haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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“Andromeda was my favourite cousin. No, Andromeda’s not on here either, look. Andromeda’s sisters are still here because they made lovely, respectable pure-blood marriages, but Andromeda married a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks…”
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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It’s so quiet here  And I feel so cold  This house no longer  Feels like home
Eva Green as Bellatrix Black Lestrange  Minka Kelly as Andromeda Black Tonks  Sarah Gadon as Narcissa Black Malfoy
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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Ryan Gosling | “The Place Beyond The Pines” NYC Press Conference
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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[If Regulus ever gets to meet Dora, this is basically what it would be like.
"I’ve never met this tiny human before… but she’s hugging me… Umm… Help?"]
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
He reveled in the touch that she returned to him, smiling happily as her fingers teased his skin. He'd learned from the very first time there was physical contact between them that her touch electrified him. It was such a cliche to even think so, but there it was. Amos has said his girlfriend's touch was just as addicting as any drug. Ted had laughed at the time, but there was no denying now that Ted found Dromeda and her touch on his skin addicting.
She leaned against him; he wished his hand was free so he could wrap his arm around her, yearning to hold her tight to him. When she spoke her words were quiet, almost relaxed. He closed his eyes and let himself imagine a future where they could be free with their affections, one where they were together long after Hogwarts, never once spending a Christmas apart. He sighed, content with the image. Taking yet another risk, he pressed a kiss into her hair. "I'm so pleased to hear we agree, love." His words were just as soft, just as sure.
Minutes passed and turned into an hour, more. Neither of them moved and it wasn't until the train whistle blew that Ted was even aware of how close he was to falling asleep. When Andromeda moved he felt the loss of her body heat instantly. Instinctively he moved to reach for her, but he managed to restrain himself. He yawned, shaking his head to regain the clarity of being fully awake.
His stomach began to knot itself up again at the thought of saying goodbye. He smiled as he did as he was told, gathering the candy Dromeda had piled up for him -- or rather, his dad. His grin didn't quite reach his eyes and he wasn't surprised to see that Andromeda's expression looked as fake as his own. Even though all he wanted was to stay hidden away in their compartment he knew she was right. If they wanted to leave the train together they'd need to leave now. So he nodded, picked up his belongings, and slid the compartment door open. "After you, love," he offered, knowing that if he went first he'd drag his feet.
Polar Express || Tedromeda Flashback || Christmastime 1970
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
Andromeda had only been gone for five minutes when Dora started in. In fact, the green flames from the Floo were still in the process of dying out when Nymphadora cried out, "Where's Mummy?" Dora was in one of her moods -- she had decided her dear old dad wasn't so dear anymore and just wanted her mother. Two days ago, she had been the complete opposite, staying glued to his side for nearly a week before switching her affections to her mother. 
Ted was counting down the minutes until Arthur and the boys arrived, hoping the arrival of playmates would distract her from her need of her mother. He was in the process of explaining that mummy was having a 'girls day' when he heard banging on the front door. "Thank Merlin," he muttered.
After undoing the locks, he threw the door open to see a small gaggle of redheads on his front porch. A wide smile broke out on his face. "You've no idea how happy I am to see you, Dora's driving me mad." He said in way of a greeting. He always thought more children would be nice, envying the five boys Arthur and Molly had made together, but when Dora acted out like she was it made Ted grateful he and his wife hadn't moved past one. He cringed. One could currently hear Dora shouting at the top of her lungs, "I want Mummy!"
"Well, if you still want to come in, you're all welcome." Ted sighed, holding the door open for them all.
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Noughts and Crosses || June 22nd 1978 || Arthur and Ted
Apparating to the Tonks’ household, Percy and Bill in tow, Arthur noticed what a nice day it actually was. There wasn’t too much of a breeze and the sun was hot on his shoulders, British summer was starting to take off and he loved it. 
Knocking twice he held his boys behind him slightly, a hand in Percy’s who was on Bill’s back. "C’mon mate, taking an age." He partly joked up at the door infront of him. Wand was at a seconds notice, the tension was starting to build in the community, Art didn’t like it anymore. 
When there was an answer he looked up and smiled slightly. “What took you so long? We’re wasting a fantastic day!”
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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Sarah Crossan, The Weight of Water
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
Ted had this horrible habit of not being able to keep a straight face, or stop a giggle once it hit him. He can't count the number of times he'd get to giggling in class and end up with points docked because he just couldn't shut up. During his third year, his mates (the rat bastards) made a game of it, trying to see who could make Ted break down first. He'd try and try to keep focused, but it never took too long for his composure to break and the laughter to escape. He hoped that once he reached adulthood he wouldn't have such a hard time, but if anything, it's just gotten worse.
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
There it was. The tone. Andromeda hadn't even needed to become a mother to acquire it, either. He assumed it just came from being raised a Black and that motherhood had just refined it even more. How she could make his name sound like a scolding, he'd never know. The lid to the bin crashed down, the sharp sound echoing between them as if to say "good riddance" to the article his wife had just incinerated.
He brought his arms across his chest and settled in for the argument that was sure to follow. Andromeda was biting her lip and fidgeting with her hair, a sure sign she was building a case against him in her mind. Ah, there it was, he thought to himself smugly, pleased with himself for reading his wife's body language so well."You know very well what do it would do. I'm an ex-Auror, Meda. I know how to see through the half truths and put the pieces together. I'd know who to talk to to find out what I want to know. Curiosity has gotten me this far, hasn't it?" He asked, referencing to his past curiosities about her. The middle Black sister had been a mystery wrapped in a tough outer shell that Ted just had to go and poke and prod at. She had captivated his thoughts, invaded his dreams, and drove him to distraction more often than not during his later years at Hogwarts. 
"All I'm saying is that we're never going to get the truth from the paper. Besides, I'm sure they'll be having everyone inspect their vaults sooner or later to confirm nothing was stolen. I could go ahead and check ours, get that outta the way." Ted tried to reason, doing his best to not sound argumentative.
"As for the shop, it's not really my choice if we're open. You're probably right on that count, though," he conceded. "Alcman won't be too happy himself, I wager. He'll be one of the ones demanding to see his vault, mark my words. Dunno if he'll even want us open until this has all been solved. Just another reason for me to go ahead and leave. Knowing him he'll want us to inventory the whole shop." Ted sighed at the prospect, knowing very well he could be in for a long day. "And if not it'll just give me more than enough time to sate my curiosity. Breaking in to Gringotts is no small task, Dromeda. You just wait. Something worse is sure to follow. Which," he gave her a pointed look, "is all the more reason for me to be up to date with what the Ministry knows. I want us to be able to get the hell out of dogde if we need to."
And the News Gets Worse Each Day || Andie + Ted || July 31, 1978
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
The temptation to kiss her fully was nearly overbearing, but Ted knew if he tried to do so in a place they could so easily be caught would be a bad idea. It would mar their last hours together before Christmas, no doubt resulting in a duel or fistfight and concluding in a harsh scolding by the train's conductor and the Head Boy and Girl. A letter home would surely follow, along with detentions and house points being deducted upon returning to school. And that wasn't even mentioning the fallout it would cause Andromeda once it reached the ears of her parents.
He wanted their relationship to be public, but on their own terms. Breaking news to the population of Hogwarts that Andromeda Black had fallen for a dirty, rotten, no good mudblood wasn't something one could just mention in passing. There'd be an inquisition and more hexes thrown Ted's way than he already got for sure, gossip would follow them constantly and Andromeda would undoubtedly be bullied. Her family would be the hardest to handle, despite the fact that Andromeda was sure they'd eventually see reason and be happy for her happiness eventually. A delusion if there ever was one. He wished he was being melodramatic, but deep in his heart he knew it was all true. It'd be Romeo and Juliet all over again; Ted just hoped he and Andromeda would have a happier ending, preferably one not resulting in the death of them both. He knew she wasn't ready for the fallout of what them being together really meant and while it hurt, he still understood. He couldn't imagine having a family like hers, nor the guilt she must feel over disobeying them so thoroughly. But he also knew she felt horribly guilty for keeping him a secret when she knew he nor their happiness was nothing to be ashamed of.
Ted snorted, "The fun, my dear, is actually being able to enjoy your sweets rather than face the chance of eating one so disgusting it ruins your appetite for them all together." Ted shook his head and rolled his eyes, already making up his mind to bring her back a jar of proper jelly beans after their holiday was over. "My daft old dad thinks they're ingenious, so no doubt you two would get along just fine. Personally, I think you're both bonkers. Who on earth wants a bogey or cabbage flavored jelly bean? Or soap or vomit? Not me, that's for damn sure."
Ted reached out and grabbed her hand, his fingers playing with hers, tracing random lines over them for a few moments before tightening his grip. "One day you'll get to witness a Tonks family Christmas, promise. You'll never once get scolded for eating with your elbows on the table, either." He winked, trying to lighten the meaning behind his statement. Turning serious again, he looked directly at her and said, "You're always welcome. If things get to be too much at yours..." Ted looked down at their hands, then back up at her eyes only to see badly masked sadness. He knew his next words ran the risk of making him sound like a right sap, but he couldn't help himself. He needed her to know, be it sappy and girly sounding or not."I'll always be there. For you, I mean." He squeezed her hand as if to further his point.
Polar Express || Tedromeda Flashback || Christmastime 1970
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
I’m here. I wouldn’t go away. I’m always here.
Ernest Hemingway, from A Farewell To Arms
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
Ever indulgent of his daughter's sweet-tooth (and his own) Ted knew exactly how he and his little girl were going to enjoy the sunshine that was currently streaming through the kitchen windows. The ground outside had become so soggy in places, one had to be careful not to lose their shoes in the muck. The last time he'd bought Dora back home covered in mud from head to toe, Andromeda had had a fit. Ted suspected tracking mud from the back door all the way to their bathroom and leaving it there had something to do with it, even though he'd gone and scourgified it not even twenty minutes later. Not wishing to anger his wife further -things were tense enough between them- it was settled that a trip to Florean's would be a nice treat for Dora, who'd been sullen with the seemingly never ending rain they'd been getting.
The Alley hadn't been deemed a danger despite the break in at the bank, yet he'd heard many people were avoiding the entire shopping area if possible. Ted thought it was absurd to do so -- no one involved would stick around. The Alley was safer than usual, in his opinion. Diagon Alley was seeing many more MLE officers and Aurors than it normally did, thanks to the investigation and increased security at Gringotts. He might get lucky and catch one of his acquaintances from his Auror days, see how things were headed with the investigation, and still get to spend the afternoon with his little girl.
Tom smiled in greeting as Ted stepped out of The Leaky Cauldron's massive fireplace. Dora slid from his grip to stand next to him, bushing soot from her dress. Ted copied Dora's actions and rid himself of any lingering soot. They made their way into the Alley hand in hand, Dora happily pulling him along. Ted stopped her when he saw a mass of flyers stuck to an empty shop window -- all were notices about the break-in at Gringott's, informing the public which department to contact if they had information that was relevant. He snorted to himself, pitying the poor bastard stuck receiving said tips. He'd been nailed with that duty before and nine times out of ten it was just some paranoid nutcase reporting nothing more than a dog knocking over a rubbish bin, or worse yet, attention seekers who made stories up just to make themselves seem important.
When he looked down at Dora she was staring hard at the ice-cream shoppe across the way, making Ted feel bad for delaying her treat. He had promised two scoops of whatever she wanted, after all. She smiled up at him briefly as they started their way across the street, but didn't speak to him, which he found odd. His child was never silent for long.
Florean's had a small line, per usual, as the ice-cream parlour was rarely empty, but it didn't take long at all for Ted to be holding a cone of Strawberry and Peanut-Butter and Dora with her own cone with a scoop of Orange Sherbet and a scoop of Chocolate and Raspberry. Ted cringed at the flavor combinations, shaking his head as she happily began eating it. He let her choose their table, glad she chose to take them back outside.
Ted attempted conversation with his daughter, but she just stared past him, her eyebrows knitted in deep thought. She continued to eat her ice-cream, but not with as much enjoyment as usual. Ted was about to demand she tell him what had her so concerned when she hopped up, strode past him, and went to sit next to a dark haired young man. Embarrassment flooded him and he hastily got up to follow his daughter. She was already chattering away. Great, passed up for a total stranger, he thought to himself as he walked around a family who was in the process of sitting down. Moments before he reached her, Dora's hair turned completely black, waves of soft curls brushing her shoulders. Ted groaned.
"Dora!" He admonished, coming to stand directly beside her and opposite the man who already occupied the table. "What have Mummy and I said about morphing in public?" His daughter didn't even have the grace to look shamefaced. Typical. He turned to look at who she'd decided was more important than her own father and he had to catch himself from reacting too strongly. The teenager eerily resembled Sirius, and upon closer inspection Ted noted other Black family traits in him. Ted didn't need an introduction to know whom his daughter was sitting next to.
Regulus Black was looking at him with no sort of recognition, just mild amusement at the antics of his child. What was it about his daughter and her knack of finding her mother's estranged family members in public? Luckily, it was clear he wasn't aware who they were, or Ted figured he'd of made a scene as soon as Dora sat down.
"I'm so sorry, she's been told time and time again to not bother people she doesn't know. Never met a stranger, this one," Ted finally said, offering Regulus an apologetic smile.
Homewrecker | Regulus & Ted | August 2, 1978
If life was a series of ups and downs, Regulus seemed lately to be on an abnormally high peak. He found himself daydreaming more than usual. His eyes would go hazy, accompanied by a stupidly blissful grin, and he would escape to some higher plane of existence, where only pleasant memories mattered (and paying attention to where he was walking did not). Images of Evan from the other night flashed in his mind — Merlin, he looked good in that suit. Work was getting increasingly promising every day. He still wanted to wring Mister Crouch’s neck every time he saw him, but Lucius had mentioned the possibility of a transfer, where Regulus could answer to someone more trustworthy, who assigned him more worthwhile jobs than delivering papers. Mister Shacklebolt still groaned at him when they met eyes in the hallway, but it was no more than that; no hint of any further knowledge of his crimes.
And it was sunny! He had become accustomed to returning home from work sopping wet with rainwater, but today when he exited the Ministry, he saw the sun peeking out from a decidedly small patch of clouds. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too terrible if he took a little detour on his way home. Mum kept a watchful eye, but not that closely.
This was how he ended up in Diagon Alley, face-deep in a bowl of peppermint ice cream from Florean Fortescue’s. He was seated at a table outside the store, idly listening to the snippets of conversations from passers-by.
It was there that he noticed a young girl, a child with mousy brown hair peering at him from across the crowded street. There was a man standing with her, presumably her father. Every few seconds, his view of the girl would be cut off by the torsos of some group walking between them, and then she would reappear in his field of vision, staring just as hard as ever.
Who would he be to miss an opportunity like this? He grinned right back at the girl, his eyes sparkling, and with every passing person who walked between them, he changed his facial expression to something bizarre and funny. Cross-eyed one moment, tongue sticking out to the side the next, arms stretched out to his side like an owl after that.
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haveyoumettonks · 10 years
Why did you and your wife choose the name Nymphadora?
"Er, you really should be asking why my wife chose that name. I didn’t have much to do with it, I’m afraid. I did give Dora her nickname, and her middle name, but Nymphadora was all her mother. When your wife is nine months pregnant and wants something, the right sort of man gives it to her, even if it’s a name you aren’t entirely sure about. It’s not the name I would have chose myself, but I can honestly say it fits our daughter perfectly. Not to mention, I was just thankful Dromeda wasn’t keen to uphold the Black family tradition of naming their offspring after constellations and stars."
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