hbriah-blog · 7 years
Legal and ethical issues
a charuty https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sri-lanka-moneylaundering-arrests/sri-lanka-arrests-two-over-hacking-of-taiwan-bank-accounts-idUSKBN1CE2FK
There is a lot of hacking starting to happen now a days for example the one in Sri Lanka which two people hacked Taiwanese bank and transferred 1.2 million into  Bank of Ceylon and then one of the people took money out of the ATM from that account. They now have arrested a suspect which may have been involved in this act. This has nearly happened previously as well but they just stopped in time so no money was taken or transferred. My opinion on this is it is illegal and the suspect which caused this may be used for the future because banks can use them as protection because then they can make there security tighter if the people can get into it again. The people which done this will get time in prison first then companies might hire them for protection. The negatives which this has on IT society is that the protection of security is not great on a major thing like banks because it shows people still are able to take money. Even though the technology is getting more advanced it still is helping hackers to be able to hack into things like this. Another negative is this is happening too often now which may encourage more people to do things like this which is not good.
Albert Namatjira was painting pictures in Australia and he then had copy right of it so no one can use them without his permission but when he passed away the copyright of his pictures went to his family. Then a state in Australia sold his copyright to another company in Australia which did not have the rights to do so because the family has the rights of copyright. Then once the family found out they took the case to court and got the final outcome which was the family get the copyright. My opinion on this they should've never sold the copyright because it was not theirs which is not right. The state should get fined some because it is their fault this happened. The negative's which this has companies are trying to claim things which are not there's which could mean in the future more things like this might happen. Even though technology is advancing so much nowadays people who actually owe the pictures are getting ruined because companies claim them as there pictures. This could happen to anybody at any point in their life which you would not want the hassle of it. 
Data protection 
The data protection act is changing and a charity is struggling to deal with the new act and they want the government to step in to help them out with financial issues and other issues which they are struggling with. The government are not helping out at the moment but they might do if the can. The charities are finding it hard to organise the new data protection act and the charity has written to the government in asking for their. My opinion on this is that the government should help out because they are the ones who helped change the act and if people are struggling they should not have a choice and just help. The negatives this has on IT society is they may not get as much money as they do at the moment because the government will need to give money for them to develop the data protection. The charity may need IT Technician often for their help with the new data protection act which means the government will pay them but they may not pay as much as the charity would.  
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hbriah-blog · 7 years
IT and employment
Now a days IT has advanced massively because the new technology they have has a big impact on how advanced it is. For example people in the olden days did not have technology like we do now. Like they used type writers which was hard to compared to now because if you used a type writer and you wrote something wrong you would have to start from scratch and do it again. But on a computer you can backspace it and carry on. Also with a type writer you cannot save it so if you started something which was long you would have to finish. On technology now you can save it and comeback to it another day which is a lot easier. If you needed to send multiple letters to people you would need to type it out several times on a typewriter but on a computer you can just type it once and just copy and paste the rest on the other documents. Also now a days there is emails which means they can send it to them on that which is a lot easier and quicker for them to receive it. The negatives of employment side is that back in the day they needed a lot of people to type up the same things because it will take a long time for one person to do this. Also more people will be out of a job in the future because technology will take over the humans jobs which means there will be more people out of a job. But now a days only one person needs to type up the thing once because they can copy and paste it which means they can have as many copies as they want. This means the people which used a typewriter would be out of a job now because one person can do the job that several was doing. This means there would be a lot more unemployment . 
  Self checkout
Back in the day when people use to go shopping they you to go to the shop counter and tell the grocer what they needed and they would go get everything for them. But now a days most people have to get stuff themselves and then they go to the self checkout which is a computer which scans the barcode and then the product is sold. When people use to tell the grocer it would keep them busy and it helps the customer communicate with the grocer. With the self checkout computer you do not communicate with anyone you just scan your items and pay. The negative of this is that people find it hard to use and they want to communicate with a cashier but all the time they cannot. Also with checkouts it is a lot quicker because all you need to do is scan items and pay but with a grocer you need to wait for them to get all the items and others may get frustrated because they are taking a long time. Grocers would be unemployed now because most people just use self checkouts because it is quicker and some people find it easy to use. With self checkouts there is less people working there is one person for six checkouts which means people in the olden days would not really be in a job now because everybody gets there own items now. Also with self checkout once it is scanned it lets the computer system know that another one is sold so on the stock system it shows one less and if you need more of that item you can just check on the system.    
They are talking about bringing in surgery robots which means they would be doing surgery on your body instead of humans doing it. With robots doing surgery is they would never stop and need a break they would consistently work and they would not get tired like humans would. With humans doing surgery you are more likely to trust them because they are trained to do the surgery but with robots something could go at fault in a second which means the surgery could go at fault. A robot would be a lot quicker to do the job which means they could do something wrong. Negatives the people who do surgery would need to teach the robots how they do surgery which means they are basically just giving their job away to them because in a couple of years they would just use robots instead of humans. The population is increasing massively which means there will be a lot more unemployment especially if robots take over. The humans which do surgery will be out of a job because they will all be replaced by robots computers. With humans doing surgery they will take there time and do try to do there best job. Also humans might come in drunk and they might do it wrong which means it could mess up the surgery.  
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hbriah-blog · 7 years
IT Impact on Society
If a lot of these things do happen some of them would be good and some of them would be bad. Like if you heard what you touch that could be a positive because if you were partially blind or if you were dyslexic it would help you learn and remember the meanings of words you did not know. Another positive is that it can help you with learning for example you need to know what certain words mean it would help and teach you new words and meanings. The negatives are if it is implanted in your finger how would you switch it off because it would be hard if it is implanted. Also when you are typing on a keyboard it can get damaged because you are using the tip of your fingers. Another negative is that when you do other things it will also be on your finger and it can get damaged that way and it may not be comfortable.
Vomit flash light
With a vomit flash light it will help the police a lot because when they try and catch someone committing a crime they can shine the light on them which will stop them from doing anything and be able to catch them. Also another positive is that it will prevent less criminal activity because they know they are more likely to get caught with this because it makes them vomit which will stop them. The negative is that the distance it will be able to shine because if it does not shine  that far it will be hard for them to stop people and they will be able to get away. Also if the wrong people get the weapon in there hands it could be dangerous for everybody because they will just shine the light on anyone without any care. Also people would start to sell them in small shops which police wont be able to find and people will get them from there and use them on them.
Smart fridge
A smart fridge will be useful because it will help a massive amount. For example if you do not have a lot of food in your fridge the fridge lets you know you do not and it will ask you if you want to order some more on the fridge. The negative of this is the fridge only recognises food from Ocado which means it only scan food from there. Also Ocado may be very expensive to some people which means they may not be able to afford to buy it from there. Another positive is that if you fridge has a lot of bacteria in it lets you know this and it will clean the fridge for you and if food is going off it lets you know as well. Ocado are making more money out of it because the fridge only recognises food from there which means you will need to order from there. It also tells what kind of food you can make because the fridge scans and tells you what you can make with the food you have in it.       
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hbriah-blog · 7 years
IT Impact on the individuals positives and negatives
Spend time
IT has changed a lot with in time in the olden days they use to go out more and not stay at home as much because they did not have a lot of things to do at home. When speaking to people they sent postcards to each other but now a days it is the opposite most people message on social media and write emails to each other. Now a days people stay inside and communicate on social media and do not go out as much. The positives of speaking on social media is that you can speak to people in other country's also if you do not have time to meet someone you can just message them on social media. The negatives of this is people are not that confident on the outside world and they are in the same location all the time playing on there consoles. Another negative is they do not spend time with there families and they just play on there consoles.
In the past you could not contact anyone when you wanted to you either had to go and see them or send a letter. Now a days you can interact with anyone because on social media it lets you do it. You do not see a lot of people face to face because you speak to them on social media. We use social media because everybody else uses it which influences us to use it. The positive of this is you can now find anyone on social media because basically everyone is on it so you can contact them if you wanted to speak to them.The negatives are  people are less confident when they are speaking to people face to face because it is a lot different to speaking to people over headphones and they may not feel confident face to face. Also people will think they don't need to speak face to face as much because they have phones also because they can speak over video games.
A lot more people done exercise in the olden days because they did not have any consoles like they do not also none of these social media apps. But now a days they have everything which keeps people indoors because they can just speak to people over that. This makes people more obese because they just think i can speak to them over social media instead of actually going to meet them outdoors.  The positive of this is there is a lot new technology which helps us exercise like fit bits also a lot of apps on smartphones which tells you how many steps you have walked on that day which is helpful. Also the negatives are people take their food into their bedrooms and just sit there eating and all it does is build up in there stomach and expand their stomach because they do not do exercise. Also it is not good for your digestion system because you are not moving or anything it is just building up on it.   
In the olden days people used have to go to the library to find out information. For example if they had to find out things for school they would need to go there. But now a days they can just go onto the internet and type it into google and it will come up instantly for what they are looking for. The positives of this is it makes us smarter because we find out new information and we take it all in and remember the information. The negatives of this on the internet it does not always tell us the correct information which means we do not always know if it is the right answer for the question which you asked. Also we do not think as much because we just type it in and we just copy what it says and then a lot of people do not think of it again and this does not make our brain think.         
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