hcmoisms · 6 years
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testing testing TESTING LINK
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hcmoisms · 6 years
my hand slipped and I accidentally picked up 6 characters so let me post a SHUFFLE STARTER CALL because I need to get these boys out there ! my muses are mostly verse specific so lmk if any verses are a huge no-no for ya!
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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—IT WAS A personal day for Oliver, which boiled down to “no work & no kid”. Having woken up with nothing much to do, the actor thought he might entertain himself at the local fair. While walking through the park, Oliver kept his eyes trained upwards, watching the people as they SCREAMED on hastily assembled rides. That was when he spotted it — a neon snapback floating down from one of the coasters. Oliver caught the accessory and moved over to the exit gate for the ride, hoping that the hat’s owner would spot him on their way out.
( open starter for @difacce / Dylan. main verse ).
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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—DEAN WASN’T MUCH of a reader but he WAS one to hit on the occasional bookworm. And where better to scope out the local bookish posy than the library? He’d been aimlessly wandering through the shelves when the sight of someone all but made his day. Dean was amused, though not at all surprised, to see Odette reaching for a large leather bound book on a higher shelf. Dean took a breath and sauntered over to her with as much suave as he could muster. Without so much as a word, he grabbed the object of her interest and proceeded to place it on the top-most shelf. Cracking a huge grin, Dean allowed his eyes to rest upon the young woman, leaning against the shelf as if this were his usual hang out. “Golly did that book just float?” He asked, feigning innocence.
( starter for @odctteism — musical verse ).
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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caoimhe almost feels bad about her plans of corruption when she sees that smile of his - sweet and bright and nearly too pure for her taste - but guilt has never been an emotion that she indulges for long. “ma’am? i’m flattered, but you can just call me caoimhe. i’ll call you sir if you ask nicely though,” she teases with a little wink and a smirk as she settles down in the seat across from him. “it’s a skill of mine - blame growing up in LA. depends what you’re down for. i know where a couple good parties are, but you seem a bit more like a netflix and chill type.”
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—HAVING HAD A moment to collect himself, Jack furrowed his brow at the young woman before cracking another smile. “I’ll tell you what. You can call me ‘sir’ if I end up arresting you. so I hope I won’t have to hear it,” he said in a teasing tone. Jack scrunched his nose at the idea of a party. He was easily overwhelmed these days. But then again Netflix and Chill sounded much worse. “Netflix and...is that a euphemism for doing crystal meth or something? GOD I’m really not up on the current slang,” 
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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adriana looked at him, an indescribable look crossing over her face. one that said “what the fuck” and “this is dumb” simultaneously. “i love that show, but it isn’t based in reality, like, at all.” she said, looking down to observe her newly manicured nails before looking back up. “i guess there’s always the possibility, though.”
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—TALCOTT FROWNED AS he observed the look of disbelief on his friend’s face. “So...” he ventured, crossing his arms over his chest. “GHOSTS, WEREWOLVES, VAMPIRES, they’re all fair game? But you think it’s crazy we might be trapped here?” Talcott rolled his eyes at her stubborn way of thinking. “I’d test it but like...I don’t want to get into an accident,”
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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—WALTER LIVED IN a quaint little neighborhood. The kind with grandiose houses whose large frames served as a privacy screen for the dysfunctional families living inside. The place was PARTY CENTRAL, sure. But those never resulted in injuries grander than alcohol poisoning. The house in question was one on Walter’s street. It had been empty for some time & he & his buddies had taken to using the mansion’s front foyer as a storage place for a brand of absinthe so strong that it was band in the United States. He was completely unaware of the murder as he approached, hoping to cover his own ass. Walter’s blood RAN COLD as he heard the woman call him out. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I live next door. I thought uh...maybe I could help, officer?”
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Brown eyes drifted skyward, squinting at the blues skies and shining sun. Though a nice day, she had little time to savor it. She had a job to do and that had her focused on blood spatters and missing persons. She was standing outside, surveying the street – they’d found a missing child, deceased in the basement of a house that had been empty long before the child went missing. She was thinking about what sort of neighborhood this must be when Danuza spotted someone approaching the yellow barrier tape.  ❝ Stop there, ❞ she ordered, holding up her hand as she walked towards the person. ❝ This is a crime scene and an active investigation. ❞
@hcmoisms liked this post for a starter.
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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Imogen had been making her way out of church, a small smile on her features, her bible snug beneath one arm as her hands finagled her long red locks. She was free for the day and she was beyond excited to explore the various secrets that Point Place had to hide. While her sister, Donna, often talked about how she and her friends would kick it by the old water tower but as enticing as that sounded, Imo wanted a bit more danger. That’s when she spotted him. A single brow lifted as she slowly approached, tucking her bible deep into her purse as her gaze flickered to the cigarette between his fingertips. “Whatcha mean?” Imo asked as her gaze followed his cigarette,  she took the opportunity to walk over and stomp it out with the heel of her muddied keds. A genuine laugh falling from her lips as she extended an arm to him. “Be cool, man, I was actually coming over to ask if you had one to spare. The ‘rents aren’t a huge fan of this nasty little habit I developed, not that my mom even really notices.”
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—ACE HAD TO admit he was surprised by the woman's reaction. He'd expected to get his ear bitched off — the usual technique for the type of crowd surrounding them. Ace was shocked, actually, at the rebellious aura that the young woman was radiating. He had to admit, he'd read her wrong, or at least that's what he THOUGHT until he caught sight of the Bible being tucked discreetly into her purse - a bad little Catholic, it seemed. Raising an eyebrow, Ace slowly pulled a half-full pack of cigarettes as he inspected the stranger standing in front of him with skepticism. "S'cuse me, doll. You don't exactly seem like the smoking type," His eyes followed her as she went to stomp out his discarded cig. Something about the motion told him she was trying a little too hard to act tough. But whatever, it wasn't his battle. Tossing a freshly plucked tube of tobacco to the young girl, he gave a grunt. "I didn't know I had 'fuel for dirty habits' tattooed on my head, but that seems to be my gig. The name's Ace."
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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All the world’s a stage, and we are merely players~
Theatre Aesthetic 
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hcmoisms · 6 years
after my FOOD comes I’ll be in a great mood to RP so catch me doing replies! That being said, I’m thinking of picking up another chara inspired by BERT from MARY POPPINS. (He’s a homeless but forever optimistic Good Boy (tm) ) so like...if you feel like he might fit a connection u have lmk before I send in the app!
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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I just spent five minutes making this instead of writing and I’m not even sorry. @rogueity
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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This is a plot call for all my gays sons. Cause ya boy went inactive for a bit and now I’m confused as to who I was gossiping with?? So if you want to plot/continue plotting please give this a LIKE.
(also this is embarrassing but I’m going camping on the 29th-1st so I’ll be gone for like 4 days starting sunday oops)
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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—BRAM COULD SENSE Cooper’s presence even before he could smell him. It was some freaky Alpha-and-Beta connection shit that the farmer had only just begun to experience. Whatever the feeling was, he didn’t like it. It made his hair stand on end, and his chest swell with an overwhelming need to put the other wolf in his place. “How shocking — the STRAY is back,” Bram grunted, not bothering to turn around as the young man approached him from behind. Rather unceremoniously, Bram spat into the grass. “break outta your chains again? Sure smells like you had an EVENTFUL night,” He played it off with an air of sarcasm but truthfully, Bram wouldn’t have been surprised if the kid had gutted a few townsfolk if he’d gotten out during the full moon. The kid was absolutely unstable in his wolf form, and Bram had no idea how to help him.
( @shtbgs — shitbag cooper / supernatural verse ). 
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hcmoisms · 6 years
hey guys! honestly. im a lil drunk but like...let me apologize for the inactivity! I’m trying really hard to keep up with school atm, but I’m going to try and get on asap! If you want to plot pls hmu!! I’ve got a new character in mind, but haven’t figured out where he’s gonna go yet!
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hcmoisms · 6 years
( hcmoisms )
CHLOE: petition to make her my new partner !! CHLOE: with this pupper by my side i’ll be able to catch all the bad boys !!
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JACK: no way, she’s mine. I’m not giving up the best partner ever. JACK: I’m appointing her deputy-deputy sheriff so you better show some respect JACK: she can stop bad boys with her cuteness!
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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HARRISON: i’m trying to show you the error of your ways HARRISON: but you just won’t reason with me jack HARRISON: people don’t have to be attempting murder for a sport to be fun HARRISON: and yes it technically isn’t a contact sport but i’m pretty sure HARRISON: i have witnessed murder attempts during some of the games in world cup
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JACK: what you call “reason” I call “booooooring” JACK: I’m an officer of the law, if people aren’t borderline killing one another, i’m not having fun JACK: soccer is just football for babies, i doubt those guys could kill anyone
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hcmoisms · 6 years
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Fall + Huskies!! i love it!!! 
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