For The First Time. - She's all laid up in bed with a broken heart.
So basically this fanfiction will be based on the song ‘For The First Time’ by The Script. Every chapter has it’s own lyric line. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPEBN2dVNUY
One Direction. The most succesfull boyband in the world. Five boys. Louis Tomlinson. Harry Styles. Zayn Malik. Liam Payne. Niall Horan. Niall Horan… Your boyfried of four years now. You were a pretty nice couple, though you were going through some hard times right now. You had been having arguments and fights all week long and you were tired of it. The media and some of his fans really had something against you two, or maybe they just had something against you. They were always trying to make you break up. It would either be a photoshopped picture of you kissing some random guy, sent to him or the other way around. “Y/N?” Niall suddenly called. 
“Yeah?” You anwsered. 
“I get crazy of this, do you know that?!” 
“Now what is it this time?” you sighed. 
“No, honestly. I can’t do this anymore.”
“Well, do you think I can?!” And here we go again. You thought.
“But then at least make people like you! You’re even making it hard for me!” 
“Niall, what the hell! I have done nothing wrong!” 
“Yes you have. Take a look at this.” He took the laptop over to you and clicked a link. Pictures of you and your gay best friend showed up.
“Y/N, you’re cheating on me with that guy, aren’t you?!”
“He’s gay, Niall.”
“Yeah, that’s what they all say.” He got up and grabbed his coat. “I’m done with you and your shit. I’m going. Bye.” The door closed behind him and tears rolled down your cheek. At this point it had come so far he didn’t even trust you anymore. It hurted and you had enough. You only saw one way out, a thing you had promiced yourself not to do anymore. You went up to the bathroom and looked ‘till you found what you needed : your razor. 
You were laying in bed, with about seven new cuts on your left arm. They hadn’t stopped bleeding yet, but you didn’t care. Then you got a text message.
I’m sorry, but I won’t be comming home tonight. I think it will be better if we just take distance for a while. I’m sorry. Niall.
After reading this, you curled up to a ball and cried for what felt forever.
Tell me what you thought of it so far :3.
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I'd like to visit London and Paris again :).
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