hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 4 days
Begs for someone to let me play Lia as a lil succubus
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 5 days
reverse starter call
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 6 days
"i don't know if your father is the a trusted source." he had always been pretty lenient with all of his children, hadn't he? but really, it wasn't like lia knew what had happened through the years they had been apart. she plucked a hair out of her head and joined it with his own inside the bear with a hum. "it's not like you're asking me for blood or something untoward."
"you're kidding me." lia couldn't help but laugh as hail started to come down, ice pellets hitting the windows and making the already creepy atmosphere even worse. "guess the world really wants us to do something stupid." she teased with a laugh, following morgan upstairs, bear and knife on her hands. "alright, so what's next? i remember stabbing and hiding, but that's pretty much it."
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"i resent that. i'm the perfect big brother. my father tells me so," morgan grinned at the memory. perhaps it was just his father's way of placating him--didn't matter. morgan knew it was true. why else would most of his siblings follow his lead when it came to life decisions?
morgan pulled out the rest of the supplies they would need. "i do need some of yours--but there's no easy way to ask a young woman for dna without sounding pretty sketchy. we'll put it inside the bear. come with me to the bathroom? i think there's two on the first floor." he stood, dusting himself off. after he finished his sentence, it seemed that the universe took it as an opportunity to give them something a little extra in terms of atmosphere--morgan's eyes moved to the windows once the first pieces of hail started to pelt against them.
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 8 days
"blades are made for slicing and dicing, you know?" a pause "and stabbing." lia shook her head at him, but she did move back to his side, "but you're right, i shouldn't worry when i'm already here." picking up the bear again and trying to think about how she felt about stabbing the poor thing. "and you brought both, i take?" she was careful to cut the bear through the stitches on the back, knife left on the coffee table before she sat back down again.
"you were very mean to your siblings, even before you moved." lia shook her head at him, though she was smiling "but i guess it comes with the older brother territory." a hum as the brunette noticed the hairs on his hand "you need some of mine too?"
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"you came all the way out here with me and you're worried about me havin' a few little blades? i collect them." or at least, he was trying to. in total, morgan owned about 15 various designs of blades--a little interest he picked up after leaving home. something about the curvature of eat knife--how each of them left a unique mark--it was all so interesting to him. "then i guess it wouldn't help if i told you i keep at least three blades on me at all times, huh?"
the kitchen knife was the only one he felt comfortable using for this particular activity. couldn't risk something getting a hold of his military grade blade, right? "rice and salt," he said. as he spoke, he pulled out a few strands of his own hair. "i'm gonna need you to slice that bear open for me. don't worry--dylan won't miss it. i made sure she forgot it existed a long time ago."
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 8 days
"and what are they?" she grabbed the stuffed animal from his hands, turning it on her hands and noticing the wear from age. "this is familiar." she couldn't place it. though lia knew that it wasn't one of her old ones, but maybe it was from his family. "knowing you? you wanted to do it since before we agreed to come here." a snort as she pointed out the obvious, returning the toy to him before getting up from her place. "should i ask why you have a knife with you?"
maybe she should have been more worried, but familiarity was a good way to settle someone. walking to his bag, lia opened it, taking the kitchen knife with a hum, being careful not to cut herself. "you know, kinda worried you thought to bring this with you." a soft sigh, and maybe a good idea not to approach him just yet, even if she was the one armed.
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"awww, you want me to play with you? i'd love to. but i have a few conditions." truth be told, he'd never actually played the game the way it was supposed to be played. but that was on purpose. he'd often tweak a thing or two during his tries. he was smart enough never to do the whole thing perfectly. not alone, at least.
"well, luckily i have everything we need. don't ask why--i just like to be prepared." he had the works. and he pulled them out as he spoke. "red thread and a stuffed animal--" the stuffed animal he chose was his younger sister's from years ago. he'd actually hidden it from her several years back as an on-going joke. "there should be a knife in my other bag," he gestured across the room. "grab it for me? if you promise not to use it just yet, of course."
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 8 days
she wasn't expecting the dust, even if she should have, breathing some of it in and coughing to get it out of her airways. "maybe a vaccum would have been a really nice idea." lia commented with a laugh, shaking her head and patting the remaining dust out of her clothes. "the hide 'n' seek game?" there was some vague memory of it from her time going through horror stories on the internet, but she couldn't say that she actually remembered the full extent of it.
"have you?" she returned with a simple raise of her eyebrow, wondering if it would be stupid to even try. "i'm pretty sure you could never beat me at hide and seek when we were kids." she had always been smaller than him, easily got into the spaces he could never search for her. "i guess i can try? why not?" not like anything would happen.
"you're doing it too, by the way. not going to be the only one who ends up haunted for life." she poked his cheek with a chuckle before looking at the laptop curiously. "what do we have to do?"
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"you don't seem like the type that would be scared by a story. words can only go so far with you, lia." still, he took the spot next to her. as soon as his body his the less-than-comfortable fabric, a thin cloud of dust blew up around them. "fuck," he murmured, his fingers moving to his eyes to rub them.
"but y'know--speaking of scary stories, this house would be perfect for the hide 'n seek game." something he used to tease his youngest sibling about in their youth. "ever played hide and seek with a ghost? i'd imagine they'd have the advantage, but you've always been about to hold your own, haven't you?"
he pulled a binder from his bag. the laptop he packed was as good as a brick with the lack of reception between these walls. "in fact, i've got some instructions for it right here....if you're interested?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 8 days
"you can just prove it to me, you know. if you're so sure they exist." lia grinned at him, looking around the room to think about what they should do now that they had settled in. it wasn't like she was dumb enough to bring an ouija board to a supposed hunted house, whether she believed in the paranormal or not. always better safe than sorry.
a hum of thought at that. "how romantic." lia commented with a snort, deciding on sitting down and patting the spot next to her with a slight hum. "come sit down, morgan. maybe tell me a story or two. try to scare me." not that she thought that he would be able to, but where was the fun in not trying?
plus, he did smell nice, didn't he.
"why would i run away?" lia frowned at him "i did nothing wrong, and just because he seems intent on whatever my father promised, doesn't mean he'll get an easy omega." a laugh. "maybe he just hasn't understood that yet. gonna try harder next time i'm forced into a random dinner."
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"a skeptic, i see. well, i guess one of us has to be," morgan shrugged one shoulder. he'd fallen in love with the supernatural at a young age. was it the stories he read? the movies? or maybe...maybe it was the fact that he'd finally found a sure-fire way to terrify his younger siblings without actually going anything that could incriminate him. the power of fear was extraordinary.
"hire someone?" he laughed at that and set the camera down on the heavily dust-covered coffee table. funny that all of this furniture was till here. almost as if the original inhabitants were driven out by someone. or something. "now, why would i do that? seems deeply impersonal given our history. i'd be a fool to let someone else have that luxury, darlin'."
perhaps she would assume he was joking. whether or not she did, it didn't matter. especially not when he'd made sure to secure the necessary exits to the home. morgan laughed, attempting to add some semblance of humor to his words. "never took you for law-abiding. why haven't you just run away, yet?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 8 days
"they're fun to listen to." she was a fan of horror movies after all, and ghost stories didn't come too far from that realm, so why wouldn't she enjoy them? "if i believe them? not really, i guess?" maybe if there was more proof. but lia couldn't say that it wasn't fun to think about all the possibilities of ghosts and ghouls.
the brunette settled down her things near one of the covered couches, noticing the camera pointed at her and rolling her eyes at morgan. she didn't really enjoy being filmed, but even if it had been a while since the two had seen each other, it was such a normal sight that it didn't bother her near as much. "did you hire someone to murder me, morgan?" she crossed her arms, tilting her head to the side with a frown "pretty shameful of you to get someone else to do your dirty work." it was a tease, idea so ridiculous she didn't entertain it for long.
"i don't know." and she was being honest. "laws aren't really on my side and as much as i misbehave, the other part doesn't seem intent on breaking it off." lia had tried. "but it's not like he's hushing to get mated anyway, so i have time."
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at the mention of him severing contact, morgan simply nodded. it was partially true. he didn't communicate with her in years--though that didn't mean he wasn't keeping tabs. you only find a muse like lia once in a life time. in fact, his professors after wondered how he was able to pull off such vivid scenes when it came to his writing. they'd claim it seemed like he was writing about lived experiences. and--if they could tell the future--they could have been right.
"do you believe it? all the stories? i never took you for someone that believed in the supernatural," he said while following behind her--made sure to keep at least a few feet between the two of them. and once they'd finally located the living room, he pressed 'play' on his camera. "i like the ambience of this place. lot of potential for something great--something life-altering. doesn't that sound exciting, lia? an opportunity to experience something that just gets your blood racing?"
the house hadn't been lived in for years. hell, it was abandoned long before morgan left the town. "so--back to this...arranged mating. you gonna go through with it?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 9 days
she didn't really know if it was fascinating or not, really. it wasn't like it was uncommon for people to present late, but if he wanted to pretend that it was something out of the ordinary, she would let him. "well, you're an old friend that didn't stay in contact." she pointed out with a chuckle, picking up her own bag as he took the camera out of his. lia was glad to see that at least that part of him hadn't changed. "you still love to record everything, uh? mom died soon after you left, and dad was actually pretty pleased. he wants an arranged mating with the new rich family in town."
"what happened, anyway?" she looked around for the doorway to the living room, deciding that the open space would be the best to settle down for the night instead of the rest of the house. "people keep thinking the house is haunted. is that why you wanted to come here, mr. horror director? hoping for good footage for your next movie?" a teasing laugh was given as lia walked towards her destination "c'mon, let's settle on the living room before night falls and we have to stumble around with flashlights."
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"fascinating," morgan responded after a few seconds of contemplation. in his mind, he rifled through the memories of the two of them in their youth--recounting how magnetic their relationship was. his eyes moved from her--albeit reluctantly--and took in their surrounds. more specifically, he took a mental note of every potential entrance and exit to the house.
"what's a private question between old friends?" he murmured as he picked up his duffle bag and unzipped it. "besides--we'll be here all night. might as well catch up, isn't that right?" his eyes drifted down to the contents of the bag, careful to keep them out of her view. he sifted through the ropes, locks, and other gadgets to grab one of his cameras. "how did your family react, lia?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 11 days
open to m plot - lia woke up one day to find herself as a character in a novel she enjoyed who is the second daughter of a duke. her older sister is one of five noble girls in line to be the crown prince's fiancรฉe, and as such, both girls were sent to the palace while the decision was made. thing is in the novel, her sister isn't chosen and her family is framed of treason by the real culprit ( one of the other noble ladies' fam ) and as such they all end up dead. ( or the one where persie has been reading way too many isekai mangas and manhwas ) connection: crown prince, king, a knight, someone related to the royal family.
Similar name. Similar description to her own. Maybe that was why Lia had empathized as much as she had with the second daughter of the Nightingale duke, even when she hadn't even been close to being a side character. More like a side of a side character. Still, it must have been difficult to accompany a sister who could have been queen knowing she could never try to achieve that spot, and to then be betrayed by the very family she would be married to. Though now she was quite annoyed that she was in the body of Elyanora Nightingale, in a world she only knew through ink on paper.
Playing the part of the demure, sweet girl was not something she wanted to do, but it was either that or getting her tongue cut off, wasn't it? Plus, being inside the palace and having the knowledge she had did give her an advantage. Sneaking into the royal archives hadn't been too difficult, but apparently sneaking out was as she collided with someone as she was rounding the corner.
At least she had thought to wear a nightgown beneath the dark cape "I am so sorry." she tried to keep her tone soft but it probably sounded a bit forced. "I was just taking a stroll and wasn't looking at where I was going."
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 11 days
lia looked up at the familiar sound, breath coming out in a surprised gasp even though she should have been expecting someone there, right? the scent had been too strong to have come from someone else wandering in on another night. but lia had taken the fact that the house was abandoned at face value. "you almost gave me a heart attack." a huff was given, hands brushing against one another to get rid of the dust before she crossed her arms "it's been years, morgan."
they both had changed so much, had they not? and probably in ways that weren't expected for her. it would have always been a certainty that he would have been an alpha. and she had expected to follow, too headstrong and fiery to ever be as meek as an omega. even when everyone had presented and she hadn't, she had expected to at least be a beta. "i was sixteen when it became obvious i wasn't going to present as one." it was still weird to see him again after so many years "if you want to know when i actually presented?" a snort "you know, that's an awful private question from you."
"but it's not like it's a secret. i'm a later bloomer, presented at twenty."
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the house was old and decrepit. that should have been the first thing that stuck out to morgan, but....then another factor was introduced. he expected lia. they planned this meet up. but--they didn't plan this. they didn't plan for the stark difference between the two. he knew about dynamics at a young age, but he'd always assumed it wouldn't be an issue considering her personality and temperament. but here she was--so fucking enticing.
he didn't speak once he saw her. just watched her pace around. was that he best route? he'd have an opportunity to take all of her in. " you look different," he finally said from his plan perched above the fireplace. and he didn't mean in terms of appearance. " when did you figure you weren't an Alpha?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 11 days
It was kind of nostalgic going back to their home. There had been a lot of time spent going through those halls and playing in the backyard when Lia had been a child. Their parents had been friends and they had lived relatively close after all. So it was only normal that she had hung around with their kid. But something had happened and they had moved?
Lia still wasn't sure, and everything had been left kind of hush hush, not many news left behind even when she had loosed. Now the house was in disrepair, a thrill for teens and college kids during Halloween. Curiosity had won her over eventually, and that was the reason she had sneaked in, fingers now catching the dust on the living room table. The house smelled unused, but there was also an undercurrent of alpha that had her on edge but the brunette chalked up to daring teens or young adults.
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 19 days
childhood friends
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 2 months
me: [facedown on the floor] listen everything is totally fine
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 2 months
@wickedlvst based on this & this
Ione hummed in thought as she looked at the woman in front of them, arms crossed over her chest, phone in her hand and the app that was connected to the vibe inside the woman open. "I don't know, I'm pretty sure that five is lowballing for a slut like her." her tone was almost bored, one hand moving from her arm to the front so she could look at her nails. "Or maybe it's too much." brown eyes moved over her frame "I don't remember telling you to stop rubbing your clit." a tilt of her head "C'mon, you have to show everyone how good you are at taking my instructions."
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 2 months
@flthys based on this
"That's it." there was a grin on his lips and a mean streak to his tone, phone out and set on her. Should she be taking a video of what she was doing? Probably not. But รngel had never been one to leave what he wanted to do alone, and it had been so easy to get the poor girl to stretch herself so prettily. "C'mon, you're being too slow." a chuckle was given, blue eyes set on the cross on her neck before going to her lips open wide around the dildo stuck on the mirror. "Think God will be happy if you don't know how to please me?"
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hcdcsbcbydcll ยท 2 months
wishlist starter call
trying to get back on track here. i'll be selective but i'mma try my best! bonus points for k*nk and t`boo
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