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hello! im back again this month with another challenge!! i have no idea if i'll be doing this next month as well but if i can gather enough questions over the month of march i might make another for april! the new semester just started for me so i'm hoping i can motivate myself to be constant with my work with this challenge!
i hope you can be productive with this and enjoy this month's challenge! ^_^
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Info / Rules!
The challenge will last the whole month of March and contains 31 questions, one for each day.
Please reblog this post if you plan to do the challenge!
When you post, tag it as '#march productivity challenge' so I can track, see and reblog the posts and studyblrs participating :)
You don't have to post daily so don't pressure yourself too much on it. You can always do catch-up posts!
If you have any questions feel free to hop into my inbox!
(did I copy-paste this whole section from the last studyblr challenge? yes. yes I did)
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1st March: What are your goals for this month? What's something you're looking forward to?
2nd March: Do you consider yourself a workaholic? What times do you feel most productive?
3rd March: If you could make your own garden (consider that it is self-tending, and has the perfect environment for the plants you'd choose) how would you plan it out? styles, locations, fauna you'd plant, furniture? Just talk about your dream garden.
4th March: What's your usual cafe order? is it always the same or do you try new things?
5th March: What are your favourite shows? Is there anything specific you like about them?
6th March: Do you have a favourite movie in particular or do you like them by genre? What's your favourite movie and/or genre?
7th March: Do you read fanfics? What's your favourite trope? Which fandom do you read most for?
8th March: If someone saw you across the street what do you think their passing thoughts be?
9th March: Do you know how to cook? What's your favourite thing to make? On that note, what's your favourite thing to eat?
10th March: Do you believe in the supernatural? Have you had any spooky experiences?
11th March: Have you been sleeping well lately? What has been your average sleep hours for the last few days?
12th March: Did you have an imaginary friend in your childhood? what were they like?
13th March: What's your favourite seasoning on food? Are you picky about seasonings?
14th March: What's an act of a kind stranger that's been with you?
15th March: How do you deal with academic/work stress? Do you have a coping system/mechanism?
16th March: Do you have a favourite mug/cup/glassware/cookware?
17th March: Have you travelled a lot? Would you like to in the future?
18th March: Have you gotten into anything because people around you had started getting really into it? did you enjoy it? Are you still into it?
19th March: Do you doodle a lot? What is it that you doodle most?
20th March: Do you wear glasses? If you do, when did you get your first pair?
21st March: What are you currently working on? How tedious and/or enjoyable is it?
22nd March: Can you drive? Do you prefer long drives or short ones? Do you like to be the one driving on them?
23rd March: Have you ever been on a big adventure? What's the most adventurous/dangerous thing you've done?
24th March: What's the most interesting urban legend/creepypasta you've come across?
25th March: Do you have any tattoos? if not, do you want one? if yes, do you want another?
26th March: Are there any wild stories passed around among your friends or family?
27th March: Do you have a pet? What's their name? How long have you had them? Is it your first pet or have you had one before?
28th March: What's the movie you last watched? Is there a movie or show you highly dislike for a very specific reason?
29th March: What's a Tumblr post/thing that always makes you laugh or is very memorable for you?
30th March: Have you ever had a secret admirer? How did you find out? what happened next?
31st March: Do you like exercising? What have you been doing lately to take care of / maintain your health?
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hope this month brings you lots of success and you enjoy this month's challenge! best of luck!
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554 notes · View notes
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Hello studyblr!
Long time lurker, first time poster.  I’ve been thinking that making my notes and studying more ~aesthetic~ might motivate me to actually take notes and study.  So here is my first post!  I’m majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife, and would love to meet some people with the same interests!
This might also turn into a slight langblr, as I’m self-studying Japanese.  よろしくお願いします。^.^
5 notes · View notes