havenfallisforace · 2 years
It’s been 3 months since I’ve been able to read HIFL and I miss it so much! I want my baby JD back please
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
Mac is very snuggly and very warm.
Has a tendency to push your face into her chest if you let her.
Almost always the big spoon. She likes to hold you and insists on staying between you and the door. She’s protective, okay?
First off, this man is touch starved as hell, so he practically silently begging for cuddles all the damn time. As such, he’s clingy when you guys cuddle.
He doesn’t care at all how you two cuddle. Literally any way you’re comfortable is fine with him.
Doesn’t like letting you go. Once you settle down for cuddles, you’ll be there for awhile. He always complains when you get up no matter how long you’ve been laying there.
They are that partner that just flops on top of you while laughing.
Doesn’t hold still. They squirm al the time and readjusts the position you two are in constantly.
Tickles you randomly but also won’t let you go. It’s a vicious cycle.
He kinda wraps himself around you. Remind him that you need air.
Tends to trace patterns and shapes on your skin while you two are laying down.
Another person who very warm and very clingy. Especially when he’s asleep, he will not let go without you having to pry him off you.
Definitely the most casual cuddler.
She’s more of the ‘sling an arm over your shoulder’ type than a full body cuddle type.
Just kinda lets you do what you want unless you’re directly making her uncomfortable like your elbow is digging in her side or something.
Also touch starved as hell. He’s the type to straight up drag you into his lap if he wants affection.
He tends to squeeze you a bit too much sometimes. He’ll loosen his grip but… he’s not letting go and will bitch about it if you try to get out.
Tends to be a big spoon but will comply with mild complainting (mostly for his pride’s sake) to be the little spoon if you want.
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
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Children, both of them. 500 year old children.
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
Can I request a headcanon where the HIFL Ll’s comforts MC on her period. If it’s not to much to ask.
So many cuddles, first off. She knows you feel like shit and wants to comfort you.
She also insists on making dinner. You don’t get to make your own food these weeks. Just tell her what you want and she’ll make it happen.
She’s already got a set up for both of you. Pads, tampons, heatpads, painkillers, chocolate and the rest of the works. If you need or want anything, she’s got no issue running out to get it.
Honestly, he probably tracks your cycle as much, if not better than you do. He’s got a set up for you that is very catered to you. Mac has a bit of everything, just in case, but Diego has your favorite things memorized and just gets those unless you ask for anything else.
He tends to hover… He really doesn’t mean to but having you in pain of any sort, even if it is unavoidable, puts him on edge.
Handles any emotional and mood swings very well. He knows that you are having all sorts of nonsense happening with your body and hormones so he doesn’t take any of it personally.
They are not great at helping but they try. Cuddles? They’ve got you. Want food? Cool, they’ll be back in a minute. Getting you pads and stuff? They’ll go, but they aren’t familiar with brands so you’re gonna get several calls from your devil asking to remind them of what brand you liked.
They do like twice as many strange tricks and balancing acts to get you to smile. They don’t like seeing you down even if you can’t help it.
Many cuddles and dumb shows because of that same reason.
He gives you your space for the most part unless you want attention. Then he’s more than happy to be around and cuddle you.
Tends to baby you a bit. Wether you let him or not is up to you. He will try to do it as much you let him.
Razi is always very open to doing whatever you enjoy but especially so while you’re stressed or otherwise out of it.
He gets a bit irritated when you swing between moods but also knows it’s not your fault so he just kinda gives you your space until you’re ready to come see him (or he misses you but he won’t admit that part most the time. To be honest, you get like 30 minutes of space before he comes back.)
Another one who tracks your cycle and makes sure you’ve got the stuff you need available to you. He’s also made a bit of a habit of carrying around a few extra pads or tampons while your on your cycle in case you forget to bring some or something of that nature.
He gets like twice as snippy with people who poke fun at you as he can literally feel your irritation. (Victor has learned to play nice during these times or just avoids you all together. Having you snippy at him is one thing but having his boss get pissy with him is another.)
To be honest, she gets so caught up in her hunting that she ends up being sparsely prepared for either of your periods. She does remember what brands you like when she does go get your stuff though.
Tries to tone back how long she’s gone since she’s not letting you come with her while your cramps could hit and put you in a dangerous position.
Most her attention goes on you and your well being. She doesn’t like having you be in such a vulnerable position since you could get hurt.
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
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Havenfall is for lovers as “I want a baby” meme
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
Yes just yes
Embarrassing Things They’ve Done Because of MC
She got jumped by JD because she was so focused on her girlfriend that she didn’t even realize anyone else was in the room.
MC asked him to get her something from the kitchen and as he was walking, she laughed at something. Diego looked at her but didn’t stop walking…. and walked straight into the wall.
They were doing a weird balancing act of bowling pins on their nose while standing on the table to make MC laugh. Razi came in and told JD to get off the table. Startled, they ended up falling off the table.
He drank some water and saw MC smiling at him. He tried to smile back… only to have the water spill out of his mouth and onto his shirt.
He was having a quick call to MC in the corner of a room and started to be the dramatic, cheesy man he is and spout his rather suggestive one liners to his girlfriend. Only to remember that he was in a business meeting once the call ended and that everyone heard the whole call.
MC stubbed her toe, yelped in pain and Vanessa turned to fast to check on her and ended up tripping on her cloak.
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
This is amazing I love JD’s
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Top Trumps: Havenfall Collection ✨
(Yes, I am getting them printed for my own personal use. Yes, I am a dork. No, I’m not allowed to sell them, but thanks for the messages) 💖
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havenfallisforace · 3 years
Havenfall is for lovers is too accurate
Lovestruck MCs as Vines
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