hcrrorbabes · 4 months
work is killing me. I don't have a day off until next Friday. And I can already feel the exhaustion setting in...
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
I have decided to be a freak forever
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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a sexy Nightwing collab i did with my gf Rebecca. 
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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I can hear you overthinking from here, Boy Wonder…
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
On the misconception of Jason attempting to take Tim's life at Titans Tower:
I've seen people be confused about this one, so I figured I'd provide some context/ analysis/ what have you, for anybody who might be interested.
Now, the incident we're talking about occurred in issue 29 of the 2003 Teen Titans book.
There is a lot that could be said about the whole issue, but in the interest of not having this post run on forever, let's just focus on the end to the actual physical altercation between Jason and Tim:
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Jason warns Tim of the dangers associated with being Robin. He uses himself as a cautionary tale, making it clear that this isn't about envy; that Jason has no interest in being Robin again himself. That that's not what this is about.
Then he knocks Tim out.
Tim is unconscious for a while and Jason uses this opportunity to very dramatically put the word out there that, yep, he is indeed the real Jason Todd and he's ready to cause trouble.
When Tim comes to again, he is injured, yes, but okay overall. He isn't bleeding out on the floor, close to death. In fact, he's very much able to just sit up and have a normal conversation with people. All in all Tim is fine, and Jason has left.
And, well, that's that. At least from Tim's perspective.
The issue actually concludes with a really interesting page featuring Jason's narration:
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Here we see Jason easily concede that Tim is good. No malice, no hate, no ill wishes towards him. And Tim is doing fine. Jason is shown to be in no way surprised that Tim is alive and well, back out in the field. Because he was never out to seriously injure Tim, let alone kill him.
Jason didn't want to take Tim's life at all. He had ample opportunity to do so, but he didn't. One of the reasons the whole confrontation went down the way it did, is because Jason was genuinely excited to meet Tim (see the intro narration of the issue). Aside from delivering the warning discussed above, Jason wanted to see for himself what Tim is capable of, what makes him tick. And he has no problem admitting that Tim is indeed good at what he does.
It's obviously an important incident in their lives, but Tim was never in any real danger here. Getting into brawls is nothing crazy at all in their line of work, and Tim has canonically acknowledged that he holds no ill will towards Jason over the whole thing, e.g. here in issue 8 of the 2011 Red Hood and the Outlaws book:
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Summary/ conclusion: Does Jason feel guilty about things he's done to Tim in the past? Yes. Does Tim hold it against him? No. Was their fight at Titans Tower a murder attempt? Not at all.
Thanks for reading! I hope this helps clear some things up for anybody wondering (:
Bonus: Jason talking about Tim in Battle for the Cowl (2009) #2
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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fan art
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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Nightwing/ Red hood
Fan art
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
Nancy: You read my diary?!
Robin: At first I didn't know it was your diary. I thought it was just a very sad, handwritten book.
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
Send "____ has a crush on you!" to my muse to see their reaction
Fill the blank with the character's name
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
threatening to kill you as a love confession
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
Robin, watching Steve sleep: He's my life, my best friend, my everything. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. I love him so much.
Steve: *snores*
Robin: I can't live like this.
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
Eddie: I've always been a little anxious.
Eddie: Then I died.
Eddie: Which did not calm me down.
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
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hcrrorbabes · 4 months
hey girl *starts bleeding out all over ur bathroom floor*
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