hcrribles · 5 years
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          the one thing pluto would never even think to do was complain about the life he had; he was raised to appreciate every opportunity he was given, not to take anything for granted. especially now that he lived aboveground in the world that, when he was a child, had only been a far off dream in stark contrast to the nightmare they actually resided in. underground, there had been no entertainment, nothing to keep his mind occupied, aside from fire. so all day every day, all he did was play with flames, gathering the collection of accidental burn scars clearly visible on his face and arms. and still, now, he found a sense of comfort in it. 
          standing outside on a crowded city street, pluto leaned against one of the many buildings, lighting matches one by one only to watch them burn. the difference between then and now, however, was the number of distractions that surrounded him: voices of people nearby, the sound of music from a car driving past, the heat of the sun on his skin, he found himself easily lost in the intrigue of it all. he hadn’t even noticed his eyes wandering away from the lit match in his hand until he felt the sting of the fire burning down to his fingertips. “ouch, fuck,” he cursed loudly with a sharp inhale, dropping it suddenly, not realizing how many eyes he had attracted in his direction with the outburst.
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hcrribles · 5 years
           *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ raven  missed  her  friends  very  much.  the  true  lonliness  she  felt  was  ripping  into  her  soul  and  was  killing  her  softly.  she  found  herself  approaching  a  small  pub  where  she  found  herself  sitting  at  the  bar.  “  i’ll  take  some  moonshine. ”  she  asked.  she  didn’t  know  what  to  expect  from  properly  prepared  moonshine  ,,  the  last  she  had  was  made  by  monty  at  the  camp.  the  memory  caused  her  shoulders  to  slump  and  her  thoughts  to  be  provoked  by  depressing  memories  until  the  glass  of  moonshine  was  placed  in front  of  her.  needless  to  say ,,  she  appreciated  the  distraction.  a  chime  of  a  bell  above  the  door  somehow  distracted  her  from  her  distraction.  she  watched  as  the  person  took  a  seat  next  to  her  and  then  turned  back  to  her  drink.
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            lately, klaus often found his thoughts wandering back to a specific moment in his memory, one of the last he remembered from back home. it was the moment he conjured his dead brother back into existence and, for the first time in a long time, didn’t feel completely useless in the dynamic of his family; the overwhelming power he felt, along with the looks on his siblings' faces were some of the very few things in his life that actually made him want to continue to be clean and sober. before that, he honestly didn’t care if all they saw when they looked at him was an emotionally-stunted junkie. but now, the feeling of being able to prove them wrong was almost as addictive as the drugs. of course, it was all easier said than done though, and klaus didn’t find anything wrong using alcohol to make his self-rehabilitation a bit less difficult.
            as soon as he walked in, his attention was immediately caught by the girl’s order, making his way over to take a seat beside her before commenting with a slight laugh, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone actually order moonshine at a bar.” rather than follow suit and properly order a drink, klaus decided to reach over the bar, grab a shot glass and the nearest bottle on liquor to pour one for himself. before drinking it, though, he turned to the girl beside him to ask, “do you want one too?”
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hcrribles · 5 years
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amy was ready to be uncomfortable as things were, but the fact that he repeated all those things about her, things that no stranger would know. things that, truthfully, she didn’t even think someone following her could completely know. her brows furrowed though, as she thought about everything that he had said. “nypd?” she mused aloud, her dark eyes fixing on the ground and then flicking back up to his face. something about him did strike her as familiar. 
she couldn’t help but frown, wetting her lips. every fibre of her being was telling her to run away. she had always been terrible at serious conversations, especially anything that felt like a breakup. but it was more than that – she couldn’t figure out, couldn’t place in her mind, what it was that was stopping her from just walking away or ending this conversation. partly because she was a kind person at heart, maybe. but no, it didn’t feel like that. “i work… here. i live here.” she said, blinking rapidly, starting to fidget as she was trying to process information in her head. “how– how do you know all of that about me?”
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            jake nodded a few times at her question of the nypd, feeling a flicker of hope in his chest that it meant she was remembering something, anything, from their past. the look on her face said otherwise, though, and another wave of disappointment washed over him when she spoke again. “well, yeah, I live and work here now too, but we used to be in brooklyn’s ninety-ninth precinct.” it felt so strange saying things that should be such common knowledge to amy of all people; usually she was the one bringing him back down into reality, not the other way around.
            his mind was running through every possible solution he could think of, anything he could do to fix it, because giving up wasn’t an option. there was no way he could live without amy in his life-- even if he had to start over from the beginning, going from strangers to friends, friends to best friends, until eventually they fall in love just like before, he was willing to do whatever it took to have her back. “let me take you out on a date,” he suggested suddenly, “we can go for a nice meal and I’ll try to explain everything. just give me a chance.” it was the best idea he could come up with: show her how much fun they used to have together. even if she didn’t remember their history, it was still amy and he was certain they still had natural chemistry. “besides, I always wanted a second chance at a first date. our original one was the worst date ever.”
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hcrribles · 5 years
    his kind’ smile is just as fake as her helpless grimace – and the realization amuses her to no end. look at them ; two creatures, trying to manipulate each other… though, lilith is awfully sure she’s winning this game. demons were born for it, and she’s the first of all of them. with a tiny whimper and a nod, she reaches out – dainty hand grabbing into his, accepting his ‘help’. “ that’d be… great. thank you, mister. ” looks like her daddy didn’t teach her not to go with strangers. but her 'daddy’ is lucifer - so that’s excuse enough !
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        the irony of the situation was completely lost on lestat; thinking he has the upper hand when, really, he’s the helpless prey falling into a carefully designed trap. of course, the thought that this fragile looking woman was anything more than just that was certainly not one that would cross his mind, not until it was too late, that is. “you are quite welcome,” he smiled, helping her up before offering out an arm for stability as they walked. “I don’t know if my family is home right now or not, but I’m sure they would be happy to meet you as well.” -- happy he brought them a snack, perhaps. sure, they would have to break lestat’s own ‘no killing in the house’ rule he had yelled at claudia so many times in the past for, but exceptions could be made from time to time.
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hcrribles · 5 years
closed starter for @tragcdysewn (nessie & jasper)
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         jasper had plenty of bad habits, but one of his worst was that of purposeful ignorance; if it weren’t for his family keeping him on track, he would just avoid anything he didn’t understand or want to think about. just one example of this was renesmee. after meeting her when he first arrived in dc, not remembering who she was or even knowing what she was, he found himself shaken and preferring not to deal with that confusion head-on. though, seeing her out in public again today brought out a curiosity within him, a need for answered that caused him to approach the young girl, lightly tapping her on the shoulder to gain her attention. “excuse me,” he started, a mild-mannered gentleness to his voice, “sorry to bother you, but can we talk for a minute?” there were so many questions he had for her, but he was at a loss for where to start.
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hcrribles · 5 years
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“But what will you do with the dog if Amy comes!?” She laughed, imagining Jake trying to hide the dog in the shower or something like that in a desperate attempt. Imogen understood where he was coming from, though, she knew how it felt to be lonely, that’s why she had three cats and a gecko.
“Honestly, I don’t think anything is gonna stop you from getting one, so I might as well help you pick one that isn’t a spawn of Satan.” She smiled.
When he mentioned the cigarette, she chuckled softly and pulled it out of her mouth, throwing it to the floor and stepping on it before picking it up again and throwing it into the nearest garbage bin. “You know I can’t say no to you.” She shrugged. It was strange, she never listened to anyone who commented on her very unhealthy habits, but for some reason Jake could get to her in ways no one else could. She liked him, he was like a big brother to her, and she had saved her from many potentially dangerous situations.
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           “we’ll cross that bridge when we get there,” he answered confidently. it was true jake hadn’t thought that far ahead, but he was certain that any problems that arose in the future would work themselves out like always, so he didn’t want to worry too much about it. flashing his bright grin once more, he nodded, happy to hear that she knew him well enough to know he couldn’t be talked out of ideas once he had them, “great! I need a dog that’s cool like me and you are, so you can help with that. let’s go.”
            he started walking as soon as she threw the cigarette away, replying to her statement with a light laugh as he led the way, “aw, sweet. that’s because I’m the smartest person you know, right?” despite his joking tone, he was actually glad she listened to him. above everything else, he cared about his friends, wanted the best for them and living healthy lives was part of that.
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hcrribles · 5 years
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“true indeed. though most common in the year i came from, amongst students especially” cosette commented on the matter, examining the male a little more as she spoke to him properly, rather than viewing from a distance. she had never met with many of the students, though she had heard a number of stories second-hand about them. her heart had always ached at the thought of the failed rebellion of eighteen thirty-two, and all the fight lost there, despite she herself being considered a member of the bourgeoisie. then again, if they had (somewhat halfheartedly and not entirely) accepted marius among their ranks, it showed those like her could have care for their cause. cosette had came from the poor by birth, after all. going to meet the handshake, hand soft as she joined it in a shake with the offer, she then halted, hues dawning wide. “cosette- but, gavroche? can it be?” he was but a young child, last she remembered, some years younger than herself.   
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           “the year you came from? what year is that?” he asked, curiosity filling his voice. her comment seemed to catch him off guard, not only because of her mention of the year, but also the fact that gavroche had never known the significance of the cockade pin that he had worn as long as he could remember. while he had always felt it carried an unexplained importance with it, he didn’t know the story of what it stood for, so hearing that she knew other people that wore it intrigued him. though, as their hands connected for a handshake and he saw her eyes light up with recognition, he was met with sudden confusion. “I’m sorry, have we met?” she seemed to know exactly who he was, which, despite confirming his suspicion that she was familiar to him, only raised more questions in his mind. 
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hcrribles · 5 years
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        crossing her arms in front of her chest , allison watches her brother with a quirked brow. ❝  vending machines  ?  really , klaus  ?  if you’re worried about food , i can cover it for tonight.  ❞ she’d be more than happy to purchase dinner for the both of them if it’s actually NECESSARY. she doesn’t expect her financial resources to last much longer than that though. she doesn’t have much money left from what she had on her when  e v e r y t h i n g  went down , but she’s certain that she has enough for a couple more meals at least. ❝  and then , i don’t know , you can MAYBE go out  &  look for a job at some point. ❞ it’s mostly just a suggestion , knowing that klaus can’t really be told what to do. however , she really does hope that he does take the advice. ❝   you can’t really live off of stolen pocket change forever. i can look with you THOUGH – i need to get out of my shitty apartment as soon as possible , anyways.  ❞
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           “really? aw, allison, you’re the best,” a bright grin grew across his features, genuinely grateful for her offer. that might have been the one upside of cultivating a reputation of irresponsibility amongst his siblings: sure, they never took him seriously, but at least they occasionally took pity on him enough to buy him things. “hey, you don’t think I could have done that already on my own?” he asked, clearly offended by her assumption of his joblessness, “because I’ll have you know I do have a job... well, I mean, I did,” klaus chuckled at the correction, “I probably don’t anymore since I haven’t showed up there in a couple weeks.” as much as he didn’t want to prove her right, or play into her already disappointed beliefs about him, his actions and habits spoke for him. “alright, fine. If you want to come with me, we can go look for a new one. or, we could go see if they want me back at the job I already had-- it was pretty cool there.”
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hcrribles · 5 years
Grog looked over at the man and tilted his head slightly. “Uh….wot?” He looked down at the ground and picked up the box. “I don’t….know….” Grog turned the box to the other man and showed him the label that was slapped against the side. He ripped open the box with one hand and looked inside. “Oh, sweet! Ale!” Sticking a hand in to the box, Grog smiled widely and lifted a bottle towards the other man. “Moi name is Grog, by the way. Seems like you got some nice booze in here! Wonder why you would put it in such a shitty box though. Loike, it’s kinda sad that you would just stick something so nice in a thing loike this.” He kept the bottle in his hand as he set the box on the floor. Grog looked at the top and grabbed the cork that was in the bottle of wine. “….can I open this?”
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          it was an odd situation, standing there in a stranger’s apartment being offered a mysterious box that also didn’t belong to him, though it definitely wasn’t the weirdest place klaus had ever found himself, so he decided to just play along. watching the other open the package to reveal it’s contents, an equally delighted grin appeared on his face. “oh, shit. nice! looks like we hit the jackpot,” he chuckled. “grog? cool name, man. I’m klaus. and you’re so right, it is sad, but at least they’re not broken.” he wasn’t putting much effort into keeping up the charade of being the box’s owner, but it also seemed like grog didn’t entirely care much either way which he appreciated. “go for it,” he nodded before grabbing another bottle for himself to quickly pop the top off of. “cheers,” he grinned, lifting the drink he claimed slightly before taking a swig.
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hcrribles · 5 years
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eponine hated the idea of lying to her little brother, him not recognising her made her feel far more alone in this world, something she desperately didn’t want. it wasn’t out of selfishness that she didn’t tell him, selfish would’ve been reminding him of all they had suffered so she felt as though she had anyone in the world here. but it was wrong to be selfish and she knew it. “i’m– i’m glad you had a good upbringing,” she whispered, relieved things had been better in his current memory than in the one she had of the two of them together. when he asked about her parents, she paused, unsure of how to say things. “no.” she finally answered, her voice small. “my parents were terrible people. i’m glad to be free of them here.”
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           gavroche couldn’t help but feel like their current conversation went so much deeper than he could ever know; memories stirring just below the surface that seemed so close yet still out of reach. he attributed it to her tone of voice, thinking that was the only thing making him feel so heartbroken at the moment, despite the nagging feeling that he was missing something in the back of his mind. “I’m sorry to hear that,” he replied simply once she spoke of her parents. “but, hey-- new starts are great! you’re free of them here so you don’t have to worry anymore,” his voice perked up, offering a lighthearted smile as he tried to look on the bright side, “besides, I’ve always been of the opinion that it doesn’t really matter who you’re related to, you can still choose your family based on the people that actually care about you.” just another of gavroche’s personal philosophies, words he lived by. “sometimes friends can be the best family, and you and I are friends now, right? so if you’re ever lonely, or need anything, I can be there for you-- like family.”
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hcrribles · 5 years
hi all !! now that im back from hiatus, i wanted to put a little STARTER CALL out there! even though I have plenty of drafts rn (that i promise i will be getting to soon), i have some characters that hardly have anything so i wanted to give them a chance to start some new threads! ps. I’m leaving klaus and jake off this list because currently like almost all my drafts are for them, but they’re ofc still open for plotting so feel free to message me if you’d like something with either of them <3
also if you’d like something more open/random, feel free to just like this post! otherwise, reply with who you’d like it for & from!
jasper hale (twilight) - 2/3 rosalie, nessie
lestat de lioncourt (the vampire chronicles) - 0/3
gavroche thenardier (les miserables) - 0/3
jay al-amir (descendants) - 3/3 mal, harry, regan
pluto (us) - 0/3
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hcrribles · 5 years
I love the smell of gasoline I light the match to taste the heat
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hcrribles · 5 years
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red was able to see that all in all, her mission had been ACCOMPLISHED. she’d delivered her people from the bowels of what felt like hell, and the majority of the A B O V E G R O U N D people had been slain. and the messiah thought that it served them right. they’d taken for granted their many privileges for years, and if she could not enslave them as a collective population, then the least that she could do was to kill them. to take away their CHANCE at feeling the sunshine on the surfaces of their skins. an opportunity that she had been deprived of, yet again, when adelaide had murdered her. and so when red WOKE UP in d.c., and she saw the sun S H I N I N G, she did not know what to do. all she could do was to shake, and to grip at her chest and abdomen, subconsciously AWARE of the injury that had proven fatal. the woman laughed HOARSELY as her trembling fingers felt the warmth against the concrete of the walkway that she laid upon. was this what sunshine was supposed to feel like? she vaguely remembered from her childhood, but that had been decades ago. the sound of the person calling out to her made red contort her body in their direction UNNATURALLY as she looked for a weapon. her shears were gone, but there had to be s o m e t h i n g. and she remained silent during her search.
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         the ability to feel true emotion and empathy had not been a skill regularly honed by those under the surface of the earth. after all, how could they feel any sort of connection with, or take responsibility for their actions when they weren’t truly their own? however, in all the years that had passed since then, pluto had entered an entirely different world, one with different rules and privileges, and one that allowed him to experience a life he never imagined possible. the potential for humanity that had always lied within him, within all of them, was given the conditions it required to grow into something full and complex-- no longer a hollow shell of a human lacking the development of those above.
         that’s why, when his eyes landed on the figure of his mother laying on the sidewalk after her ten year absence from his life, a wave of emotion seemed to hit him all at once. he didn’t know what they were or what they meant, but it felt like, at that moment, that everything else just fell away: all logical thought and reasoning were overtaken by the feeling of his heart pounding in his chest. his body seemed to move on its own just as it had in all that time tethered to jason, slowly approaching the other before crouching down beside her, palms resting on the concrete to lean forward slightly on his arms. she was the most important person in his life and seeing her again was never something pluto would have expected, though it was a welcomed surprise after everything that happened last they were together. 
          her frantic search for a weapon also was not something he was expecting, though he understood the reaction once the thought crossed his mind that, at first glance, he probably looked much different from the son she remembered. he had grown into an adult, no longer wore the mask that he once had, and the scars of past burns that marked his skin, while still fairly prominent, had faded. falling into a natural silence, he reached out to grab her hand with his own in a wordless attempt to get her to see that it was him.
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hcrribles · 5 years
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“you better cherish this moment because it won’t happen again.” five normally wasn’t one to hand out compliments, he mostly just tore people down. but he couldn’t help but appreciate this from his brother. it had to be said. maybe this place had softened him up a little bit. “actually, i was doing pretty well before you all showed up.” there was that attitude again, the one everyone expected of him. but there was some truth in what klaus was saying. it is slightly better with his siblings around as now he didn’t feel completely alone but he wasn’t going to admit that out loud. “but yes, seven years. when i tried to get us all away from the apocalypse, i ended up here, but seven years ago. at least i’m not my thirteen year old self anymore. time travel is complicated.” shrugging, he was just glad he wasn’t transported back into the future. “that it is and eventhough i’m not sure if thats a good thing or not, it’s ok for now. anyways, how are you doing?” crossing his arms, he was used to klaus’ antics by now, but deep down he did care and got a little worried, but he just never truly showed it. five just assumed his siblings knew.
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         as shocking as it was, klaus realized at that moment just how much he actually missed five. after seventeen years that were completely devoid of him, it was nice to have him back in his life, albeit bouncing in and out quite a bit. and now, even if he didn’t admit it, he enjoyed spending time with his brother, snide remarks, cocky attitude, and all. “wow, way to ruin it,” he joked in response to his comment about being fine without them. not that klaus doubted that fact even for a moment-- really, he knew that five was likely the best of them to have gone through the isolating experience that he had, or, at least, that klaus himself wouldn’t have been able to take being so alone. “no kidding. I was afraid I was going to turn thirteen after all that too and I’m so glad I didn’t because, man, that would have sucked.” despite his maturity level sometimes seeming fitting for that age, he didn’t particularly have the desire to relive those part of his life. the question about his wellbeing suddenly caught him slightly off guard, not used to such casual small talk from his brother. in response he gave a halfhearted thumbs-up and forced smile, “I’m good, yeah, things are cool,” though his tone very clearly suggested otherwise. in truth, he was exhausted with life and his constant battle with the drugs he had spent so many years relying on, but it wasn’t something he wanted to bring up. “how are you?”
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hcrribles · 5 years
He couldn’t help but stare at his body before his clothes were put on. Damn. Klaus was so fucking fine. And he loved all his weird tattoos. Reminded him of an Ouji board. “I had a dream about you.” If only it was a sex dream, that would have been better. “It was so weird. You were being tormented by ghosts, man. And uh– I’m a double Scorpio so like— I’m psychic or some shit so this is gonna come true eventually. ”
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          “you dreamt about me? aw, I’m flattered,” klaus laughed, mockingly placing a hand over his heart. joking was only his way of deflecting away from talking about what the other followed up with. he really didn’t even like to discuss his powers with his family, let alone other people who didn’t understand and were likely just going to be freaked out by it. though, the thought occurred to him that maybe ulysses had seen an old newsreel from when he was a kid, one that named him a superhero and ‘the séance’, but it still seemed far-fetched. “does it count as a psychic vision if you see something that’s already happened? sorry to say it, but it’s just not as impressive as seeing the future.”
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hcrribles · 5 years
Arthur longed to be on the back of a horse again. He longed for even a simple trot through the open plain. There was nothing as free and open as seeing nothing but rolling hills and creeks and sleeping there at night, the stars diamond bright above you at night.  A car honked suddenly and Arthur was force-ably trailed from his daydream. He sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed his eyes. He was tierd, having been up to nearly 5am the previous night bouncing at a bar in town. He had only napped for a few short hours before coming out for some breakfast.  He wasn’t fond of the modern world, but hell…the fried breakfasts had improved greatly.  He was finishing of his breakfast, people watching in town and half lost in more old daydreams of easier times, when a long shadow was cast across his table. Arthur glanced to them, swallowing what he had in his mouth and then wiping his lips with a napkin. He offered a nod, an odd greeting, he had to admit he must look like a strange sight. 
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          pluto was certainly no stranger to unorthodox interactions, even if they hardly seemed that way to him; despite his complete obliviousness to it, the things that felt natural to him usually came off as awkward or weird to others. so, doing something like stand over another person’s table silently with only a slight tilt of his head and an inquisitive look in his eye didn’t strike him as strange behavior. it was the food the other was eating that first caught his attention upon wandering into the restaurant. he rarely found himself enticed by food or drawn into restaurants, for that matter, considering his rather particular diet didn’t usually include anything besides fresh fruits and vegetables, but he was hungry, and he couldn’t help but be curious when he saw what the man seemed to be enjoying.
          the nod the other gave was a welcomed form of greeting, grateful to have avoided the stress he typically felt when people talked too much at him since, although he did understand and speak english, when it came at him too quickly, words tended to become just a jumbled mess of noises in pluto’s head. a moment later, he decided to take a seat across from the stranger, tucking his legs up beneath him to sit on his knees in the chair before pointing at the plate of food to speak in a quiet voice, “that looks good. what is it?”
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hcrribles · 5 years
evie let out a light laugh, shaking her head. “yes i seem to be the only one in school but it’s also the expected thing to do here after high school,” she countered. it still irked her that she couldn’t remember her life. at least the one back in their world. she offered him a small smile and nodded. “i hope you’re right. i just have to make sure everything is ready for when i start making the clothes. my final is a fashion show. you’ll come right?” she asked hopefully.  “anyway, maybe i could use a little bit of a distraction?”
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           in response to her words, jay only gave a slight shrug and a nod. despite not wanting to participate in any more school himself, he was happy to hear that evie was and that she had the opportunity to do something she loves. “of course I’ll be there! gotta support my bestie, right?” he grinned, “and I’ll make sure everyone else comes too, even if I have to force them.” he thought of uma, harry, and gil, and how they likely wouldn’t show up if he didn’t push for it. he was proud of her, though, and wanted everyone they knew from back home to support her as well. “a distraction I can definitely help with. what do you want to do? play video games? go get some food?”
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