hayray06 · 6 months
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strong independent demon
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hayray06 · 8 months
Ayo~ Red and Brick for both Sal and Mark on the color OC ask post? Loving them :D
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"What don't you like?"
This is probably the biggest piece I've ever done and it's from an ask I've been chipping away at for months.
When inspiration strikes it strikes hard.
A background??? LIGHTIING??? Who even am I?
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hayray06 · 8 months
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He won’t.
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hayray06 · 8 months
What if-
Borrower Spider-Man?
Peter Parker, a borrower in Tony Stark's walls, got into a battle with a large spider that was exposed to some chemicals in the lab. Said spider bites Peter just before Peter kills him with a pin sword or something and Peter passes out due to the venom. Eventually he wakes up with spider powers like climbing up walls, increased strength, and a sixth sense. Peter then shows his powers to the other borrowers but is excommunicated due to the fact that he's now considered a freak in the community, and is banned from the walls. Peter spends his time outside the walls now, no friends, no family, and not allowed to find safety in the walls, so he lives in the lab in one of the Iron-Man suits that Tony Stark never uses, creating web-shooters out of stuff he found in the lab. One day though, JARVIS notices Peter and talks to him through the suit so Tony can't hear, helping him with his web-shooters and just so Peter can have someone to talk to. One day however Tony Stark catches on that there is someone else in his home.
Would anyone be interested in this?
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hayray06 · 8 months
I made a 100 sentence starter prompt list. Do it if you want!
1). "Hey, is something wrong with your arm?"
2). "Ow! Ow! You need to let me go, or else you're going to break something!"
3). "Either you let them go now, or something bad is going to happen!"
4). "Come now child, you will wear yourself out."
5). "You possess a lot of power for someone as small as yourself."
6). "I don't get it, you should have grown back to normal!"
7). "Your kind has took everything from me, why would I ever trust you?!"
8). "Why... did you save me?"
9). "You're exhausted, you need to rest."
10). "I wish others saw you as an actual person."
11). "No one will ever listen to me at this size."
12). "Here let me help, last thing we need is for that wound to get infected."
13). "You're really not scared of me being big?"
14). "Legend says: fairy wings can grant you wishes."
15). "Come on, let them be! It's not like they stole a lot of food at their size!"
16). "Listen, if you don't calm down, we're all going to be doomed!"
17). "You've been running for so long, fighting everyday to survive, I think it's finally time you rest."
18). "I can help you get back to your world if you just trust me."
19). "There has to be a way to lift this curse!"
20). "Since when could you change your size?!"
21). "Please, you're the only one who can help me!"
22). "You don't need to hide from me."
23). "If only I could protect you."
24). "This isn't right, we can never be together!"
25). "It's not every day a tiny person lands in your food."
26). "Listen, I may be good but the rest of my kind is not, if they see you... you're dead!"
27). "You could destroy an entire city... but you didn't."
28). "My mother used to tell me horrible stories about giants."
29). "Just let me go, and I'll never steal from you again!"
30). "Here, stay close to me."
31). "Geez, your skin is like ice!"
32). "I must be drunk if I'm seeing tiny people."
33). "Humans wander in this world and never get back to theirs."
34). "If only I could be your size for once!"
35). "You're treating me like a pet!"
36). "Don't you even think about putting me in that cage!"
36). "Careful, they bite!"
37). "Oh god, I almost crushed you!"
38). "You're adorable!"
39). "I'm gonna have to put you in my pocket."
40). "Please don't pick me up."
41). "Honestly, I don't blame you for being scared of me."
42). "You can't tell anyone else about me!"
43). "Just because I'm small, doesn't mean I'm fragile!"
44). "Wow, who knew cats could be so terrifying at this size!"
45). "Where are you from exactly?"
46). "There's no time to explain, get in the pocket!"
47). "You'll be safe here."
48). "I'm sorry for shoving you in my pocket."
49). "Can you move this boulder?"
50). "You're small enough to fit in there."
51). "You can stay here until the blizzard blows over."
52). "Where can we find a shelter to fit someone of my size?!"
53). "That bird would have swooped down and got me if you hadn't saved me!"
54). "You're not mad that I snuck into your house?"
55). "Oh thank God, I thought rats invaded my kitchen!"
56). "If you ever compare them to vermin again, I'll beat the shit outta you!"
57). "I'm not letting you leave."
58). "You look like you're about to pass out."
59). "I can't believe I'm stuck here at this size!"
60). "Can we meet again?"
61). "I don't care how small you think you are, you made the biggest impact on my life."
62). "I guess you're not comfortable with me eating around you."
63). "Sounds more like stealing rather than borrowing to me."
64). "You don't have to be scared of me."
65). "Hey, look at me, you're going to be okay!"
66). "Stay with me!"
67). "I can't help you if you won't tell me the full story."
68). "There's more of you, isn't there?"
69). "You didn't deserve that."
70). "Don't worry, there's no one left who will miss me."
71). "You were born like this?"
72). "You can crash here if you want."
73). "Are you crazy? You nearly fell!"
74). "You've been terrorizing this town?"
75). "Let me give you a hand."
76). "You ripped my favorite jacket!"
77). "You need to eat something."
78). "So you're the mortal who summoned me?"
79). "If you weren't a good person, I wouldn't have trusted you."
80). "Hold tight, we're getting you out of here!"
81). "I thought I could trust you!"
82). "You know I trust you, right?"
83). "You're lucky, I was there to save you!"
84). "I'm scared of heights!"
85). "Will your wing be okay?"
86). "If you do that, you'll be small forever!"
87). "Finally, you're awake."
88). "Keep me safe."
89). "I'm doing this to protect you."
90). "How can someone as small as you survive out here?"
91). "I never meant to scare you."
92). "Can you give me a hand?"
93). "I can't believe I'm living a fairytale!"
94). "I'm not going to force you to stay here."
95). "You've done enough damage!"
96). "Get me out of this jar now!"
97). "It's okay, I'm used to being called worse things by your kind."
98). "I'll carry you where ever you need to go."
99). "I'm putting my life in your hands."
100). "Do you see me as an equal?"
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hayray06 · 9 months
Love me a protective giant. Not just willing to defend their tiny, but devoted to them. Extra points if the tiny is a very capable, full size human who doesn't necessarily need the giant's protection but isn't saying no.
The giant is always gentle and sweet with their tiny, but when their little guy is threatened, the giant gets to go full monster. Another round of bonus points if the human tiny finds that hot as fuck.
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hayray06 · 9 months
A tiny having the opposite reaction when a giant protects them.
Like the tiny is being bullied by another tiny and is almost hurt- but the giant quickly swoops in and picks up the other tiny. The giant dangles them- the fear being very much present in the tiny’s eyes. The giants eyes are filed with rage, their tiny had never seen anything like this before. “Leave them alone.” The giant said before ‘not so gently’ dropping the tiny onto the ground.
Most tinies would be thankful- but as the giant kneels down to their tiny- asking if they’re ok- the tiny cowers in fear. Scared. They’re so afraid that they fall over and a involuntary whisper comes out “please don’t hurt me…” they say.
The giant- once blinded by rage- feels nothing but sorrow and disappointment in themselves. Knowing they scarred their tiny for life.
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hayray06 · 10 months
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G/t July : Thief 
Mark is not a fan of dirty lil feral tromping around in his food. Its unhygienic. 
I love the idea of a human who can’t stand borrowing. Not because they care about stolen crumbs, or the invasion of their privacy, but just because the idea of someone handling their food is gross.
Do you let your human friends grab food off your plate with their bare hands? Would you eat food that they stepped on? 
No. Of course not. Because its UNHYGENIC. 
Also bonus points if anyone spies the lil reference. 
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hayray06 · 10 months
would be really funny if a borrower has a crippling internet addiction and was discovered because borrower was watching Netflix on the human's phone and just goes "just one more episode, one more episode bro"
*turns around and sees human quietly watching along with borrower, birds chirping, the first rays of light shining into the room*
"you have good taste."
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hayray06 · 10 months
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captivated by the passing of a 60ft tall shirtless man in a blizzard
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hayray06 · 11 months
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Not sure what the Pines were looking for on their hike, but running across a couple of legends is a nice bonus!
Aside from the iconic statue in the town of Gravity Falls, and the OTHER iconic statue at Mystery Mountain, I was always intrigued by the little side about Stan invoking Paul Bunyan in his hour of need. (And really, given how they defeat Darlene, ol' Paul came through in the end. In a manner of speaking!)
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hayray06 · 11 months
Choose Your Fighter
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hayray06 · 11 months
punk virgil my good sir please my good sir punk virgil virgil tattoo au
>:) Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Summary: Logan goes to talk to Virgil, and they end up having dinner.
Warnings: Mild fear, awkwardness, food, 
Word Count: 3.9k
With that in mind, Logan had collected discarded newspapers from Virgil, and was working on pasting the material on the wooden walls of his small home. He'd discovered a discarded bottle of liquid glue under Virgil's desk, strangely enough, and he'd managed to drag it back to his literal hole-in-the-wall.
After a few hours of work, the wall he was working on was entirely covered. Logan quirked a small smile, looking over the wall, but found that it was... boring. 
Yes, the added color to the dull room was, admittedly, very nice, but it was still just black and white... Boring, repetitive, and the words really weren’t very interesting.
Then, Logan had an idea.
He quickly cleaned up the small work station he'd set up, screwing the glue bottle's cap back on, and left the room. He scooped up his borrowing bag and hook on the way, shouldering the bag with a practiced ease. 
A few minutes later, he ducked out of the wall entrance he’d carved, shivering despite wearing a few layers. As he stepped into the bedroom, the cold was suddenly gone, as Virgil tended to keep the apartment near-sweltering in the winter. Logan considered leaving one of his jackets in the walls, lest he become too warm.
Despite being on good terms with the human, he still warily glanced around the room, his breath catching in his chest as he realized that Virgil was sitting at the desk. Even from the floor, Logan could tell that he was clearly working on something.
The borrower let out a soft sigh, but grabbed his grappling hook, fashioned from some discarded string and a fishhook. He aimed, his eyes narrowing, and carefully threw it-
Logan grinned victoriously as the hook caught on the wood, and Virgil immediately turned his head to look down at him, blinking as if he'd been startled. "Oh, jeez- you really gotta give a guy some warning, pipsqueak."
"I apologize for scaring you-"
"I wasn't scared-“
"-but I actually wanted to discuss something with you," Logan finished, pretending that the punk hadn't said anything. He felt some satisfaction from scaring a being that was the height of a building, in comparison to him. "May I come up?"
"I was actually about to offer you a ride," Virgil said, rolling his eyes. He finally turned back to his work, shaking his head, and said nonchalantly, "Sure, though, come on up. I was just working on some new designs for a client."
Logan nodded, immediately starting to scale up the side of the desk. Despite Virgil's rough exterior, he had subtle ways to show that he cared- he kept a hand close to Logan's hook, just in case it were to slip, he almost always stayed still as Logan climbed, and he tended to look away from the borrower when they weren't talking, either for Logan's own comfort or just because he was awkward.
Finally, the borrower clambered up onto the messy desk and immediately started looking around, his eyes widening infinitesimally. Virgil's drawings, mostly of animals and scenes from nature, were some of his favorite things to look at, and they were the reason he'd come out of the walls today.
"So, what'd you want to talk about?" Virgil's deep voice abruptly pulled him from his stupor, though it was significantly quieter than usual, for the borrower's sake.
"Um... this might sound kind of odd, but I was wondering if you have any drawings that you don't want," Logan admitted slowly, his cheeks flushing a soft shade of pink. He avoided Virgil's eyes, focusing more on the paper below his feet. Was it a weird request? 
"Oh, yeah, there's a few- you can have 'em, if you want," Virgil said, sounding confused. Logan looked back up, his lips open slightly in surprise, but he quickly schooled the expression. "What do you want them for, though?"
"I, um..." Logan stumbled over his words, searching for an explanation. The real reason was stupid- what borrower cared about decoration? "I'm insulating my home, but the material that I'm using isn't terribly nice to look at. I wanted to put something nicer up over it... My apologies, it- it was a foolish request-"
"Dude, I already said you can have it," Virgil teased, rolling his eyes. A smirk tugged at the side of his mouth, and he gave the borrower an amused look. "It's not a crime to want your place to look nice, and I don't mind if you take some of my sketches. Most of them were going to be trashed, anyways, so at least they'll be going to good use."
The tension in Logan's shoulders lessened slightly, and he shot Virgil a grateful smile. "I- right, thank you, Virgil... Are there any specific ones that you don't want, or..?"
The tattoo artist snorted and leaned back in his chair, reaching down to a drawer. He slid it open, finally grabbing an entire stack of abandoned sketches. "Yeah, take your pick of these. Some of them are in pencil, so they're messier than others, and there might be some watercolor in there, I think. It's all non-toxic, so you don't worry about, like, fumes and stuff."
"I hadn't really thought of that, but that's a good point. Thank you, Virgil!" Logan said excitedly, adjusting his glasses. He stepped back as Virgil put the stack of paper down in front of him, eagerly looking over the sketches.
The borrower's eyes widened as he looked across the topmost page, and he clambered up onto the stack of paper, walking across it with a satisfied smile. He really enjoyed looking over Virgil’s sketches, and thankfully, the human wasn’t shy about sharing them.
As Logan looked through the art for his new wallpaper, Virgil sketched absentmindedly, grabbing a new sheet of paper. Before he realized what he was doing, a face started to form on the blank page, and as he erased a minor imperfection, a thought occurred to him- he'd just drawn Logan.
The artist's cheeks flushed darkly, and he immediately turned the page over, focusing on drawing something else. 
They sat in silence for a while, each occupied with their separate tasks, until finally, Logan had gotten everything that he wanted for wallpaper- a large, detailed sketch of a tree, along with a few stylized fish and even a watercolor landscape. 
The borrower smiled as he looked over the pages, satisfied with his decision to go to Virgil for assistance, and glanced up to the human. “This should be everything that I’ll be needing, thank you, Virgil. These really are wonderful, you’re very talented.”
Virgil snorted, shaking his head as he set aside his pencil. He stretched, feeling his back pop, and sent Logan a smirk. “Thanks, pocket watch, means a lot. So, you got any plans for the holidays? Any business to attend to?”
Logan went pink at that, reminded of how they’d met, but finally shook his head. “I’m not really a ‘holiday’ type of person, actually. For now, I need to finish insulating the insides of the walls, but that shouldn’t take long-”
“Aw, come on, how can you not be a holiday person?” Virgil asked, wrinkling his nose. Then, it clicked, and he frowned. “Oh… are tiny people just agnostic or something…? Sorry, shouldn’t assume stuff like that.”
Logan considered that for a moment, but finally just settled on shrugging. “Um, I suppose you could say that. We don’t really celebrate holidays, though we’re certainly aware of them. Humans tend to get messier around this season, so there’s plenty of opportunities for borro- er, acquiring, new things.”
If Virgil noticed his slip-up, he didn’t say anything about it, and Logan was grateful for that. “Oh… uh, well, I usually celebrate Christmas and New Years, at least, but not so much anymore. Can’t really celebrate properly, since I live alone and stuff. Er, lived alone.”
“Right, right…” Logan said, nodding. A thought occurred to him, though, and he asked curiously, “What about your family? I thought that human families get together to celebrate…”
Virgil visibly winced at that, but the look quickly vanished as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “We don’t really talk anymore… I was kind of kicked out of the family, it was a whole thing. Don’t worry about it.”
The borrower’s eyes widened, and he inwardly berated himself for asking such a personal question. “Um, pardon me, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories… I’m sorry. I don’t really see my family very much either, but that’s mostly just due to distance.”
“Yeah, can’t imagine that’s very easy to deal with,” Virgil said, huffing out a quiet snort. “I mean, the airfare alone must be a real hassle.”
“Indeed, it is a serious problem,” Logan said gravely, his small smile betraying the serious face. He only vaguely knew what airfare was, but he knew what an airplane was, so he extrapolated. “You know, most airlines won’t even consider providing accommodations for mouse-sized people- it’s absurd!”
Virgil let out a quiet laugh, the tension from earlier bleeding away into a quiet, easy conversation. He checked the time on his watch, finally humming to himself and saying, “Shit, we’ve been sitting here for a while… Want to stick around for dinner? I promise it’ll be better than airline food.”
“That sounds very nice, though I’m holding you to that promise,” Logan said, chuckling softly. He felt something warm in his stomach, but tried to ignore the strange feeling. He was probably just hungry- which probably also explained why he practically jumped at the chance to have dinner with Virgil. “Um, I can meet you in the kitchen.”
“You sure? I can give you a ride. If you want, I mean,” Virgil said, shrugging. Logan noted that the human was trying strangely hard to look nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
Logan frowned, glancing over to where his hook lay, still embedded in the wood of the desk. He hesitated. “I suppose it would be faster… You- you won’t grab, right? Or anything like that…?”
“Nope, nothing like that,” Virgil said immediately, shaking his head. He hesitated, too, but finally extended his hand, resting it flat on the desk with the palm facing up. “Just a quick lift to the kitchen, don’t worry.”
Logan looked down cautiously at the hand before him, but remembered how well he’d been treated when he was sick. He hadn’t been squeezed or hurt- though he recalled being scared at times- and, overall, Virgil’s hands weren’t something that he needed to fear.
So, with that in mind, he scooped up his hook, hastily coiling up the string, and stepped into the middle of Virgil’s palm. His knuckles turned white as he tightly gripped the hook.
Far above him, Virgil spoke, his low voice breaking the silence. “Might wanna sit or something, just to be safe. For balance, I mean.”
Logan winced at that, immediately dropping down into a crouch as Virgil’s hand started moving. “Ri- right… thank you, Virgil.”
The human hummed, his other hand coming up to cup around the edges of his palm, as if it was a railing of some sort. With that, he started walking to the kitchen, keeping his pace steady for the borrower in his palm.
Logan’s eyes widened as Virgil held him closer, and he considered that, if he scooted back, he’d be able to lean his back against Virgil’s chest. It was a strange thing to consider, but the borrower was tempted to try it, if only to see what it would feel like. Virgil’s hands were already warm, and he imagined that the man’s chest would be, too.
As he mused to himself, Virgil finally reached the kitchen, and the hand was lowered to the kitchen counter. Above him, the human’s voice rumbled, “Thank you for choosing AirVirgil- please collect your luggage, tiny grappling hooks, and other personal belongings.”
Logan snorted and rose to his feet, carefully walking off of the man’s palm. He held his bag closer to himself as he touched down on the countertop, and looked up at Virgil with a humorous smile. “Thank you for the ride, Captain- the accommodations were wonderful.”
“Be sure to leave a good review.” Virgil smirked as he retracted his hand, walking over to the fridge. He opened it and looked through the contents for a few moments, grimacing as he said, “Uh… I’ll be honest, I need to get groceries. I mean, I’ve been surviving off of pizza rolls and coffee for, like, almost a week.”
“What are pizza rolls?” Logan asked, looking confused. He tucked his hook into his bag as he walked along the countertop, moving closer to where Virgil was. 
“Oh, right… Uh, they’re made of the same stuff as pizza- tomato sauce, pepperoni, cheese, bread- but in… mini-calzone form, I guess?” Even Virgil didn’t seem satisfied with his own explanation, but he finally just shrugged and said, “It tastes good, and it probably won’t be too messy for you. I’ll just make those.”
Logan let out a quiet hum of confusion, but accepted it. He still didn’t know what it was, of course, but he was nothing if not patient. “I see… Well, in any case, thank you for inviting me to dinner- I’m only sorry that I cannot return the favor.”
“I mean, it’s not like you’re going to eat that much,” Virgil said, opening the freezer. He grabbed a bag and closed the door, looking over the directions on the back absentmindedly. “Besides, you’re pretty good for conversation, so I’d say that I’m getting a good deal, here.”
“A good deal, hm?” Logan mused to himself, glancing up to Logan. “Alright- how much would you say that you value our conversations at?”
Virgil made a face as he put the pizza rolls onto the plate, arranging them in a pattern, as always. “Like, in terms of money?”
“Yes, in terms of money,” Logan nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “How much?”
The human hummed, putting the plate into the microwave, and pressed a few buttons. As the microwave started, the quiet thrum of the device fading into background noise, he said, “I mean, I can’t really put a price on them…”
That gave Logan pause. “Why not?”
“I dunno, it would be like... “ Virgil seemed to be at a loss for words. “It kinda makes it seem like I’d be cool with selling that, you know? You don’t put a price on relationships.”
There was a beat of silence, and Logan felt that warm feeling again. He blushed. “On- on relationships..?” 
Virgil blinked, pulled out of his thoughts, and stiffened. He shook his head vehemently, looking taken aback as his eyes widened. “Uh, no, not like- sorry, I didn’t mean that, I just- like just relationships between friends!” 
“Yes, like- like friendships,” Logan supplied, his cheeks flushing darkly. He cleared his throat, adjusting his glasses, and nodded to himself. “I- yes, I’m glad that we are… on the same page, yes. Very much so.”
Virgil’s shoulders relaxed, his own face slightly red, and he nodded, too. “I, uh, yeah, I’m glad, too… So, uh, how’s that insulating going?”
Logan sighed in relief at the change in topic, and immediately said, “It’s going well, actually. The newspaper layers have enough space between them that they’re keeping the heat in nicely- I just need to finish all of the walls, and maybe add something to the floors. It will get warm in the summer, but it’s certainly preferable to freezing now.”
“Yeah… Plus, I mean, if you want to cool down, you can always come out here,” Virgil said, giving Logan a shrug. “Shit, that must really suck, being stuck in the walls when it gets hot.”
“Oh, it’s not so bad,”Logan said, shaking his head. “If it’s insulated well, and the entrances to the walls are even just slightly open, there’s plenty of air flow. Personally, I’d rather be warm, than be cold.”
“Really? Huh, you don’t strike me as that kind of guy,” Virgil said, raising a brow. Just as Logan was wondering what that even meant, the microwave beeped loudly. Logan flinched at the noise, his hands flying up to his ears, and Virgil gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry, just a sec...”
As Virgil opened the microwave, Logan slowly lowered his hands, his ears still painfully ringing. “It’s louder when you’re out here, that’s good to know.”
Virgil snorted quietly, grabbing a paper towel to use as a napkin. He brought the plate over to the kitchen table, almost moving to take a seat before he paused. “Oh, right- you want a ride?”
“That would be nice, I suppose,” Logan said, nodding. As Virgil lowered his hand to him, he took in a deep breath, eventually stepping on with less hesitation than before. “So… how is work going?”
“Oh, work’s fine, I guess,” Virgil said, shrugging. He carried Logan over to the table, carefully holding his hand flat. “I’m getting a raise for the new year, which is pretty cool, but aside from that… I dunno, work is pretty uneventful. It’s nothing like what you do.”
“I barely get by, I would hardly call that impressive,” Logan said, rolling his eyes. He stepped off of the man’s palm and stepped closer to the plate, the aroma of fresh food hitting him like a truck. “Wow…”
“Here, lemme just…” Virgil moved a single pizza roll onto a napkin, carefully tearing it open. Steam immediately burst out, and the human swore. “Ow, fuck- might want to wait, it’s pretty hot.”
Logan nodded, but he wasn’t entirely focused on Virgil. He stepped closer, sitting down right in front of the food, and just looked at it. His mouth watered and he leaned forward, saying absentmindedly, “So, when will we know that it’s safe to eat?”
“Uh, you can probably just feel it, but be careful not to burn yourself,” Virgil warned, biting the corner off of one of his pizza rolls. He blew into the roll, trying to cool it down, and timidly took a bite. “Kinda hot, still.”
The borrower frowned, instead opting to rifle through his borrowing bag. He withdrew a shaped pencil sharpener blade, fashioned into a knife, and moved closer. He carefully started cutting a piece of the crust off, dipping it into the red sauce before he took a bite-
“Oh my god.”
Virgil glanced down at Logan, only to stifle a laugh, a wide grin on his lips. The borrower looked shell-shocked, and the tattoo artist felt a slight tug at his heartstrings. “You don’t really get to try much food, huh?”
Logan didn’t respond, immediately stuffing the piece of crust into his mouth. He shot a smile up at Virgil, his cheeks puffed out slightly, and the human snorted.
“If you choke, I’m not doing the heimlich on you,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes as he ate his own food. It was a joke, but frankly, he didn’t want to actually have to do it and risk hurting Logan.
The borrower in question made a muffled response, finally swallowing the food in his mouth. With that, he grabbed his knife again and cut off more, his eyes wide. “I- this is… probably the strangest thing I have ever eaten.”
“Yeah, but you like it, right?” Virgil asked, and he couldn’t help but smirk. “And try to eat slower, man, it’s not going anywhere.”
“If I am to choke to death while eating this, then it would have been worth it,” Logan said bluntly, taking another, much smaller, bite of his food. “Not literally, of course, but you get it.”
“Yeah, I do…” Virgil said, trailing off. He was lost in thought as they ate, a comfortable silence filling the room. Then, he broke it. “Would- uh, would you want to do this more often? It’s just that, you know, eating alone kind of sucks, and… yeah.”
Logan blinked, putting his knife down, and genuinely thought about it. He wasn’t supposed to be doing this. He wasn’t supposed to be back in the company of a human, and the fact that he’d left the walls to voluntarily see Virgil again was… bad. He’d forgotten about the rules entirely, hadn’t he?
But, then again, he liked Virgil. He liked how careful he was, and how easy it was to talk to him. Frankly, the rules never allowed for a circumstance in which a human was nice, so…
“I… yes, I think that I’d like to, but just every once in a while,” Logan decided, a small frown on his face. He didn’t think he was doing the right thing, but what could be wrong about this? “We’re- er, I’m not supposed to really… be here.”
“Oh… uh, yeah, right,” Virgil said, looking strangely… disappointed? “I mean, yeah, it wouldn’t have to be a regular thing, but it’s whatever. I don’t really care.”
Logan tried to smile, but it fell quickly. He returned to his food, carefully cutting off another piece, and said quietly, “I’m- I’m just not supposed to- to be here. That’s one of the rules…”
“The rules?” Virgil asked, wrinkling his nose. “What are the rules?”
Logan almost swore, because he’d said another thing that he wasn’t supposed to. He hesitated, nervously looking down at the table. “I’m- I’m not supposed to tell you about those, either… I’m sorry, Virgil, it’s just…”
“Hey, it’s not a big deal, you’ve got stuff going on,” Virgil said, shaking his head. “I’m not mad, and yeah, I’m kind of confused about the whole ‘rules’ thing, but I’m not about to interrogate you over it.”
Though Virgil’s reassurance was nice to hear, it still made him feel slightly guilty. “Thank you, Virgil… Thank you for dinner, as well, it was wonderful.”
“If you think pizza rolls are good, wait ‘til you try actual food,” Virgil said, chuckling. “I’ll probably go get groceries and stuff tomorrow, so maybe we can have dinner again? I know you don’t want to do it that often, but pizza rolls don’t really count as a good meal, you know?”
“Oh, um…” Logan trailed off, considering it, and suddenly made a choice. “You know what? Those rules, they’re not really… applicable, anymore. I’d love to have dinner tomorrow, thank you. Is there anything I can do in return…?”
The smile that Virgil gave him nearly took Logan’s breath away. “Nah, it’s cool, just let me show you actual food- gives me a good reason to actually clean up and everything, too.”
Logan smiled, feeling the guilt start to vanish. If being around Virgil was wrong, if he was truly breaking the rules, then perhaps the rules were made to be broken. Just having that thought, a simple, rebellious thought, sent chills down the borrower’s spine.
The rest of the evening went by smoothly, with casual conversation and more jokes about airlines (some of which, ironically enough, went right over Logan’s head). 
When Logan finally returned to his little hole in the wall, the drawings rolled up under his arm, there was a smile on his face. That smile didn’t fade until he went to sleep that night.
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