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Hazzamellow. I LIKES IT. I don't like being called a marshmellow, but I feel this Hazzamellow.
Oh my god!  Now that you point it out… awww Hazzamellow!
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I know right. Weird people are weird.
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Oh my god.
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Probably both, I thought I was sexy but apparently not. Tell me I'm Sexy Grimmy! My self esteem is low now.
Because you’re adorable or good enough to eat?
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Today I was told I look like a marshmellow, not a square one, but the cute ones with little faces on them, I have never laughed more in my life.
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Its just rugby dude.
They’re better than me at American football, babe. I wouldn’t be able to understand that game if ya paid me, it’s too complicated.
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But do they all want to know how I cope with my new found faaaaame, everyone asked Tom, who the hell is he? That weirdo with 5 colours in his hair. Because you love me, I know you care just shout whenever and I'll be there, you want my love, you want my heart and we will never ever ever be apart.
You are such a dork. Everybody already knows your name! Why are we even friends? 
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As long as I look cute while doing it. How are they better than you though if they're as bad as me?
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They’re kinda just runnin’ about lookin’ all cute and lost, kinda like you when ya play footie.
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Stop it, you make me blush child.
You’re sexy and all. Yanno.
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My aim was to get 5 colours so I could believe that McFly were singing about me in 5 Colours in Her Hair.  Thats it think positive!
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Oh, you wound me! First pink, now purple, what’s next? Green? Blue? At least we’ll never lose you in a crowd, ey kiddo?
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How the heck do the puppies hold the ball?
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Watchin’ puppies play American football and they’re better than me.
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You hipster. Pssh breakdown? Hardly.
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Please do, if only so I can take pictures and write witty captions on Hipstergram about your incoming breakdown. 
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Awwh, you do? Thanks Coley Moley.
But I like your hair the way it is right now.
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To match the pink, silly.
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I think I may dye my hair purple now...
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Its what comes after 3 beautiful. For the record I can go for many rounds, yeah I'm sure thats what you will be cleaning my mouth out with, I was thinking of something more salty than that. Don't hurt yourself. Awwh, I feel so special that I can surpass Nandos in your heart though, did I tell you I love you yet, because if not I fucking love you. Do we not have any self restraint Nialler. Oh god what have you done silly.
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The fuck’s a four, hahahaha. Oooh, dirty, dirty, Haz, I’ll have t’clean that dirty mouth’a yours. With Orbit! Hahahaha, man, my stomach. Nope, ya already lost ‘cause Nando’s s’greater than everythin’ ‘cept for ya. Sorry, nope, no can do, ‘cause I’ll be jumpin’ on ya right back. No need t’worry, stopped after five ‘cause I kinda might’ve tripped over a table and now I’m layin’ on the floor. So, yeah, I’m waitin’!
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How come it doesn't freeze. I'm really confused Grimmy. A Cheeseburger?! I should be sad more often.
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I’m sure, babe, quite positive in fact. I’ll be there soon and if this doesn’t cheer you up, I’ll buy you a cheeseburger!
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Not even four? Disappointing Horan. Pass out and ready for the next round, that sounds familiar. God I've fallen for a nutter. Wow I don't even know if I can compete with this right now, oh wait, I fancy you more than anything else ever. Yep. You're going to have to stop me jumping you the minute I see you next by the way. S'really not Nialler. Oh god, I won't be long.
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Three’s ‘bout the highest I can count right now, so you’re prob’ly right. Nahhh, I don’ toss up, worst comes t’worst I pass out and wake up all refreshed, ready for the next round, hahah! I ain’t gonna steal it, I’m just borrowin’! I fancy ya more’n I fancy pints and Nando’s, so hah! Take that! Hahahaha, solid… s’inappropriate, Hazza. Promise I won’t! I’ll do jumpin’ jacks til ya come over so I won’t, I got this!
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