headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
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The Triwizard Tournament begins now, which means you will start earning points towards your School for your submissions. This will be Task 1 out of 3. Do not take the first one lightly: this may be the easiest but can possibly be the one to determine who gets a head start. And who doesn’t.
Your entire School has gotten settled at Hogwarts. You’ve become acquainted with your competitors and teammates, and you are ready to begin your first task. Headmistress Mercier gathers the 32 competitors from each School and gives each person a tiny box, no bigger than your palm. Each person’s box is different. There is no way to open it, even using magic, unless you have the key.
Your task is to retrieve your key from underwater within an hour. You will be diving underwater first with your teammates. You must stick together. Use any means necessary to keep yourself breathing. You will encounter a mermaid which you must get past, whether it be violence, persuasion, seduction, etc. Once you get past the mermaid, you will enter a cave in which an Occamy rests with her eggs. She is very protective of them and you must somehow get past her without killing her. There will be 4 eggs, only 1 which will contain a ring of 4 keys. Each key is designated for a teammate’s box, which will reveal a clue for the next challenge.
This task is mandatory, which means you will receive 0 points if you do not submit anything at all. It is better to submit something than nothing at all. However, if you completed the practice challenge, you can use that to substitute. Keep in mind you only have 1 PC to substitute and you have 2 more tasks.
The Task 1 deadline is Friday, July 28. You will not be receiving scores anymore but you may still ask for feedback privately. You may not ask for your score however. We will be releasing hints about who is close/tied and such.
This challenge requires RP as an entire School. You will be diving underwater with your teammates and solving this together. The RP will take place on your Hangouts School chat. If you do not have Hangouts, you may RP individually on tumblr or ask your teammates. Your administrator (Viv, Rose, Rachel) will be controlling the RP.
If you are given a task such as casting a Patronus, you may not immediately shout “Expecto Patronum”. Keep in mind you are a student and you are not invincible. The admin will be controlling the RP. You will get the hang of it once you begin.
Discuss a good time when everyone is free to RP. You may not RP without the admin. 
If you write anything that did not happen in the RP, you will lose points for your School. 
Everyone must create their own submission, despite having a group RP. You may use anything to fulfill this challenge such as fics, edits, videos, moodboards, etc. Please tag your submission with #twtoc and reblog it to the net.
The points given for this challenge will be based off of creativity and originality. You will earn points mostly on your submission. Your RP will add extra points. Keep in mind that even if your OC did amazing in the RP, that does not necessarily mean you get more points. The points of the RP will be based on how realistic your OC is, their cleverness, etc. Remember, there are always multiple ways to solve a problem. Creativity will earn you the most points.
And the competition begins. Best of luck.
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
PC Scores
And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for….. the practice challenge scores!!! *These are marked out of 50
Hogwarts: 38
Ilvermorny: 22
Beauxbatons: 35
Durmstrang: 40
Uagadou: 0
Mahoutokoro: 8
Castelobruxo: 0
Koldovstoretz: 39
How We Marked:
Every headmaster/mistress has marked each submission out of 50 and then we averaged out the mark
We then averaged your whole school’s score, so if your number is particularly low, it’s because your teammates didn’t submit (so they got a zero)  
If you want to know your individual mark or get feedback, please message your professor
*please keep in mind that this will be the only time that you will be getting individual marks*
0-10  | extremely poor writing, bad grammar/spelling, too short/long, lacks detail or idea, loses topic of focus
11-20  | poor writing, irregular grammar/spelling, on and off topics/ideas, boring, needs work
21-30  | good writing, proper grammar/spelling, one concise train of thought, needs a little work, could be longer/shorter
31-40  | great writing, proper grammar/spelling, carefully articulated ideas/details, needs little to no work, good length
41-50  | excellent writing, proper grammar/spelling, interesting, 10/10 would recommend
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
A/N: This will be similar to the book, but not exactly the same. Feel free to message me if you have any questions/for RP!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and — most particularly, — guests. I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as Headmistress Lyra Mercier.
I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable. The tournament will be officially opened at the end of the banquet dinner. I have a couple announcements:
First of all, I introduce to you the Headmasters. Headmaster Elijah Kaiser from Ilvermorny, Headmaster Atlas Moreau from Beauxbatons, Headmistress Kyomi Miyasaki from Mahoutokoro, Headmaster Felix Vladmska from Koldovstoretz, Headmistress Heshima Kamau from Uagadou, Headmaster Matheus Sousa from Castelobruxo, Headmistress Esme Lenox from Durmstrang, and her daughter Niara Aldaine from Durmstrang as well. Please welcome them and their Schools warmly.
Second, everyone is forbidden to enter the Herbology greenhouse for 2 days unless you wish you go deaf, which I’m sure will help you very much for the Triwizard Tournament. Don’t try to be all daredevil, I think there are better options, such as sneaking out of the dungeons at 2 AM. I promise you I certainly will visit you in the hospital and laugh in your face if you take a midnight visit to the Herbology greenhouse.
Third, there will still be a Hogsmeade visit tomorrow afternoon, but your forms are required. As for our guests, you may go as you please. If you have international forms of currency, our Caretaker will gladly help you sort that out.
I now invite you all to eat, drink, and make yourselves at home! Welcome to Hogwarts!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
This is a reference for any of your submissions. In case you think not all Schools will see your School’s entrance, please know that entrances/introductions don’t start in the Great Hall until all Schools arrive. I didn’t plan out how long each school will take based on distance because each Wizarding School has different modes of transportation (check wiki/Pottermore). I put these into a randomizer so here you go!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
The Triwizard Tournament is officially beginning! We’ll start with a practice challenge, so you get the hang of what these challenges will be like. This is optional, however we recommend doing it. 
Your entire School has finally arrived at Hogwarts and today is the day the Goblet of Fire chooses its 32 champions.
These are questions you can use to help shape your fic/edit/etc. but they are not mandatory to answer.
How are you feeling before the selecting?
What did you do before the Opening Ceremonial Banquet?
Did you meet anyone of the other students/Headmasters?
What’s your School like? How is Hogwarts? 
How did you feel when you were chosen by the Goblet of Fire?
You may use anything to fulfill this challenge such as fics, edits, moodboards, etc. Tag your submission with #twtoc and reblog it to the net.
The practice challenge deadline is July 16. This is the only time we will be releasing public scores. From then on, scores will be kept private. 
The points you receive for this challenge won’t count towards your actual scoring of the Triwizard Tournament.
Message any of the Headmasters for feedback on your submission!
If you are doing anything different/unplanned (such as stealing from Professor Vladmska’s liquor cabinet), please message first to make sure it’s allowed! And please don’t assume favorites of Headmasters because we will be averaging scores for fairness’ sake.
Please reference the post I created to see the itinerary for the Opening Ceremonial Banquet. If you would like to message your entire School to have coordinating fics (such as agreeing your School’s entrance includes sparkling butterflies that spit fire and a choreographed hip hop dance), you may do that. Don’t get too out of hand though.
No, you cannot bang anyone the first night there, nor can you passionately make out with a 7th Year that turns out to become a Boggart that you magically get rid of. Please be reasonable with your first night here.
I will be releasing a series of announcements/posts such as my Welcoming Speech (refer to the itinerary). 
If you have any questions as to what any of the Schools are like, please message the appropriate Headmaster.
Fics from only a couple Headmasters are soon to be released, keep an eye out for that!
If you haven’t yet, please message me if you have created a new main account for your OC and haven’t been added to the Net yet!
Message any of us if you have any questions!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
Sabine Vincent - @cherisabine
Violette Monet - @violettemonet
Jean-Marie Dubois - @jean-mariedubois
Maeve Roux - @maevaroux
Valya Maksimov - @valyamaksimov
Katya Razumova - @championkatya
Dmitry Smirnov - @championdmitry
Natalia Stepanova - @championnatalia
Ziraili Adesina - @championziraili
Imena Adeleke - @imenaadeleke
Dana Azikiwe - @championdana
Akachi Udo -
Charlotte Ember - @charlotteember
Emerett Adams - @emerettadams
Corona Loire - @coronaloire
Andres Grau - @andresxgrau
Luana Santos - @sunshineandsantos
Lucia Rosales - @luciarosalesoc
Agustina Lopez - @agustinalopeztwtoc
Kim Minji - @championminji
Chiruka Manaka - @chirukamanaka
Mirei Adachi - @heymirei
Sakura Yuko -
Horacy Antonczyk - @horacyantonczyk
Aino Koskinen - @championaino
Adrian Nykvist - @adriannykvist
Victoria Meyer - @missvictoriam
Aubrianne Gwyndor - @aubriannepelipa
Sappho Mutter - @sapphoisawitch
Elbiba Staples - @elbibastaples
Saraswati Jain - @saraswatijain
A couple people are missing so if you see any mistakes/new additions, please let me know and reblog with it!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
If you haven’t yet, please join the official Triwizard Tournament Google Hangouts chat.
Thank you!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
A/N: This is just a reference for any of you guys who want to know what the Opening Ceremonial Banquet will be like for your fics/submissions for Practice Challenge 1. The Champions haven’t been chosen until Practice Challenge 1.
6:00 PM - Schools arrive
7:00 PM - Welcoming Speech from Headmistress Mercier
7:10 PM - Performance from Frog Choir + Emerett Adams 
7:15 PM - Banquet Dinner
8:00 PM - School Champions announced from Goblet of Fire
8:15 PM - Dessert
8:30 PM - Final Announcement + Students are dismissed
All students may socialize and have free time. Extra dessert is provided in the Great Hall until bedtime. You must be in your dormitories by 10 PM. All Heads of Houses will be checking at precisely 10:15 that you are all in bed.
It is up to the Schools if you wish to reside within Hogwarts’ dormitories or within your own School’s mode of transportation (e.g. ship/carriage), but if you want to sleep in the dormitories, here are the arrangements:
Gryffindor: Ilvermorny
Hufflepuff: Castelobruxo, Mahoutokoro
Ravenclaw: Koldovstoretz, Beauxbatons
Slytherin: Uagadou, Durmstrang
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
You are officially a champion participating in the Triwizard Tournament! There are some rules however, so please read below carefully. Failure to follow these rules may result in expulsion/elimination from the Triwizard Tournament. There is additional information as well regarding challenges, so please read it thoroughly. Feel free to message any of us if you have any questions!
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for: the Champions chosen from the Goblet of Fire.
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We are pleased to announce the Champions participating in the Triwizard Tournament: 
@ladyattiffanys @pamsyparkinson @remusluvpin @hoggyworty // @ultrawafflehouse @expectopaula @emmawntson  @hermiione @neilsperry @softcurses // @vincentvansgogh @leejorden @queeenpersephone @askjamessirius @audrxyweasley @enfperks // @angelinajohnson @lilyevansh @asoftdante @ginervamollly @pctter @loveqood @nargles @mollywecsley @slyttherin @hermioncgrangr @karkaroff @wolfqng @ravenclw @stars-make-for-greatstories @isalkvaltersen @saladtsar // @perfectchekov @slyherins @lucypcvensie @aurorevans
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headmistressmercier ¡ 7 years
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“Eternal glory! That’s what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, but to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks.”
                            THE TRIWIZARD TOURNAMENTS
The Triwizard Tournament is upon us and it is the time of year where young people must compete for their school to win the Triwizard Cup. However, this year the competition will be a bit different. Instead of 3 schools, all 8 known wizardry schools will be invited to participate, and 4 students will be chosen from each school, making a grand total of 32 competitors. The stakes are raised, which school will prevail? 
What is it?
This is essentially a way for you as a fan of Harry Potter to immerse yourself into the HP universe! If you choose to sign up, you will make an OC (original character) and have them compete in a mass sized Triwizard Tournament to compete for the Triwizard Cup.
How does it work?
We will random select 32 competitors from the Goblet of Fire (aka if you fill out a form) and from there, we will work out which of the 8 schools your OC will be from. Then you must create an OC to compete in 3 tasks + the Yule Ball. If you are chosen from the Goblet of Fire, we will do a more in depth run through of the rules.
mbf ranch, vinegar, & romano
reblog this post (likes don’t count!)
enter the Goblet of Fire
track #twtoc [Triwizard Tournament OC] for updates!
Prizes: (you win as a team/School)
eternal fame and glory
the Triwizard Cup (or at least an edit of it)
a follow from each of us
a banner/edit with your Wizarding School displayed as the winner
bragging rights that your School won the 1st annual Triwizard Tournament
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