haydentho-blog · 10 years
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Hayden was looking after his campers, while they were trying to make some kind of tournament of volleyball — and obviously, it was his job to coordinate everything with this bunch of screaming teens and kids. When the camp offered him the job, he didn't have to think about it twice. He accepted it immediately, thinking of a summer with his lifelong friends. And after all, he enjoyed spending time with the kids, feeling a bit nostalgic about the times when the group and him had the same age. As he was lost in his thoughts, the kids had started the match again. Hayden heard a shout but he didn't have the time to understand what the little girl was saying that something hit his nose, making him fall down. He understood that what he heard before was one of the girls telling him to pay attention — and looking around, he immediately noticed one of the boys almost crying. Catching his glaze, the child started apologizing, but Hayden stopped him "I'm okay, I'll- I'll just need to lay down a bit." He said quickly, reassuring the little crowd that formed around him. The boy stood up, carefully touching his nose. Luckily, he just felt a light pain, and a bit of a headache, though he probably couldn't remain with the kids for that day. After repeating again that he was okay, and after he'd found someone to replace him, he went back to his cabin. There he could finally relax a bit, laying down on his bed. Without even realizing, a couple of hours passed; Hayden fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow, and when he finally woke up, he remembered he had promised to Luke, the 5 year old boy who hit him, to go to him and tell him he was good as soon as he'd have feel better. Hayden took some medicine for his headache, hoping it was the right one — usually, when he was sick, his room mate was around to help him, but this time she was busy with her own campers. Soon, he really felt better, even though the pulsating pain wouldn't go away. Hayden sighed, this was surely the last thing he needed in that moment. He went outside, searching for someone to have fun with — at least, he wouldn't think about the pain. But while he was just going back the stairs of his cabin, a voice he immediately recognized called him. Turning his head, he saw as expected Mariah's face. He bursted into a laughter before being able to respond to her greeting, hearing the question she made him. "You come to see me just for this, huh? I'm offended, that's not what real friends do." He said, his face deadly serious, but his voice a bit childish. "Anyway, we've been friends for years. I took them or.. You gave me them. And.. I could ask you the same question, Mariah."
ways to go ☁ hariah
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Mariah had to pick up smoking as her new hobby, it couldn’t be something cute, maybe something interesting like collecting Disney memorabilia. But no, buying a whole onion before driving up to Camp Tybee with multiple papers to roll up joints and blunts and all the inbetweens was what she could classify as a passion. Earlier in the week, the brunette had specifically made a few joints before camouflaging the drug in a makeup bag that she carries around at almost all times — that is, if you payed attention to the girl you’d see it coordinated with her baggy sweaters or hooked to a loop on her skinny jeans. But she was running out, an estimation of the drug only going to make her through Wednesday at most, this of course could be blamed by her addiction picking up in quantity. Sure she had tried her best to space out her smokes, but Mariah needed it even when she just lit one not even two hours ago. But she needed it, she needed it now — and that was enough to convince her to excuse herself from whatever activity she took place in at that moment. Like now, she was pulling herself out of her cabin in the middle of a board game with a few of her girls, the brunette not forgetting to inform her kids to stay put and she’d be back in a couple of minutes, which the campers knew well enough where and what she was about to do — they weren’t oblivious thirteen year olds that she once was. But as she was to make her way to her special, secret hiding spot that she’d usually get high at — behind a few trees at the lake — she spotted a familiar face nearby. “Hay!” To most ears, it sounded like she was just calling out a greeting to a friend, though she had instead called one by name as walking across the somewhat damp ground due to a water balloon fight that had occurred earlier that day. “Hey, Hayden.” Mariah breathed the words, stopping at the bottom of the wooden stairs of what seemed to be the boy’s cabin. “I wanted to ask, where’d you even get all those pictures?”
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
♔inside Hayden's ipod:
S k i n n y L o v e by Birdy (Cover). " Who will love you? Who will fight? And who will fall far behind? Come on, skinny love. " song 2 of ###.
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
The anxiety that followed his words completely disappeared as soon as the girl started talking. In his heart, he always knew that the girl loved him — or at least had feelings for him; in all those years, there had always been a special connection between the two. But hearing those words, hearing what came out of Harley's mouth, left Hayden breathless. And before he was able to even speak, he felt the girl's soft lips on his own. One of his hand, not the one that held Harley's one, ended up on her neck. That short kiss, followed by those words, made him forget about everything but them; nothing could ruin that moment. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He whispered on her lips, leaving a sweet kiss on her bottom lip everytime he pronounced those three words. "I'm in love with you — I always have been, Harley. And I now feel so stupid 'cause we so far spent this summer missing each other." He giggled a bit, his lips still touching the girl's ones. He couldn't help but be happy as never before. Harley wasn't like the others. She was his first love, as well as his first kiss, many years before. And everytime he looked into her eyes, everytime their lips met, everytime she was into his arms, he realized that they fit together perfectly; that she was his missing half. The guy brought his hand to her face, gently caressing her cheek, before finally kissing her again.
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Each word made the girl’s heart rate increase, and it took every ounce of willpower the girl had obtained over the years to hold herself back from kissing him mid-sentence. She couldn’t contain herself; she hadn’t felt this happy in months. Every day was a constant reminder that the man she loved wasn’t hers, and to actually hear the reassuring words come out of his mouth to put those thoughts to rest was better than anything she could have ever conjured in her head. “You don’t know how good it feels to finally hear you say that,” she mumbled, her hand squeezing his own as she took in the moment that surrounded her. “I don’t know how I’ve managed to room with you for this long without blurting out something stupid, but I just—I miss you, Hayden. Every part of me misses you,” she said, her words coming out faster than she could even comprehend, tangling together in a sequence that barely made any sense, but there was no better way for Harley to express her feelings to him. Daring to make the next move, she didn’t waste time before pressing her lips against his plump pair, knowing the kiss would expose herself to him in ways words couldn’t. She loved him; she barely loved anything, but she sure as hell loved him, and she didn’t know how to handle it. Breaking from the kiss, the brunette lingered her lips over his own, the two pairs barely touching as she spoke, “I love you. You don’t have to wait anymore. You never did.”
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
As the girl came closer, Hayden felt his heart skipping a beat, slowly taking her hand into his own. He stopped himself from saying the first things that came to his mind, lowering a bit his head, his eyes slipping from hers to look at her lips. They've known each other for years, and every time Harley acted like that, he knew he was screwed. He could do nothing but tell her everything; or in that case, confess her his feelings. She always had that special influence on him, that no one else ever had. Some people would have called it love, and he made that mistake, years before. As their fingers interlocked, countless memories came flooding back. How many times the same scene had repeated in all those years? They were eight and they held hand for the first time, before leaving for the end of the summer; they were eleven, and he kissed her on the cheek; they were fourteen and she screamed that she loved him, and he totally could remember how bitter and sad he felt, right there, in the back of his parents' car, his eyes filled with tears; they were sixteen and the summer didn't was enough anymore, and they spent their nights on skype, and he took his driving license just to see her on the weekends. But it obviously didn't work out, and there they were. Loving each other, but too scared to admit it. At least, so far. "I'm waiting for the girl I love to realize that I can't look at her anymore without wanting to kiss her so bad that it phisically hurts. I'm waiting for her to understand that seeing her with other guys makes me want to punch them, even though they would basically kill me. I'm waiting for her." He said, quickly, words coming out of his mouth before he could even think of stopping. His eyes searched for hers, without whispering the most obvious thing he could come up with, that made him feel completely stupid and at the same time, brave and finally happy. Well, and really really nervous for her response. "I'm waiting for you, Harley." 
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Feeling the length of the glass slip out of her delicate hands, the dark haired girl turned to look at him, her eyes darting towards his own in confusion. “Wha—” she began, her voice breaking off as she felt his touch graze against her hand, distracting her train of thought as all of her attention was brought onto a new subject. She listened to him speak, hanging onto every word that slipped past his lips, her eyes occasionally slipping to admire the pair. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she stated, the feeling of his bare skin against her own almost like setting a bundle of nerves on fire; the space that lingered between the two slowly closing in. Every minute spent within camp lines had dragged on, and every day was deemed useless when the two weren’t together. They hadn’t been alone for this long since their arrival; whether it be a friend barging into their cabin to grab one of them to hang out, or a young camper in need, they couldn’t find the time. In complete honesty, she didn’t know when they would get to be together again — and even if the words the two were exchanging weren’t the ones Harley wanted to say to him out loud, even her slightly intoxicated self could recognize a prime opportunity when it presented itself. Harley leaned her own body towards his, their faces inches apart as the brunette made sure to look directly into his light brown hues, a small smile stretched upon her face. “What exactly are you waiting for, Hayden?”
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
Hayden was looking away when Harley's laugh made him turn back to look at her. For a moment, he thought she was making fun of him. Her next sentence confirmed his idea, as he bited his lip, regretting how he talked before. He couldn't help but look at her lips as she talked, almost hypnotized by them. The noise she made with her nails pissed him off, but touching her would have been the biggest mistake he could make. He desperately craved her touch, but even the smallest one would make him go crazy. As Harley moved, Hayden's eyes couldn't leave her, until the girl sit next to him. He slowly moved closer to her, his leg touching hers, a shiver going down his spine. What she said only had the power to made him mad at her. His eyes searched for hers, pointed everywhere but at his own. He took a deep breath, trying to keep calm. Harley's jealousy was so stupid and no sense: she knew how much she meant to him, she knew that he couldn't go out with anyone without feeling incredibly guilty. Another deep breath. He knew that she was drunk, he knew how she was, he knew she was like that because she was hurt. He was mad at her, as she was mad at him. He took the glass out of her hand, taking a sip in turn, before laying it on the counter. His hand slowly reached for hers, without actually taking it, just gently stroking the back with his fingertips. "Well, you seem to do lots of things without me knowing, lately." he said, his voice more low and trembling of what he wished. He kept caressing her hand, his head lowering without being able of looking straight into her eyes. He desperately needed the courage to tell her what he was feeling in that moment, but, as always, he wasn't good at it. He was scared. Harley had that effect on him - but he couldn't hide that he loved it. After a few minutes that seemed hours, he finally looked up at her. "And you know I could wait for you forever." 
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Harley leaned her exposed elbows against the stained wood, her eyes locking with his dark pair as he explained himself. She had to dismiss the urge to smile at what he was saying, even if it had been meant to be slightly offensive, there was something about the young man’s attitude that lit a spark in her. A sense of protectiveness that could be found even through tipsy shaded eyes and raspy, exhausted voices, and she couldn’t help but notice him moving his hands towards her own, only to retract seconds later. Allowing a laugh to slip past her lips, Harley leaned closer towards him, “Wow, your roommate sounds like a total bitch,” she countered, trying to slip in a joke to lighten the obvious tension filling up every inch of the room. “But hey, your roommate is doing absolutely nothing, and she’s doing it alone,” she continued, her own hand sliding towards the spot his had been previous, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against the surface aimlessly. “So, you have nothing to worry about, right? It’s not like it would matter, anyway,” she said, her voice trailing off as she moved her position off of the bar, instead, making her way around it to seat herself into the bar stool to his left, making sure to bring her desired drink along for the trip. “You could always go flirt with Rosa if you get bored waiting up. You seem to do a lot of that lately.” With a dry laugh, the brunette took another sip, her eyes finally leaving his and moving to look around the lifeless room. While she would deny it if ever questioned, behind her tough exterior hid a girl who’s fear of losing her very first love drove her to do things that lay far out of character. As much as she liked to think she had full control over herself, she knew there was a part of her that Hayden had securely wrapped around his finger, and there wasn’t anything she could attempt to do in order to change that.
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
Hearing her voice made him feel that annoying, warm feeling in his stomach that he was by now used to. He followed her movements, looking firstly at her face, searching for her eyes, but then he couldn't help but concentrate on her hands, preparing his drink. He didn't know she could really do one, but in all those years he'd learned to expect anything from Harley. He lowered his head, grabbing his glass, and immediately taking a sip of it. Hayden stayed quiet for a bit, feeling a bit awkward in that situation. Something wasn't right about it, about them, but he couldn't understand exactly what. He surely had figured out lots of things for that summer — their last one at the camp, the last summer they had all together. But that wasn't the best thing about the holiday. Harley was. Though, it wasn't going as he wished. He had this strange feeling not going away for days and days. The voice of the girl took him back to the present, and raising his head he realized she was closer than he thought. "Find you? I came here for something else." He managed to look into her eyes for less than five seconds, before looking away, taking again his glass to drink it up. "Let me tell you a story. I have this room mate who always comes back at, like, 5 am, and I stay up all night wondering what she's doing or where and with who is she. I said to myself, 'maybe she's at the bar, that would be totally unexpected', so I came here." His voice came out more bitter and sarcastic as he wanted to, but it was so late, he was tired, and Harley had him go crazy that day. Without her even realizing. He laid his hand on the counter, wanting to take hers, without actually doing it, ending up with removing it quickly.
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With fingers curled around a bottle of blueberry vodka, the female couldn’t help but be bothered by the silence. The only noise that roamed through the faded off-white walls happened to be the clinging of shot glasses against the mahogany and the light movement of alcohol every time Harley took a swig. For the first time since she had arrived on camp grounds, she was alone. Everyone else had been rushed off to bed, and while they found escape through their dreams, Harley found solitude in the stash of drinks she had managed to sneak in with her through a brightly colored suitcase. The sting in her throat was the preferred option of pain compared to that of having to meet eyes with her roommate every night — having to look at him and know she can’t do or say everything she wanted to. Not having what she wants the most was much worse of a pain than that of her favorite brand name vodka, so one could only imagine how Harley ended up here, rather than in bed, safe and sound. With another sip of her vibrantly colored drink, she heard a noise erupt from behind her, causing an inevitable jump to rise out her before she turned to meet the one guy she had been trying to avoid — Hayden Blanchard. As much as she wanted to scream at him to get out, to tell him that she wanted to be alone; she couldn’t. There wasn’t anything stronger than her desire to be with him, and she couldn’t push away the spring of happiness she felt when she saw the mop of light hair sitting across from her at the bar. “Only if you tip well, sir,” she joked, pushing the bottle to the side to instead grab his favorite. She had learned her way around a bar through the years, and after pouring his drink into a glass, she masterly slid it down the length of the bar, pleased by the result. As it all sunk in, Harley slowly realized the situation around her, and she cleared her throat before moving closer towards him to speak again, “So, why’d you come and find me?”
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
As time kept passing, Hayden was getting more and more nervous. He knew that Harley loved to have fun, to sneak out with someone, to do crazy things without worrying about what could happen. He was totally aware of it, but he couldn't not worry about her. It was impossibile to not glance at the clock every thirty seconds, waiting for her to open the damn door of the room they shared. The hands of the clock kept going. Tick, tock. With an annoyed sigh, he got up, not willing to wait for another minute. He quickly walked out of their cabin, knowing that he would have found her at the bar, possibly drunk. He so went right there, and as soon as he opened the door, the sight of her behind the bar counter made him smile, without even wanting to. Without being seen by the girl, he made his way to the counter, taking a seat. He cleared his throat, claiming her attention, the biggest smile on his face. He didn't mean to be this happy, but fuck, he couldn't contain his happiness everytime he saw her, especially after all that worrying. "Excuse me, beauty, may I ask you to make me a drink?" He asked, attempting to give a formal tone to his voice.
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
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haydentho-blog · 10 years
♔inside Hayden's ipod:
W h y'd Y o u O n l y C a l l M e W h e n Y o u'r e H i g h?  by Arctic Monkeys. " Now it's three in the morning, and I'm trying to change your mind. " song 1 of ###.
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