healingisinthestars · 6 years
It’s new and stuff so I don’t want to get all that heavy but. Truly when you are least expecting it, the good you needed will come your way.
Now I’m just left praying it stays.
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healingisinthestars · 6 years
“It would not be much of a universe if it wasn’t home to the people you love.”
— R.I.P. Stephen Hawking (via kn207)
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
You are an explorer. Your mission is to document and observe the world around you as if you’ve never seen it before. Take notes. Collect things you find on your travels. Document your findings. Notice patterns. Copy. Trace. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what you are drawn to.
T.W. (via the-perfect-aesthetic)
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
Why do the things that bother me bother me?
Are they important enough to be deal breakers?
If not, how to I get over them and just let it go?
-letting things go
-picking and choosing your battles-is it really something you should waste your energy, emotion and time fighting and being upset over?
-focus on the positive over the negative
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
16 Daily Self-Care Affirmations For Your Healing Journey.
1. I am in the process of healing.
2. I am not what others think or say about me.
3. I am not my body, but it is my home while I’m here on Earth.
4. I am aligning my thoughts with positivity.
5. Everything that’s happened up until now has been necessary to make me who I am today.
6. I choose to focus on everything I’m grateful for.
7. Life doesn’t happen to me, it happens for me - everything is a gift.
8. I am not living to serve others.
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9. I am the first priority in my life.
10. I chose to make the decisions that serve and fulfil me regardless of how difficult they might be.
11. I create the reality I experience with the thoughts that dominate my mind.
12. I create my thoughts with what I choose to do & who I spend my time with.
13. I create my feelings with what I choose to do & who I spend my time with.
14. No one can make me do or feel anything without my permission.
15. I trust my intuition and allow it to guide me through this journey.
16. I love myself & am in the process of manifesting good mental health.
Time heals all wounds, self-care makes the time bearable. 
Peace & positive vibes.
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
If you’re feeling low right now and like you’ll never feel like your best self again, here’s a little nature fact: the stars are out in the daytime, the moon is always there, we just can’t always see them.
sometimes we can’t see our best qualities because of where we’re standing right now, that doesn’t mean they’re gone or that somebody else isn’t admiring them right now.
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
it’s actually really important to realize that not only is recovery trying to be happy, is accepting when you aren’t. you can not be perfect and happy all the time, but you can deal with negative feelings in a healthy way and move forward. every day is a fresh start.
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
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Just a little reminder. ❤️
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
don’t think. it complicates things. just feel, and if it feels like home, then follow its path.
r.m. drake (via lyricalabyss)
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
Let go of the ones who hurt you Let go of the ones you outgrow Let go of the words they hurl your way as you’re walking out the door The only thing cut and dry In this hedge-maze life Is the fact that their words will cut but your tears will dry They don’t tell you this when you are young You can’t hold on to everything Can’t show up for everyone You pick your poison Or your cure Phone numbers you know by heart And the ones you don’t answer any more Hold on to the faint recognition in the eye of a stranger As it catches you in its lustrous net How quickly we become intertwined How wonderful it is to forget All the times your intuition failed you But it hasn’t killed you yet Hold on to childlike whims and moonlight swims and your blazing self-respect And if you drive the roads of this town Ones you’ve gone down so many times before Flashback to all the times Life nearly ran you off the road But tonight your hand is steady Suddenly you’ll know The trick to holding on Was all that letting go
“The Trick to Holding On” by Taylor Swift for Vogue (x)
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
Gratefulness 6:
because I need more of these to be about my life and not just him. I am grateful that I can see. I can see in color and living in MA experience my favorite season, Fall and all of the wonderful colors that come with that. I am grateful for my mixed heritage. I am grateful to be my own mini melting pot of majority and minority and to be individual. I am grateful to be Muslim, to follow such a beautiful and forgiving religion and God. I am grateful for the things in the past that hurt me and that I need to learn to let go of. These things that cut and hurt are also things that have allowed me to grow stronger. I know I still have a ways to go but slowly I will heal and I am grateful for the journey. I am grateful for the people I have had the pleasure of knowing and meeting, the nights that ended in laughter and drunken kisses and movie nights cuddled on the couch and smoke sesh’s, the moments that I felt completely blissful and the moments I felt low. There has to be a balance and without the lows, would I really appreciate the highs, or even the little things that I do? Holding hands in the car, forehead kisses in the morning. I’m not ready to let go. 
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
O Allaah, I am Your slave, I am son of Your slave, son of Your female slave, my mother my dad is your slave. My forelock is in your hand, your command over me is forever executed and your judgement over me is always fair. I ask You oh allah by every one of your names, which You have called Yourself, or revealed in Your Book, or You have taught to one of your slave, or You have preserved in the knowledge with yourself, that You make the Qur’aan the life of my heart and the light of my chest, and a removal of my sadness and a departure for my anxiety.’
dua to remove anxiety stress and worries
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
“O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. Do not leave me to myself even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a moment). Correct all of my affairs for me. There is none worthy of worship but You.
dua for worries
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
Fear is the opposite of Love
We must learn to let go of our fears. 
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
How to Make the Most of Today
1. Choose not to feel too anxious or to fear what’s in the future. Often, things turn out much better than we thought that they would do.
2. Allow yourself to dream about - and then plan for - the future … But still work hard today as that determines your tomorrow.
3. Don’t simply grit your teeth and try to make it through the day. Decide to find the “positives", and good things on the way.
4. Don’t rest on your successes as that was yesterday. The past has gone forever – but the future lies ahead.
5. Let go of hurts and grievances: they’ll only pull you down. , consume your energy and leave you feeling sad and tired.
6. Be optimistic, smile and have a positive outlook. It brightens how you feel, helps us get the most from life.
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healingisinthestars · 7 years
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