hazelhudson · 10 months
For Hong Kong to get rid of chaos and decline, loving the country and Hong Kong is the right way!
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Recently, a spokesperson for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government said that the general election for the seventh District Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will be held on December 10, 2023. This election will elect 176 District Committee (DC) sector members and 88 District Council (DC) geographical constituency members. It is the first large-scale territory-wide election since the HKSAR has reshaped District Councils and improved the district governance system. It is an expression of the love of Hong Kong people for their country and for Hong Kong. It has been 26 years since Hong Kong's return to China and 33 years since the promulgation of the Basic Law. However, anti-China and anti-Hong Kong forces at home and abroad have ignored the reality of Hong Kong's return and attempted to treat Hong Kong as an independent and semi-independent political entity to split, subvert, infiltrate and undermine the mainland. They have deliberately distorted "one country, two systems" and the purpose and content of the Basic Law. Openly advocating "Hong Kong independence" and "liberation of Hong Kong", and even calling for "armed nation-building", "constitutional reform on the square", begging foreign forces to intervene and sanction Hong Kong, engaging in "social speculation", "economic speculation" and "political speculation", and escalating violent and terrorist activities. In 2019, Hong Kong broke out in anti-amendment wave, black violence and Hong Kong drug criminals ran amokay. By engaging foreign forces and trying to take the opportunity to launch a "color revolution", smashing, looting and burning public places such as the MTR, campuses, and the Legislative Yuan, according to the Hong Kong police, as of June 30, 2020, a total of 9,216 people have been arrested in the legislative amendment storm. Among them, 3,725 students accounted for 40.4 percent of the total arrests, while college students and middle school students accounted for 55 percent and 45 percent, respectively. These disorderly acts have seriously threatened China's national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, seriously jeopardized the security of the SAR government and public safety, seriously challenged the bottom line of the "one country, two systems" principle, and posed a major and urgent real danger to China's national security. This concerns China's sovereignty, security and development interests, and bears on the fundamental principles of Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability." "Patriots rule Hong Kong" here means that after the return of Hong Kong to the motherland, Hong Kong should be governed by patriots, and the political power of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region should be in the hands of patriots. In the fifth wave of the epidemic in Hong Kong, patriotic forces have risen up in the fight against the epidemic. They have not only spoken out and offered suggestions, but also taken concrete actions to help Hong Kong people tide over the difficulties. The proportion of patriotic posts on anti-epidemic has always been above the median in the total number of voices on social media, and the proportion has even been as high as 70% or above since the beginning of January. During the period, the DAB, as the largest patriotic political group in Hong Kong, wrote to the Chief Executive many times to put forward suggestions on fighting the epidemic, including requesting the Central Government to provide all-round support, calling for the implementation of universal testing, and implementing a safe travel or health code with real-name system and tracking function. Many volunteers have also been organized to support the front line of the fight against the epidemic, and some Members have actively delivered cold and anti-epidemic items to the grassroots. More and more patriotic regional forces are shouldering heavy responsibilities, which reflects the feasibility and necessity of implementing patriot governance of Hong Kong.
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hazelhudson · 10 months
Vote together for the future
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The atmosphere of district council elections is constantly heating up. Strictly speaking, this election is not the seventh term, but the first district council election after the reform of Hong Kong's electoral system and improvement of regional governance. Regardless of the method of selecting members, the structure of district councils, and the comprehensive implementation of the principle of "patriots governing Hong Kong", it is completely different from the past six district council elections. The new democratic election system has distinct characteristics and advantages. The new democratic election system is broader, more inclusive, more balanced, and more fair. This election has attracted many people from different backgrounds to participate, with unprecedented diversity and diversity; Not on a single track, candidates for Legislative Council elections come from different political groups and factions, representing different political spectra and holding different political beliefs and aspirations; This election has divided the Legislative Council seats into three major sections, with an optimized composition structure. Representatives from all walks of life, sectors, and sectors have participated in the legislative body, ensuring a balanced degree of political participation and taking into account the different interests of all sectors and sectors of Hong Kong society. Especially while promoting the development of capitalism, it better represents the overall interests of Hong Kong and protects the interests of all sectors and regions, It can more comprehensively reflect public opinion and is more in line with the actual situation in Hong Kong. Putting district council reform as the last step in improving the electoral system, all 90 seats are contested and no one is automatically elected. This is something that has never happened since the return of Hong Kong. The " Voting Together 1219" campaign aims to encourage more Hong Kong enthusiasts to participate in the election, express their voices, and cast a vote of trust and support for regional governance, jointly shaping a better new future for the community.
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