hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Why The HCG Diet System?
Why The HCG Diet System?
We at HCG Diet System SA are dedicated to helping people slim down, improve self esteem, get stronger and healthier. We try our best to give excellent support to all of our clients, this helping them achieve their goals. We know how important it is not to feel that you are alone on this weight loss journey.
We are constantly getting good news and feedback, on amazing weight loss results from our clients from all walks of life. We have so many happy and very satisfied clients because this HCG Diet Protocol REALLY works. We get so many referrals by word of mouth and for this we are most thankful.
Why do we and our clients think that this HCG Diet System is the best in the market?
We actually did a survey amongst several of our clients past and present and the ultimate answer was RAPID WEIGHT LOSS. As many told us, they feel as if their body size is shrinking and that’s exactly what is happening, when you use the HCG along with the Weight loss healthy diet plan.
It can be difficult to stick with other weight loss programs, as the results are very slow but when you can see and feel the difference in a matter of days, it’s the absolute best feeling! Very motivating and inspiring.
You can change your body and actually have a Rapid Weight Loss Transformation whilst not feeling hungry, anxious, irritable or stuck, get boundless energy all whilst losing those excess kilograms.
When you can feel and see the results quickly there is nothing more encouraging and you want to achieve your personal goal! You do not EVEN consider giving up using this Rapid weight loss program. So join us today don’t put off till tomorrow what you can start today.
Contact us today on 0720643948 or 0763660325 or visit us online at hcgdietsystem.co.za
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
The First Week Of The HCG Diet
The First Week Of The HCG Diet
There is no doubt changing your diet, in order for you to lose weight, reducing calories etc, especially in the beginning of any diet, is really not easy. However I can assure you that it’s not as difficult as you may think.
Some people find it challenging the first week of Phase 2 of the HCG Diet Protocol this is because it’s during the beginning stretch that your body will start to adjust to the lower calorie intake. If you can get through the first week with no huge problems, then you will find it gets easier and you will be able to continue with the diet plan and achieve your ultimate goal weight.
During the first week of Phase 2 your body will undergo major changes in your metabolism, as your body adjusts to burning fat for energy. You will find your body becomes reliant on the HCG hormone to break down that excess trapped stored fat, at a very fast rate and supplies your body with fuel and energy. It will also release toxins as a result of the quick fat breakdown, toxins which have accumulated in that excess trapped stored fat. As this fat is being used by your body to produce energy and fuel and getting rid of the build up of toxins, it is critical to drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins even quicker.
Could there be side effects from the 1st week on the HCG Diet?
It’s very unusual to have any side effects on the HCG diet but as the body is getting rid of the toxins during the 1st week you may experience.
. Cold-Like Symptoms . Headaches . Tiredness and lack of energy
However these side effects are few and far between but don’t be concerned as this is short lived and only whilst the body is adjusting to the lower calories.
Before Starting HCG Diet
It’s a good idea to read through our Diet Booklet thoroughly, this will give you a good idea of the basic requirements. It’s always a good idea to buy the food you are going to need and plan ahead this way it makes it much easier as you will have healthy choices on hand. It’s not a good idea to be looking at buying take-always etc during the start of the HCG Diet, even during the diet.
In order to be successful and achieve the maximum weight loss, it’s important you stick to the HCG Protocol strictly.
The better prepared you are, the more determination, patience and perseverance, you have the better it will ultimately pay off and if you do this you will find that it becomes easier and easier to follow the diet plan.
It is really not necessary to exercise whilst losing weight on the HCG Diet, however should you want to you can do some light exercise, but we do not advise that you exercise during Phase 1 ( 3 days of detox)
Water water and more Water
I cannot stress how important this is to drink plenty of water, particularly during the first week, please drink as much water as you possibly can. It helps wash out the toxins and at the same time curbs hunger and helps you feel full. It’s critical to drink enough water not only during the first week but throughout the diet.
Our Recipes will be of great help to you whilst you are losing weight on the diet. Exploring and using our recipes will alleviate the same boring bland food. The recipes are readily available so please use them.
Do you have a Sweet Tooth?
Many people I know crave sweet things. You can have unlimited Zero Calorie Jelly and there are recipes that can help satisfy that sweet tooth.
We are here to support you and even hold your hand, during the first week and of course your entire weight loss journey. However once you have conquered the first week you will find it much easier to manage the diet.
Good Luck, Happy Shrinking, You’ve got this!!
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Tofu Basil Sauce with fried eggplant and tomatoes
350g Firm Plain Tofu
Handful of Basil
2 Tomatoes (Sliced 1.5-2cm thick)
1 Aubergine (Sliced 1.5-2cm thick)
1/4 to 1/2 Cup Water
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Coconut oil for frying
Blend Tofu with a handful of basil, salt and pepper and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water depending on what consistency you are looking for. Blend all the ingredients till combined and you end up with a smooth sauce. Add sauce to a pan and boil for 3-5 minutes and then set aside. Fry aubergine and 2 tomatoes in coconut oil. Layer tomatoes, aubergine and tofu sauce
The Tofu sauce makes 5 protein servings.
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/tofu-basil-sauce-with-fried-eggplant-and-tomatoes/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/10/tofu-basil-sauce-with-fried-eggplant.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Plant Based HCG Protocol
Plant Based HCG Protocol
I am being asked more and more if one can follow a plant based diet using the HCG protocol. There are 3 different vegetarian diets according to the International Health Institute. All of them exclude meat products such as steak, chicken, turkey and veal.
A vegan diet excludes all animal products, including dairy, eggs and cheese.
A lacto vegetarian will have dairy products like milk and cottage cheese. A Lacto-ovo. Vegetarian will eat dairy products and eggs for example. To ensure that vegetarians get a sufficient amount of protein on an HCG Diet, they are required to fill up on Soya yogurt.
Vegetarian HCG Diet
Most of the standard HCG Diet consist of protein from animal products. Other types of protein, including legumes and nuts are too high in calories and fat and are therefore not permitted. This can be be a problem, since most of the vegetarian’s fats and proteins come from these sources.
According to the book “Pound and Inches” Dr. Simeons Book about the HCG Diet, non-meat eaters must drink milk as a protein substitute. The remainder of the diet is the same as non-vegetarians: two servings of fruits , unlimited vegetables from our allowed list, carb allowances for the day and coffee, tea, Green tea and of course plenty of water.
If you are a vegetarian or vegan and you want to lose weight you may be wondering if you can do the HCG Diet. The answer is YES! Vegetarians normally get protein in their diet from dairy products, legumes, soy and other non-animal products, but a standard HCG Diet includes several different types of protein from animal sources. Fortunately, vegetarians/vegans can still participate in the HCG Diet with a few modifications. There are plenty of foods that vegetarians and vegans can substitute for the protein on the HCG Diet Program. The important thing is that you replace the meat with a lean protein that is to your specification. If you are vegetarian then eggs may be fine but if you are Vegan use Tofu or the other allowed plant based proteins on the diet. Make sure to have the amounts correct when following the vegetarian/vegan adaptations. The original HCG Protocol was not designed for those on a vegetarian/vegan diet: however the following foods can be substituted for those who do not eat meat.
Tofu, Lentils, Kidney Beans, Chickpeas, 180ml Soya Yogurt, Nutritech Vegan Protein Shake.
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/plant-based-hcg-protocol/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/10/plant-based-hcg-protocol.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Food cravings
Food cravings
Firstly, it’s important to understand that there are powerful biological and psychological forces that motivate us towards food and which are constantly operating in an environment, that promotes weight gain and not weight loss.
There’s nothing morally inferior about giving into food cravings. Blame and stigma around eating and weight are known to be highly detrimental and need to be eradicated. However, there are ways that we can bring our cravings under control.
People often go on weight loss diets as a way of managing their eating and weight. However when dieting it always seem to make us feel deprived, but really “that is just in the mind.”
So, setting realistic eating and weight management goals is likely to be a better approach. Achieving goals increases belief in our ability to succeed as well as improving mood, which in turn can help us stick to healthier eating patterns. In contrast, setting unrealistic goals has the opposite effect.
It’s also important to identify and manage tempting situations. For example, avoiding the confectionery aisle in the supermarket altogether may help to prevent cravings and curb impulse buys.
If you don’t buy these high sugar, high calorie, foods then you won’t feel the temptation to eat them.
Many people also experience cravings and desire to eat in response to mood. Therefore, trying to develop alternative coping strategies that don’t involve food and drink (such as going for a walk), calling a friend, reading some motivational success stories, can be helpful. Even googling the health benefits to you when you lose weight.
Finally, distinguishing between physical hunger signals and cravings may also help with control of food intake. “Mindful Eating” involves paying attention to hunger and satiety signals, and has been shown to be an effective weight-loss strategy.
We all can, and should be able to, enjoy eating nice-tasting food if you use your imagination and our recipes supplied at HCG Diet System SA you will find yourself enjoying some very tasty but healthy meals.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us, as we have the passion and the knowledge, to help you get healthy and lose weight.
The post Food cravings appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/food-cravings/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/10/food-cravings.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
A Helpful Idea For – Losing weight
A Helpful Idea For – Losing weight
Losing weight isn’t just about eating less food. It’s also a journey of letting go of habits you’ve used to comfort yourself, like eating at night, “wining” with your girlfriends about life. Letting go of those quick convenience meals and take aways.
We all have different triggers which cause us to overeat or eat the junk unhealthy foods so it’s really necessary before you eat at night or go on a binge that you realise what it is that is really causing you to feel this way. Stop and think about it! A Good idea is to write down how you are really feeling and why? This way you will realise that trying to comfort yourself by eating or drinking really is only a temporary relief, like sticking a plaster on a wound that needs stitches and hoping it heals by itself.
In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, we need to change our thinking as well.
Do yourself a favour and write down the benefits of losing weight.
For example:
Increase in self esteem Achieving something worth while. More self love Being stronger and healthier. Being able to take part in more activities. Looking good and feeling good. Having more energy. Taking care of your body for longevity Avoid getting chronic ailments as a result of being overweight. Feeling in control No more aching joints Being able to update your wardrobe. Radiating that feeling of being body confident brings a radiance to your heart and soul.
I could go on and on but I’m sure you all get the picture. Tell your own success story of successfully losing weight and changing your lifestyle, to a healthier option. Once you start writing down the benefits of being slimmer you will actually find many reasons to lose weight. This is very Doable and we here at HCG Diet System SA most DEFINITELY can help you.
Contact us today!
Helen 0720643948 Alexis 0763660325
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/a-helpful-idea-for-losing-weight/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/09/a-helpful-idea-for-losing-weight.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Tuna Salad Stuffed Tomatoes – Phase 2 & 3 Recipe
Tuna Salad Stuffed Tomatoes – Phase 2 & 3 Recipe
Delicious, fresh and so quick and easy to make!
100g canned tuna drained 1 tablespoon minced red onion (Daily Allowance) 1 1/2 tablespoon fat free plain yogurt 1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 1 medium round tomato (Daily Allowance) 1 teaspoon freshly chopped chives 1 tablespoon chopped celery 1 tablespoon peeled and chopped cucumber
Place tuna in a bowl with celery, cucumber, and red onion. Stir to combine. In a small bowl, whisk together yogurt, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Add dressing to tuna mixture. Stir to combine. Remove the core of the tomato and gently scooping out the seeds inside. Carefully stuff the tomato with about 1/3 cup of tuna salad. Sprinkle the freshly chopped chives on top of the tomato. Serve immediately. Make a double batch of to eat throughout the week.
 The post Tuna Salad Stuffed Tomatoes – Phase 2 & 3 Recipe appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/tuna-salad-stuffed-tomatoes-phase-2-3-recipe/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/09/tuna-salad-stuffed-tomatoes-phase-2-3.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
HCG Creamy Vinaigrette
HCG Creamy Vinaigrette
¼ cup coconut oil 1 T Apple cider vinegar ½ Lemon Squeezed Pinch salt and Pepper Herbs of your choice: coriander, parsley, dill, cayenne, Italian mix. Mix together with a stick blender.
The post HCG Creamy Vinaigrette appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/hcg-creamy-vinaigrette/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/09/hcg-creamy-vinaigrette.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Orange Mousse Dessert
Orange Mousse Dessert
Perfect for this spring weather! Enjoy this delicious dessert without the guilt!
1 pastured raised egg white 1 orange 4 packets sweetener 1/4 tsp vanilla
Blend all the ingredients EXCEPT the egg white. Beat the egg white till it forms stiff peaks. Gently fold in ¾ of the orange purée till combined. Pour the remaining orange purée in the bottom of a serving dish, layer the orange mousse mixture on top. Eat or freeze and enjoy after frozen.
 The post Orange Mousse Dessert appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/orange-mousse-dessert/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/08/orange-mousse-dessert.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
HCG Cauliflower Pizza
Cauliflower Pizza
It feels like you cheating but you not!
2 1/2 cups cauliflower, grated 1 large egg, lightly beaten 35g mozzarella cheese (Half of weekly cheese allowance) Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup homemade tomato paste (2 blended tomatoes, herbs, salt & pepper) 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 cup mushrooms, sliced 2 cloves garlic, sliced 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Fresh basil leaves, optional
Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven to 200C.
Grate the cauliflower using a cheese grater until you have two cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and microwave for seven to eight minutes, or until soft. Remove from the microwave and let cool. Place the cauliflower into a clean dish towel & squeeze out all the moisture. Put the cauliflower into a clean mixing bowl & mix in the egg, 20g mozzarella cheese, salt and pepper. Once combined, pat into a 25cm round pizza base on the prepared pizza pan. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, or until golden.
Top the pizza with the sauce, remainder 15g mozzarella, cherry tomatoes, garlic, mushrooms and red pepper flakes. Bake in the oven until melted and bubbly, approximately 10 minutes. Top with basil before serving. Top tip: you can put all sorts of topping on your pizza like green pepper, red onion or even broccoli so have fun & be creative.
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/hcg-cauliflower-pizza/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/08/hcg-cauliflower-pizza.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Spicy Lentil Soup
Spicy Lentil Soup
You have to try this amazing HCG friendly Spicy Lentil Soup!
350g lentils 1 Chopped Onion 4 Chopped Garlic Cloves 2 Cups Chopped Spinach 4 Celery Stalks Chopped 2 Cups Broccoli 1Tsp Coconut oil 2Tsp Cayenne Pepper 2 Tsp Turmeric 2Tsp Cumin 2Tsp Ground Ginger 2Tsp Salt 2 Stock Cubes (No Sugar or starches added extra) 4 Cups water 1 Tin Diced tomato in tomato Juice (Make sure that it does not have added Sugars) Juice of 1 Lemon
Fry onions, garlic and Green peppers in Coconut oil Together in a pan till brown. Then add all the spices and Saute. Add Lentils and mix till allis blended, add ¼ Water if mix is to dry so it does burn to the bottom of the pan as Spices cause it to go dry Quickly. Dissolve Stock cubes in boiling water and add to lentils and spices mix. Allow to boil for 5 minutes and then add tomatoes and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. Add Broccoli, Celery and Spinach and allow to boil on medium for 40-45 minutes or till vegetables are soft enough. If soup becomes too dry at a little bit more water. When soup is almost done add juice of one lemon and serve immediately.
This recipe serves 5 Vegetarian protein portions
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/spicy-lentil-soup/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/08/spicy-lentil-soup.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Stress and Weight Gain
Stress and Weight Gain
There is no doubt we are all living through difficult and stressful times. In fact it’s a worldwide thing.
Do you know about the Stress Hormone and weight gain?
We’ve all felt that feeling like a surge of energy, when facing something frightening or threatening. The pressure of meeting a deadline, your child has had an accident, maybe someone has become ill suddenly, or …hopefully it never happens, but you find yourself In a dangerous situation. As your body feels this stress, your adrenal glands take over and make and release the hormone Cortisol, into your bloodstream.
This is often known as the “fight or flight response”, from your body. Often called the “Stress Hormone”, Cortisol causes an increase in your heart rate, and blood pressure. Normal levels of Cortisol are released upon waking up in the mornings and when exercising. These normal levels can help regulate your blood sugar and blood pressure and even strengthen your heart muscle. In small doses cortisol can Enhance your memory, increase your immune system and lower sensitivity to pain.
The danger of our fast paced lifestyles , however is that many of us are always, in high-stress mode, eating on the run and our weight spirals out of control. If your body experiences chronic stress, it may start to feel unpleasant and even have dangerous side effects such as Headaches Constant Fatigue Irritability Intestinal problems, constipation, bloating even diarrhoea. Anxiety and Depression Excessive weight gain. Increased Blood Pressure Difficulty recovering from exercise Poor sleep, even insomnia Low Libido, Erectile Dysfunction our problems with regular ovulation or menstrual periods.
So How Does Cortisol Work?
When the adrenal glands release Cortisol Into your bloodstream, the hormone triggers a flood of glucose that supplies an immediate energy source to your large muscles. It inhibits insulin production, the glucose will be available for immediate use and not stored. Unfortunately Cortisol narrows the arteries, what another hormone epinephrine, increases the heart rate and surging together they force the blood to pump harder and harder to confront and help you deal with or resolve the immediate threat. If your entire life is high stress and you live in high fear or anxiety, your body may constantly pump Out high levels Of cortisol resulting in weight gain amongst several other health issues, increasing daily. Hormone levels return to normal once you have realised that the danger is over or the issue that perhaps scared you is not as serious as what you originally thought.
Too much of anything is not a good thing Specifically living a highly stressed or anxious life which the body responds to by pumping out high levels of cortisol and it can lead to ailments or imbalances in your body
1. Increased Blood Sugar Levels – typically insulin helps the cells convert the glucose to energy. As your Pancreas struggles to keep up with the high demand for insulin, glucose levels remain high in your blood and the cells don’t get the sugar they need to perform at their optimal level.
2. Weight Gain – as your cells are crying out for energy, the body may send signals to the Brain that you are hungry and need to eat. Research has shown a direct association between cortisol levels and calorie intake. False hunger signals can then lead you to crave high calorie foods, overeat and this gain weight. Unusual glucose in the blood is eventually stored as body fat.
3. Suppressed Immune System: Cortisol’s positive action to reduce Inflammation In the body can turn against you if you if your levels are too high, for too long. You could be more susceptible to colds abs flu, germs and contagious diseases. You may even develop auto-immune diseases and food allergies.
4. Digestive problems. When your body reacts to a threat, it shuts down other less crucial functions, such as digestion. If the high stress level is constant your digestive tract can’t digest or absorb food well. It’s no coincidence that ulcers occur during stressful times and people won’t irritable bowel syndrome and or colitis, report improved symptoms when they get their stress and weight under control.
5.Heart Disease – constricted arteries and high blood pressure can lead to blood vessel damage and a build up of plaque in the arteries. They could be setting the stage for a heart attack or stroke.
How do you rectify this?
Start with a 30 days HCG Diet System SA Solution by choosing either the slimming Injections or slimming drops. We will help assist you on your weight loss journey every step of the way. Constant support from our team. Be aware of your own stress levels or triggers and take steps to control it. Take control of your life and your stress. Simple things such as getting enough sleep, exercising, meditating, deep breathing exercises and eating healthy. Contact one of our wellness coaches on 072 064 3948 or 076 366 0325 for a free consultation and turn your life around today!
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Beef Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice
Beef Stir Fry with Cauliflower Rice
Try this delicious beef stir fry with cauliflower rice
2 Tbsp Coconut oil 1/2 onion, sliced 560g steak, thinly sliced 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced 1/2 green bell pepper, sliced 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, grated 1 Tbsp fresh garlic, grated 2 Tbsp cilantro, chopped 1 Tbsp Brag Aminos 1 head cauliflower, grated into small piece
In a large skillet heat 1 Tbsp Coconut oil. Add onions and sauté until onions are soft. Add steak and cook until meat is cooked through. Add peppers, ginger and garlic. Continue cooking until peppers begin to get soft but are not losing their colour. Add brag amino’s sauce and stir to combine. In another large skillet heat 1 Tbsp coconut oil in pan until hot. Add grated cauliflower (I just grate mine with a cheese grater, although a food processor would also work). Allow to cook for a few minutes, then stir. You want the cauliflower to brown – with part of it almost charred. The idea is to cook the water out of the cauliflower to yield a rice-like consistency. Top beef stir fry with fresh cilantro and serve over cauliflower rice.
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from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/beef-stir-fry-with-cauliflower-rice/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/07/beef-stir-fry-with-cauliflower-rice.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Strawberry Cucumber And Cottage Cheese Salad
Strawberry Cucumber And Cottage Cheese Salad
Feeling for something sweet and refreshing? Try this delicious HCG friendly salad.
9 Strawberries Chopped (Daily Allowance) Chopped Cucumbers 70g Cottage Cheese (Weekly Allowance) 1/4 tsp Salt 1 Lemon Juiced 6 Packets Sevia/Sweeteners
Mix strawberries, cucumbers, salt, pepper and 3 stevia/sweetener in a bowl and set aside to marinate. In separate bowl, mix cottage cheese, lemon juice and remaining stevia/sweetener. Serve chilled
The post Strawberry Cucumber And Cottage Cheese Salad appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/strawberry-cucumber-and-cottage-cheese-salad/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/07/strawberry-cucumber-and-cottage-cheese.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Can Diabetics Lose Weight Safely With HCG?
Can Diabetics Lose Weight safely with HCG?
The facts about Diabetics and HCG Obviously there are many things to take into account regarding your health and the different types of Diabetes. The HCG Diet System Program has proven to help many people lose excess weight and live a healthier lifestyle. This weight loss program has helped so many people with underlying, health and medical conditions. If ever there was a time in History to be healthy… it is NOW during this scary Global Pandemic! We all have to do our best to stay healthy and boost our immune system.
We have found that this HCG weight loss program is even beneficial to people with Diabetes who are desperate to lose weight and still control their health.
Is this Weight Loss Program right for you?
Depending on the type of Diabetes you have and the seriousness of the problem, will determine if the HCG weight loss program will be beneficial to you. There are two types of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Whilst both types of Diabetics can benefit from the HCG program, those with type 2 Diabetes will get greater benefit.
Pre-Diabetic or Insulin Resistance If you are Pre-Diabetic or Insulin resistant you will absolutely benefit from the HCG Diet System Program. As you will shed excess weight which is a huge contributing factor in causing Type 2 Diabetes or Insulin Resistance. You might have wondered why you seem to carry a lot of weight around your tummy area, well this is can certainly be a sign of Insulin Resistance or Pre-Diabetic – whichever you prefer to call it. Insulin Resistant and Pre-Diabetic will most definitely benefit from the HCG Diet Program, as losing excess weight also helps stabilise the blood sugar in your body.
Type 2 Diabetics
These people will have excellent results from the HCG Diet Program, as they are not insulin dependent. This is the most common cause of Diabetes and the body with excessive abnormal fat, is often the big contributing factor. This is why type 2 diabetics are strongly advised to lose the excess weight by following a weight loss program. As a solution to get the condition under control. You can join us and follow the HCG Diet Protocol which is so beneficial, as you will see the kilograms begin to drop immediately. In addition the weight loss results in better blood pressure levels, improved steady lower blood sugar levels in the body and less strain on the heart. You will notice these positive results in only a few days, with the stabilisation of glucose in the body, dropping to normal levels within a matter of weeks. Not only will you be losing weight but your overall health will be improving, as well as an increase in energy. Type 2 Diabetics can safely use the HCG slimming Injections or HCG slimming drops.
Type 1 Diabetes
People with type 1 Diabetes can live long healthy lives. You will need to keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels. Your doctor would normally discuss the range that you should ensure your blood sugar levels remain at. Adjust your Insulin, Food and get exercise even just regular walking during the day. Everyone with Type 1 Diabetes needs to have Insulin Shots everyday, to control their blood sugar.
If you are a type one Diabetic you can use both the HCG Drops or the Injections, if given the go ahead by your Doctor. The reason we suggest this is because Type 1 Diabetics do not all take the same daily amount of Insulin in order to control their particular Diabetes and it would definitely depend on the severity of your condition. However for any type of diabetic, one of the biggest benefits to your condition, is losing weight. We do offer a modified plan for Type 1 Diabetics, during the Detox Phase (first 3 days) of the HCG Diet Plan, to make sure your sugar levels remain stable.
Irrespective of Type 1, Type 2 Diabetics, Pre-Diabetics or Highly insulin Resistant, which is the most common name for Pre-Diabetics, you will definitely benefit from the HCG Diet Protocol. The results of the weight loss and the healthy eating habits, will most certainly be beneficial in improving your overall health and general well-being.
You can safely continue taking any medications that you have been prescribed, whilst taking the HCG as well. The HCG will not interact or interfere with your meds, it is absolutely safe with no side effects.
You may find that after losing several kilograms that you could even reduce your diabetes medication, as your blood sugar improves and remains stable, however our recommendation would be that you check with your Physician first, before reducing or stopping any medications. You most likely will be able to reduce the amount or dosage daily once you have seen the positive effects of the HCG Diet.
The post Can Diabetics Lose Weight Safely With HCG? appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/can-diabetics-lose-weight-safely-with-hcg/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/07/can-diabetics-lose-weight-safely-with.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Toasted Coconut Marshmallows
Toasted Coconut Marshmallows
Feeling for something sweet? Try these delicious toasted coconut marshmallows.
8g Gelatin 170ml Cold water ½ Cup Sugar alternative 5ml Vanilla Essence 50g Desiccated coconut
Before you start, ensure that you devote 20 minutes of your time to this recipe, it needs your full attention as the Gelatin sets very quickly. Prepare a 25x25cm square cake pan by lining with parchment paper. Set aside. Place 90ml cold water and gelatin and leave to bloom. In a small Saucepan add 80ml water and sugar alternative and boil over high heat. Bring to the boil until consistency is sticky. Add the Sugar mixture to the gelatin in a large mixing boil and mix until it has combined. Mix on high for 10-15 minutes, until the mixture is a glossy white colour and has formed soft peaks. Gently and quickly scoop the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth it out. Leave to set for 2 hours. In the mean while you wait you can toast desiccated coconut an oven pan for 2-3 minutes at 180 Celsius until brown. Cut Marshmallow in blocks with a knife dipped in warm water as this will prevent the marshmallows from sticking to the knife. Roll marshmallows in toasted coconut till completely covered and store in an airtight container.
The post Toasted Coconut Marshmallows appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/toasted-coconut-marshmallows/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/07/toasted-coconut-marshmallows.html
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hcgdietplanjoha · 4 years
Sweet and Sour Shrimp
Sweet and Sour Shrimp
280g of shrimp, deveined ¼ cup of chicken or fish stock, or water Juice of one half lemon Juice of one half orange 4 tbsp. Bragg’s liquid aminos 4 cloves garlic, minced ¼ onion, minced Salt and pepper to taste Cayenne pepper to taste Stevia to taste
Remove the veins and tails from the shrimp before weighing them out. Add the garlic and the onions to a pan with a small amount of stock or water. Sauté the onions and garlic for about 10 minutes until softened, on medium heat. Add the shrimp, lemon and orange juice, salt and pepper, cayenne pepper and stevia. Sauté on medium heat for about 8 minutes, turn several times during cooking. Cook further to allow sauce to evaporate if needed. Serve shrimp with sauce.
Servings: 2 Dinner Protein portions
The post Sweet and Sour Shrimp appeared first on HCG Injections | HCG Drops | Weight Loss - Lose 10KGS In 30 Days.
from https://www.hcgdietsystem.co.za/sweet-and-sour-shrimp-2/ from http://hcgdietjohannesburg.blogspot.com/2020/06/sweet-and-sour-shrimp.html
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