hauntrss Β· 3 years
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her heart is wisdom skinned / and wit warmed splendor / the echoes of a war cry holding / its four chambers together. / she rises like athena / on a night of victory dancing. / she rises like the blood moon / in a sky of a thousand nebulae bursting. - n.g.Β 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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@angerbuilt​ sentΒ  delanie's been in the kitchen for a few hours, whipping up every kind of food that she knows allison likes. she greets her with a drink and a bright smile. "happy birthday, my love." // IT’S ALLISON’S BIRTHDAYΒ 
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Β  Β  when allison rises and finds that delanie is nowhere to be found- or at least, rather pointedly not in their shared bed, she pulls on her robe and pads towards the kitchen, immediately assaulted by the smell of food cooking. she practically melts as delanie hands her a cup of coffee and takes it gratefully.Β β€œ thanks, baby, ” she murmurs, leaning in to kiss her softly, before sipping her drink.Β β€œ you didn’t have to do all this. ”
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
since i’m just posting shit here now, it’s worth mentioning that in her canon, allison goes on to join the beacon hills sheriff’s department, because beacon hills is the only place she’s ever actually had a home and she feels connected to it and she wants to help protect it. she goes straight into an internship the summer after she finished high school, leaves to go to college and studies sociology with an emphasis on law, criminology and society. once she’s finished, she comes back and joins the training program and becomes a deputy.Β 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
but now is a really good time to say that it’s delanie’s birthday today and allison loves her werewolf wife (not wife) and that delanie deserves only nice things <3 @angerbuilt​
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
it’s ally’s birthday tomorrow!
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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muse vs mun Β  : Β total drama island edition masc vers. Β / Β femme vers.
tagged byΒ  @violatile tagging: anyone who wants to!Β 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
* creepy location meme
send a number for our muses to interact at the following!Β 
an uncomfortably quiet gas stationΒ 
a bustling diner that never closes
an old tree with trunks like knivesΒ 
a video store with a sign titled β€˜ JOIN US ’
the back of a stolen car
a twisting forest that beckons you
an antique shop that smells of death and decay
the lot behind a somber hotel
a forgotten graveyard on the outskirts of town
an abandoned church where the choir continue their songΒ 
a grocery store where no one smilesΒ Β 
a bar where everyone hums the same song
end of the road
an undisclosed government facility
a howling bonfire where shadows betray you
a police station on edge during a blizzardΒ 
an uncanny farmhouse with a β€˜ ROOM FOR RENT ’ sign
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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[ @hauntrss​ ] sentΒ β€œ you can’t seriously be mad at me for helping you back there. ”
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β€œbut that’s the thing, i am! i had it handled, ally!” alice frowned as they walked back through the woods, allison with her bow and her with her gun. it had looked grim but it hadn’t been, at least not to alice.Β β€œi know you’ll come help me when i need you, but how can i get better at this if you don’t let me?” the hunt was perfectly low stakes, so why hadn’t she been allowed to problem solve?
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her expression is calm even as alice shouts at her, she feels that little twinge of guilt, because she knows what it feels like for people to assume you can’t handle something even when you can. but it’s important to her that she doesn’t make the same mistakes as her family.Β β€œ i’m sorry, maybe i was... pre-emptive. but when i was training i was left in situations i shouldn’t have been and i don’t want you to feel like that, okay? it might make you better faster, but it doesn’t help. ”
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
my carrd now has some verses on it!!Β 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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@criedwxlf​ sentΒ  " i don't regret what i did. i mean.. if that's what you're worried about, don't be. i'd do it again. without a doubt. "Β 
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Β  Β  Β there’s a pause, a moment of contemplation as she eyes him, talking about regret and how he...doesn’t. she nods, reaching out to curl her fingers around his wrist lightly.Β β€œ that’s okay too, ” she says. she doubts that’s the kind of thing anyone has told him yet. that it’s okay to not be completely broken up over it. to know he made the best possible choice no matter the outcome.Β β€œ you don’t have to regret it. ”
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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@restingpout​ sentΒ  " i was... in the neighborhood? "
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Β  Β  Β  Β there’s an exhale on her lips, half-formed as she looks wide-eyed at the crumpled body not six feet from her. her chest heaves with the adrenaline and she swallows, gaze flickering up to the woman who had just saved her. she gets to her feet, hands brushing over the back of her pants, to dislodge any debris that might be caught there.Β β€œ i’m fine, ” she assures josie, shaking her head slightly.Β β€œ it’s fine. ”  one arm curls around her chest, to support her bruised ribs, the other seeks her dagger from where it’s fallen to the ground.Β β€œ thank you, though. ” 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
vampire allison legacies verse?Β 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
@thatprettylittlething​ wanted a lyric starter! ( love will have it’s sacrifices - soles )
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Β  Β  Β  Β β€œ there’s no way for you to fight this. ”
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
unexpected hero prompts.
technically prompts inspired by the deus ex machina trope but !! basically these prompts are for scenarios in which muses are in a situation where they're under attack and an unexpected hero arrives! i hope you enjoy them!
from the unexpected hero.
" get off of her/him/them! "
" oh... oh god... i really hope that was a bad guy... i don't think i'm okay with hurting a good guy. "
" are you alright?! was i too late? did they hurt you? "
" sorry i'm late... i would've been quicker had i known this was going on. "
" i bet you're glad i came along now, aren't you? "
" what was that you said earlier? about, what was it... being just fine on your own? "
" no man's an island, right? you need me to watch your back. this is proving that. "
" leave her/them/him alone! "
" let her/them/him go! "
" me following you isn't me being condescending. you could've died if i hadn't shown up when i did. "
" i know, i know. you had it under control. good thing i was here to ensure that. "
" i was... in the neighborhood? "
" you can't seriously be mad at me for helping you back there. "
" fine! next time you're about to get yourself killed, i won't show up at all! "
" hey, shh... it's okay. i'm here now. you're safe, they're gone. it's all over. "
" mornin', sleepyhead. if any of the nurses ask, i'm your girlfriend/boyfriend/partner. they wouldn't let me in otherwise, even when i said i saved your ass. "
" i just killed that person! but... they were gonna kill you. right? "
" look. the way i see it, you're not a bad person. they were a bad person. and it was either let them kill you, or kill them instead. so that's what i did. "
" i don't regret what i did. i mean... if that's what you're worried about, don't be. i'd do it again. without a doubt. "
to the unexpected hero.
" you... you saved me... "
" just in the nick of time! "
" holy shit... what took you so long?! "
" i... i gotta say, this is not what i was expecting. "
" i don't need your help, you know. "
" i mean, don't get me wrong, i appreciate being alive, but... i'm no damsel/dude/dear in distress. i don't need someone saving my ass all the time. "
" don't worry about me, worry about you! are you okay? because... you just killed a guy. and i know why and i am so grateful, but... you still killed someone. how are you feeling? "
" i've never been so happy to see you in my entire life! "
" ...thank you. "
" it's my fault. i... you just killed someone because of me. and that's gotta be weighing on you, and... and that's on me. and i'm so sorry, okay? really and truly, i am so so sorry... "
" ...am i in a hospital bed? "
" jesus! oh, oh god, okay, listen to me, you... that was a bad guy. yes, it was, a very bad person. you saved my life! and i need you to focus on that while we get out of here before anyone sees us. got it? "
" why did you save me? "
" no, wait! you just killed someone to save my life! i wanna know why! "
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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@scottymccalltrue sentΒ  β€œI hit my head; now I don’t feel so good.” 
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Β  Β  Β Β β€œ what are you talking about? ” she’s on her feet in a moment, crossing to him. anxiety curls around her bones, sending her pulse racing and her heart thumping loud enough for both of them to hear.Β β€œ let me see, ” she demands, reaching up to push his head forwards, fingers lightly pulling his hair aside so she can scan for bumps, bruises or open wounds of any kind.Β β€œ wouldn’t you just heal from that? ” 
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
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goddess of the hunt and wild animals | protector of those who cannot protect themselves young girls
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hauntrss Β· 3 years
@hauntrss​ liked for a starter from STILES STILINSKI.
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β€œCan I ask you something?” A thought had just occurred to Stiles and now he was itching for an answer.Β β€œWhat was your life like before? I mean, before coming to Beacon Hills, meeting us, getting drawn into the supernatural?” He tilted his head.Β β€œWere your parents just like… normal? You never suspected anything? Do you miss it?”
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β€œ you’re going to anyway, ” she teases as stiles barely pauses for a breath between asking if he can ask a question and then asking the question. it does bring her pause, though, to consider her life before beacon hills.Β β€œ oh. ” teeth pull lightly at her lower lip.Β β€œ it’s different now, i can... see it differently. we moved around a lot. so much, and dad always said it was for his job and you don’t question that as a child. just like i never questioned the late nights or the people with guns. that was his job,Β he sold guns. and i always had my own problems, you know, constantly starting new schools, trying to fit in, pass classes. i was kept busy, i can see that now too. i had archery classes and competitions, gymnastics classes. it was always the first thing they did when we moved, sign me up for the clubs and classes and schools. i didn’t know they were training me. but they were. so, no, i don’t miss it. because here i have friends and a purpose, and a home. before beacon hills i’d never stayed anywhere longer than six months. i’d never had a serious relationship, i’d never had anyone but my parents and kate. that sounds so lame... ”
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