hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Your the cutest most amazing human being on this planet. Your the best boyfriend in the universe I LYSFM babe. When you grabbed my hand gently and held it my heart fucking froze. I couldn't help but look into your eyes. I soooooo badly wanna fuckin eat you x, that's a good thing. You gave me never ending hugs on Friday lunch and when you walked off and than came back 5 seconds later and hug my from behind while I was talking to kyle I just wanted to turn around and make out with you but that's a bit fantasy and yea I really want that. I still can't get over your fucking eyes, I starred at you directly in the eyes on Friday and I think I died I'm not even joking I started crying. I'll eat you one day x. Ilysm babe ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
29/5/2017, 3 months!!!!!!!! IlysmšŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
I donā€™t even know why I bother anymore. I donā€™t care about school and Iā€™m addicted to you. I donā€™t care what people think of me anymore and Iā€™m really over protective of you. Iā€™m different and thatā€™s fine. Not everyone has to be into latest fashion or the new songs. Most people hate the music that Iā€™m into and hate what I wear but I donā€™t care. Iā€™m into vintage clothing and I havenā€™t met another person that likes what I do, which is sad, Iā€™m sad.
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Its not like I donā€™t care or anything. I just see the world different from you. I donā€™t like the stuff you like and the music you listen to. I am different and thatā€™s not a bad thing. You see the world how you see it and I see the world how I see. I donā€™t like being forced into stuff and to be honest I donā€™t like hanging around a lot of people. I go to the nature park near my house. I like it there where I can be alone and thatā€™s fine. Donā€™t judge me you assholes.šŸ’œ
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Thatā€™s fine you donā€™t have to text me back, its not like you hurt my feelings or anything šŸ˜”
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Your my drug, my poison. I canā€™t get enough of you ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Iā€™ve never told you how I feel. Our relationship is strong, I know it will last ages. I just feel different when Iā€™m around you. Other people judge me for being different but I can be different with you and you donā€™t judge, you think its cool or something. I always worry about what I look like, but you say Iā€™m hot, I try my best to look good for you, you know I would do anything for you. I wish I could see you outside of school. Weā€™ve seen each other once in frankston and that wasnā€™t even that good, I just want you to come to my house and be alone with you. I love being alone with you, even if we donā€™t talk. I Love being quiet around you, I just like being with you, no matter what we do. I havenā€™t called you in a couple weeks, it feels like years tho. We have gotten really good at talking tho, I love everything about you. Your just the most amazing person on the planet, I would do anything to make you laugh or smile or just be you. I love you ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Yesterday I fucked up. I was hanging out with you and only you and I barley said anything. I feel really bad now. Iā€™ll talk to you today. Well Iā€™ll try to. I get nervous around you sooo easily. I love you so much babe ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Today was amazing, we talked for ages, well it felt like ages. I was in your arms for the whole day. It was so fucking amazingā¤ I love everything about you. I tried to kiss you after school but I just hugged you instead. I want it to be just you and me one day. I always dream about you and me in a forest at dawn, okay this, umm Iā€™ll stop that. But Iā€™m serious, I canā€™t fucking get you off my mind. I wish those dreams were real. I want to do more with you. I will always be scared of loosing you, but I donā€™t think I will. Please stop talking to that other girl in your class tho. Iā€™m just over protective. When you walked past me today, when I was in the class room, I just looked in your eyes and it felt like one of those things off a movie when your like in slow motion and just look into their amazing fucking eyes, ahhhhhhhā¤ I donā€™t know how you have your arm around me so much, it must eventually start hurting or maybe Iā€™m just the perfect height, Idk. I canā€™t stop, you, me, us. Wow. Iā€™m in love, with you ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Actually Iā€™m having second thoughts on that, I do like it when you call me baby. Iā€™m confused byeeeeee I Luv ya ā™„ā™„
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Well um, I put on my story on instgram saying I needddddddddd you but I didnā€™t say who and my friend thought I meant her but I meant you and I said to her ā€œI meant him but I do need you tooā€ and she posted that conversation on Instagram and she tagged him and he text me saying ā€œawwwwww I love you too baby šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜ā€ and that made me really, really happy. You called me baby, I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a good thing or bad. Most other girls would probably like being called baby. I did like him calling me baby, like I thought it was really cute but to be honest it made be feel kinda weak. Like Iā€™m just confusing myself, I want him to call me baby but I donā€™t at the same time, I prefer babe. Sorry. I love youuuuuu ā™„
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
I broke my fucking foot
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Your sooo fucking amazing ā¤
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hazycolmany-blog Ā· 7 years
Today was amazing. I did hug you a lot today because Iā€™m not scared to anymore. At lunch time I hugged you for like fucking 20 years, I loved it. After school I was a bit quiet which isnā€™t usually like me but you came and that made me really happy. I love you so much. After school was amazing too. We were talking with everyone like we always do and than the second bell went and you had to leave and than we hugged again but this this Iā€™m not even joking, we hugged for like 40 flipping years and than I let go and you kissed me on the head. I fucking froze. I canā€™t stop thinking about you. Tomorrow Iā€™m gonna kiss you, I promise. I more than love you. ā¤ā¤ā¤ā¤
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