healer-smethwyck · 11 years
post-traumatic stress disorder
by definition, PTSD always follows a traumatic event which causes intense fear and/or helplessness in an individual.  typically the symptoms develop shortly after the event, but may take years.  the duration for symptoms is at least one month for this diagnosis. the traumatic event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one’s own or someone else’s physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual’s ability to cope. as an effect of psychological trauma, PTSD is less frequent and more enduring than the more commonly seen acute stress disorder.
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Anonymous asked: “What would be the best way to write a character who develops PTSD? She was abducted for a couple of weeks, and I thought it’d make the story more realistic. She’s a pretty strong character, but I’m also stuck with how her colleagues, especially one who’s particularly close...
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
This has some very good points, though if you are going to have your character kill or very seriously attack someone then talk to is first so we can discuss it :) There will be very serious consequences for this, like what happened to Zacharias for example, and intentional killings would definitely be even more serious.
Had a few questions about this, and this post is going to be a long one, so be prepared!
First and foremost why is your character evil?
This is a question you’re going to want to ask yourself a lot.
Taking a closer look, here are a few things to consider:
Is it...
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
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How to Write a Character with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) 
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
More? If that is true I could never return your feelings.
Also now I'm hungry, time for second dinner.
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
This is very good advice students.
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
I'm In A Mood...board | Assignment 010
This assignment is a creative one and all about expressing your character through songs, pictures, and gifs. You will create moodboards for your character and more for any of their clones, even the Hogsmeader is getting into it. What are moodboards exactly? Well they are a set of pictures and gifs that give insight into your character. Some good gifs and pictures can be found in this tag or feel free to make your own. Here's an example of an all picture moodboard. And here are more examples of ones using gifs: x x x. The point value for each moodboard is 150 points, and you can double it if you make your own gifs.
The next part of the assignment is making a fanmix for your character. It can be about a certain subject they are interested in, their workout mix, or just a general playlist about them. Each song included is worth 15 points and if you make your own graphics for the cover art you can add 100 points onto the total points for that mix.
Feel free to make as make as many moodboards and fanmixes for these point values as you'd like in the month of December. If the moodboards become something people like then we can make them a permanent installment in our point system. Have fun!
Edit: And don't forget to use the tag clonewartsassignment so we can all look at each other's :)
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Hippocrates does not enjoy going to London
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Parks and Recreation S6E01: London
Look. More rain. Moving On
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Update: October House Points
Ayooo it’s October 29th, my father's birthday, and also it’s time again to submit house points. Woooohoooo! So please do so by the end of the weekend November 3rd. The point values can be found on my blog :)
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Be Rita For a Day | Assignment 009
"Enough people write about me every day without even interviewing me" -- Meryl Streep 𝓡𝓲𝓽𝓪 𝓢𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓽𝓮𝓻
For this assignment each writer is going to interview their character and can ask them any question they'd like and any number of questions they'd like. This will help you get more into your character's head and can even help you flesh out any number of things, from motivations behind recent decisions to how they take their tea. Below I will provide a few standard, plot related questions that you may use but I also encourage you to ask personalized questions that are meaningful to your character and their development.
How did you see this year going for you?
What did you think when you first saw and/or heard about there being five Harry's? (follow ups: How did that make you feel? Did it change anything in your life?)
What did you think when you first discovered that it wasn't only Harry who had clones?
How did you feel when you first saw a clone turn into an adder? (note: this only applies to characters who have written a self para about a clone discovery)
How did you feel when you heard that the Aurors were torturing students in the dungeons? (follow up: Are you glad for the change in the Head of Clone Investigation? Have you talked to any of your clones about time they spent down there? How do you think you'd be today if it had been you being tortured?)
What happened the first time you met one of your clones?
Do you believe yourself to be a clone or the original? (follow up: Do you care either way? Does it matter?)
This assignment is due Sunday, November 9th by midnight PST. Please be sure to tag it with 'clonewartsassignment' and to ask me any questions that you may have :)
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
In honor of Valentine's Day this one is for all the fellows out there who are at a loss on how to impress their lady.
Romance tips from Nick Offerman
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
I would teach them the spell until I'm blue in the face but it still doesn't change the fact that they tend to be easily distracted when put in the real life situation. And if they don't want a baby then they should put something muggle on their penis. Simple as that.
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A Valentine's inspired lecture
Well then wouldn’t it be better to teach us the charm over having to use those? I’m just saying, sir, I don’t know many boys here who would willingly put something so… so muggle on their penis.
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Very good. You'd be surprised how many parents don't talk with their children about this sort of thing. Still I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't offer. If you do need one you know where my office is.
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A Valentine's inspired lecture
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
Not ever? You know even with blokes it's important to use protection. There may not be the risk of pregnancy but there are still other risks.
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A Valentine's inspired lecture
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healer-smethwyck · 11 years
It's not if you're a fully qualified witch or wizard who can concentrate on the charm. But we find that most teenagers cannot so we provide these until such time that they can.
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A Valentine's inspired lecture
I’m sorry, but how is a muggle penis … hat better than a charm?
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