’t with Chiaki, he was with Nobu, usually studying, but only as friends. He didn’t feel for Nobu the way he felt for Chiaki. No one could ever make him feel the way his mangaka could.
      He’d kept his hands to himself, up until now. He reached for his lover, slowly, like he was approaching a timid animal. He placed his hand against the mangaka’s cheek, pressing the tender flesh into the warmth of his palm; not forcing the other to look at him but urging him to comply all the same.
      “You are the most important person to me, Chiaki. My heart belongs only to you.”
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
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Hatori x Chiaki
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
@ycshino & @infatuationisms
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(source: kdrama-edits)  via kpopnfashion 
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
   jealous / possessive  meme
“ you’re mine. you hear me? ”
“ were you with him/her? ” 
“ why is she/he calling you? ”
“ do they know we’re together? ”
“ were you with him/her? ”
“ i don’t want you seeing them anymore ”
“ did she/he make a pass at you? ”
“ i know you were with her/him ”
“ you belong to me ”
“ i can’t believe you were with her/him ”
“ i don’t like the way he’s/she’s looking at you ”
“im NOT jealous ”
“ i thought you only had eyes for me ”
“ he/she can’t make you feel the way i make you feel ”
“ you’re too good for her/him  ”
“is there someone else?”
“ you were flirting with them ”
“ they were flirting with you ”
“ i don’t want you talking to them again ”
“ i can’t stop picturing you with him/her ”
“ the thought of you with him/her makes me sick ”
“ tell me i have nothing to worry about ”
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
[MSG:] Would you accept a fantastic blowjob as payment? ( for managernobu bECAUSE YES)
meme // status: not accepting!!
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
Casually sticks a fake beard to Tori's face and giggles. "Thorin!" (yes i had to B3)
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      “Ha?!” The editor was given zero reaction time before he found himself dressed as a hobbit, but as much as he loved the Lord of the Rings and the undoubtedly cute giggling his disguise brought out of his lover, he couldn’t help but wonder why he had to be Thorin of all the characters? Not that there was anything wrong with the hobbit, but he wondered why he wasn’t chosen as someone like Aragorn or Legolas. It seemed a bit unfair. He wasn’t short, after all; although now that he was considering it, he and Thorin might have been alike in other ways…like their personalities.
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      “Who does that make you then?” He asked, the fake beard moving along with his speech and tickling his skin. Before Chiaki could reply, however, the editor followed up with, “…Bilbo. You’re Bilbo then.” No ifs, ands, or buts.
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
[MSG]: If you come home and see an ambulance outside, don’t worry. I’ve got it all under control.
[MSG:] One time I thought I was heterosexual.
[MSG:] Just get in the fucking blanket fort.
[MSG:] I think the only option is to smoke so much weed I pass out for 3 days.
[MSG:] I am going places. Maybe not college, but places…
[MSG:] I don’t think meeting his drug dealers counts as a relationship landmark.
[MSG:] We’re making a scrapbook of dick pics, you want in or what?
[MSG:] Can you pick me up? The threeway turned into a twoway while I sit here alone in the corner…
[MSG:] Every time you mention the threesome around him I will high five you. Do what you will with this information.
[MSG:] You know, my friends think I make these stories up…
[MSG:] I’m bonding with your girlfriend. I like her. We’re plotting your demise.
[MSG:] My cute new neighbor has a cast on his leg. How sad is it that my first thought was, “Hey! This one can’t run away!”.
[MSG:] OMG he dropped his pants for me. Granted it was to show me where he got stabbed but still…
[MSG:] I started the day with dreams of getting laid and ended it with the reality of eating Taco Bell in my bed with my dog.
[MSG:] I just walked into the room at this party and someone shouted “dibs!”
[MSG:] He held my hand in public and I nearly came. Like he needs to be inside of me yesterday.
[MSG:] Uh, I almost got the bride to go down on me. I’m the smoothest maid of honor ever.
[MSG:] Somehow a ride to Walgreens turned into a threesome.
[MSG:] Yeah, don’t like to call her my roommate. Too cordial. I prefer to call her “the whore that was assigned to live with me.”
[MSG:] Why does every bad decision I make end up with at least 100 likes on YouTube?
[MSG:] I feel like I don’t show you my boobs enough. And you deserve to see them like all the time.
[MSG:] I told you not to buy lube from a tourist shop!
[MSG:] He must be a special kind of stupid to cheat on a women who works at a funeral home. Does he not understand you can get rid of dead bodies easier than most Americans?
[MSG:] There were containers of weed in the piñata.
[MSG:] So far today I’ve had six shots of tequila, one joint, I’ve hit three parties, made out with two people and been chased by security. It is spring break.
[MSG:] I understand why animals eat their young in the wild after watching your kid this afternoon.
[MSG:] Uh, I think that pic was for someone else. At least, I hope so…
[MSG:] My gaydar is infallible. Trust me.
[MSG:] I’m actually kind of scared about the prospect of us living together. We’re just going to eat pizza and drink wine before retiring to our rooms with vibrators.
[MSG:] See, remember when you wanted to get an Ashley Madison account and I told you not to and you hated me? You. Are. Welcome.
[MSG:] Would you accept a fantastic blowjob as payment?
text message starters, part 1/?
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
Art By: ふじょこ
ycshino & infatuationisms
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
Chiaki: *is in a crowd and cant find Hatori* this calls for drastic measures
Chiaki: *cups hands like a megaphone* YUU YANASE IS TOUCHING CHIAKI.
Hatori:*somewhere in the distance* CHIAKI IS MINE YOU LIL' SHIT
Chiaki: oh, found him.
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
TNGT FW 2015 | via DC
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
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tfw you tryna reblog promotions & memes in peace but tumblr keeps deleting the captions and text /’:
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
{ humanised Suzuki-san }
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
                        To be able to stay beside a beloved one
                                    is the special privilege of a friend.
Independent Usami Akihiko RP blog for Junjou Romantica.
8+ years experience on tumblr and elsewhere.
Multi-fandom friendly; OC Friendly; Semi-Selective.
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
cr:  미노토끼Ő, DC
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
►non-sexual acts of intimacy; || accepting
♖ – Having their hair washed by your muse
It had taken Chiaki quite a while to get Tori to agree to his little plan of taking a bath with him. Honestly, he didn’t know why his lover had been so against it. The mangaka’s bathtub certainly was big enough to accommodate two people at once without either one of them having to feel squished. On top of that, they had taken countless showers together before and, as far as Chiaki could tell, the shower stall was way smaller than his rather luxurious bathtub. It truly made him wonder why Tori needed to be persuaded so much. Well, perhaps he would ask him later. For now, though, he was contently sat in front of his boyfriend; head leaning back against the taller’s bare chest while his strong arms snaked around Chiaki’s slender frame.
        “Chiaki.” Tori’s voice pulling him out of his sleepy daze, the mangaka just hummed in response, too lazy to open his eyes. They had been sitting like this for a good while now and he was probably going to tell him they should slowly move their relaxed bodies out of the warm water. “When was the last time you washed your hair?”
Or maybe not.
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Still refusing to open his eyes, Chiaki thought about this for a while. He had taken a shower right after finishing his manuscript two days ago but he’d been too tired and exhausted to bother washing his hair. And before that he hadn’t bathed or showered in five days due to working so hard. “Sometime last week, probably…”
In response to his words, the author heard a dissatisfied huff coming from behind him. Apparently Tori wasn’t too happy about hearing his boyfriend had neglected to properly clean himself yet again. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose, though. With having to meet his deadline and not even getting enough sleep, how could he possibly be expected to remember something as insignificant as washing his hair? That was exactly what he wanted to ask his lover, but before he could let any sounds slip past his lips, he felt Tori pushing him off of him just a little.
What the hell?!
        “You’re unbelievable,” he heard his boyfriend sigh just before blue eyes spotted a hand reaching out for his shampoo bottle. Wait— was Tori going to do what Chiaki thought he was? He certainly wouldn’t complain. Not like has any time to voice any kind of objections in the first place, as his editor has already taken a hold of the shower head and turned on the water; letting it flow onto Chiaki’s shoulder to see if the temperature was all right. Wanting to let him know it was fine, the author let out a soft hum and just a few seconds afterwards, his hair was drenched.
Once his hair was wet enough, Chiaki first heard the sound of his shampoo bottle being opened and then felt Tori’s hands massage the slippery substance into his brown strands. He had to admit, having someone else do it for him was way more pleasant than doing it himself. All he had to do was sit there, eyes closed, while his boyfriend’s hands seemed to work miracles on his head. This certainly was the first time the rather tedious task of washing hair was actually enjoyable to Chiaki; he should have Tori do it more often. Making a mental note to suggest just that to the other later, the mangaka let out a satisfied sigh.
        “Oi. You’re not supposed to enjoy this,” Tori scolded, giving his lover’s hair a not so gentle tug, earning a disgruntled hiss. Honestly, there was no need to be so mean to him! What’s wrong with enjoying this sweet gesture? “I can’t help it! It’s not my fault your hands are magical!”
With a pout, Chiaki crossed his arms over his chest just as Tori washed the shampoo out of the author’s brown hair. The warm water running over his head onto his shoulders, and partly over his face, caused yet another content hum to slip past Chiaki’s lips. God good, this was so much better than having to wash them himself. He didn’t know if he’d ever want to do it again. If he kept neglecting it… perhaps Tori would agree to wash it more often.
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hatcri-blog · 9 years
Only love is a power eternal!
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