“Vy, yes I am,” she smiled softly and raised her brow. “Ve take a lot of pride in our cooking. Vat vas your Russian nanny like?”
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Carolyn nodded her head. She picked the right treat. “Are you Russian? I had a Russian nanny for a while. She could cook too.”
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“Vell, it’s not like you don’t deserve it,” he was too good to her, and anyone good to her was worth spoiling. “I’ll save ze first vun for you, zen,” she smiled. Galya was just enjoying the compliments as they went. Even though she knew it was a lot, almost too much, she didn’t care. “You can start cutting up ze bananas vile I start ze filling?” she shrugged. 
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The woman’s reaction to his reaction was even better than he could have hoped and only made it taste that much sweeter. “You spoil me, Red” he grinned, watching her beaming and punch the air. He was delighted that she got the reaction she wanted “Now i just can’t wait to try a whole cupcake - i’m sure it’ll be even better!” he was laying on the flattery almost as thick as the icing, but she deserved it - and it was mostly true too. “Is there anything i could do to help?” he offered in an unusual spout of kindness, not feeling like leaving her company or the kitchen just yet
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In that very small moment, it seemed to slow down for Galya. She looked at him, watching the gears in his head turn. “Then do,” she grinned back at him and then immediately followed after him. Red may have been old, but she wasn’t slow. Not yet. She pushed past the divider between the register and the other displays that separated the dining area from the actual kitchen. Red kicked out a chair in front of him, trying to cut him off as she made her way down the dining room.
Ali stood up straighter. The knife had gotten to him. It was gripped in her hands and it looked to him more like the sultry men in his country in the supermarkets. She reminded him so much of them. He glared at her. “I would like to test your limits,” he said, grinning widely after that statement. His hand quickly grabbed the cupcake by the topping layer, smothering it into his palms and he ran quickly to the window seperating the kitchen and the serving cafeteria with his hips sliding underneath it.
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Red half-nodded, and put the money she was given into the register. “Vanilla vith butterscotch cream in ze middle, topped vith fluffy coconut icing, caramel and seasalt for flavor on top, vith a banana slice sticking out of ze middle.”
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“I would say that yes. I am very talented.” She grinned. Carolyn loved a compliment. “Merry-Go-Round. Hm.” She hummed. “I like that.” She pulled out her wallet and paid the woman for the cupcake, then took a bite. “This is…unique. What’s in it?” Carolyn was trying to pick apart all the different flavors but she was having trouble. 
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“Zen maybe ve should try. It would make zings a lot easier for me around here, being as almost all ze other vorkers here are taller zan me,” she nodded. “Yes. And super strengthz. Vat if you crushed somevun vile you vere trying to hug zem?”
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“Well, I have spoken to a few ringleaders. Florian is the sweetest I would guess he’d be happy to give us anything that will benefit the circus. Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to convince him.” Sydney laughed. “Always being able to see through clothes… yeah. Maybe not the best power.”
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“Vould zey really, zough? Most ringleaders are too preoccupied viz zeir own business and interests. Zey hardly care about vat ve’re doing out here,” Red waved her hand passively and then smiled. “Yeah. Zat’s true. Like x-ray vision.”
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“None at all. You know what. I might actually put a request in, I’m sure the ringleaders would see it as a benefit and just give in.” Sydney said with a smile. “The more you think about any super power you realize their is a downside to each one.” 
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Red smiled a little and raised her chin. “No, but ze tiny vanilla cupcakes sitting on ze display tower on the table over here are. You can have vun if you vant. Zose are new, fresh, and you definitely have to pay for zem if you want zem.”
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Snapping her head up to face the woman, Nani suddenly felt extremely guilty for going to take the cupcake. She didn’t know why, there was just something about the elder that made her scary enough. “Sorry, I thought they were out for everyone.” The brunette removed her hand and changed her direction of gaze to the floor.
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“So you do clothing, eh? Must be nice, all those fabrics, you must be talented for people to want to take your stuff,” Red leaned against the wall and tilted her head a little bit. “I should tell you, zis is a new cupcake. Called ze Merry-Go-Round. It’s very good. I zink you vill like it.”
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“Usually I tell my girls that if they walked out with my designs they would go home to an empty closet. All they’d have to their name would be whatever they walked off my runway wearing.” Carolyn laughed. “I don’t have time for thieves.”
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"Noh. Not you!" Red sighed in frustration, eyeing the other person who was looking at her like she was stupid. She picked up a spoon and hurled it at the person, hitting them in the side of the head. She watched as they opened their mouth in shock, rubbing their face as they walkes away. "Damn hooligans."
       Red’s eyes drifted from her place behind the counter over to a showcase of new, fresh cupcakes. She saw someone go in for the kill, maybe thinking she wasn’t looking. “You touch zat cupcake, young vun, I vill cut your hand right off. Understand?”
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Red relaxed a little bit, hearing the other woman's words. She was almost glad. "Zank you. I appreciate zat more zan you vill ever know," she half-smiled. "I just try to do vat's best for ze food. I say, if you don't appreciate how much vork I put into it to pay for it, zen you don't need it."
       When Red realized it was a woman, a grown woman, it barely phased her. “Vell, if you’re paying for it, that’s fine. I zought you vere going to steal it. I get someone every day who zinks zey can make off with a cake or two vithout me noticing. It’s bad business practice to let someone get avay with that. Sue me for being careful.”
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Red was seeing fire. Was he doubting her? Was he disrespecting her? In HER kitchen? How dare he?! Red took the large knife out of her apron and walked to the counter where he was standing, weilding it as a weapon, and not a tool. She'd killed three men with this knife in a row protecting someone she loved, and wouldn't hesitate protecting the food she put her love into. "Go ahead. Dare you," the Russian woman smiled, "You zink I von't because I'm a harmless old lady? But you come between me and my food vizout paying and I vill cut your fingers off vun by vun and feed zem to ze lions."
       Red’s eyes drifted from her place behind the counter over to a showcase of new, fresh cupcakes. She saw someone go in for the kill, maybe thinking she wasn’t looking. “You touch zat cupcake, young vun, I vill cut your hand right off. Understand?”
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       When Red realized it was a woman, a grown woman, it barely phased her. “Vell, if you’re paying for it, that’s fine. I zought you vere going to steal it. I get someone every day who zinks zey can make off with a cake or two vithout me noticing. It’s bad business practice to let someone get avay with that. Sue me for being careful.”
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“I don’t think so.” Carolyn was picking out the cupcake of her choosing, after all she earned it. “I’m picking my own. I don’t want your hands on them. What difference does it make if I’m paying for it anyway?”
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       Red’s eyes drifted from her place behind the counter over to a showcase of new, fresh cupcakes. She saw someone go in for the kill, maybe thinking she wasn’t looking. “You touch zat cupcake, young vun, I vill cut your hand right off. Understand?”
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“Zank you, I try,” she gave a tiny bow. He certainly wasn’t in her way, and it was adding to her likeness for him, because people who were in her way often got smacked out of it. “Yes, vell... I knew zat already,” she rolled her eyes and gave a shrug, almost playfully, which was rare for the lady unless she really liked someone. “I know. You’re very spoiled. I might have to fix zat.” Red smiled and waited for the reaction, and them double fist pumped in the air. “I knew it vould be!
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“You certainly have a way with words and food” he grinned, trying to stay out of her way as much as possible. He pulled up a stool to the counter not too far from her “You definitely are - you’re a Goddess!” he added to the list. While food might have been Red’s strong suit, Flynn could charm almost anyone. When he was handed the spoon he winked at her “Mama you’re too good to me” Tasting the icing he let out a happy and loud groan just for her “You, as always, were very right - this is amazing!”
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“True. I’ve only ever met you and I who really needed zem, so, vat vould ze harm be?” she smiled and laughed a little, too. “Yeah. Stretchy arms sounded like an alright idea until I thought about it some more.”
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 “Oh what an idea! Maybe if we both talked to one of those ringleaders they would be happy to chip out a few bucks to give us some. It’s not like everyone would need them so the expense wouldn’t be too high. We’d also have less of a chance of getting hurt on the job.” Sydney laughed a bit. “Right, Ii don’t think I’d like the feeling ither actually. Now that I think about it it would be uncomfortable to feel that.” 
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“Any in particular you vould recommend?” she asked, closing a drawer softly and opening another. “Agreed. I have a lot of genres I enjoy. I have a few favourite books.”
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“We have lots of fantasy books at the store, they’re a favourite of mine too, I admit. Though it’s very difficult to choose a favourite book, or even a favourite genre.”
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“Wild, but all zat flavor should blend together like an orgasm in your mouth,” she shrugged passively. Red loved the way his face lit up, and stars practically danced in his eyes at her idea. She nodded lightly and smiled at him. “Of course. I can’t leave one of my boys drooling over the icing when I don’t need it myself. I’m a selfless person. I’m a saint, an angel, if you will,” she joked, turning off the mixer. Red dipped a spoon in and held it out for him. 
Red was the bravest person he knew when it came to food and to making it, but that was probably because she couldn’t make anything bad if she tried. Everything she made seemed to be perfect and it always tasted so damn good you would crave more the minute it touched your tongue “Really?” Flynn’s face lit up like a child at christmas, he loved trying her food, and just food in general was something he loved. He never got to eat a lot of sweets as  kid so he developed a taste for them later on “I’d be honored to try it” he grinned at her “Those sound like some real wild cupcakes, did those come to you in a dream or something?”
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