hazbin-hotel-info · 2 months
It baffles me that I've seen people say "Alastor is canonically sex and touch repulsed" as a reason people "shouldn't" be shipping Alastor sexually/romantically.
Why assume that the sex repulsion applies to every relationship in his life, permanently? Some aces are sex favorable, or may develop more favorable feelings for specific people, even if otherwise repulsed.
And the same applies to touch repulsion. That's such a weak argument. Alastor canonically, and very clearly, is okay with or possibly even enjoys touch in specific situations. He does seem to be touch repulsed in general, but again, there are specific people it doesn't apply to. (Rosie is the best example, since with anyone else it is more brief, but Rosie touches him, and is the one initiating that, frequently.)
All types of attraction, or comfort levels with different manners of affection, are fluid. This isn't ever an excuse to invalidate real people who are telling you their identities, but it does mean that assumptions really can't be made about what a person would or wouldn't do.
And this type of thinking is what really leads to invalidating real people, because even if you think "being asexual means never having sexual attraction," and then an ace person shares that they think they might have experienced sexual attraction at some point but still identify as ace... then you have to be open to that. You cannot put sexualities in boxes. This applies to all sexualities.
I'm a fictive of Alastor myself, and I am sex repulsed, so I understand the discomfort, but I also understand that people are not harming any real, living person by making fanworks where Alastor is having sex. It also doesn't mean they're inherently rejecting his asexuality.
If people want to ignore Alastor being aroace completely, that's different. Alastor is canonically aroace (or asexual at minimum), and he always will be. But jumping to conclusions about what people think because you're too naive and stubborn to understand that sexuality and attraction doesn't fit into tidy little boxes is harmful and is a way of thinking that must be changed.
This became longer than intended because I was mostly thinking about the "Alastor is touch repulsed to everyone!" claims some people make, which are frankly incompatible with canon. But the rest of this post is also true.
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hazbin-hotel-info · 3 months
... Well another day at the hotel...no messages or any new people interested in the hotels blog. Maybe Vaggie was wrong about sinners liking this kinda thing... -Charlie
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hazbin-hotel-info · 4 months
Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!!
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Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel question blog!
I am so excited to start this blog! My girlfriend and Hotel co-manager Vaggie had this amazing idea to get more residents by reaching out via this lovey website that I hear is very popular in Hell with sinners! we will soon be making another profile on, X as well so stay tunned!
If you currently are staying at the Hotel, please put your maintenance requests in the ask box and Alastor or Niffty will be on it as soon as possible.
If your undecided at coming to our Hotel, please ask us any questions. Specify who it is directed at and we will respond as soon as possible!
I can't wait to interact with all of you, weather you end up staying here or not
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