havehealthytheets · 4 years
When a cancer originates in the liver tissues, it is called primary liver cancer. However, if the cancer has originated in some other part of the body and has spread to the liver, it is called secondary liver cancer.
Liver diseases like Cirrhosis and hepatitis increase the risk of primary liver cancer. But liver cancer can develop irrespective of risk factors.
It is advised to speak to a doctor if you feel you may be at risk or may experience the following risk factors:
If you are obese
If you have liver cirrhosis
If you have Hepatitis B and/or C
if you’ve eaten foods with fungus, especially nuts and grains, as they release aflatoxins in the blood stream
If you have itching, fever chills, jaundice and pain in the upper right abdomen
Possible signs of primary liver cancer
A lump or pain on the right ride of the abdomen is a cause for concern. Consult a doctor in case you experience any of the following:
If you have abdominal discomfort on the right side
If there is pain around your right shoulder
If there is a hard lump just below the rib cage, on the right side
If you have lost weight without much efforts
If you feel fatigued
If you have nausea
If you experience loss of appetite
If you have jaundice which causes yellowing of the skin and eyes
What is the treatment of primary liver cancer?
Partial hepatectomy surgery, Total hepatectomy surgery and liver transplant are the means of treating a localized resectable adult primary cancer.
One of the best hospitals for Liver Cancer Treatment in India. To book an appointment, Call (+91)- 9650915455
Tags = Liver Cancer Treatment In India, Liver Cancer Treatment In Delhi
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Many people requiring liver transplant die while waiting for a donor. A liver transplant enhances the life of the patient. Thus, liver transplantation must be done in those patients who urgently need them and have the chance for a healthy life after liver transplant. Certain factors are considered while evaluating the patient for liver transplantation.
Meld And Its Importance
Model End-Stage Liver Disease and Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease is a point-based system that is applied to determine the urgency of Liver transplantation in adults and children less than 12 years respectively. The MELD score has a value between 6 and 40. Higher the score, the higher would be the need for liver transplantation. The number also depicts when the next liver evaluation would be done.
The MELD scores are based on various laboratory tests of the patients including the ability of liver in synthesizing clotting factors, creatinine level, bilirubin level, and serum sodium level. The patient with a high MELD score is given priority on the waiting list.
Factors Considered For Liver Transplant
Liver transplantation is a complex surgery. Not all people are eligible to undergo liver transplantation. Because of the limited number of donors, it is prudent to provide liver to those patients who fulfill the eligibility criteria. Comprehensive health evaluation is done by the liver transplant team before giving a go-ahead for a liver transplant. The transplant team comprises hepatologist, physician, anesthetist, and nutritionist. Following are some of the factors considered by the liver transplant team while evaluating a patient for liver transplant:
Age: Age is one of the important parameters considered for a liver transplant. Although there is no upper age limit for a liver transplant, people above the age of 70 years are generally not offered liver transplant because of poor recovery and success rate.
Underlying medical conditions: Liver transplant is a complicated surgery. Thus, a completely healthy body is required to undergo a liver transplant to bear the physical and mental stress. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension and poorly managed diabetes are not considered until these are properly managed.
Mental Strength: The patient should not suffer from anxiety, depression, or any other psychiatric disorder. There are cases when there is an increased severity of neurological diseases after liver transplantation.
Alcohol abuse:If the patient has alcohol and/or drug abuse, has an unhealthy lifestyle, and smokes too often, the liver transplant team advises the patient to change the lifestyle and refrain from drinking and smoking. The patient should be re-evaluated after a given time.
The severity of liver damage: Not all patients of the liver disease require immediate liver transplantation. The patient is evaluated based on the severity of liver damage and the urgency of transplantation.
Medical compliance: If the patient has documented a history of medical non-compliance, he may not be considered for liver transplantation. It is because noncompliance done after transplant surgery may lead to failure of the transplant.
Extrahepatic Cancer: Patients with serious malignant disease outside the liver are generally not considered for a liver transplant.
Uncontrolled infection: Patients with serious and uncontrolled infections are not the candidates for liver transplant surgery. Further, those with serious and irreversible brain damage are not a good candidate for liver transplant surgery.
Social support: Recovery from liver transplant surgery requires a long time and care. The patient should have the support of family members and friends for routine tasks, medications, and taking the patient to the hospital for a routine check-up.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
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The skin speaks a lot about your internal health. People generally ignore these visible changes. This may lead to the progression of the disease which may lead to complications. If you had noticed any change in your skin color or texture, you should consult with the best dermatologist in Indirapuram.
Skin Conditions That Indicate Underlying Medical Condition
Following are the skin conditions that may indicate underlying medical conditions:
Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder and causes depression and anxiety. It is considered a psycho-dermatological disorder. Psoriasis has been linked with various other conditions such as cardiovascular conditions like stroke, heart attack, and blood pressure.
Eczema: Eczema causes red patches on the skin with itching. Eczema is linked with an increased risk of fracture. Because of its itching nature, there is an increased incidence of sleep disturbances. This results in an increased risk of falls and accidents.
Vitiligo: Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by loss of pigment. Various underlying mechanisms trigger vitiligo. Vitiligo brings stress into the picture which can exacerbate this condition.
Itchy skin: Itchy skin is a sign of the various underlying condition. Itchy skin may be due to diabetes, kidney problems, and hepatological condition. Itchy skin is also a symptom of iron deficiencies and various skin cancers.
Thickening and hardening of skin: Thickening and hardening of the skin may be due to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and nephrological disorders. This may also cause due to hormonal problems such as low thyroid. Thickening and hardening of the skin may also be due to systemic sclerosis.
Changed color of skin: The changed color of skin such as skin bronzing may be due to underlying medical conditions. The disease may include iron metabolic disorder, jaundice, and hormonal disorders such as Addison's disease.
Dermatomyositis: Dermatomyositis is characterized by degenerative changes in skin and muscles. People with dermatomyositis and are above the age of 40 years have increased risk of ovarian, lungs or GAIT cancer.
Acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis: It is the condition characterized by dark-red papules and increased infiltration of neutrophils. The condition may indicate hematological malignancy.
Seborrheic keratoses: Seborrheic keratoses are pigmented lesions and their cause is not known. Although commonly prevalent in healthy adults, sometimes the condition is caused due to internal cancer such as adenocarcinoma.
Carcinoid syndrome: Characterized by flushing, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps, the condition may indicate an underlying carcinoid tumor.
Skin condition due to endocrinopathies: Endocrine disorders and diseases may also induce changes in the skin. Hairs, nails, and skin are affected due to thyroid abnormalities while skin fragility and moon facies are caused due to Cushing syndrome.
Skin conditions due to GIT Disorders: Various GIT disorders, sometimes life-threatening, cause various changes in the skin. Hepatitis C infection may lead to lichen planus while eruptive Xanthomonas may be due to abnormal triglyceride levels. Inflammatory bowel disease may also change skin characteristics.
Change in nail health: Change of color and general appearance of nails may be due to psoriasis, fungal infection, and jaundice.
New growths on skin: You should not ignore any sudden new growth on the skin. New growth on the skin may be the sign of some serious medical condition. The sudden eruption of acne may indicate PCOS.
Stasis dermatitis: This condition is characterized by a darkening of the skin of the legs and ankles. This condition is a sign of underlying cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Tags = Skin Doctor In Indirapuram, Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram, Skin Doctor Clinic in Indirapuram, Skin Specialist in indirapuram
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Recovery after liver transplant is an important process and may affect the outcome of the surgery. If you want to undergo a liver transplant surgery in India, choose the best liver transplant surgeon in India for a speedy recovery, minimal complications, and a high success rate.
Role Of Healthcare Professional In Liver Transplant Recovery
Healthcare professionals including surgeons, gastroenterologists, consultants, and paramedical staff including nurses have a role to play in early and speedy recovery of patients who had undergone a liver transplant. Experienced surgeons perform the surgery with minimal complications leading to a speedy recovery. The healthcare professional may help recovery in the following ways:
Surgery with minimal complications: Surgeons who are quite experienced in liver transplant surgery have more chances of a successful outcome with minimum complications. Reduced complications may ensure a speedy recovery.
Use of advanced technology: There is an increased success rate of a liver transplant due to the use of advanced surgical techniques. Using these techniques minimize tissue damage and early recovery.
Comprehensive information related to surgery and post-surgical care: Care about liver transplant is of utmost importance. Clear communication regarding care after surgery to the patient allows speedy recovery with no further complications.
Modern infrastructure for surgical rehabilitation: Hospitals that have modern infrastructure and quality care increases the success rate and speedy recovery after liver transplant.
Medications administered: Medications administered to the patient and the schedule explained to the patient helps reduce complications and lower the chances of the missed dose.
Role Of Patients In Liver Transplant Recovery
Patients also play a major role in their recovery after liver transplant. Following steps should be taken by the patients for early recovery:
Taking medications correctly: Patients should take medications correctly and strictly at the time advised by a healthcare professional. Medications will help reduce the risk of infections and increase the chance of successful liver transplantation.
Should wear a mask: The patient is on immunosuppressants and thus is at increased risk of contracting the infection. The patient should wear a mask at least three months after the surgery.
Avoid public gatherings: The patient should avoid meeting sick people and refrain from attending parties and other public gatherings. The patient should also avoid public places.
Routine check-up: Routine check-up after liver transplant surgery is very important. It will help the surgeon to analyze any complications and the surgeon also evaluates the speed of recovery and functioning of the new liver.
Avoid lifting heavy objects: The patient should avoid lifting heavy objects and also avoid smoking and intake of alcohol. The patient should eat a healthy diet and avoid things which suddenly increases the blood sugar levels.
Role Of Caretakers In Liver Transplant Recovery
The immediate relatives such as wife, children or parents of the patient have a role to play in recovery from a liver transplant.
Hygienic environment: The family should maintain a hygienic environment surrounding the patient. Before giving any medications to the patient, the family members should properly wash their hands.
Emotional and Physical support: The family members should assist the patient in performing daily activities. Further, they should motivate and infuse positive energy in the patient.
Routine check-up: The care-taker at home should take the patient to the hospital for a routine check-up.
Scheduling according to the patient: The schedule of daily activities can be adjusted according to the patient’s convenience and essentiality. This may include a change in waking-up time, eating time or sleeping time.
Monitoring vital parameters: Vital parameters such as blood pressure, fever, and diabetes should be carefully monitored by family members.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Maintaining the health of the liver is essential. The liver performs various essential functions. If the liver condition progresses and leads to liver failure, liver transplantation may be the only treatment. The liver transplant cost in India varies between different hospitals.
What If The Liver Is Not Healthy?
The liver is an essential organ. It performs various functions vital for sustaining life. Important functions performed by the liver include synthesizing various substances needed for healthy living, storing essential vitamins and minerals, detoxification of harmful chemicals, and managing the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
To maintain these functions, the liver should be in a healthy state. Various conditions reduce the efficiency of the liver. These conditions progress to liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is the condition characterized by scar tissues in the liver which damages the cells of the liver. Drinking alcohol is one of the major causes of cirrhosis, the other causes include genetic condition, underlying medical disease, certain drugs, and chemicals.
Cirrhosis is an irreversible condition. When the other treatment fails to provide adequate relief from the symptoms and there is liver failure, liver transplantation is the last resort.
Unhealthy liver significantly reduces the quality of life. The patient may face following health problems due to unhealthy liver:
Bleeding: The liver is the center for the synthesis of various blood proteins that help in the clotting of blood. In the absence of these proteins, the person is at an increased risk of bleeding.
Confusion: One of the vital functions of the liver is to detoxify harmful chemicals. When the liver becomes unhealthy, these chemicals accumulate and affect the brain, a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy. This may lead to various neurological symptoms including confusion and lack of concentration.
Jaundice: Unhealthy liver may lead to jaundice due to the accumulation of bilirubin. This may result in yellowing of the eyes and skin.
Bad breath: Because of the high level of dimethyl sulfide due to liver damage, the patient may suffer from foetor hepaticus. This condition is characterized by bad breath.
Itchy skin: Because of the increased level of bile in blood and its accumulation under the skin, the patient may have itchy skin.
Facial hyperpigmentation: Because of the liver damage, there is an increased synthesis of melanin resulting in facial hyperpigmentation.
Keeping Liver Healthy
It is very important to keep the liver healthy. The efficiency of the liver can be maintained through the following:
Healthy diet: A healthy diet is important for a healthy liver. Juices and potassium-rich food should be added to the diet. Reduce the amount of fatty food and increase the quantity of fibers in the diet.
Routine exercise: Routine exercise improves the overall functioning of the liver. It improves the metabolism capacity of the liver and enhances the detoxifying ability. Exercise also improves blood circulation to the liver.
Limit the amount of alcohol: High intake of alcohol seriously damages the liver cells. Avoid o limit the quantity of alcohol.
Vaccinate yourself: to prevent the various liver infections, the person should get the vaccination.
Manage your underlying medical condition: Unmanaged diabetes and hypertension is a risk factor for developing liver disease. Take your medications on time to manage these conditions.
Avoid smoking: Smoking lead to overall damage to the liver. Further, smoking also enhances the toxic effects of various drugs.
Do not take any supplement or medications without doctor’s supervision: Do not take supplements, traditional and allopathic medications without consulting your doctor as this may harm the liver.
Maintain a healthy weight: The person should maintain a healthy weight as obesity and being overweight increase the risk of liver disease.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Contact Best Dental Clinic in Paschim Vihar And Dental Implant Clinic in Paschim Vihar for Dental implant, Root canal treatment, Cosmetic Dentistry, Orthodontic treatment, Child dentistry and all types of Dental Treatments.
Tags = Best dentist in Paschim vihar, Dentist in Paschim vihar, Best dental clinic in Paschim vihar, dental treatments in Paschim Vihar
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
When a cancer originates in the liver tissues, it is called primary liver cancer. However, if the cancer has originated in some other part of the body and has spread to the liver, it is called secondary liver cancer.
Liver diseases like Cirrhosis and hepatitis increase the risk of primary liver cancer. But liver cancer can develop irrespective of risk factors.
It is advised to speak to a doctor if you feel you may be at risk or may experience the following risk factors:
If you are obese
If you have liver cirrhosis
If you have Hepatitis B and/or C
if you’ve eaten foods with fungus, especially nuts and grains, as they release aflatoxins in the blood stream
If you have itching, fever chills, jaundice and pain in the upper right abdomen
Possible signs of primary liver cancer
A lump or pain on the right ride of the abdomen is a cause for concern. Consult a doctor in case you experience any of the following:
If you have abdominal discomfort on the right side
If there is pain around your right shoulder
If there is a hard lump just below the rib cage, on the right side
If you have lost weight without much efforts
If you feel fatigued
If you have nausea
If you experience loss of appetite
If you have jaundice which causes yellowing of the skin and eyes
What is the treatment of primary liver cancer?
Partial hepatectomy surgery, Total hepatectomy surgery and liver transplant are the means of treating a localized resectable adult primary cancer.
One of the best hospitals for Liver Cancer Treatment in India. To book an appointment, Call (+91)- 9650915455
Tags = Liver cancer treatment in delhi, Liver Cancer Treatment in India
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
The liver is the 2nd largest and one of the most important organs, as it helps in the conversion of food into energy, helps the body fight infections and filters the blood by removing harmful substances.
Causes of Hepatic Failure
Fulminant hepatic failure or acute hepatic failure may happen due to many reasons, however, Acetaminophen, an OTC drug is one of the most common cause.
Acute liver failure can also be caused due to the following factors:
Viral infections like Hepatitis A, B and C
Some auto-immune diseases
Presence of toxins in the blood
Some prescription medicines
certain herbal supplements
genetic factors
Excessive alcohol consumption
Liver cirrhosis
There are a few symptoms that may indicate liver failure. They are:
Fluid retention in the abdomen or ascitis
Fluid retention in the lower extremities leading to Oedema
Appetite loss
Weight loss
Bleeding easily even on minor bruises
It is difficult to come to a conclusion without further specific tests, as these symptoms are also common with few other body ailments. in some cases, where the symptoms show only towards the end stage of the liver disease, the patient may be disoriented, drowsy or in coma.
Diagnosis and Treatment of liver damage
You should seek the help of a medical professional if you experience any one or multiple symptoms and have a family history of liver disease or are an alcoholic.
The doctor prescribes blood tests for several parameters to help him identify any aberration that may indicate liver faliure.
Depending on the stage of the liver disease, your doctor may decide the appropriate course of action. In case of partial liver damage, surgical removal may be recommended if medications do not work.
An imaging test shows the extent of damage caused to the liver. If it is severe, then a liver transplant may be necessary.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india, Causes of Hepatic Failure
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
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Why the skin matters:
The skin is the largest sense organ in our body, but on most occasions we tend to forget the importance of this sense organ, most probably because it is simply present all over our body, and we tend to take it for granted. It is only at time when see dark spots begin to appear on it, or the skin beginning to crack and peel off, or when we are faced with issues of dry skin and infections, that we tend to start to worry about the health of our skin. Otherwise, we don’t take some time out to specially care for it.
We wash our skin, simply because have to have a wash to feel refreshed each day, not because we want to take the time to clear it from all the dirt that lies on the surface. Most of us cannot be bothered to don’t have the time to take a few minutes each day to moisturize our skin so that it doesn’t dry up. We forget to keep ourselves well hydrated, because it’s healthy for our skin. All of these small measures which can be done within a few minutes each day, are thing which most of us forget, and the end result is skin that is looking unhealthy and damaged, and then we want nothing but the best treatment, so we seek help from the best dermatologist in Indirapuram, to help solve the problem for us.
Why do I need a skin specialist?
A dermatologist is a doctor who has specialized in the study of the skin. Therefore they have the knowledge, skill and experience to diagnose you skin condition precisely and provide you with a treatment plan which will bring about amazing results, just like the best dermatologist in Indirapuram. Apart from treating your ongoing issue they will also be able to advice you certain lifestyle changes which you can bring about, in order to prevent the same condition or other skin conditions from affecting you again.
Tips for healthy skin:
Having clear, glowing and healthy looking skin is pour dream which most of us have. But with time and age, we come to realize that simply keeping your skin clean is not going to make the cut. You have to put in more effort to ensure that your skin remains smooth, soft and glowing. Here are some easy tips to ensure that you skin is not faced with a lot of issues:
Protect your skin from drying up:
Dry skin is something that a lot of people suffer from, and it becomes the starting point of a lot of other skin problems as well. This is why it is very important to keep your skin moisturized throughout the day. A good moisturizing cream should do the job for you. If you have oily skin then you should stay away from oil based products.
Protect your skin from the sun:
Although being out in the sun is healthy for your skin, while you are at it, you should also protect it from its harshness as the same time. Therefore always make sure you have applied your sunscreen lotion before you step out.
Maintain a healthy balanced diet:
You skin, just like the rest of your body requires a variety of nutrients to keep it healthy. Therefore a healthy diet including food s which are rich in vitamin A are essential to have healthy looking skin. And keeping yourself well hydrated with plenty of water is also an important aspect of your diet that you must pay attention to.
Tags =  Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram, Skin Doctor Clinic in Indirapuram, Skin Specialist in indirapuram, Skin Doctor In Indirapuram
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Regular brushing your teeth is important. It not only helps you in maintaining good oral health but also prevents various other diseases. Avoiding regular brushing increases the risk of dementia, stroke, heart attack, respiratory problems, and diabetes. Brushing is an art and you should gain mastery in this art for a healthy life. If you have any dental problems or wish to undergo a routine dental checkup, you should search for the best dental clinic in Paschim Vihar.
Why Brush Teeth Regularly?
Right from the early days, we know that regularly brushing teeth twice daily is important to maintain oral hygiene. But very few know that apart from oral hygiene, brushing teeth also has various advantages. Following are the advantages of regularly brushing teeth:
Prevents lung disease: Brushing regularly prevents lung disease. In a study, a link is found between gum disease and respiratory disorders such as pneumonia. It is probably due to inhaling harmful bacteria from the mouth into the lungs.
Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease: A clear link between gingivitis and memory loss has been found in a study. The study indicates that the bacteria causing gingivitis, Porphyromonas gingivalis, may spread from the oral cavity to the brain. In the brain, the bacteria release a protein. This protein damages the brain cells leading to Alzheimer’s disease.
Avoids worsening rheumatoid arthritis: People with rheumatoid arthritis should maintain proper dental health and must brush regularly. It has been found that Porphyromonas gingivalis worsens rheumatoid arthritis and causes increased pain and inflammation.
Reduces the risk of oral cancer: In the presence of gum disease, the risk of oral cancer increases. The bacteria which is responsible for increasing this risk is the Fusobacterium nucleatum. These bacteria reduce the ability of the killer cells against cancer cells.
Burn-up calories: Brushing not only helps avoid potential dental problems but also helps in burning the calories. It is to be noted people avoid certain foods right after brushing. Brushing teeth three times a day may help burn 3500 calories.
Helps conceive and reduces pregnancy complications: Poor dental health increases the risk of infertility. Dental health is also a problem in pregnancy. This may lead to miscarriage and pre-term labor.
Improves confidence: Regular brushing keeps your teeth shining, avoiding any plaque accumulation and provides fresh breath. This will enhance your confidence.
Reduces risk of heart disease: Oral infection increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Bacteria, from the mouth, travel into the systemic circulation leading to such complications.
Tags = Best dentist in Paschim vihar, Dentist in Paschim vihar, Best dental clinic in Paschim vihar, dental treatments in Paschim Vihar
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
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At Liver Helpline India, The liver transplant surgery is performed by a team of experts who are highly skilled, highly experienced, and have a high success rate with liver transplant surgeries.
The doctors at Liver Helpline India, have performed more than 750 live related donor liver transplants with excellent survival rate.
The patients have reported with a 95% success rate, the safety record for donors is also very high.
For patients seeking liver transplant surgery, from all across the world, India is a preferred choice of place for treatment.
India has a plethora of centres offering deceased donor, living donor and adult paediatric liver transplantation.
Liver cell transplantation and stem cell therapy, which are non operative technical advancements, are also available in India.
India hosts advanced technological infrastructure
Facilities of blood bank with round the clock apharesis facility,
Advanced labs with microbiology support
Advanced Cardiology
Interventional Radiology
64 slice CT scanner
liver fibro-scan
Portable and colour ultrasonology
CVVHD facilities
Nephrology with 24 hour dialysis
Who can be a Donor
There are two types of donor, that can be considered for a liver transplant surgery in india:
1. Cadaveric Donor – A brain dead person, who is on advanced life support, and has a family with an intention to donate the organ before the person dies. In this case, the donor is called a cadaveric donor. Since cadaveric organs are not available easily, there is a long waiting list, and sometimes, the candidate may need to wait for months.
2. Living donor – For international patients, it is recommended to bring with them, a healthy and willing donor. Living donor, is a living and healthy person who is a close relative of the recipient.
The living donor needs to fulfil the following criteria, for the liver transplant surgery in India
Should be an adult of 18-55 years of age
Should weigh anywhere between 50 – 85kg
Should be willing to donate
Should have a matching blood group with the recipient
Should be a family member
Should have a properly functioning liver and other body organs
Should have sufficient volume of liver for the recipient if half of the liver is used by the donor
The liver transplant team determines if the donor is an ideal candidate. A series of tests are performed before the surgery, it is important for you to know everything about the liver transplant surgery and its processes, before deciding to undergo the surgery. When the doctor confirms about the surgery date, a minimum stay of 3 months in India is needed for the entire procedure.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
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An essential aspect of our appearance:
Having healthy glowing is something which all of us wish for. Because having skin that looks absolutely flawless can completely transform the way you look, making you look stunning. This is something that most people want to achieve, but they have a difficult time dealing with the various issues that crop up with regard to their skin. They don’t know how to deal with the various skin conditions they have in the correct manner. This is the reason why you have to attend a skin doctor clinic in Indirapuram, when you are facing issues with your skin, because they will be able to help you out in more ways than one.
Blemishes skin is something that a lot of people are worried about. Because they have scars from acne, or hypo pigmented patches on their skin, giving their skin a very uneven tone. All of this worried them no end, and they are always on the lookout for ways to deal with them and find quick solutions for it. But you must understand that everyone has a different composition to their skin, and even if you are dealing with a skin problem that someone else has, a remedy which worked for them might not necessarily work for you. Therefore it is important for you to have some specialist input from a skin doctor clinic in Indirapuram, if you want to have effective results in real quick time.
Do I need to see a dermatologist?
When it comes to dealing with skin problems, a lot of people will try out various home remedies before they think about approaching a doctor. This is because they are of the opinion that natural products will be better off for the skin and more effective than medication. Some people also have the concern whether medication can be harmful to the skin. But this is really not so, and it is only the a dermatologist who has vast skill and experience regarding the various skin conditions, who will be able to study what type of skin you have and give you appropriate medication for it.
Along with treating whatever skin condition is troubling you, you dermatologist will also be able to help you make changes to your lifestyle which will prevent these problems from recurring. Because most of us do not know the essential aspects of our lifestyle which affect our skin. We are not aware about how our diet and various other actions tend to have an impact on our skin.
When you approach a dermatologist, they will be able to educate you regarding this, making you understand what is important for your skin and what is not. So that you will know exactly what you need to do to have healthy skin and what you need to avoid. Since the cosmetic aspect of your skin plays an important role in your appearance, expert advice will be of extreme importance to you.
Tags = Skin Doctor Clinic in Indirapuram, Skin Specialist in indirapuram, Skin Doctor In Indirapuram, Best Dermatologist in Indirapuram
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Each organ of the body plays it’s unique role in the maintenance and survival of the body. Liver helps in the detoxification, produces bio chemicals that aid digestion and synthesises proteins, decomposes red blood cells, regulates glycogen storage and also produces hormones.
If there is a liver failure, dialysis of the liver is done to help it function properly. But this is not a long term solution. Till the time an artificial liver is developed which can work like the normal liver, the only solution to this condition is Liver Transplantation.
Liver Transplant Surgery’s cost In India
Liver transplant is a rare and customised surgery. The type of liver transplant surgery, choice of room, duration of hospitalization and course of treatment, current medical condition of the patient, medical tests and reports etc. are factors that determine the cost.
On an average, a Liver transplant surgery in India, costs USD 29,000 in the best hospitals. This cost may vary with an increase or decrease of 5%.
India offers an advantage in terms of price, as the same surgery in US, Singapore, UK or Thailand may cost three times more. The price benefit, added with world class infrastructure, quality of care, hospitality and success rate of the liver transplant surgery is at par with global standards. Liver Helpline India, has the best infrastructure and the best liver transplant surgeons in delhi, and offers all the above mentioned benefits, making it, the best hospital for liver transplant surgery in India.
What is a liver transplant surgery?
In a liver transplant, the damaged liver is removed through a surgery, and replaced with another liver from a donor. The donor can be either someone who has just passed away or can also be a living, healthy person.
The living donor is not harmed, when a portion of his liver is removed. If it is a perfect match, then the receiver also benefits, if not, then it is harmful for the receiver.
There are lots of people all over the world, suffering from liver damage and are waiting for their liver transplant surgery.
The availability of a liver is much less than the demand for it. Hence, is is an option only for those who are at a critical stage, and may not survive without the transplant.
Liver Helpline India, has performed thousands of successful Liver transplant surgeries in India. It’s team of best liver transplant surgeons in Delhi, who have achieved and an unparalleled success rate in liver transplantation surgery, makes Liver Helpline India, the first choice for getting a liver transplant surgery in India.
An overview of the Liver Transplant Surgery in India:
It has been more than a decade since the first liver transplant surgery in India, which was done with a huge success in the year 1998.
The first liver transplant surgery, was done for a child, whose father donated 30% of his liver. since then, India hasn’t looked back, and that child is now a Liver transplant surgeon.
People from the neighbouring countries as well as from the world over, come for their Liver Transplants in India. Every year, more than 100 liver transplant are done in India.
30 – 40% of all liver transplant surgery is for healthcare travellers, who have come from all across the globe, to get a successful liver transplant in india, with world class facilities at an extremely reasonable price.
Liver transplant is the last ray of hope, for those braving liver cancer or facing end stage liver failure. Depending on the severity of the condition, some recipients may receive the liver earlier while others may have to wait for several weeks or months.
Depending on the underlying cause of the damage, the rapidity at which liver failure can occur, varies anywhere between a few weeks to a few months or years.
Why is a Liver transplant Important?
Dialysis can help with the short term liver damage, but liver transplant is the only solution in case of a liver failure. Following liver conditions are a common cause for a liver transplant:
Scarring of the liver, which may be caused by certain diseases, which ultimately leads to the hardening of the liver, followed by liver failure
Viral Hepatitis infection, which may cause the liver to swell and finally lead to liver failure
Liver cancer may also be cured with a liver transplant surgery
Alcohol addiction may cause irrepairable liver damage which can only be cured by a liver transplant
Family history or Genetic reasons for liver disease
Liver diseases due to birth defects
Have you been recommended a liver transplant? How to know if you are eligible for a liver transplant?
Any transplant, carried out without appropriate tests and a correct diagnosis from a liver transplant surgeon, may put the patient’s life at risk. Share the following information when you meet your surgeon for your liver transplant
Medical history, if any
Any medications being taken currently
Any addiction to alcohol
Presence of any infection other than the one in the liver
All information should be shared with your doctor so that there is complete transparency between the two of you. You should also clear any doubts you may have
What are my chances of survival after the liver transplant surgery
What are the risks after the surgery? Will they create any problems at a later stage
Who can be my donor? if i do not have a live donor, is it ok to go for the surgery with a deceased donor
How much will the treatment cost me
In case of Liver Cancer, will it stop the cancer from spreading
Consider going for the liver transplant surgery only after you clarity and all your doubts have been answered by your doctor. It is advisable to not delay the process of the liver transplant surgery, if your doctor feels it is urgently required.
Process of Liver transplant surgery in India
Evaluation – This is the first phase of the treatment, is carried out by the surgeon and a hepatologist (liver transplant specialist). This process may be a full day’s activity, you need to be in an empty stomach, and are not allowed any food or drink post midnight before the day of the appointment for liver transplant evaluation
Transplant List – On clearing the evaluation process, the name is put on the transplant list, and now you will need to wait, till the availability of a liver from a donor. You will get a call from the hospital, once a donor is available, and your liver transplant surgery will be scheduled.
Transplantation Procedure – Liver transplant surgery takes approximately 5-6 hours, depending on the use of technology, technique, surgeon’s experience and the severity of the liver damage. General anaesthesia is administered to carry out the procedure. To allow uninterrupted oxygen supply, a tube is inserted into the food pipe. The entire process of the liver transplant surgery, which includes pre-preparation, surgery, and post-surgical process may take anywhere between 6 – 12 hours.
Recovery – Recovery for most liver transplant patients, happen in the ICU. The anaesthesia’s effect may last for a few hours or a few days. The patient’s condition is regularly monitored till they get their strength back. The liver transplant surgery may require upto two weeks of hospitalization or more. The body may take 2-3 months to feel normal and function normally. Post recovery, it takes approximately 6 months to get back to your normal routines at home and in office. But it is important to go for a diagnosis, before getting back to your previous normal schedule or taking up any new activity. Care should be taken to avoid any risks or infection
Medical Tourism Guide for Liver transplant in India
A foreign citizen, wanting to undergo a liver transplant surgery in india, may need the assistance of a medical tourism company in India. Denesa Health is one of the best service providers which gives a reliable and best possible guidance to the patient. Denesa Health assists you with the following:
Visa for medical tourism in India
Information on who is the best liver transplant surgeon in india
Information on which is the best hospital for liver transplant surgery in india
Transport assistance from airport to hospital and vice versa
Booking appointments with the liver transplant surgeon and connecting for online assistance
Guiding you with the the best treatment cost for liver transplant surgery in india
Making arrangements for your stay (before, during and also post surgery)
Scheduling a revisit for you, if needed
Extending your visa if the course of treatment takes longer than usual
An organ transplant surgery is mentally, emotionally and physically demanding. The right doctor, hospital and it’s hospitality helps minimize your stress. Denesa Health takes every step possible to give you a convenient and a comfortable stay.
Liver transplant hospitals in india are at par with global standards, when it comes to infrastucture, medical techniques, treatment procedures, and experience and expertise of the liver transplant surgeons. So you can get a fresh lease of life and live it to the fullest
Some Frequently asked questions on liver transplant
1. What is the cost of liver transplant surgery in India? India provides successful liver transplant surgery with state of the art infrastructure and expertise at a very reasonable price range of USD 29000 – 35000, depending on the medical condition
2. Which is the best liver transplant hospital in Delhi ? Liver Helpline India, is considered the best hospital for liver transplant in Delhi. It has a high success rate of liver transplant, best liver transplant surgeons in Delhi and the best facilities for medical travellers.
3. What is the success rate in liver transplant surgery by the best hospitals in india? Liver Helpline India has a success rate of more than 98%, with rarely any failed liver transplant surgery.
4. Can international patients get a donor in india? No, The donor has to be a relative. It is illegal for international patients to undergo a liver transplant process if the donor is not a blood relative.
5. Who can donate liver for a liver transplantation surgery in india? Any family member, who is below 65 years of age, and has the same blood group, can donate their liver for the liver transplant surgery in India.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
It’s your chance to have a fresh lease of life.
There are many factors that may cause irreparable damage to the liver, and marginalize it’s ability to perform regular functions.
Liver cancer, Hepatitis (B, C, D) and some lifestyle habits like excessive consumption of alcohol is a major cause of liver failure. In such cases, Liver transplant surgeon may advice liver transplant, post a detailed heath check up and consultation with the patient and his family members.
Liver transplant is the last resort, and is advised by the liver transplant surgeons when the patient does not show any positive responce to medical treatment, and the liver’s condition has really deteriorated. It is never advised in the first stage.
Liver transplant surgery is carried out just before the last stage. In case of a liver failure, the body may not be able to deal with the stress caused by the surgery.
Liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate. 25% of a liver can grow back to a fully developed liver. After the liver transplant surgery, the liver of both, the donor as well as the receiver can grow back to their normal size and can help both of them get back to their normal routines.
For someone, suffering from acute liver failure, Liver Helpline India, provides state of the art liver transplant surgery in Delhi, and gives a fresh lease of life.
To conduct the liver transplant surgery successfully, body parameters and blood group compatibility is a must.
Before the Liver transplant surgery, the person’s name is put on the waiting list along with other candidates. Medical condition, blood and body type, plays an important role. Patients with a high score on the bilirubin and creatinine test are given priority in the liver transplant surgery’s waiting list.
Liver transplant surgery cost is considered to be very expensive, however, medical insurance is available to cover the liver transplant cost in India.
If the spouse or relative cannot donate their liver, then the liver’s availability is beyond the doctor’s control. Liver transplant surgery can happen when the liver is donated. The doner can be a living and healthy person or it can be from a person who has just died and their family has signed up for organ donation.
Since the availability of the liver cannot be predicted, patient should ask their doctor about the precautionary measures that they can follow till they have the liver transplant surgery.
This helps the patient avoid any new medical condition that may delay or negate the chances of the liver transplant surgery.
Our highly experienced team of liver surgeons, in Liver helpline India, have carried out hundreds to successful liver transplant surgery in Delhi, and consider it a safe procedure, which helps both, the living donor as well as the receiver, to get back to their normal lives, within a few months. However, to avoid any risks, the patient and his family should follow all pre and post-operative precautions.
To book an appointment or to address any queries like the cost of liver transplant surgery in India etc., Call (+91)- 9650915455.
Tags = Liver Transplantation In India, Liver Transplant in Delhi, Liver transplant cost in india, Best liver transplant surgeon in india
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
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What is dermatology?
Dermatology is that field of medicine which deals with problems related to the skin. In the past dermatology was not a field which was given a lot of prominence, but in the modern day it has become by far one of the most competitive fields of medicine, because of the inclusion of cosmetology into it. This sis because the modern day society places a lot of importance on the need for perfecting their looks and remaining youthful. This has made dermatology one of the most sought after specialties in the field of medicine.
In the modern day the need for having flawless looking which looks healthy and glowing at all times, is one of the ways in which people believe they can portray the best version of themselves. This why even when they are faced with a minor skin issue, they believe that a skin specialist in Vaishali will be able to help them out, and give them the best advice and treatment plan in order to give them the desired results.
Modern day services offers by dermatologists:
When you visit a skin specialist in Vaishali, whatever skin problem that you might be having, they will give a number of treatment options to choose from. This is modern dermatology has advanced in more ways than with, along with science and technology to be able to provide people with the best of services. And it is because of this advancement that more and more people are extremely happy with the services provided, because it helps them achieve the results they desire in the shortest possible time.
Cosmetic dermatology involves some of the below mentioned treatments:
Chemical skin peel treatments - It is a type of skin treatment which involves the application of a chemical on your skin, which causes it to it to blister. This blistering then helps to peel off the topmost layers of the skin, exposing the layers which lie underneath. This then help to generate new skin, which will be smoother and with less blemishes than your previous skin.
Microderm abrasion – involves the use of fine crystals of inert substances like aluminum oxide or corundum and even diamond in recent times,which helps to polish away the surface layer of your skin. It then leaves the lower layers of your skin exposed, helping to promote regeneration of new skin, which will be smoother and with less blemishes. This form cosmetic therapy is as equally popular as chemical peels, because it is cost effective and has zero downtime.
Laser genesis – which involves the use of non-ablative, noninvasive laser beams which help to treat problems like scarring from acne and wrinkling. It makes use of high energy laser beams which help to open up pores and stimulate collagen production in your skin, so that the elasticity of your skin is restored and tone of your skin is evened out. It can be used for all skin types and is effective when you have about four to five sessions at monthly intervals.
Tags: Chemical skin peel treatments, Skin Specialist in Vaishali, Dermatologist in vaishali
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Who needs a root canal treatment?
A tooth consists of two parts – a crown and roots. The crown is the enamel above the gum, while the roots are below the gum and hold tight the crown to the jawbone. There is pulp inside the crown and roots that nourishes the tooth and provides moisture to the surrounding material. The nerve system in the pulp senses hot and cold temperatures and pain.
Root canal treatment is to repair the pulp when it becomes injured or diseased. Once the pulp is damaged, tissue dies, bacteria starts to enter, destroys the pulp more, causes infection in the bone underneath, weaken the bone and breaks it, tooth becomes loose, feel more sensitiveness to high and low temperatures, causes pain, infection gradually spreads to other teeth as well.
The RCT Specialist in Paschim Vihar says, many patients visit to him with more complications where the tooth is at the stage that it need to be extracted. He explains, this situation can be totally avoided and root canal treatment can be done very effectively when people decide to consult the specialist at an earlier stage.
Therefore, here are the symptoms you should not ignore –
Over sensitiveness to hot or cold foods and drinks
Pain when biting or chewing
A loose tooth
As you ignore these symptoms, the infection progresses and at a stage you would notice these symptoms disappear and you feel completely normal. However, at this stage the pulp is already dead and the infection has in fact started to spread through the root canal system. Thereafter you would notice;
Pain returning when biting or chewing
Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth and facial swelling
The tooth turning into a darker colour
What is a root canal treatment?
You may have understood, root canal treatment is a dental procedure to treat infections, injuries or damages at the centre of a tooth – the pulp.
This procedure is done in 3 steps. Therefore, as instructed by the RCT specialist, you may need to visit the dental clinic 1-3 times to complete the whole process.
Firstly, cleaning the root canal –  The patient is made under local anesthesia and the dentist makes a small access hole on the surface of the tooth and removes the diseased or dead pulp tissue.
Secondly, filling the root canal –The dentist then disinfects the dead pulp using tiny files and irrigation solutions. Then, the tooth is filled with a rubber-like material, using an adhesive cement to seal the canals completely. After the treatment, you will no longer feel any pain in that tooth because the nerve tissue has been removed, and the infection has been eliminated.
Thirdly, a filling or a crown is added – One may noticethat the tooth being more fragile than it was before the treatment. This is because once the pulp is removed, the tooth does not receive its nourishment. To protect the teeth, a crown or filling is done.
Is the root canal treatment painful?
Root canal treatment in Paschim vihar performed by an experienced RCT specialist should be relatively painless. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and the tooth and the surrounding area are made numbed when handling. The dentist prescribes adequate antibiotics to relieve pain until it recovers. One time discomfort for a maximum of 2-3 days’ has to be borne, rather than suffering by the affected tooth time to time.
Will the root canal treatment last-long?
It is essential to have a permanent restoration placed, such as a crown, once the root canal treatment is completed. It is also essential you follow all instructions given by the dentist on the medications prescribed and after care practices.
Is there any complications?
Complications are possible if the dentist is an inexperienced one, who would sometimes only treats, for instance, three root canals in a tooth that has four and this one canal that remains untreated is still infected. The dentist could leave the root canal not properly sealed; the tooth root may crack, etc. However, the RCT specialist in Paschim vihar assures you complete and effective root canal treatment.
Is the procedure costly?
Root canal treatment in Paschim Vihar costs you very little. Make an appointment with the RCT specialist in Paschim Vihar to examine your tooth condition and get a free quote.
Tags = RCT Specialist in Paschim Vihar, Root canal treatment in Paschim Vihar, Best Dentist In Paschim  Vihar
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havehealthytheets · 4 years
Know all about donating a portion of your liver for transplant
Donating a part of your liver, either to your loved one, or to a stranger, or simply without any recipient, is a life-giving decision and a very personal one.
At Liver Helpline India, we can help you understand the entire process of having a liver transplant in Delhi, and guide you through it, so you can decide peacefully.
Benefits of having a living-donor liver transplant
Thousands of liver cirrhosis patients lose their life waiting for the availability of a donated liver. The most important benefit of having a living donor liver transplant in India, is that the recipient gets the liver transplant surgery without much delay and thereby saves their liver’s condition from further deterioration.
How does the living donor liver transplant happen?
At Liver Helpline India, our team of experts for a liver transplant in Delhi, consists of liver specialists, liver transplant surgeons, liver transplant co-ordinators and social worker, who are dedicated to help you understand the procedure in detail, so you can take the right decision.
Education on all risks and benefits
Liver helpline India team will help you know every thing that you need to for the liver transplant in Delhi, if you are thinking of becoming a living liver donor for a liver transplant.
Dedicated Transplant co-ordinator
At Liver Helpline India, we believe in giving a personalized guidance through the entire process of donation, recovery and follow-up. Our transplant co-ordinator facilitates just that. They also help you plan your visit and answer any queries that you may have. Apart from this, if any need arises, you can feel free to call us. Our medical staff is available on call 24×7
Independent living donor liver transplant advocate
An independent living donor advocate is also assigned, who will represent and advice you on all decisions that need to be made
Postponing or opting out of the living donor liver transplant process at any time
Since donating a portion of your liver, does not benefit you directly, you are free to change your mind and postpone or end the process of donation, any time you feel like. For this, you can speak with any team member or the living-donor liver transplant advocate for any assistance.
The Process of liver donation for a living donor
Extensive evaluation
The donor undergoes a highly detailed physical and psychological evaluation, basis which it is determined whether he can undergo the surgery without any side-effect, physical or otherwise. Post evaluation, only those living donors are selected, who we feel, can easily get back to their normal lives post surgery.
The procedure involved in liver donation
During surgery, an incision is made in the abdomen, through which, a portion of the healthy liver, along with it’s blood vessels and bile ducts is removed.
Living donor requires almost a week’s hospitalization. There are restrictions on lifting weight during hospitalization, and also for a few weeks post surgery. The type of work you do, will determine how soon you can get back to it. The same will be explained to you during your discussion and evaluation process with your co-ordinator and surgeon at Liver Helpline India.
Liver Helpline India is considered to be the best for liver transplant surgery in Delhi, India. Our team of experts, provide you with all the information and guidance that you may require for the living donor liver transplant surgery in Delhi, India. Call us at:……. to book an appointment.
Tags: Liver cirrhosis, liver transplant in delhi, liver transplant surgeons, liver transplant surgery in Delhi, Living donor liver transplant in India, living donor liver transplant surgery in Delhi
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