hdmason · 2 years
If you asked anyone who knew Mason well, they'd probably tell you he was a seemingly endless ball of energy, even the word "sunshine" could be used to describe him. He wore those words with pride, and he liked to think it was true most of the time.
But that didn't mean he didn't have bad days.
Mason was the kind of guy who wore his heart on his sleeve, though always tried to hide any negative emotions hidden underneath his signature too-big smile. Today, he had gotten some rough critiques on his dancing, the thing he prided himself on most in his life. Normally, he took criticisms well, just listening and nodding and applying the corrections in stride, but something about the comments today struck a nerve with him and he couldn't just shake them off. So, the masking that was a daily occurence for him only got harder to do.
The thing about people asking "how are you" throughout the day was that they didn't really want to know. They wanted you to say 'good and you?" and then move on. He had unfortunately learned that from years of answering too honestly and making people uncomfortable growing up. So now, Mason wasn't really okay, but he was going to lie until he got home and could finally just release his negative energy into some video games.
He had just finished a game of Overwatch (a loss, go figure) when he heard a knock on the door. He blinked a bit in surprise, trying to think if Jamie had mentioned he was planning on having company tonight. He couldn't remember that, so Mason had no idea who it could be. He got up from his chair and walked to the door and opened it.
Mason and Sebastian's relationship had been unexpected to anyone who knew the two separately. They were practically complete opposites, but Mason loved making new friends, and Sebastian was no exception. Plus, Mason could definitely relate to the whole "going from an english speaking country to Korea and needing to learn the language and customs" thing that poor Sebastian was dealing with. Plus, he liked the Sebastian he got to see when he did finally come out of his shell.
The surprise of seeing him here with a random bag at his side brought what felt like the first genuine smile of the day from Mason. "Hey, Seb!" he greeted in English, his voice still sounding a bit tired (once the mask dropped for the day, it was hard for him to put it back on). "It's good to see you, dude, what's up?"
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flashback to a few weeks ago, during the evening, after practice
– an umbrella for the rain  @hdmason
sebastian liked to think he had a good grasp of the people who are in his life; that was something he didn’t have when he was younger, more than happy to ignore others and keep them at a distance, socializing wasn’t his forte, if you will. still, opening up and allowing himself to be vulnerable and fond with others was something he was still struggling with. he couldn’t help but find it awkward. he didn’t know how to handle being so soft, he had an image to uphold, one that he had given to himself, really, that wasn’t something he’d say out loud though, not one to be so openly honest about his flaws, it was better that way, anyways–!
back to the point. 
mason was his friend. surprising, really. or maybe not so much, the male was a social butterfly, the complete opposite of himself, and he just wormed his way into his life, offering him smiles and his company, and who was he to deny someone wanting to bask in his presence? sebastian didn’t really know what to do with him at first, it was almost jarring to be around someone who was such a complete opposite of himself in the way he acted and carried himself. the british male will never comprehend how he could manage to balance so many friendships, and yet he did so rather easily, and didn’t seem to struggle, or at least he seemed quite happy doing it. sebastian wouldn’t admit to it loudly, but he wanted to be a bit more like him; a bit more open and kind, and willing to reach out to others. 
needless to say, when their texting conversation went unanswered for an abnormally long amount of time, the blond male let himself worry. though they were both busy with training and practice, they always made time to respond to each other, and mason had this happiness that seemed to exude even through sms, and though the tone seemed a bit off at first, he didn’t overthink it, but now, he couldn’t help but to reread everything said, teeth worrying at his lower lip, nervous. 
was he not feeling well? 
it was nearly supper time, and training sessions have been done and over for a while now. sebastian himself was warm and comfortable in his own dorm room, though he was quick to get on his feet to set a plan on motion. it was a bit embarrassing how he didn’t really know what to do to comfort friends; it was more so he worried it wouldn’t be the right way of comfort, or that they would hate how he showed affection and care, but he decided to stop his thoughts from running in circles, and to actually do something about it.
maybe he was reading it all wrong, but it didn’t hurt to offer some kindness. it was something the older male seemed to easily give to him, and he wanted to reach out and offer him some softness too. 
an hour and a half later, the younger male found himself standing in front of mason’s dorm, one hand holding a bag filled with tupperware of foods he had cooked, still warm, he had went for comfort first, stews, rice and kimchi, meat, and he knocked on the door, hoping it would be his friend who answered, or else it would be embarrassing, and sebastian would melt to the floor and dissipate. 
now he was just being dramatic.
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hdmason · 2 years
Mason couldn’t remember the last time he felt this completely broken.
He had ruined his chances of staying in the upper level, and potentially, his entire chance to debut and fulfill his dreams. His lack of self care had completely destroyed his performance and led the judges to thinking Mason didn’t know his lyrics. It was embarrassing, and Mason’s shame and heartbreak was written all over his face.
It wasn’t hard to tell that Jamie was concerned as Mason glanced over during the judging, but Mason felt so ashamed that he couldn’t even try to meet his eyes. Once they were cleared to leave the stage, Mason did his fastest walking he could, not wanting to draw too much attention to himself by flat out running back to the bedroom. He made sure the door was closed before he completely broke down, tears streaming down his face and sobs finally escaping him in between shaky breaths. He dug his palms into his eyes, almost as if he could push his tears back inside of his eyes, but it was fruitless.
He heard the door open and he wiped his eyes, not sure who had walked in and trying to regain some composure for whoever it was, though he couldn’t help but sniffle before turning around.
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hdmason · 2 years
Words: 1034
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Mason had never been called the smartest guy in the room. Sure, he was full of useless facts about kpop and video games, but when it came to common sense? Self preservation? Some would go so far as to call him an idiot. The self preservation was particularly bad at this moment, with his hyper-fixation completely locked into practicing.
He refused to leave the practice room, the song on repeat and him dancing and rapping full out with every run. All he felt was adrenaline and determination flowing through his veins, completely outweighing what could be described as “hunger” or “exhaustion.” It was only when Jamie placed his hand on Mason’s shoulder and told him he needed to rest did Mason register Oh, I’m working too hard. I’m doing the thing I’m not supposed to do.
But it didn’t stop. He told Jamie he would only run it once more before heading to bed, but once turned into twice, then twice to thrice, and he kept going for another hour. He had a huge part, and everyone in the elite team was counting on him. He had to not only do well, but he had to be perfect.
It went like this for days.
The only thing Mason was constantly doing to take care of himself was drinking water between runs, but he was only mindful of that because he never had to leave the practice room. He could subconsciously hear the other trainees talking in the corner between group practices while Mason kept going, but whether it was about him or not, he couldn’t register. He was so focused on getting every angle and word perfect that it didn’t matter; nothing mattered besides getting Maverick to perfection.
It was the day of their final evaluation. Mason felt like he looked good, the styling fitting him and the concept super well, but his brain was not in the best condition of his life. He could practically hear his mother yelling at him in his head. He did eat breakfast this morning, but maybe he didn’t get as much sleep as was probably necessary, and his thoughts were reflecting it. They were running a bit rampant in his head, each fighting for dominance as he did his best to just focus on the task at hand.
He was mouthing the lyrics to the song when they were finally called to their places, Mason nodded, unable to stop himself from stimming a bit with his left hand before walking forward to his place with as much confidence as he could. He knew this choreography and lyrics like the back of his hand, he probably knew them better than he knew his own name at this point. He had to nail this; his future was depending on it.
The music started and Mason went off. However, his usual feeling of euphoria when he performed wasn’t in full force, only a slight inkling of it; it was as if someone turned down the volume of the feeling and he was much more aware that he was trying too hard to access it.
It got to his rap verse that practically opens the song and... he flubbed the lyrics. His tongue wouldn’t make the right sounds and he was stumbling with the articulation. He tried to keep his expression appropriate to the song, but there was fear and desperation in his eyes. His body was still doing the movements correctly, even potentially perfectly, but now it wouldn’t matter; everyone was only going to remember him completely fucking up the opening of the song. He got through the second verse decently enough, though his nerves were shot from his previous mistake, so he wasn’t as strong as he had been in the hundreds of times he had rehearsed it.
He had failed.
What’s with you boys and not taking proper care of yourselves? Chaeri’s words echoed in his head in the silence following the performance. Not only had he let himself down, but he definitely let her down too. Her, all the boys on his team, all the people at home rooting for him, he had just disappointed basically everyone he cared about, and he could physically feel his heart breaking.
Once everyone lined up, Mason reached down to grip the skin between his thumb and his pointer finger and pinching, doing his best to keep from crying. He couldn’t lose it in front of the judges, not now, not ever. 
“Mason,” one of the judges said, confusion evident on his face. Mason couldn’t blame him; he was confused too. “You basically open the song, you have to know your lyrics. You’re letting your team down and yourself down if you don’t do it.”
I do, I do know my lyrics, I promise, I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry...
“I’m sorry,” he said, bowing deeply, praying his thoughts wouldn’t spiral so he could keep some composure at least while the judging was happening; once he was on the lower level, then he could cry.
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to your teammates,” the judge responded, pointing to the entire group. Mason did just that, stepping out of line to bow and apologize to every member. The words I’m sorry were on repeat with his mouth and in his brain.
Another judge potentially saw how upset Mason was and tried futilely to soften the blow. “Your dancing was excellent, you clearly know the moves and appreciate the details, but if you’re given that big of a part, you need to be able to rap it well. You need to do better in the future if you want to continue in this competition.”
I know, I fucked up, I’m an idiot, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry...
The judges moved on to the other contestants, heaping mostly praise. Well, it was most likely a good mix of praise and criticisms, but Mason wasn’t able to fully process what was being said. All he heard was the painful words of his own critiques repeating in his head.
He was going to the lower level. He could practically see his chances of debut being flushed away, all because he wanted it too badly.
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hdmason · 2 years
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hdmason · 2 years
mason’s equal excitement makes hwan grin from one end to the other. he’s happy that he’s meet a good friend like the latter who shares equal passion if not more than him and hwan truly respects him as a trainee and future artist. given if they would not be able to debut in the same group and would have to walk different idol paths, he hopes that mason and him would be friends for the longest time. hwan could only dream truly, that if ever one day he becomes a talented composer and songwriter and if mason were to debut as a soloist, he would personally gift him a track or a whole album of songs. that is, if ever mason would have him in his journey.
“please that’d be so sick,” hwan comments, excited english spewing and truthfully, he could no longer contain his excitement. “you’ve been there for me when i needed dance practice, i’d be more than grateful if you’d choreograph to my music,” the raven-haired adds on.
hwan gives mason a light pat to his shoulder, happy to hear that he had been someone who mason could trust with his secret and glad mason open up to him just as hwan had to him. he makes a lip zipping motion and crosses to where his heart is, “your secret is safe with me, forever.” he mentions with a nod before blinking over the excitement mason displays. “c'mon i’ll take all the secrets you have! i’ll be your personal pandora box of secrets!” he comments with a grin, but part of him feels excited as well to what mason would tell him.
“You’re the best, dude,” Mason smiled before chuckling at Hwan’s eagerness; it was always nice to feel like someone was excited to listen to you. Even though he knew it was pointless since they were completely alone, Mason looked around for a moment to look and see if anyone had materialized to eavesdrop on their conversation. Obviously, no one had, but Mason still felt the need to lean in and whisper his secret plan.
“I have... this sort of... goal, I guess,,” he said, not hesitating because he didn’t want to tell Hwan, but because he wanted to word it properly. “I want to debut more than anything, but once I do that... well, more like once I’m in the public consciousness, like we get our first win or something, like after we’re sort of... known and loved, you know? That’s when... that’s when I want to go on weverse or Weekly Idol or something and tell the world I’m autistic.” He felt his chest swell at the words. “I want to show people all over Korea and the world that you can be autistic and still achieve whatever you want to achieve.” He then chuckled nervously. “And then they’ll probably kick me out of the group, but that’s why I’m waiting until we’re... I don’t know, until I’m a part of something first that people would be upset if I left? Does that make sense?” He shook his head. “I don’t know, I just... it’s kind of a pipe dream, but I feel like even if I get kicked out, I’d be the first idol to ever officially come out as autistic and I think that would be huge for kids like me everywhere, If I could get one autistic kid to see themselves in me, then it’d be worth it, right?” Once Mason got started talking about this dream, it was hard for him to stop, but he managed to stop himself in time to look up and gauge Hwan’s reaction. 
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hdmason · 2 years
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hdmason · 2 years
Niel hesitated for a moment even though Mason said that it was okay if he stayed. He’d like to think they were friends. Their shared evaluation experience and Mason’s knowledge of Niel’s past group had lead to a sense of shared comraderie between them. Or at least he thought it did.
Mason’s next question almost made Niel feel bad. What did his expression look like that his emotions were so clearly written on his face? He gave a wry smile. “I’m just…not having a great week I guess.” It’d been a little more than a week. But Niel was afraid he might cry if he went too into depth.
And maybe he needed that. But he hated the idea of crying in front of someone else. So he was going to do his best to not do that. He generally hated crying. It made him feel like shit and it didn’t really do much. Niel would far rather solve the problem than cry about it. But the fact was that he couldn’t really solve anything right now. Everything was out of his hands so there wasn’t much else to do.
“What are you working on?” Niel had been mostly learning choreographies from Elite. He didn’t have anything specific to learn so it seemed like as good a time as any to just work on miscellaneous choreography that he felt like doing. It was rare as a trainee to have this time to just do something that you wanted to do because you wanted to do it. But he also knew that it would be a good idea to keep his skills sharp and Elite choreographies seemed like the easiest way to do that.
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Mason frowned slightly, worried about Niel’s week. Could Mason beat up a week? Oh, who was he kidding? He couldn’t beat up an hour. Still, he offered “I’m sorry, that sucks. Want to talk about it? Totally fine if not, but I’m here to listen.” Mason had mostly gotten over the starstruck-ness when it came to Niel, and considered him a friend at this point. So he was ready to completely disregard his compulsive need to practice dancing in order to be there for Niel if he decided he needed a listening ear.
“Oh, nothing specific really,” he said with a shrug, continuing to stretch. “I was going to work on my old covers, just so they won’t get rusty and I can bust them out whenever I need to. ‘Lucifer,’ ‘Criminal,’ ‘The Chaser,’ ‘Move,’ just reviewing, making sure my moves are still sharp, or smooth, or whichever each move needs to be, you know what I mean.” He then sat up and rested his chin in his hands as he tilted his head. “But I’m also down to help you rehearse whatever you need! Maybe we could critique each other if you’d find that helpful?”
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hdmason · 2 years
mason seems eager to talk, but thankfully, his chatter isn’t boring. throughout most of her life, chaeri’s been the friend who listens ;; the one who nods their head ;; the one who picks up on the emotions of others, & even feels them herself. it’s a role that she doesn’t mind taking on — it’s not like she has a ton to say herself most of the time, as she’d rather frolic about freely in the caverns of her mind — & it seemingly comes quite naturally to her. right now would be a strong example of that, & even though he’s embarked on a tangent, he’s taking her on a journey with all of the information he’s revealing. ❝ wow… i guess i never realized that use of honorifics was completely abnormal in some places, ❞ she adds, then stares off into the distance for awhile. ❝ i can see how that would be a hard adjustment to make, & i’m sorry that you had to go through those struggles. ❞ she understands what it’s like to feel like a fish out of water. maybe not in the same way as mason has, but enough for her to empathize with him. in all honesty, she still feels like one, especially at hydra labels.
❝ i like to swim, yeah, but in general, i just… i like being near the water. i try to get out there as often as i can, but training makes it difficult. you can’t exactly make a simple, easy day-trip out of going to the beach from the city… ❞ chaeri half-smiles, half-frowns ;; upset that it’s been awhile since she was able to dig her feet into the sand. ❝ do you like the beach ? i realize that some people are afraid of the water, so if my talking about it upsets you, let me know… ❞ it’s like her to want to be respectful of his boundaries. he’s a new friend, so she’s got to learn if he has any hard-no’s or limits.
when he tells her that she could use a break from his hard work, she shakes her head, but finds it sweet that he brought up his mother. ❝ well, tell her i said ❛ you’re welcome ❜ if she brings it up again. also, what’s with you boys & not taking proper care of yourselves ? ❞ chaeri queries, mostly rhetorically. ❝ i feel like most of the guys i’ve talked to who train here have all said that they’re stuck in the studio, or always dancing, or always writing… i respect the hustle, but i feel like you all need to remember to maintain proper self-care, too. that’s just as important. ❞ she both chides him gently, & encourages him ;; her tone of voice still a delicate lilt the whilst.
❝ i… hmm… if i’m being honest, i’m really craving kimchi-jjigae — especially with pork. ❞ she knows that she needs to be mindful with her diet, but at the same time, the chill in the air has her feeling cold, & she wants something substantial to combat it. ❝ does that sound good to you, too ? i think there’s a place around the corner that serves up a really lovely bowl of it, but i’m also easy to please if you’d rather go elsewhere. ❞ with that, they turn a corner & are sent down yet another hallway. she has no idea how mason is able to find his way out of this part of the building, but she’s glad that he’s beside her ;; acting as her compass in this foreign land.
Mason always tried to be aware of the subtle social queues the neurotypicals used. If their eyes glaze over, they’re bored with the conversation. If they stop looking at you, they want you to stop talking. These were things Mason was completely blind to growing up, but he had gotten better over the years, so he was always looking for them, especially when he was on a tangent like now. But she wasn’t showing any signs that he was boring her or being annoying, and that only made him feel better about their (hopefully) newly blooming friendship. “Yeah, it was weird at first, but thank god I got it after a while,” he said before he smiled softly at her apology, though he shook his head. “Thank you, but you don’t have to be sorry. If I hadn’t gone through all that, I never would have been able to become a trainee and been this close to my dream. Everything happens for a reason, right?” Even accidentally entering the wrong dance room he thought to himself, though somehow managed to not say aloud.
“Yeah,  no, I can totally see that being frustrating,” he agreed, seeing the clear sadness behind her smile. He then shook his head, reassuring her. “No, I’m not afraid of water. I love the beach, when I can go. I’m not, like, the strongest swimmer in the world, but I still like it. Just cant go too deep in the ocean, but pools I’m a pro.” He chuckled at his own dumb joke before asking “How often do you get to go? To the water, I mean.”
He smiled sheepishly at her chiding, tilting his head back and forth. “No, I know, you’re right, it’s just...” He shook his head before trying to explain his point of view. “I can’t speak for the other guys you’ve talked to, but for me, I... love training, like dancing is my favorite thing to do in the world. So when I get into a zone, I usually don’t want to leave it? Even if it is to eat or sleep?” He reached up to rub the back of his neck as he chuckled awkwardly. “Now I sound like a nerd or a workaholic.”
He then shrugged, nodding. “Kimchi-jjigae sounds good to me!” he agreed. “As long as it’s not too spicy, I’m kind of weak when it comes to spice. At least by Korean standards.” He probably shouldn’t have said that, since eating anything with this girl sounded amazing, even if it literally lit his tongue on fire. “But really, I’ll be fine. I’m tough!” He posed a bit in a “manly” pose before laughing at himself, shaking his head. He was so weird, but he hoped his stupid jokes weren’t scaring her off.
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hdmason · 2 years
Haneul laughed softly along. At Mason’s questions, his brows furrowed quizzically, tinged with a bit of humor, “Oh, of course, just distract that’s all.” He wished he could be more like Mason, bursting with natural energy that’s contagious to be around. But something told him his results wouldn’t be as ambitious. He listened on with a pleasant smile until the mention of Jamie puckered his lips into an ‘o’ that gently formed into a grin. Selfishly, he wanted to pivot the conversation toward whatever the two were getting into. 
“That sounds so nice! It’ll be nice to unwind after all we’ve been through. Um… Tell Jamie I said ‘Hello~.’” His cheeks grew warm, so he avoided eye contact with the other by taking a bite of a strawberry. So wrapped up in a bubble, he forgot all about the two’s bond and gradually started to overthink… Then again, he wasn’t the best with words — so maybe, should the scenario calls for a comforting ear or shoulder, Mason would be the best friend Haneul went to in times of trouble. 
Mason nodded with his explanation. “Been there,” he agreed before Haneul’s expression shift made Mason smirk. Gotcha. He tried to hide it, but Mason’s poker face had never been good.
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“Oh, I will,” he said cryptically, though his excitement for his best friend was leaking into his words and expression. He bit his lip and tried shaking his head before just deciding that this tiptoeing shit wasn’t helpful; he wasn’t good at it anyway. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening in before he leaned forward and spoke in a more hushed tone.
“So... Jamie’s my best friend, right?” he started; so much for getting to the point. “Like I love that kid more than anything, and the only thing I want more than debuting is for him to be happy, you know?” He leaned in a pinch closer as he started whispering. “... and I think you make him happy.” Was he overstepping? Was trying to play cupid going too far? He wasn’t sure, but he knew how Jamie felt, and with Haneul’s little reaction there, he felt like it might be reciprocated, and they’d be super cute together. He tilted his head slightly before asking “Does he make you happy too?”
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hdmason · 2 years
A (slightly different) Wish Come True
Words: 447
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Mason was excited and ready to go. He was here, finally, on his way towards what could potentially be his dream. Not only was he on this show, but he was in the elite team; he was doing well. Now all he had to do was not screw it up.
Easier said than done, but he was sure as hell going to try not to.
As the video of the song and choreography started playing, of course Mason was initially drawn to the dancer who opened with the center role. That was always the goal of the center, right? To draw attention? But then the lyrics started and it opened officially with a powerful rap line. Mason’s eyebrows raised and it immediately grabbed him. He was worried when he came here that his lack of vocal ability would be a detriment to him in the competition, but if there was a rap position...
Though Mason tried watching every position, but his eyes kept going to the first rapper, position number 2. Not only did he have a decent amount of lines, but he was the center once in a while, and was in or near the front about eighty percent of the time, and always during the chorus. This position was clearly not the main dancer, but for the first time, Mason wasn’t gunning for it. This part was perfect for him, just enough to show off, but also perfect for him to be a team player; Robby wouldn’t be interested in this one anyway, so no drama, right? Plus, he could show off his rapping and then show off his dancing in a more subtle role.
When Minseon started dividing the parts, Mason couldn’t help but blink at his friend, trying to mentally send the message about which position he wanted.
Position number two, position number two, position number two, position number two, position number two...
He got it. He got it. He could’ve kissed Minseon he was so happy, but he had a feeling the producers wouldn’t feel too good about him doing so. Still, his signature too-big-smile was in full force as he bowed in thanks from their seated position, promising to work hard and not disappoint anyone.
He did his best to listen to everyone else get their positions, but he could only catch a couple. He was just so excited that he got the part he wanted without needing to fight someone for it. He knew he had big shoes to fill with this, but he was going to do this to the best of his ability. He was going to kill it, or it could be his last chance to shine.
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hdmason · 2 years
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hdmason · 2 years
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hdmason · 2 years
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#literally me
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hdmason · 2 years
if there is something hwan is glad of and a positive way to look into his outburst of panic attack, it would be that he’s glad to have mason as his friend. mason is, as simply put, an epitome of positive ball of energy and someone hwan could rely on even in his worst times. “it’s still incomplete, what not with this session being delayed- but i’d love to show you when the final product is ready.” he comments genuinely, ready to get back into the recording booth to show one of his many hidden best works. the compliments he receives from mason only adds on as reassurance to which hwan is thankful for and without even saying much, he knows mason recognizes his gratitude.
“oh shit-” was the first thing hwan says, though without spite and hopefully mason did not take it to heart, “i mean- oh shit on the whole flashing light and noises and not about you- it must especially suck when it happens. thank you though for telling me, you’re very brave.” he follows with a compliment. “i’m sorry- i’m possibly the worst person when it comes to reacting. i’ve been told i’m dense. thank you though for opening up- if it uh helps, an eye for an eye as such, i was a child actor. and uh, it was basically the root to what i have and need medication time to time for. don’t apologize though, i’m sorry too, for having to unload unnecessary information ‘bout me on you”
if there is a line that hwan should not cross, it would have been too late. hwan takes the risk and asks cautiously, “does anyone else know though..? if it’s a secret, i’ll keep it close to my heart and swear on my uh, swear on my dead hamster’s grave.”
“Yes, please! Whenever you’re ready,” he said with a smile, excited to hear Hwan’s music. “Maybe we can collab and I can help choreograph if it’s the kind of song that needs choreo?” That idea brought him some joy, just the idea of getting to work with Hwan on something obviously so personal to him.
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Mason laughed, shaking his head. Hwan was as good at reactions as Mason was, meaning not great. But, like Mason hoped other people thought so when he did it, Mason found it endearing. Plus, he appreciated the “brave” compliment, even though he didn’t really believe it; it was just him doing his best to live his life.
“Oh, um... yeah, it is a bit of a secret,” he admitted. “I mean... like you know because I’m comfortable telling my good friends and I trust you, but... you know how Korea can be, not really that accepting of people that are pretty different.” Mason knew Hwan would understand that, even though Mason loved his new country, that didn’t mean there was nothing wrong with it. “So yeah, please don’t tell.” He then met Hwan’s eyes and couldn’t help the slightly excited and mischievous smile forming on his face. “Can you keep another secret?”
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hdmason · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 2.01 - Development Day
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hdmason · 2 years
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hdmason · 2 years
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