Final Evaluation
What Went Well:
Unreal - I was happy with all of the new things that I learnt to make in Unreal, as well as how I could use them for alternative purposes. I was able to create a wide variety of features / mechanics that would be used in the full game.
Maya - I was happy with getting the basics of MAYA down, I was able to create a handful of models that I was happy with. I had made enough assets to make a basic environment that would be enough to immerse the player, and I understood how to apply textures to my models.
What could have gone better?
Unreal - I could have simplified a lot of code and made some things alternatively. I could have also reduced the amount of things that I planned to make / made. I focused too heavily on creating all of the pieces to make the game instead of making some pieces and applying them. I should try to build an overall base game before adding anything that is not key to gameplay, initially.
Maya - I still have a lot to learn and I could use tools diferently to prevent some overlapping and inbalances of the model. I can also try to make more models but also make models smarter, instead of doing it in a far more complicated way.
Blog - I should be trying to write down everything I do instead of focusing on making the game. I could use this to see how I did things and perhaps generate new ideas that can be integrated into my game easier.
What could you do differently next time?
Reduce unnecassary features, Learn more tools in MAYA, record more on the blog.
In conclusion, I will try to be more active on the blog in the future and try to think of this as learning and not focus on making the product and leaving the blog. I will also think more effectively on how I can make my code and game, how I can make models in MAYA.
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Game Testing Survey Feedback MKII
I was unable to add more questions as I focused on trying to add the recommended features and fix other issues, however, I still got some feedback.
The game remained easy to understand and the art style still worked great.
Slowing time remains a good feature. Players enjoyed the ricochets and targets.
The things to improve is expanding on the game with the current mechanics and adding more areas that utilize the mechanics. I would also add, from recommendations, traps and potentially some form of enemy.
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Game Testing Survey Feedback
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This question shows that the current format and puzzle prompts / directions are good for the user to be able to progress.
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This question shows that the artistic approach is a good match for my game and that I should keep the current atmosphere and post processing effects.
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This question tells me that the current usage of the gun and interactions are suitable and that I should look to keep these mechanics and add similar ones in the future.
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This question tells me that the slow motion is a good feature to include in my game and that I should implement more sections that take advantage of it.
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This question shows me that I should improve the moving platforms within the game, but also fix the falling off map issue (which I forgot to do previously) and adjust the indicators to tell the player to run into gems to pick them up.
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This question shows me that I should expand the length of the game to include more puzzles, and make some more challenging puzzles. I can also expand on the additional projectiles.
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This reinforces the fact that the moving platform should be adjusted.
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Win / Lose states
I have chosen my Win state to be the collection of all gems on the map, to do this, the player will have to complete various puzzles that will be presented to them. The Lose state is the inability to solve the puzzles, meaning that the player cannot progress.
I have chosen these states as I believe that they match the genre of puzzle games and my game. Each gem will give the player something new to use to get the other gems and this will provide a continuous progression.
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Switching Cameras and Disabling Inputs
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This screenshot shows the code used to be able to change the player's camera. This can be used for many things, such as cinematic cutscenes, tutorials and highlighting an item. This code will get the player's camera and then switch to another camera that can be changed and moved. It will blend between these two over a set time period.
From this, you can add the node "Disable Input" and attach it into this code to prevent the player from moving around during the moving of the camera.
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3D Widgets + Signposting / Leading the Player
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You are able to use widgets to create signs that players can read. this can be used for many things, such as building the environment, giving hints and displaying resource counts. These 3D widgets can also be used to indicate an enemy's health and give that information to the player. The widgets can also be used to create a HUD. It is important that you give the player some guidance so that they do not feel clueless and stop playing. There are more ways to do this than just using text and hints. There are also visual and sound cues that should be used to prevent breaking immersion alongside guiding the player. For example, having the objective stand out from the environment; change the color, size, style or animations. Sound cues can be played on completing certain requirements or to get a player's attention, for example, a "ding" sound effect when the player completes and objective, or music coming from a room to attract the player.
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MAYA Medkit
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This screenshot shows a medkit that I was able to model in maya. It consists of three individual cubes that I edited to make this shape. The main tools that I used were bevel, cut and extrude. The bevel tool adds an angle to all of the selected edges to give it a bit more shape, the cut tool cuts new faces into the object that can be altered and the extrude tool moves selected items in the direction that you want and creates new polygons where it moves.
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Unreal Engine - Timeline
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This screenshot shows the "Timeline" node, This node is useful for charting various things such as pathing an object in SetActorLocation or Rotation. the play input will start the timeline, the update will send an output on each update.
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This screenshot shows the timeline's graph, this one has a curved shape however they can be straight and jagged lines. This controls the percentage of which a transformation is completed, meaning that mirroring it will have it be reversed afterwards. At the top of the graph, there is an option to loop the timeline. this means that it will continuously activate. this can be used to create platforms that are continuously moving without player input or to rotate items for displays and such.
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The screenshot displays the code that I used to create a crusher obstacle, it utilizes a LERP like many other moving things do. When I start the game, it will activate a timeline node that has a graph that affects the movement of the actor, this leads into the set actor location node that will retrieve the location from the LERP. The LERP has the start and end destination as its inputs. The lower part of the screenshot shows the code that will kill the player. It checks if the player is overlapping a collision box and will then remove all of the player's health if it is.
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Charged Bullet
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This screenshot shows the code used to increase the charge that will be used on a ballet, the higher the charge, the bouncier it is. The gate system prevents the charge being increased infinitely and will also put a cap on the charge.
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This screenshot shows the code within the projectile that will edit the bounciness of the bullet. It will receive the value of charge and use this to multiply the bounciness of the bullet. With this, puzzles can be created that need this projectile and the timing of the release is important to get the right bounciness for the stage.
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Ricocheting Projectile
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This screenshot displays the bullet's "projectile movement". I have disabled friction and made the bounciness 1, meaning that the bullet will ricochet infinitely until the lifespan runs out. The lifespan that i have set is 3 seconds.
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This can be used to create puzzles that involve angles and timings.
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Launch Player With Gun.
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This is the code that I used to launch the player away form where their gun was facing, this can be used to complete various puzzles and access higher levels which will add some movability to the game.
It will first calculate the velocity of the player, and then set it to 0. it will then launch the character after using the rotation of the gun and reversing it to find the direction to launch and multiplying it to launch the player.
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Unreal Engine - Construction graph and LERPs - Exposing Variables
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This screenshot displays the construction graph. The construction graph runs before the game loads, this is useful for many things, such as world generation, so that the player does not see the world loading. in the screenshot, the engine will get all the traits of the actor and set variables equal to them and them + modifiers the user can change.
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This screenshot displays various variables that are being used to affect the size, location and rotation of the platform, they can be adjusted for each platform without needing a new blueprint by using the expose variable feature.
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This screenshots shows the code used to alter the location and scale of the platform.
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I made a 3D model of a drink can, and created my one texture to use on the model, the finished result is the following:
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Unreal Engine LERPs
What is a LERP:
LERPs graph calculations that can map the trajectory of a value between two points.
Uses of LERPs:
They can be used for many purposes, such as: Moving targets, Moving platforms or Lifts.
Examples of LERPs:
One example of a LERP is in DOOM, it can be seen in a cutscene where the player enters an elevator.
Another Example is from Battle Block Theatre. The player can see the saw being slid across an area, going back and forth.
LERPs are used in the PlayStation release of Spiderman. Whenever the player swings, it is utilizing a LERP.
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Today I tried using Maya for the first time, I was able to produce the following chair:
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Maya has a large number of menus and functions which made it difficult to navigate and use, however, I am happy with the finished product.
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I learnt the utilities of Tags within the Unreal Engine. You can attach tags to any object to describe it and allows you to use this tag to add properties, and use them in conditions. An example of this would be destroying an actor that touches a projectile, given it has the tag “Destructible”.
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