hayridetoo · 54 minutes
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behold my regenerative pussy blast 432Hz
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hayridetoo · 1 hour
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i was going to make a post about how the girl is 100% dead then i thought of the alternative that hypno and drifloon are two spooky but loving parents that are just picking up their child from school and i like that a lot better
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hayridetoo · 1 hour
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hayridetoo · 1 hour
article 1-WR: a birthday party invitation to be given to Patient 0, 3 days before the beginning of the infection.
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You're invited to Miles' 15th birthday party!
November 21st @ 1:00 PM, at Mobius Central Park! I'll see you there!!
Miles Prower - Tails!
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written month 0 day -3 of the infection. recovered from Patient 0's hut.
Upon recovery and return of 1-WR, the young Dr. Prower simply waved off his compatriots and the article before shutting himself in his laboratory. Questioning Amy Rose about the encounter, she conceded that "Nobody can really blame him for not wanting anything to do with the articles." and that "He is a very strong person, and that he'll be fine." Will continue to monitor.
source: Freedom Fighter Encampment IV divider source! thank you strangergraphics
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hayridetoo · 8 hours
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hayridetoo · 23 hours
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i guess i should stop playing fort with you like i always do.
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hayridetoo · 24 hours
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day 58
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hayridetoo · 1 day
Character Refs - Wave 1
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Sprite edits of Tails, Amy, and Knuckles that I'm throwing together so I can actually draw them later when I actually start drawing them. For now, have these!
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hayridetoo · 1 day
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throwing a bone for winstonheads ft. funny references. i'm not beating the veteran su fan allegations
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hayridetoo · 2 days
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I still know nothing about them, but tango was mentioned, so tango was drawn.
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hayridetoo · 2 days
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awooooooooooooooooowo what's this?
thanks for 700?!?!??!!? whadda hell thats so many people
this is the successor to an experiment i did a while back, but more complete! with 28 parts to mix and match (wow)
here's the caveats, upfront:
these require the cas unlocks: werewolf addon mod to work!! because all of these are skin details and could not otherwise be added
the eyes do not fully blink, only 'flutter' because theyre so stinkin' huge
the teeth dont... look great. sorry
there's some texture seams, primarily on the tails
we good? cool
werewolf only, as they were uvmapped with werewolves in mind! sorry
mesh was primarily created based on this free base by terraxy on gumroad! please consider showing them some support if you'd like to or want the model for like, vrchat
otherwise, i meshed the hairs and cheek fluffs 1 and 2, as well as did the uv mapping and rigging
disabled for random, all should have custom thumbnails
includes bonus 'chibi' body preset (seen on right)
all parts are fully paintable, minus eyelashes! tinters for the eyebrows and lashes are included (eyeliner and facepaint)
feel free to do whatever but please dont paywall in any form!
imgoing to sleep goodnight
DL : SFS (no ads no monetization only giant huge eyes)
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hayridetoo · 2 days
apologies if it's been asked/or you've already released it and i've missed it, but do you still have plans to release the quad sim preset? i would like to use it to create a conversion costume of a quad character for personal use if you still have it.
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i thought id lost it but turns out i just named it 'really bad preset' .. don't blame me for any nightmares you have for using it on sims without costumes LOL
obligatory: this preset is experimental, animations wont work perfectly, otherwise do whatever with it
this is what the personal models rigged for this preset look like btw - i just posed their existing skeleton to fit
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hayridetoo · 2 days
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thank you for following me on this journey, it's finally done \o/ inspired by the furry mod and a... certain eroge, this head has a bunch of options for making your entire town excessively sugoi. or whatever.
3 head archetypes, each with an additional earless and 'less motion' variant - as well as a combo of the two! less motion entails less mouth movement, for those who aren't into the sim's exaggerated expressions.
SIX face overlays! two from heihu's overlay set, 3 from .serawis (thank you !!)
FOUR pupil types, FOUR upper eyelines, SEVEN eyelashes, THREE lower eyelines, LIKE FIVE I THINK eyebrows, FOUR lipsticks
a 'skin fix' under facepaint, for base skins with differently colored lips and nose that show up through the overlay
so many swatches im dying over here
the entire head setup takes up almost every skin detail slot. plan accordingly!
some hairs, particularly ones with bangs close to the forehead and ones with scalp textures, will not work
lipsticks will not work unless made for the head
some eyebrows will look odd / distorted
glasses and earrings may sit uncomfortably high on the face/ears
the majority of these are due to the different shape of the head, and i can't really do much about them without losing the 'style' orz
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merged || zip with all the individual packages
iowaisms and digidollhouse, as well as pokesims server for testing!
12daystoapocalypse-blog for bouncing a lot of useful ideas!
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hayridetoo · 2 days
i've REVOLUTIONIZED TUMBLR ART POSTING! sorta. even though i been here a day. and someone's probably already figured this outAnyway
i avoided posting art to tumblr for a while because everything posted as a jpeg and i HATE POSTING JPEG'D ART! at least twitter lets me have pngs if i disable antialiasing. so i gave up until i saw a post with some transparent cut outs. and then with some testing i realized if i add one single transparent pixel to any of my art it'll upload as a png
normal (jpeg) vs pixel trick (png)
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i've also gotten it to work with large images (this ref i resized to 2000x2000, flat colors and blurred lines) and noisy images (this 1200x800 piece), although it doesn't seem to like images that are both. the largest size square of straight up noise i could get to png (that i tested, anyway) was 800x800. maybe it's a file size thing? the noise art is 2.6 mb and the noise square is 2.2 mb
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but assuming you aren't uploading squares of noise or images too massive it should work. it may take some trial and error for things on the border of getting jpeg'd but big day for pixel / low res / aliased brush artists (me)
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hayridetoo · 2 days
“Part of my torture was being able to see how people were being tortured,” he said. “At first you couldn’t see. You couldn’t see the torture, the vengeance, the oppression.
“When they removed my blindfold, I could see the extent of the humiliation and abasement … I could see the extent to which they saw us not as human beings but as animals.”
"A 19-year-old detainee told an Al Mezan lawyer that he was tortured from the moment he was arrested," the group said. "He described how three of his fingernails were removed with pliers during interrogation. He also stated that investigators unleashed a dog on him and subjected him to shabeh—a form of torture which involves detainees being handcuffed and bound in stress positions for long periods—three times over three days of interrogation. He was then placed in a cell for 70 days, where he experienced starvation and extreme fatigue."
I hope the zionist regime burns down I hope everyone who defends the iof suffers in this life and the next. I hope you lib zionist apologists hear children screams in your dreams until you die.
I wish for a free palestine in my lifetime and I hope the survivors of Gaza and the camps live to see it. I wish our martyrs are in a paradise that is reminiscent of a palestine without border walls checkpoints and soldiers. I wish peace to their loved ones who survive without them. I wish justice be brought and leave no one complicit unscathed.
Free Palestine From the River to the Sea
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hayridetoo · 2 days
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your mom suck me good and hard through my jorts
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hayridetoo · 2 days
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its 2am i am so tired and i am literally not retyping this so im just gonna paste what i wrote on patreon and run
You know, like nya?
I was told this was a bad idea. Unfortunately my catgirl agenda has other plans.
This is a mod that adds animated tail bones to sims! Though these won't actually be visible unless you add a tail rigged for the mod to the sim - I've included a set, based on meshes by Terraxy on gumroad!
The tail has a constant motion, based off the sim's current emotion. The way this was done is incredibly hacky and probably not very good looking to anyone who's actually competent at tuning, and is inherently prone to conflicts. Ultimately, this is a personal experimental mod that I'm releasing or else people would riot. Use at your own risk!!
Not all modded interactions will work. In the case where a modded interaction doesn't, the tail will t-pose.
The tail animation is the same for all actions per emotion, so it will still clip.
This is probably going to conflict with mod(s) that: Override the sim rig, override ANY animation state machines, override the default emotional overlays of sims, or override trackmasks for the face
HOWEVER: There is an included version that is compatible with the most popular mod that modifies the sim rig, as well as it's... animation system. It's the one labeled with _WW at the end, you'll know what those letters mean if you know.
Therefore: If you install this and your game starts being weird, take it out and see if that fixes it before complaining to other modders and giving them trouble.
Download ONLY ONE version of the mod, depending on if you need the WW compatibility or not. Place it directly in your mods folder, no subfolders!
Download the .zip for the tails - they're all under lower back tattoos ingame. Unzip and put the contents wherever you want.
If you'd like to create your own rigged tails: Download the .blend file for a dummy! It's for 2.79 because I'm an old man, sorry.
Finally, this thing gave me a lot of issues during testing, and while I'm... mostly confident I managed to fix things, I may have missed things.
Again - this is an experimental mod, please use at your own risk!
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