healerxweasley · 5 years
❛ Too sharp. Too loud. Too reckless. I’ve heard it all. It’s a wonder I’m still alive. ❜
Posted here!
(( from this starter meme, which I will still write for if anyone is interested! ))
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Who: Dom & Lily ( @lilyii ) Where: The Burrow When: January 3, 2025
❛Too sharp. Too loud. Too reckless. I’ve heard it all. It’s a wonder I’m still alive.❜
Dom looked up at her cousin as she spoke; her initial reaction was to agree with Lily’s statement. Of course, with her parents being who they were, that was hardly surprising. And maybe it was in bad taste to agree but Dom found herself nodding with a soft huff of laughter. “Perhaps, but I think we’re a little harder to kill than all that.” That was probably the wrong thing to say as well. It wouldn’t be the first time that Dom put her foot in her mouth - or the last time either. “What brought it up today though?”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Icarus rolled his eyes and heaved out a sigh. “Well, I was told that if I wanted to leave I needed a polyjuice potion but so far no one has been kind enough to volunteer.” He stood and made his way over to the counter she was working at. He quickly glanced over the potions she was working with, picking out the ones he deemed important before offering a smile. Try as he might he couldn’t place which Weasley, because she was clearly one, she was but– he didn’t care too much. “Which potion is that one?” He lifted his chin towards the potion in her hand as he leaned against the counter, completely ignoring the guards that were now satisfied that he’d moved away from the entrance. “What’s it do?” Listen, he wasn’t stupid. He knew his potions inside and out but he was just so damned bored in this house and she was a new face.
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“How very peculiar.” Dom did take a look up at that, eyes raking over the boy before she dropped them again. At least he didn’t have access to polyjuice currently. She didn’t like the thought of him getting it at all but that wasn’t her problem - and really, she didn’t know that she much preferred having him locked up. It didn’t feel right. Neither did volunteering to brew him a potion to get out though, and in this case, she decided to leave the moral decision in the hands of the leaders. “It’s a generic healing potion,” she said; she had been experimenting with ways to make them more potent and effective but so far did not have anything to show for it. “It heals. If you’re bored, go look in that cupboard and find me more bottles.”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
                 liv was caught off guard by the girl’s question. were things getting any better? she surely hoped so, but there was no answer to that, at least not a immediate or precise one. definitely there were people working for it to be over soon, for better or worse and there was no telling who would “win”. the krum-wood dedicated her days to enlarge the order’s shots at making everything better, still even she risked her life constantly, there was no telling if it’d come to anything; that thought terrified her, so she waved it off her mind. 
                 she turned to see the girl’s face. liv wasn’t allowed to say what she really thought about it all. ❝  i don’t know, honestly. there were wars before and things got better for a while. i think that even if we aren’t here to see it, things will get better… ❞ liv reminisced; before getting to complete the sentence, she shrugged. ❝ or maybe i’m being too optimistic, i don’t know. i guess not knowing is what drives us crazy. ❞
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It took her aback that her question was answered and not just ignored - Dom didn’t know which she would have preferred. If it had gone ignored, she would have been able to disappear into her own thoughts more easily; having a conversation seemed like a nice way to start her day however. So for now, she decided to go along with it rather than try to shut the conversation down before it even got started. 
“I suppose that’s a good point.” The wars had come and gone and the world continued on, with hopefully the better side winning and shaping the future. This time, however . . . “Being too optimistic doesn’t seem like a flaw, right now. Better to try and keep your spirits up.” She did that at St. Mungo’s, when she could; optimism served healing better than pessimism, although she was never dishonest about what was going on. “I hate not knowing things. Anything. I’d rather know the worst than be left wondering.” Frowning, she flicked through another couple of pages then folded the paper again; it didn’t seem likely to improve her mood. “Are you an optimist by nature?”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC / A GATHERING OF SHADOWS by v. e. schwab sentence meme.
❛  I’d rather die on an adventure than live standing still.  ❜
❛  After all, you can kill people, but you cannot kill magic. Not truly.  ❜
❛  Impossible. What a useless word, in a world with magic.  ❜
❛  Everyone thinks I have a death wish, you know? But I don’t want to die – dying is easy. No, I want to live, but getting close to death is the only way to feel alive. And once you do, it makes you realize that everything you were actually doing before wasn’t actually living. It was just making do. Call me crazy, but I think we do the best living when the stakes are high.  ❜
❛  You have two faces. One you wear for the world at large, and the one you wear for those you love.  ❜
❛  Everyone’s immortal until they’re not.  ❜
❛  It is as it is. It cannot be undone. So please, be grateful, and be done with it.  ❜
❛  The thing about freedom? It doesn’t come naturally. Almost no one has it handed to them. I’m free because I fought for it.  ❜
❛  I know you can do this. I know you can hear me. Stay with me. Listen to my voice.  ❜
❛  Maybe you just got a taste of what it really means to be alive. You almost died. So now you know what it feels like to live. To fear for that life. To fight for it. And once you know, well, there’s no going back.  ❜
❛  You made a mistake. Everybody makes them. Even me. I’ve made many. It’s only fair that you made one.  ❜
❛  I did only what I had to do. If I could have given my life for yours, I would have.  ❜
❛  A kiss for luck. Not that I need it.  ❜
❛  I know. I know what and who you are. What will you do? Kill me?  ❜
❛  Why am I the only one in this fucking world to be held accountable for my actions?  ❜
❛  Aren’t you afraid of dying?  ❜
❛  I’m sorry. For whatever happened to you. For whoever hurt you so deeply that you see things like friends and fondness as weapons instead of shields.  ❜
❛  You know so little of war. Battles may be fought from the outside in, but wars are won from the inside out.  ❜
❛  Between the two of us, we’ll tear the whole world down.  ❜
❛  I am going to cut that smile off your face.  ❜
❛  It hurts. More than dying ever did. There are days when I feel like I deserve this.  ❜
❛  Death doesn’t scare me. Not nearly as much as the idea of wasting a perfectly good life in fear of it.  ❜
❛ You’re always so eager to slash and stab, why couldn’t you have stabbed him.  ❜
❛  Which is it, huh? You’re angry at me, or worried about me, or happy to see me? Because I can’t keep up.  ❜
❛  Wouldn’t it be amazing, if we got away with it?  ❜
❛  Shall we see how well you suffer?  ❜
❛  Because it’s my duty to protect you. And because I love you.  ❜
❛  Politics is a dance until the moment it becomes a war. And we control the music.  ❜
❛  You play with magic as if it were a game. You don’t even understand the rules. Or worse, you decide there are none.  ❜
❛  You’re going to die. You might as well die trying.  ❜
❛  Where have you been? And what kind of trouble did you get into?  ❜
❛  Strength and weakness are tangled things. They look so much alike, we often confuse them.  ❜
❛  I bend most of the rules and break the rest.  ❜
❛  You know… A little piece of me was hoping you would say that. This is going to be fun.  ❜
❛  You have a house if not a home. You have people who care for you if not about you. You may not have everything you want, but I’d wager you have everything you could ever need, and you have the audacity to claim it all forfeit because it is not love.  ❜
❛  Love doesn’t keep us from freezing to death, or starving, or being killed for what’s in our pockets. Love doesn’t buy us anything, so be glad for what you have and who you have because you may want for things but you need nothing.  ❜
❛  An army full of men cannot do what I can. I don’t need any of you. I am one of a damned kind.  ❜
❛  You tried to seduce me, for information.  ❜
❛  Well I was running out of options, and I figured it was worth a shot.  ❜
❛  You never listen. You never think. Having power is a responsibility, one you clearly don’t deserve.  ❜
❛  People don’t really want to know. They think they do, but knowing only makes them miserable.  ❜
❛  After all, if you run far enough, no one can catch you.  ❜
❛  Chaos needs order. Magic needs moderation. It’s like a fire. It doesn’t have self-control. It feeds off whatever you give it, and if you give it too much, it burns and burns until there’s nothing left.  ❜
❛  You go stomping through this world, doing whatever the hell you please. You’re careless. Senseless. Reckless.  ❜
❛  It’s such a peculiar thing, to know your pain is tethered to someone else’s, that every time you hurt, they feel it, and every time they hurt, it’s because of you.  ❜
❛  Some people steal to stay alive, and some steal to feel alive. Simple as that.  ❜
❛  Do not lie. Not to me.  ❜
❛  I don’t know. I don’t understand what I am, how I’m alive, what I can do.  ❜
❛  I still want it. Every day, I wake up wanting to be a stronger person. A better person. A worthy one. That want, it’s like a fire in my chest. And then, there are these moments, these horrible, icy moments when I remember what I did… To myself. To you. And it hurts.  ❜
❛  You can’t glare magic into happening.  ❜
❛  Have I done something wrong? Am I being punished?  ❜
❛  I hate that I hate it. I hate that I’ve become thing I never wanted to be, a burden to you, a source of pain and suffering, a prison. I hate that if I’d had a choice I’d have said no. That I was grateful I didn’t have a choice, because I wanted to live, even if I didn’t deserve to.  ❜
❛  I was dead, and you brought me back. You have already given me something I shouldn’t have. If it were lost again, I would still have lived twice. This is all borrowed.  ❜
❛  This gesture – this foolish, mad, dangerous gesture – is the best I can do. The least I can do.  ❜
❛  Does that mean you’ve since developed a fondness for me?  ❜
❛  There’s really no winning with you.  ❜
❛  For how long? You cannot measure out what you have done. I am grateful for the life you’ve bought me, though I hate the cost. But what do you want me to do? Live forever? I don’t want that.  ❜
❛  Death comes for everyone. I’m not afraid of dying. But I am afraid of dying here.  ❜
❛  Ah, there it is! That famous scowl.  ❜
❛  Look, I know things have been hard. Harder these past months than ever. And I know I’ve only made it worse. I’ve been difficult.  ❜
❛  You can’t hold that against me forever.  ❜
❛  I’m sorry, I was under the impression that I was free to do as I please.  ❜
❛  I need you here beside me.  ❜
❛  Do you think you’ll ever stop running?  ❜
❛  Death comes for us all. You cannot hide it from it forever. We will die one day, you and I.  ❜
❛  Careful now, your ego is showing.  ❜
❛  We all have demons. But if yours are all really dead then I envy you.  ❜
❛  I don’t know why we keep circling each other like stars.  ❜
❛  If you break their heart a second time I will cut yours out. I stand by that promise.  ❜
❛  If there is a god, a celestial body, a heavenly power or anyone above – or below – who might just like to see us live another day, for pity’s or entertainment’s sake, now would be a good time to intercede.  ❜
❛  I’m not asking you to mind their lives, you idiot, I’m asking you to mind your own.  ❜
❛  And for the record, this is a terrible idea. You will get caught. Maybe not right away. But eventually. And when you do, I won’t protect you.  ❜
❛  I’m not asking you to do anything. Believe it or not, I can protect myself.  ❜
❛  So you can confess it? That you are mine.  ❜
❛  You have a dangerous disregard for your own life, and the lives of others.  ❜
❛  So I’ve been told. Are you going to try to stop me?  ❜
❛  Has anyone ever told you that you’re too sharp for your own good?  ❜
❛  I sometimes think I’ve gone mad.  ❜
❛  I haven’t let you do anything. I simply haven’t stopped you, because if I’ve learned one thing about you, it’s that if you want to do a thing, you’ll do it, the world be damned.  ❜
❛  Too sharp. Too loud. Too reckless. I’ve heard it all. It’s a wonder I’m still alive.  ❜
❛  This is an expensive secret. I’ll keep it, in trade for another.  ❜
❛  Word of mouth has its own kind of magic.  ❜
❛  Don’t fucking give up. Do you hear me?  ❜
❛  I live by a simple rule: if a thing is worth having, it is worth taking.  ❜
❛  I warned you this would happen. I told you that if you carried on with this you would be caught and that even I could not protect you then.  ❜
❛  I can’t help you if you won’t let me.  ❜
❛  You’ll have to try harder than that to kill me.  ❜
❛  Who needs magic when you look this good?  ❜
❛  Impossibility is a thing that begs to be disproven. Perhaps it hasn’t been possible for years, perhaps it’s not even possible right now, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be. It doesn’t mean it won’t be.  ❜
❛  The world is neither fair nor right, but it has a way of balancing itself.  ❜
❛  All right. But I want a favor in return.  ❜
❛  There you go again. You never let me fall.  ❜
❛  See? I’m a fast learner.  ❜
❛  Look, everyone talks about the unknown like it’s some big scary thing, but it’s the familiar that’s always bothered me. It’s heavy, builds up around you like rocks, until it’s walls and a ceiling and a cell.  ❜
❛  Is that all you have? The same, tired tricks?  ❜
❛  I said they forgave you. I never said I did.  ❜
❛  A respectable prison is still a prison.  ❜
❛  Tell me everything. But start with this, what foolish things have you done now?  ❜
❛  You were dying. I saved your life.  ❜
❛  How could you? How could you carry that weight?  ❜
❛  Lovers like men with scars. Or so I’ve heard.  ❜
❛  Seems right somehow. You gave me something of yours. I give you something of mine. Now we’re linked.  ❜
❛  But I suppose the thing about killing is that it gets easier.  ❜
❛  It’s easy to be loved. I want to be respected.  ❜
❛  I asked so nicely. I gave you the chance to give in. You made me use force.  ❜
❛  The ones who think they’re ready always end up dead.  ❜
❛  You poor thing. What do you want? Pity? You won’t find it from me.  ❜
❛  Will they every forgive us?  ❜
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healerxweasley · 5 years
 “Maybe” Susan shrugged, “Maybe it is the spark some people need. They say the holidays can bring the best out of people don’t they?”
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“I’ve heard that before but it hasn’t seemed to be the case this year.” There seemed to be only a few people who’s best had come out in the recent past. “I’m almost ready just to skip the holidays altogether.” It would be much simpler if they could just fast forward in time until sometime in January, maybe. It would be a lot easier.
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healerxweasley · 5 years
who: Lorcan & anyone when: December 22nd where: The stalls at Diagon Alley
The beginning of winter break, and Lorcan had already found his new project. Well, not project, per se; that sounded demeaning. He’d seen one of the stalls in Diagon Alley, a simple one, with charm bracelets and pendants littered across the table. He had a fondness for charms (Of course you do, his father had told him before.), and thought it’d be nice to check some out. That had been his initial intention anyways.
The old lady sitting behind the table smiled warmly at him, putting her knitting needles down, only for them to go back up and continue working on her project themselves. “Hello, young man,” She’d said, a little too kind for a vendor here, but Lorcan had no complaints. “The first customer in hours! My daughter is usually much better with attracting the customers, but oh, her dear Eleanor was sick today and she had to stay with her.” Lorcan had seen the empty stool next to the woman’s and, without thinking, said, “I can help you.” And that was that. 
It wasn’t his fault, he thought, as she showed a costumer a necklace with a with a few oak leaves encased in a small, glass ball dangling from it, that he had a soft spot for…well…everyone. “It keeps the Puffskeins away. See, everyone thinks, But they’re just Puffskeins, what harm could they do? A lot of harm, that’s what. Trust me on this.” He learned from the best, of course. (This was, in all honesty, much better than thinking about hushed whispers and scared looks from the passerby. Everything was fine.)
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Dom had always been fond of Diagon Alley. She liked the shops and even the stalls, as much as they went against her general love of order and organization. There was something so lively about them, and she didn’t mind haggling. But she was out to do some last minute shopping though, and didn’t have the time or mental energy to dedicate to the stalls, where she had to talk to so many more people. This year, after everything that had happened, she just couldn’t deal with one more thing.
Somehow she got stopped though, and she was doing her best to mask her impatience and irritation under a blandly polite expression. She didn’t see what sort of harms Puffskeins could do, and had even had a pygmy puff when she was younger. She missed her pygmy puff; maybe Pascal and Minerva would like a little friend. Did owls eat pygmy puffs? She didn’t think so but maybe she should check on that.
“I’m - I’m sorry. I don’t think I need a . . . charm?”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
who: icarus + order aligned/members when: december 23, 2025 where: grimmauld place ( safe house )  
“Okay…okay, I’m not going anywhere.” Icarus grumbled, hands falling from being raised in the air to his face as he attempted to rub the frustration from it. He slouched onto the couch with his hands propped behind his head as he studied his guards who had their wands at the ready. This was no better than being at home, he thought. While he was thankful that they’d decided he was ‘okay’ enough to wander the safe house instead of being locked to a single room, he just wasn’t thankful for the literal house arrest with the ball and chain guards they’d attached to him. He was bored. Tired of being looked at like some sort of ghost or rather a monster. –Or really just tired in general. “Fuck.” He sighed, switching his gaze to the new comer. “I don’t guess you’d volunteer for the poly juice potion, hm?” 
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“No.” Dom didn’t look up from where she was measuring out potions into new containers. She tried to keep track of their stock at the safe house, but it wasn’t always easy for her to make it. This was a rare time where she had managed it. “Do you have polyjuice potion?” It seemed hazardous to leave any where he could easily reach it. Dom didn’t trust easily, and didn’t think they should take unnecessary risks.
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healerxweasley · 5 years
who: olivia + anyone when: january 3rd 2026 where: diagon alley
             christmas and new years were done, much to olivia’s relief. the holidays were always quiet and lonely for her and the girl noticed that she was always wishing they would pass quickly. so, after all the fuzzy parties, dinners and whatnots, there she was, sitting by the leaky cauldron’s bar, a firewhiskey in her hand. the atmosphere was cozy and warm as opposed to the freezing cold outside, but what liv was really looking for, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself, was an excuse to talk. the krum-wood hadn’t spoken to anyone in days and was almost going crazy.
           trying to keep her mind out of her own misery, she took the daily prophet and leafed through it, unconsciously stopping at the sports session. oliver’s face was stamped there with several others. the caption said that captain krum-wood had made a charity action with the puddlemere’s team at st. mungo’s the day before. she studied her father’s face with a heavy heart while he smiled repeatedly to the photographer. she missed home a lot. olivia looked away before starting to get any kind of reaction in public. she noticed that someone sat beside her and shot her a look. ❝  here, you can have it.  ❞ she said, passing the newspaper to them. ❝  i’m finished anyway.  ❞ she shrugged, sipping her drink.
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“Oh, thank you.” Dom just wanted to enjoy a little quiet for the few minutes she had left before her shift started, and looking at the newspaper was not very likely to induce peaceful feelings. However, she’d caught up on her social media so she might as well. But she didn’t focus much on the words, just flipped the pages and scanned the pictures, sighing. 
“Do you think it’s likely to get any better?” The question slipped out before she could stop it. Dom blamed her lack of filter on the early morning; normally she was much better about keeping her thoughts to herself. Because it wasn’t as if she really wanted to carry on a conversation at the moment. “Sorry - just musing aloud, I guess.”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Who: Hugo + Open Date: 1 January
 It was around this time, at the end of Christmas break Hugo’s first year at Hogwarts when he had been reaching into his backpack to try and open his pack of licorice wands and collided headfirst into an elderly woman. He, of course, had quickly helped her, scurrying to help gather the other’s belongings and apologizing profusely before running off and wiping away embarrassed tears. It was a funny memory now, a great day in all, seeing as he had the way he decided to cheer himself up afterward was to adopt a small all grey kitten who was now his beloved pet cat. The streets had seemed so cheery then; they were full of life and happy families crowding everywhere you stepped. Even the occasional clumsy twelve-year-old bumping into you. Now everything seemed so dreary in comparison, with anti-muggle/muggleborn propaganda lining the walls of nearly every shop he passed. Hugo felt as if he was in another place entirely from his memories. He shook his head and managed to take a shaky breath, only stopping his pace when he got so caught up in his head that he ironically almost crashed into someone else, tripping slightly into them. 
“Oh crap. Sorry ‘bout that.”
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Dom generally had a good awareness of her surroundings, enough to avoid most collisions. She’d spotted Hugo and moved to intercept him - Dom wasn’t the most social of the Weasleys, but even she wouldn’t avoid family members in public - but hadn’t said anything yet. Luckily they managed to avoid an outright collision this time. She reached for his arm briefly, to steady him. “I suppose I could have said something first,” she said with a smile. “No harm done though. I’ve had much worse at St. Mungo’s. Are you in a hurry or just distracted?”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Who: Astoria + Open When: December 28th 2025, midday Where: Outside Slug and Jiggers Apothecary
Astoria used to love spending her lunch breaks meandering around Diagon Alley. She’d choose a different place each day to grab lunch, and there was always plenty of friendly looking faces around. Now the alley seemed a shadow of itself, as if darkness itself had moved in. It was just after Christmas, and Astoria would expect the alley to be bustling with people stocking up before heading back to Hogwarts or buying things in the Christmas sales. Instead the path through to the apothecary was clear, only a few people dotted around hurrying with their heads down lest they be singled out. Unfortunately, this trip was a necessary one - or Astoria might have been tempted to head into muggle London to grab lunch.
Quickening her step towards the Apothecary, Astoria pulled her coat tighter around herself. The whole atmosphere of the alley was unsettling these days, and she was glad for the comfortable weight of her wand in her pocket. Just as she was about to step into the store, a person stepped out and Astoria crashed into them - sending a jar of their newly bought potions ingredients clattering to the ground. The jar promptly shattered, and Astoria looked up at the person before her with an apologetic glance. “Oh Merlin…please accept my sincerest apologies. I’m not usually this distracted and clumsy. Can I buy you a fresh lot of whatever it was? It didn’t get on you, did it?”
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It had been a hard decision for Dom, between proper Healing and potioneering with an emphasis in Healing potions (though she’d settled for proper Healing, and satisfied the potioneering itch on her own). But she had a dedicated space at St. Mungo’s for potioneering as well, and had been considering a change in focus at some point in the future. Less dealing with people as a potioneer, and Dom was quite happy to deal with as few people as possible. She’d planned the stop at the apothecary for after her shift, because as convenient as it woudl be to take the supplies directly to her station, she didn’t want to feel rushed while browsing. The hospital reimbursed her purchases that she used there, although she did have a small station at home as well. Sometimes Dom liked to experiment. 
Her thoughts were wholly wrapped up in her plans, and if it would bother V for Dom to set up her station in the kitchen as usual, so she didn’t see Astoria Malfoy as she moved through the door. The collision came as a surprise and the jar of Dittany crashed to the ground. “Oh -” she bit back a curse just in time and laughed, though it was a bit strained. “I should have looked better - my apologies. I think I’m clear -” A quick brush of her robes confirmed that - “but I would accept a replacement, if you don’t mind, Mrs. Malfoy.” Mrs. or Madame? Dom didn’t really remember which she should use and . . . well, it didn’t really matter much to her anyway.
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healerxweasley · 5 years
frederick + open
january 2026
st. mungo’s hospital for magical maladies and injuries
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the ground floor was always overwhelming, without the neat separation between afflictions of the rest of the hospital. he absolutely hated emergency rotations but trainees couldn’t be picky, and so he braved into the rows of waiting patients, nearly tripping on his robes while trying to find his patient. the clipboard on his hand was full crossed over diagnosis, not exactly a picture of confidence. “number… 731?” the noise was the same as a busy street in central london, but condensed inside the tall walls of the atrium. “se-SEVEN,” just loud enough to get attention, “THREE ONE?”
Dom had been given instructions to monitor her cousin; she wasn’t always given that responsibility - or she hadn’t, at first. Everyone assumed she would be either too lenient or too strict based on their family ties. The truth was that while Dom was not really friendly, she found that she had a pretty good method for dealing with the trainee Healers. It wasn’t her favorite part of her job, but she did it well enough that it wasn’t unusual for her to be paired with someone. Today it was Frederick. She found him a bit late, after he’d already made his way to the waiting room and she paused beside the doorway; not a hesitation, but a very purposeful move to wait and watch. Was that his stutter, or just nerves from speaking up? It might be something to address. Once the patient started moving, Dom did as well, straightening up and crossing to join the pair of them. She didn’t want to overshadow Frederick, so she hung back just enough to let the patient focus on him, although she made sure to catch his eye for a reassuring smile.
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healerxweasley · 5 years
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Some things never change Like how I'm holding on tight to you
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Feet tucked beneath her as she sat on bench, Nahla suddenly blurted out to the passing stranger, “Honestly, I’ve pondered it for weeks and I just don’t understand the mechanics of a howler. I mean, I understand when writing a letter, capitalizing signifies yelling. But then, if that’s the mechanism by which the spell is controlled, why isn’t lowercase whispering? I’ve studied the shreds of several letters but they all weren’t written with fully proper punctuation, which disproves my theory that it interprets sentence case as punctuation as regular speech….” She paused suddenly, cheeks somewhat flushed by the public nature of her outburst. “T-thoughts?”
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Dom looked up at the familiar voice and paused, startled at the question and amused that the person directly in front of her just continued on with a grunt. “I can’t say that I’ve spent much time considering the question.” Pausing, she took a moment to think about it but she didn’t have a good answer either. “I suppose we can’t just chalk it up to magic - that’s a lazy way of looking at it. Maybe it’s just assumed that the entire letter is meant to be yelling, so there’s no allowance for punctuation or anything in the shouting.”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
When: December 23rd  Who: Susan & anyone Where: The Leaky Cauldron 
“I think the Christmas decorations looked better” she commented, smiling at the person who sat down next to her. It wasn’t uncommon now to find Susan sitting at the bar of the Leaky Cauldron. It was one of the three places you were most likely to find her these days. “I mean, why did the posters have to replace them? Why not both?”
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Dom had taken the seat without paying attention to who else was at the bar. She truly didn’t come here that often but she wanted a little peace and an escape for the chaos of the Weasley-Potter-etc family Christmas. Things were just . . . even more chaotic than normal this year. “Both would hardly improve the Christmas spirit,” she said, frowning in the direction of the nearest poster. 
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healerxweasley · 5 years
who: @healerxweasley​ when: 27 December, 2025 where: Dom’s Flat
“Did no one think to tell me that Vic was bad?” Teddy didn’t sound angry or cross — instead, only a little hurt had crept into their voice. They sat across from Dominique, their gaze pointed downwards, fixed on the wood grain of the table. “I just — I would have liked to know, you know? And like, I get that it was a recent thing, but it’s important. It’s Vic.” They exhaled through their nose, their shoulders falling. “Imagine me, just seeing her out on the street, and thinking I’m going mad.”
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Dom tapped her fingers on the table absently, sorting her thoughts as she tried to decide how to answer Teddy. It wasn’t that she had meant to hurt them, or cause them pain, but there was a layer of awkwardness when it came to dealing with Teddy about V (or V about Teddy). There had also been a lot of emotions that Dom had a hard time processing already, without the stress of talking to Teddy about it. “I’m sorry. I’m sure that was a shock.” Just being told that V was coming home had been shock enough. “I didn’t think of it, truly. I was - so stunned and overwhelmed.” Now that she had space, it was somewhat easier to discuss how she’d felt, but Dom still didn’t like it. “I would have thought someone else would have told you but . . . I guess everyone has enough on their plate. Did you really see her on the street?”
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healerxweasley · 5 years
Holidays had always been hectic, and Victoire was almost positive that that just came with being a Weasley. But this year had had a whole new level of crazy - with everything that had hit their extended family over the recent past, she was grateful to finally be falling into something that felt almost normal. Normal, of course, was highly abnormal now, but she was trying. She still woke up sobbing most nights, but she was trying, and that had to mean something. 
Dom had been a saint to let her move in - V knew that her sister preferred her solitude, but the older woman knew she couldn’t be alone, not really, with everything that had been happening lately. Her younger sister had left the flat, leaving V alone for what seemed like the first time in ages. She had tried her best to silent her thoughts, for if she let them run rampant she was sure she would be a puddle on the ground by the time Dom returned. But, finding something to pass the time had proven difficult. Her publisher had been kind enough to leave her be for the holidays, but Victoire expected a request for new writings soon. How could she explain that the thing she once felt so called to doing now made her sick to her stomach and lightheaded?
Luckily, she was unable to ponder in her thoughts for long, before she heard the familiar voice of her sister. Looking up from her spot on the couch, she offered the best smile she could muster as the younger blonde entered, “Rosé and a sister night sound like exactly what we need. I should have some of that clay face mask from Morocco in a bag somewhere.”
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Dom held the wine bottle as out she spotted V, using it as something of a shield. Everything had become so complicated - and of course she was beyond happy that V was back. Thrilled, ecstatic, overjoyed, delighted. Nothing had been worse than V’s disappearance; nothing had been better than her reappearance. Dom would never regret offering to let V move in either. It was hardly the first time they’d shared spaces, with sleepovers being a common occurrence for the two of them during childhood. But relearning how to share a space with V was a little harder than Dom would have guessed. This was slightly more familiar territory though.
“Perfect. I need a good night of pampering. Let me go change and we can get started.” She took a few minutes to get into more comfortable clothes - both because she couldn’t stand having anything out of order, and also because she was trying to mentally prepare to be around her sister. Which made her sad, because she shouldn’t have to mentally prepare. But they’d been apart for a long time, and that made things harder. 
“Here’s the nail polish and I’ll go grab some glasses.” She set the basket of nail polishes down on the coffee table for V and stepped over to pull out two glasses. “That red there -” she pointed to her favorite color - “is my favorite. I wear it like, ninety-eight percent of the time, but you know I can’t resist buying all the colors I see when I go out.”
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