hawkiller · 2 years
five times blurted
@corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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one  ;    swirling confessions. 
      legs rest on the couch as their backs lay against the plush of her living room carpet.  if her mother came home and saw them, eve’s sure she’d get a mouthful.    (  of course, flora would get one right back.  )    her head turns to glance at eddie, watches as he inhales against the pink rolled joint.  he’d laughed at her when she held it up    --    but didn’t decline when she offered to share it.  or the second one.  or the third.  her hand lifts to touch softly against the curls resting on the floor as she twirls one around her index finger.    “y’know, i don’t understand why you don’t have a girlfriend    --    you’re like, the prettiest boy in hawkins.” 
two  ;    someone more like …
      she laughs loudly as she watches him thumb through the record collections.    “please, you    --    with a cheerleader ?”    she lets out another loud bark of laughter, as she flips the page of her magazine, her eyes finally peering back towards the glossy pages. she places her lollipop back between her lips.    ‘ what ?  you don’t think i could bag a cheerleader ? ‘    her eyes glance at him from under her lashes.  fingers remove the candy from her mouth again as she leans forward against her elbows, her eyes turning their full focus back to him.    “i think you, edward munson, could bag anyone you want.  i just don’t think a cheerleader is your speed.”    she watches as he glances over his shoulder at her, a smile pulling at his lips.    ‘ oh, yeah ?  what’s my speed ? ‘    she twirls the candy around her tongue for a moment, before she’s pulling it away from her mouth.    “i don’t know someone more like    --“    her words pause in her throat.  the threat of    me    stinging against her tongue, before she’s looking back towards her magazine.    “someone who actually knows who metallica is.” 
three  ;    rings and leather makes everyone sexy.
      ‘ what makes a guy sexy to chicks ? ‘    eve feels an elbow dig into her arm, her focus shifting from her own brain back to the conversation in front of her.    “what ?“    her eyes slip from gareth to eddie, her eyebrows furrowed together, before looking back towards the other boy.    ‘ what makes a guy sexy ? ‘    her nose scrunches at the question.    “why are you asking me ?”    ‘ you’re the only girl who talks to us. ‘    her eyes roll as her eyes move back towards eddie.  she hopes he’ll change the subject. instead, his brows raise lightly    --    as if he wants to hear her answer, too.  she groans and sits back against her chair.    “my taste is not every girl’s taste.”    she hears eddie shift against his seat next to her.    ‘ so, what’s your taste, eve ? ‘    her arms cross against her chest, her gaze focusing on the table.    “i don’t know, someone with confidence, rings and leather makes everyone sexy.”    her eyes move from the table when she hears soft snickering.    “what ?”    eve follows gareth’s finger as he points towards eddie.  she feels warmth flood her cheeks as her eyes dip towards his fingers resting against his face, then towards the rings.    ‘ so, you think eddie’s sexy ? ‘    eve’s eyes snap towards gareth, her foot moving to kick against his foot.    “i did not say that.” 
four  ;    the one with the call out.
      ‘ oh my god, you’re jealous. ‘    eve’s head snaps up from the cafeteria table at mike’s words.  a scowl deepens on her features as she stares the boy down.  he keeps his eyes trained on hers    --    it’s like he knows he’s right.  she leans forward, her eyes narrowing.    “if you ever say anything like that again, i will break into your house and shave your head in the middle of the night. got it ?”    she watches as his smug look falters, before his eyes are glancing away from her.  she keeps her eyes on his until she hears eddie loudly placing himself next to her.  she offers him a short glance, a deep frown etched into her features.    “tell your idiot children to keep their fucking mouths shut.”    ‘ what happened ? ’    eve’s lips part to speak, but mike quickly cuts her off.    ‘ eve was jealous    --    because she loves you.’    fists tighten atop the cafeteria table as her focus shifts from eddie and onto mike.    (  if looks could kill.  )    she can feel the tension between the silence coating the air.  her teeth clench as she hears eddie adjust next to her.    ‘ don’t you ? ‘    mike’s voice causes anger to bubble under her skin.    “of course i love eddie.”    her eyes close tightly for a moment as the words leave her mouth, the soft sound of eddie’s chain hitting the chair stops.  eve doesn’t have to look to know everyone’s eyes are on her.  her eyes open slowly, but she keeps them on mike.    “he’s my best friend    --    there’s nothing wrong with loving your friends, michael.” 
five  ;    the one that counts. 
      “you idiot !”    hands are already moving to hit against his chest as she speaks.  she can hear the others in the other room, the sound of silence that falls after her yell, before they’re all making too much noise for it to be normal.  she finds herself not caring as her hands hit against his arm.    “you could have gotten yourself killed !  are you    --    does your brain work, like at all ?!”    her hands are caught by his, before she’s being tugged into his chest.    ‘ eve, stop.  it’s okay. ‘    she struggles slightly as he wraps his arms around her waist.  she feels his face bury into her neck.  normally, she would pretend to hate this type of hug.    (  she doesn’t have to pretend this time.  )    her hands shove against his chest.    “get off of me, eddie.”    hands push against him again, but he only tightens his arms around her.  her movements stop when she feels warm tears against her skin.  she feels the anger    --    the worry, seep from her veins, as her own tears pool in her eyes.    (  she could have lost him  …  without even saying goodbye.  )    her palms slip from his chest to around his back, as his grip tightens.  her head bumps softly against his, as she softly pulls away from him.  her hands move to rest against his cheeks as her thumbs brush softly against the stray tears.  she presses her forehead against his.    “i don’t know what i’d do if something happened to you, eddie.” 
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hawkiller · 2 years
five times flirted
@corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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one  ;    objectively.
      “look, i’m just saying    --“    ‘ i know what you’re saying, eve. ‘    eyes roll as she shifts her attention from the record shelves and onto him.  she watches his back as he looks through the shelf on the opposite side.  she has no idea how they got on the subject of his love life, or why she started encouraging him to ask someone out.  she shoves the last record into its place.    “no, you don’t.”    he turns at her words, his arms crossing over his chest.    “i’m saying, you’re a handsome guy, you just need to ask the right girl.”    her eyes roll again when he scoffs and turns away from her again.  they both make their way towards the counter, eve moving behind it, as eddie leans forward against it.    ‘ the right    --    handsome ?  you think i’m handsome ? ‘    eve leans next to him, her eyes shifting over his face for a moment, before they’re meeting his own, a shrug presenting itself.    “i mean, i guess.  from an objective viewpoint.” 
two  ;    the new nickname.
      “your hair looks nice today.”    the words slip from her lips as she slides into her chair.  she feels her knee knock against his, and she finds no motivation to pull away.  her hand sneaks into the pretzel bag sitting on the table in front of him, grabbing a few before she’s leaning back in her seat.  she feels the denim of his jeans move against hers as he shifts closer to her, her eyes finally finding his.  she glances over the soft freckles coating his nose and cheeks, before she notices the soft red dusting beneath them. her eyebrows furrow lightly as her eyes find his.    ‘ are you flirting with me ? ‘    she leans forward again, her elbow resting against the table, as her chin rests on her curled fist.  a small smirk pulls on her lips.    “that depends.  you gonna keep blushing, pretty boy ?“    her eyes dip towards his lips as they part to speak, however, his words are cut short as their table becomes louder with the voices of their friends.  eve offers him a wink before she’s sitting back in her seat.
three  ;    let’s hear a love song.
     “hey, pretty boy.”    her arms slip around his torso, her pinkies stretching to brush softly against his guitar resting against his waist.  she tries to keep her laugh light as he jumps lightly, her head peaking from around his arm to look at him.    ‘ you came. ‘    her lips pull into a small smile as she leans her cheek against his arm.    “well, you asked me to.”    her smile widens as his own splits against his features.  his hand moves to rest softly against her own, before she’s pulling her arms from him.    “who else are you going to sing all your little love songs to ?”    she moves in front of him, her eyes watching as his smile drops into a slight pout.    ‘ i do not sing love songs, eve. ‘    her hand moves to adjust the guitar strap over his shoulder, before she’s letting her palm rest against his chest.    “maybe you should start.”    she leans forward and presses a soft kiss to his cheek, before she’s stepping back.  her smile shifts into a small smirk as she studies the dark red print against his skin.    “have fun.” 
four  ;    flustered fidgeting.
      two days.  she hasn’t seen eddie in two days.  normally, she wouldn’t notice, but the dark purple bruise on her collarbone seems to be keeping track of time.  she feels like it should be fading by now, but it still looks brand new to her.  nails scratch lightly against the reminder under her shirt, as her boots crack the branches under her feet.  she pulls her cigarette box from her bag as she steps further into the woods.  her eyes lift and find eddie’s back leaning against the picnic table.  her feet pause for a moment, before she’s continuing on her path.  she snatches his lighter from the table as she sits next to him.    “hey, lover boy.”    she lets her bag fall to the floor as she pulls her legs onto the bench.  she fishes a cigarette from her box, letting her eyes glance towards him.    (  he seems  …  nervous.  )    her brows lift, as she lets the lighter click in front of her.    “you okay ?”    smoke passes from her lips as she speaks, she inhaled and pulls her cigarette from her lips, blowing tendrils of smoke through her nose.    ‘ me ?  yeah, i’m fine. ‘    her eyes flit towards his fidgeting fingers, and back, a small smirk toying at her lips.    “you’d think after seeing my boobs you’d be less flustered around me.  it’s nice to know i still get to see this cute expression.” 
five ; 
      fingers brush softly through his hair, as her opposite hand brushes softly against the arm thrown over her stomach.  her eyes study the different posters lining his walls.  she’s not sure how long they’ve been laying in silence, just enjoying the soft peace hanging in the atmosphere.  eddie had been twisting her hoodie string in his fingers, but eve takes notice of his warm palm resting against her ribcage.  her eyes slips towards him, his breathing even as she shifts slightly to press a kiss to the top of his head.    “you make my life easier.”    her voice is soft, careful not to disrupt the soft silence.  her hands pause when she feels his grip around her tighten.    ‘ stop flirting with me, i’m trying to sleep. ‘    her fingers tug softly against a strand of hair, before their beginning their brushing again.    “goodnight, lover boy.” 
0 notes
hawkiller · 2 years
five times stayed
@corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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one  ;    the first sleep over.
      ‘ i can get that. ‘    blue eyes glance towards him, as she pulls the amp from the back of his van.  her brows raise slightly as she watches him slump lightly against the door.    “you can barely stand up, eddie. let me help.”    she does her best to keep her smile at bay when he doesn’t argue.  the two work in silence as they unload his van, bringing his equipment back into the trailer and into his cluttered room.    (  she’ll deny it, but something about it always makes her feel at home.  )    her hands place his guitar onto its hook carefully, fingers trailing softly against the strings before she’s taking a step back.  her back hits lightly against his chest, his hands moving to rest against her forearms to keep them both steady.    “sorry.”    she turns slightly, her eyes finding his.  the exhaustion showing clearly in them.    ‘ ‘s okay. ‘    even his words sound tired.  she brings one of her hands up, fingers brushing the stray hair sticking to his face from their place.    “you were pretty good tonight.”    her lips twitch into a small smile as she watches his own smile grow.    ‘ you think so ? ‘    she doesn’t stop herself as her finger twirls against a lock of his hair.  eyes focusing on that, rather than the intense gaze coming from him.    “i guess so.”    their soft breath of laughter mingles in the air before he’s pulling away from her and sitting against his mattress.  she watches as he pulls his jacket off and throws it against his desk.  it slips onto the ground, and she’s quick to pick it up and place it back onto the surface.    “it’s pretty late. i should probably  …”    she gestures towards the door, but makes no move to leave.  her hands fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket, twisting softly between the chains.    ‘ you can stay. ‘    his voice is soft, as her eyebrows lift lightly.  she keeps her eyes on his jacket.    ‘ if you want. ‘    her eyes drift slowly towards him, finding him leaning back against his headboard, shoes sitting unlaced next to his bed.    “your uncle won’t mind if i borrow the couch ?”    his brows lift at her words, before they’re furrowing.    ‘ i mean, no    --    but, you can also just sleep in here.  with me. ‘    her eyes move away from him, and back towards his jacket again.    “are you sure ?”    she feels like she can hear the nod coming from him.    ‘ of course. ‘    she tries to force her smile away, but fails, opting instead to keep her face turned from him.    “okay.  could i borrow one of your shirts ?” 
two  ;    want me to stay ? 
      her finger tap against the cigarette as she watches the ash fall onto the school parking lot.  her boots tap softly against the grill of his van as she lets her foot sway back and forth.    ‘ hey ! ‘    she looks up from the pavement, a small smile pulling on her lips as she shifts against her place on his hood.    “hey.  wanna get some food ?”    she brings her cigarette to her lips and inhales, her eyes moving along the features of his face.    ‘ i’d love to, but hellfire starts soon. ‘    she nods, pulling the cigarette away from her lips, letting the smoke swirl out of her mouth.    “oh, shit, i forgot.”    she runs her free hand through her hair.    “want me to stay ?”    her smile grows softly as his own spreads on his lips.
three  ;    the moment after. 
      her back hits softly against his mattress.  her hand moving to rest against her bare chest, as she gulps air into her lungs.  he’s just as winded, and she can’t fight the smile that pulls on her lips as he pants next to her.  there’s a heavy ache both in and between her legs, but she doesn’t mind it at the moment.  she feels his hand shift slightly towards hers, their pinkies brushing softly against each other.    ‘ man. ‘    she doesn’t fight the half scoff, half laugh that slips off her lips.    “tell me about it.”    her hand pats softly against his, as she sits up.  she grabs her underwear from his floor, and a nearby flannel laying on his floor.    ‘ are you leaving ? ‘    a small laugh falls off her tongue at the concern in his voice.    “after that ?  no way.  i am going to the bathroom, though.”    she buttons a single button on his flannel, before she’s throwing his underwear against his chest, her eyes finding his.    “is that okay with you, lover boy ?” 
four  ;    midnight talks.
      eyes blink against the dark shadowing the trailer.  her brows furrow as she moves a hand to shield against the light from the television.  she feels hair tickle against her neck, paired with soft puffs of breath.  she takes a deep breath, feeling the arm around her torso tighten, her back crushing into his chest.  she hears a small hum fall from eddie’s lips, before their pressing against her skin.    ‘ what’s wrong ? ‘    her hand falls from its place of shielding, and against his arm.  her fingers brush softly against the hair littering his arm.    “we fell asleep.”    he hums again, but makes no move to release her, and she can’t find it in her to care.    “you want to go in your room ?”    she hears a deep inhale come from behind her, before she watches loose strands of her hair flutter from the corner of her eyes.    ‘ no.  you’re warm. ‘    her hand moves down his arm, grabbing against his hand and lifting it to her lips.  she presses a soft kiss against his knuckles, before she’s returning it to its previous place.    “okay.” 
five  ;    by your side.
      leg bounces as her eyes focus on the slightly dirty carpet in the camper.  she can hear dustin and lucas chattering next to her    --    something about keeping her and max safe, she thinks, but she’s not really listening.  instead, her mind focuses on the memory of the opening in eddie’s trailer.  the dark tentacles lining the ceiling where she watched her four friends fall from.    ‘ hey. ‘    her eyes move from the floor as eddie’s hand knocks against her thigh.  their eyes meet before his fingers tangle with hers.    ‘ we’ll be okay. ‘    she nods, her fingers squeezing tightly against his.  her eyes move towards steve as he stands from the driver’s seat.    ‘ okay, let’s be fast about this. ‘    she feels eddie’s hand start to unlace from hers, causing her fingers to tighten, and her other hand move to rest on top of his.    ‘ i can’t go in. ‘    his voice is low, kept quiet for her, as their eyes meet again.    “i know, but i’m not leaving you alone again.  ever.” 
bonus, six  ;    don’t go. 
      giggles fall from her lips as she stumbles her way up her stairs.  eddie’s hands tight against her waist to keep her from falling.    (  she needs to stop going to harrington’s parties.  )    her foot kicks against her bedroom door, giggling more as it hits against the wall.    ‘ what are you doing ? ‘    his voice is paired with laughter as he moves her into the room.    “what are you doing ?”    she spins in his grasp, as she lets her arms rest against his shoulders.  a small gasp slipping passed her lips.    “eddie, you’re so pretty.”    more laughter falls from his lips as he walks her backwards further into her room.    “why didn’t you tell me ?”    ‘ tell you what ? ‘    she stumbles and falls when the back of her knees hit against her bed.    “tell me that you’re pretty !”    she watches as he bends slightly, his thumb brushing under her eye lightly as he erases the smudged makeup on her skin.  he shakes his head lightly, before he’s pulling away.  she watches quietly as he flits around her room, pulling out a nightgown and retrieving her makeup remover.  eve finds comfort in the silence as he works on removing the black smudges around her eyes.    ‘ can you get dressed by yourself ? ‘    yes.    she shakes her head no, a pout pulling against her lips as she blinks up at him.  her arms lift above her head.  another huff of laughter falls passed his lips as he helps her undress, before he’s pulling the satin camisole over her head, and pulling it into place.  her eyes stay on him as he tosses her previous clothes into the small hamper in the corner of her room.    ‘ alright. i’ll see you tomorrow. ‘    his hand rests against the side of her head, fingers digging lightly into her hair for a moment, before he’s pulling away.    “wait.”    her hand catches against his, as she pulls against his arm.    “don’t go.  please.” 
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hawkiller · 2 years
      hi i’m still alive, but i’ve made yet another blog.
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hawkiller · 2 years
“when i’m with you the line between ‘friends’ and 'lovers’ blurs and i don’t care which side i end up on as long as you’ll have me.”
— – – “jackie.” 3:00 am. L.W
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hawkiller · 2 years
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      incorrect quotes ft    @hawkinsroster​  :  sam russo  !
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hawkiller · 2 years
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      incorrect quotes ft    @hawkinsroster  :  danielle mchenry  !
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hawkiller · 2 years
[ WET ] : our muses find one another in a torrential downpour of rain, both soaking wet.
      @corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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      boots dig into mud as she steps through the rain.  she’s not sure why she’s outside  --  or why she felt the need to crawl from her bedroom window.  it’s not like she couldn’t leave through the front door.  her mother wouldn’t have cared  --  she never cared anymore.  eve runs a hand through her wet hair, as she blinks against the pouring rain dusting her lashes.  she’s not even sure where she’s going, but it doesn’t stop her steps.    ‘ eve ? ‘    her name causes her to spin, wet hair hitting against her face.  her brows furrow as she watches eddie move against the rain.    “what are you doing ?”    his hands shove their way into his pockets as he shrugs.    ‘ what are you doing ? ‘    eve’s fingers pry her wet hair from her cheeks before she’s shielding her eyes from the rain.    “i don’t know  --  i think i was going to come see you.”
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hawkiller · 2 years
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hawkiller · 2 years
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vladimir nabokov’s first letter to his future wife, véra (26 july 1923)
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hawkiller · 2 years
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27K notes · View notes
hawkiller · 2 years
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6K notes · View notes
hawkiller · 2 years
[ TOUCH ] : our muses touching one another discreetly but intimately in a public setting.
      @corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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      eve’s focus is on the freshmen as they talk about their game.  it’s not that she doesn’t understand it  --  god knows she’s listened to eddie talk about it enough to understand the ends and outs of that game, but she preferred helping him come up with ways to kill their characters over playing.  she listens to mike talk about another friend of theirs  --  will.  he says something about wishing he could play when she feels eddie’s fingertips tap against her knee.  she offers him a quick side glance, her brows furrowing lightly, before she’s moving her attention back to the freshmen.  she can tell by the way eddie shifts in his chair and moves to rest his palm against her thigh that it isn’t what he wanted.    (  but, then again, when has she ever been one to do what’s expected of her ?  )    she picks a fry off of her tray and slips it passed her lips as the other boys join in the conversation.  her free knee jumps and hits against the table as eddie’s hand trails higher on her leg, his index finger running against the lacy side of her underwear.  she does her best not to flush as everyone’s attention shifts to her.    “sorry  --  leg cramp.”    her eyes shift to eddie’s when they return to their conversation, her brows furrowing deeper as she watches an innocent smile form on his lips.  he’s not even looking at her  --  his eyes focused on the conversation as hers were earlier.    (  this is why she doesn’t wear skirts around him.  ) 
0 notes
hawkiller · 2 years
[ DANCE ] : our muses dance together in close quarters.
      @corrodeadcoffin  :    meme.
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      eve works silently as she slips new records into their proper places.  she can see eddie out of the corner of her eye, flipping through the new cassettes, looking for anything he might like.    (  she’d deny it, but she always made sure he was there to look through the new ones.  )    her lips curl softly as the america song flows softly through the store speakers.  she’s not sure why she likes the song so much  --  but, she does.  she slips the last record into place and turns, running directly into eddie’s chest.    (  when did he move ?  )    she glances up at him, his brows furrowed lightly.    ‘ what is this ? ‘    she tilts her head slightly.    “america.  sister golden hair  --  why ?”    she narrows her eyes lightly, ready to defend the silly song, before she feels one of his hands slip around her back, the other tangling his fingers between hers.    ‘ i kind of like it. ‘    her brows lift in surprise at his words, feet stumbling lightly as he tugs her tighter against his chest.    “really ?”    he nods, before he’s softly swaying the two of them.  her brows furrow once more as she stares up at him.    “what are you doing ?”    he smiles down as her and she forces the fluttering feeling in her chest away.    ‘ dancing.  don’t be weird. ‘    she tries her best not to smile, but fails.  instead, she opts to rest her head against his chest, letting him sway the two of them in the tight space between the shelves.  her brows furrow again as she listens to the lyrics of the song, ignoring the soft burn of his hand against her back.    (  she doesn’t love him.  ) 
0 notes
hawkiller · 2 years
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      i was so ahead of the    curve,    the curve became a sphere.  feel behind all my classmates and i ended up    here.
independent  ghost hunter  original character    abbie graves.    beloved by echo    (  she  /  they    &    23  )
home.    information.    interest tracker.    pinned post.
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hawkiller · 2 years
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      incorrect quotes ft    @hawkinsroster​  :    sam russo  &  steve harrington    /    @decimatlas​  :    eden emerson    /    @corrodeadcoffin​  !
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hawkiller · 2 years
      @hawkinsroster​  :    surprise starter, danielle mchenry.
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      eve blinks into the near dark of the room, the small fairy lights lining her walls with her polaroids illuminating the room.  as she drags herself from her sleep she feels steve’s arm wrapped tightly around her torso, his breath puffing against her shoulder as he continues his peaceful sleep.  she offers a soft pat to his head before she’s looking towards dani  --  finding her spot empty.  her hand touches against the sheets finding them cold.    (  how long has she been gone ?  )    eve carefully pries steve’s hands from her and scoots out of the bed.  she watches as he rolls forward, taking up the mass of her bed.    (  god, he’s so annoying.  )    she presses a kiss to his shoulder before tiptoeing out of her room.  she grabs her satin robe from her desk chair before she closes the door behind her.
      she ties the yellow belt around her waist, hiding her matching camisole underneath.  she keeps her footsteps quiet as she moves down the stairs.    “dani ?”    her voice is barely a whisper as she makes her way off of the stairs.  she checks the living room, the kitchen, even her mother’s temporarily abandoned room.  she can feel the claws of worry begin to sink into her chest as she turns  --  spotting dani sitting outside in her small garden.  she lets out a relieved sigh before making her way towards the door.  she’s quiet as it clicks open, careful not to scare her.    “hey,”    her voice is a bit louder than before, just meeting a whisper.    ‘ i couldn’t sleep. ’    eve sits herself in the free chair next to her, her hand reaching up to rub softly against dani’s shoulder.  slowly her fingers run down the other’s arm before she’s standing back up out of her chair.  she holds her hand out to dani, a smile on her lips.    “come here.”    eve can see the confusion on her face as she takes her hand.  eve pulls her up, and tugs her softly into her arms.  her free hand rest softly just above dani’s hip as she takes a small step forward, closing the small gap between them.
      ‘ what are we doing ? ’      “dancing.”    eve presses a kiss to dani’s forehead before she’s letting one of her hands slip from her side to the middle of the back, while she brings their hands close to her chest, resting them above eve’s heart.  she sways gently with dani for a few moments before she puts her head against eve’s shoulder.  she turns her head slightly, pressing another kiss to her forehead.  eve keeps her movements slow as she flips through songs in her mind  --  finally landing on dani’s favorite.  the fleetwood mac song hums from her lips softly as she lets her cheek rest gently against dani’s head.
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