hatingasssakuranosuke · 8 months
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Name: Geno Schitstain
Age: 40's...which is gross cos he acts like he's 20.
Occupation: Apparently, you CAN make money by being a fucking roach.
Why he's here: Jesus, how much time you got?
Geno has to be one of the most intellectually inept human beings that I have ever met. It truly offends me that I am under obligation to share my oxygen with this white trash mental invalid. 🤢
Geno "runs" a small (and I mean small) window tinting show that specializes in cars. Geno lives in a delusional world where he likes to think he's a "business owner" but is too stupid and lazy to WANT to run it. I mean, it's okay to settle for "mediocrity", but lawd have mercy...no reason to make it look like you're trying to turn it into an Olympic Sport.
Despite the trailer park persona and low 5 figure salary, Geno isn't completely sans of anything going for me...if you wanna call it that...he does have a wife but she does act more like his mommy than anything. Let's exercise positivity for a moment though and point out that at least he's got someone to take care of him because without her, I have absolutely no doubts that he'd probably take residence in an slummy studio apartment and eating Krafts Mac N Cheese every night.
In all seriousness doe, Geno only has his "business" because his old boss sold it to him, most likely out of pity, which is sad cos he running that shit into the ground. His wife on the other hand, I'm not sure what kind of fuckery is going on there. She's actually a really nice person with a lot going for her. She's smart, educated, compassionate and has a pretty good job. Too bad she's got a parasite of a fucking husband weighing her down. I mean, the level of charity Geno gets is comparable to some Salvation Army shit. 🙄
All in all, if "white trash, scrub ass loser" was an occupation, he'd be running a Fortune 500 company of that shit. For someone to push the boundaries of being a fucking loser so far is truly phenomenal. If only his "business" was doing so well...🧐
Stay Burnt.
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hatingasssakuranosuke · 8 months
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Name: Who gives a fuck? She's just another basic. 🙄
Age: Early 20's? IDK, she has bad skin so it's hard to tell.
Occupation: Hacker...ooo so scary.
Reason she's here: Passive Aggressive AF. All bark and no bite doe.
ATTENTION: Pumpkin spice lattes are NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT. And why does your LinkedIn picture look like you're on the pending list to get adopted by a white family in suburbia?
I just checked and Proactiv is currently running a sale...you're welcome.
Stay Burnt.
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hatingasssakuranosuke · 8 months
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Let's start out with this bitch.
Name: Danica Horeson (obviously not her real name)
Age: Early 50's suprisingly (drugstore make-up apparently works)
Occupation: Accounts Executive or something else mediocre.
Why she's here: Cos she's a Karen-ass bitch.
It's just sooooo precious when the middle class acts out of pocket, don't you think? "Danica", as she will be referred to, make's her living as an Accounts Manager or Accounts Executive or something similar that is ridiculously lower-middle management.
Now, in spite of her utter irrelevance and I have absolutely no doubt that she is completely inconsequential to her company, Danica seems to believe she's entitled to speak to people as if they work for her. Which brings me back to my point when I say, it is sooooo adorable when the middle class acts out of pocket.
I'm going to be generous and say that she probably makes about $200K a year and while that is quite a substantial annual income, I must point out that Danica and those wrinkles of hers, live in the SF Bay Area...in a house that is less than 2000 sq feet, which I will put money on that she will STILL be paying off for the next 30 years even though ti was purchased in 2013.
I digress however, The minimum income for even remotely comfortable living in the SF Bay Area is around $150K a year and while Danica's bitch ass makes approximately $50K a year more, she seems completely oblivious to the sad fact that she is STILL MIDDLE CLASS. If the phrase "act your wage" has ever been more accurately used, it would certainly be now. 💅
Let's not even get to how boring and plain looking she is. Even her LinkedIn profile pic screams "my pussy tastes like lysol". Pick a struggle. 🙄
However, I did learn something new today by looking at her Facebook, I had absolutely no idea that TJ Maxx had such "decent" looking cardigans. I swear, her ability to dress exactly like Rachel Ray on a meager salary is truly a skill.
In closing, your attempt to sound much more influential then you actually are, was absolutely darling. However, I'd save the cunty attitude until you're able to pay off that hovel you call a home and do something about those laugh lines, much less develop a personality beyond Starbucks cinnamon dolce lattes and BOGO Chardonnay deals from Target.
Stay Burnt, bitch. 🫶🏼
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